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I am 53 years old, have a combined $210,000 annual income, live on Long Island, NY, and work as a Project Coordinator

First, I'm sorry this is so long. Second - please be nice. We have debt, bad habits, and are Catholic. So if any of those things are going to get you spun up, just skip this one.
Section One: Assets and Debt Use this section to explain your current financial picture at large.
Everything here is joint – “M” and I have been married 22 years and we’ve had “smashed money” that whole time (and really for about a year before that).
Retirement Balance (and how you got there): Approximately $500,000 in a variety of IRAs and current 401(k)s.
Equity if you're a homeowner (and how much you put down and how you accumulated that payment). Bought our house in 2001 for $239,000 with 20% down (some aggressive saving and a gift from each of our parents). We refinanced, took some cash out for some home repairs, and reduced it to a 15-year loan in 2009 – our current equity would be about $195,000, but similar homes in the neighborhood are listed at $475,000-$525,000, so if we ever sell, we’re probably coming out ahead.
Savings account balance: $6,000
Checking account balance: $6,500
Credit card debt (and how you accumulated it): I hope you’re sitting down. Approximately $40,000. Yes, you read that right. How we accumulated it? The house is 90 years old and constantly falling apart, so we’ve had to charge things that needed to be done (some we wanted to have done, but some – like the time our oil burner stopped working in December – were needs). We had two dogs with numerous medical issues – I don’t want to calculate what they cost me, but they each had surgeries that were about $5,000 (each), plus other chronic and acute medical issues. And yes…for a while, we were doing and buying things we probably shouldn’t have (not bad things, just vacations, clothes, and non-essential home improvements) So…when I’m 100 and greeting people at Wal-Mart, I’ll at least have some good memories. That said, I can’t tell you the last time I used credit – if we can’t afford to pay cash, we don’t do it (and I say that fully realizing most people would feel that I shouldn’t do anything).
Student loan debt (for what degree): None – my husband went to the military and then to work after high school and I went back to community college later in life and paid as I went.
Anything else that's applicable to you: If my ex-husband dies before me, I’ll have about $6,000 in a money market that he must have forgotten about. When we divorced, he was supposed to liquidate all those accounts and give me half. He was an accountant and a SOB, so I never knew exactly what we had, but what I got seemed accurate (it paid for furniture, my wedding to M and part of this house, so I was OK with it). Lo and behold, a couple years ago, I found out we still have this money market account in both names. I tried to find him so we could liquidate/split it, but he’s missing. I get the statements here now, and the good part is he’s older than me, so I’m holding out hope he predeceases me and it will be mine.
Section Two: Income
Income Progression: I've been working in my field for a year and a half, my starting salary was $100,000. I did a salary story with the entire progression – long story short, I’ve made more, and I’ve made less, but this is probably about the average of the last five years.
My husband has been at his job for 14 years – he started there making around $75,000 and now makes $110,000. They usually give him a $10,000 bonus at the end of the year, but are always crying poverty if people ask for a raise. Prior to that, he worked for a company that paid very well and he had a 15-minute commute, but he got out one step ahead of their bankruptcy.
Main Job Monthly Take Home:
Me: $5,152
J: $6,230
Side Gig Monthly Take Home:
M is paid $1,300/month by our parish for serving as Youth Minister.
Any Other Monthly Income: $16.00
I get quarterly dividends on stock I was given when I was born (I may not have been born into money, but apparently my grandparents had friends who thought this was a good baby gift). The last few were around $50, so I divided by 3.
Section Three: Expenses
Rent / Mortgage / HOA fees (please specify how you split it if living with a partner): $3,043, which includes the property taxes and homeowner's insurance
Savings contribution: $500/month without fail (my bank transfers $100 if we get over $500 in, so once each paycheck and once when we put the church check in). More if I feel the savings needs a boost.
Debt payments:
Donations: OK – anyone who isn’t screaming because I owe $40K is going to start now.
Electric: $110
Gas (stove/hot water): $50
Oil: $250/month in the winter
Wifi/Cable: $179
Cellphone: $252 for both of us (I get mine expensed except $26 for my phone payment)
Car payment / insurance: $295/month for my car (leased). My husband is driving a 10-year old car that is paid off. $128/month for auto insurance
Lawn care: $50/month
Commuting: Now that we’re in COVID times, I’ve been buying a 10-trip off peak railroad ticket every five days for $78.75. Pre-COVID, M and I each bought a monthly ticket for $270, and I took the subway most days for an additional $100/month. I fill up the car about once a month (~$36) and M fills his about every other week (~$70/month)
Saturday, September 26, 2020
7:45 am: Up and at ‘em! I get up, get coffee, check emails and social media and start the day.
8:00 am: M leaves the house for a long list of errands, the payment for which will be shown below. I put in a load of laundry and discover…a leak! There is a large pipe between our powder room sink (which I used when I woke up) and the outside world that runs through the basement and is apparently leaking. Yay whee. If you get one thing from this diary, let it be these words of wisdom – don’t buy an old house! No beautiful feature is worth the aggravation! I get the water (I hope it’s water) cleaned up, a load of laundry in, take a shower, do some picking up around the house, get dressed in a Rangers t-shirt and cut off distressed jeans, do my makeup (Olay microsculpting serum and Miracle Blur over the bottom of my face, pink, gray, and violet eyeshadows, a swipe of foundation under my eyes, black eyeliner, black mascara, and dark brown eye pencil. This is standard everyday makeup for me and will be repeated each day. I put volumizing mousse in my hair and blow dry it (also routine).
In the meantime, M gets a haircut ($30 including tip), sets up the video equipment at church, goes to CVS for passport photos that he needs for an application ($18.87), and goes to the religious goods store for a book of the Liturgy of the Hours ($42.31). He is starting formation for the diaconate (the process of becoming a Deacon in the Catholic Church) today, and they said he’ll need that book. He also needs the photos for his application, and he stops at the bank for two money orders – one to send with the background check request and one for his high school transcript ($26). On the way home, he picks up breakfast (brunch?) for us – classic New York BEC, SPK (bacon, egg, and cheese on a roll with salt, pepper and ketchup) for him and egg whites, turkey and swiss cheese on a whole wheat wrap for me ($10.78), as well as cigs for him and vape cartridges for me ($36).
The washing machine isn’t causing any additional leakage, so I move the wash to the dryer and start moving the winter clothes from the portable closet in front of the leaking pipe upstairs (they’re not wet, but we’re going to have to move the closet when the plumber comes).
After eating the egg sandwiches, we get changed for deacon class – I look like a good church lady in black slacks, a black and white flowered shirt with a black tank underneath, and black sandals with a chunky 2.5” heel. M goes with the classic golf shirt and dockers. While we’re getting changed, he mentions he needs new underwear, so I whip out the phone and order him some ($18.64).
6:30 pm: Home from deacon class and Mass and the groceries show up! I ordered them yesterday, but I don’t think the charge went through till today, so here goes. Asparagus, broccoli, celery, bananas, cucumber, lime, grape tomatoes, peaches, carrots, potatoes, spinach, lettuce, zucchini, frozen burgers, ground turkey, chicken breasts, whole chicken, fried chicken and a pot pie for J’s lunches, yogurt, sugar free pumpkin spice creamer (YES! I’ve been looking for it for weeks!), milk, heavy cream, OJ, k-cups, frozen green beans, cauliflower rice, stuffing mix, microwave rice, cake mix (the good ones were on sale), chicken broth, potato chips, and trash bags. Spent $154.95 including delivery, saved $14.50 (very low for me), tipped the delivery guy $10.
7:00 pm: After putting away all that food, what do we do? If you guessed order dinner, you’d be right! I don’t cook on Saturday unless we’re having company. We order from a new taco place – three each and “Mexican wings”. The wings were meh, but the tacos ranged from good to outstanding. $53.78 including tip. After dinner, M starts post-production of the Mass video and I do some laundry, watch the NASCAR race and the hockey game, and play games on my iPad. Remember, you’ll be old someday too!
11:00 pm: I go to the basement to pick up laundry and remember I wanted to order a new garden flag (this isn’t as random as it sounds – all my seasonal decorations are stored in the basement). I have had a cart set up for days with two garden flags ($6.99 each) and four magnetic mailbox covers for my parents for Christmas ($11.99 each) – they’ve talked about having a different one for each season, and I saw them when I was looking for a garden flag. Total with tax and free shipping: $61.94. I love Christmas and generally spend way too much on gifts so I’m trying to start shopping before December and at least spread out the pain. We went to a crafts fair a few weeks ago and I picked up a few things and now I’ve got this done – go me!!
12:30 pm: The hockey game is over (2 OT!) and I go to bed. M is napping waiting for his video production to finish.
Daily Total: $463.27
Sunday, September 27
7:00 am: The alarm goes off – ugh. It’s the first day of Religious Ed (virtual, but I have to do a 9:45 zoom with my 4th graders). Coffee, social media, shower, dress, makeup. Put on a black eyelet dress because we’re going back to church today so M can videotape First Communion. Do the usual makeup/hair thing.
10:30 am: My 4th graders are great and we’re ready to roll (M has on a shirt and tie in honor of the First Communion), and we’re off to Mass. Drop off the food I bought for our food pantry last week and help him video. Of course, the kids are adorable!
12:00 noon: We’re starving after church, so we stop at our favorite local pizza place on the way home. Get a variety of slices for $22.62, including a tip (we’re getting it to go, but I’m tipping everywhere, because I know restaurants have been hurt badly by the pandemic. These folks are in NYC and still haven’t opened inside dining.)
1:30 pm: Ate, ran more laundry, changed into the jeans I wore yesterday and a Yankees t-shirt and call the nail place. Of all my expenses, nails are probably the most non-negotiable – I’ve been getting my nails done for 40 years, and when I couldn’t do so during the lockdown, I was miserable. They can take me right away, which makes me happy.
3:00 pm: All 20 nails done – gel on the fingers and a regular pedicure with callus removal ($75 plus $15 tip = $90). I went with an autumn theme and got copper on the fingers and bronze toes – the nail polish looked in the jar like it would match the toes, but it doesn’t. Stop at CVS for eye cream (Olay for tired eyes) and mascara (L’Oreal Voluminous) - $27 with coupons. M asked me to pick up cigs on the way home, so I do, as well as vape cartridges, which I don’t technically need yet, but it will save a trip later in the week ($36).
3:30 pm: While at the nail place, I saw that one of our favorite local restaurants had a fire, which consumed an entire block of restaurants and small businesses. The Chamber of Commerce is doing a GoFundMe, and I donate $25 to the cause - $28.75 including the charge. I also notice that the weekly charge for my church donation went through ($75).
11:30 pm: Took a quick nap (the highlight of my week every week), put some fall decorations out, had our family Zoom call, laundry, got the end of the winter clothes moved upstairs, had dinner (roast chicken, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and roasted asparagus), made an apple crisp (I’m not a huge dessert person but M is and I like making desserts, so it works), watched baseball, football, the NASCAR race, and basketball, and took a quick shower. Bring a Light & Fit Toasted Coconut Vanilla yogurt (the best!) to bed, finish my book (“Next Stop, Chancey”) and find the next in the series on my iPad – I’ve read them all before, but I’m in the mood for something cozy, especially after reading about the Current Occupant’s taxes – ugh!) , and turn off the lights around midnight.
Daily Total: $279.37
Monday, September 28
6:45 am: I work from home M/W/F and so I can sleep in. Relatively speaking, anyway. Get dressed in a sleeveless top and shorts (despite the fall decorations, fall nails, and roast chicken/apple crisp, it feels rather summery out there), do makeup, have some coffee and scroll through emails/socials, move yet another load of laundry (I’m trying to get it all done before the plumber comes), find the number for the plumber and give it to M to call, get the trash out, and boil some eggs for breakfast this week. I’m sitting in front of the computer by 8:15, which is ok (technically, my hours are 8:30-5:30 – it’s usually more like 8:30-6:00, and on WFH days, starting at 7:30 is not unheard of). M drops off the car at the shop – I think I forgot to mention this, but he mentioned yesterday that when he was driving around Saturday, there was a grinding noise when he backed up. More joy to come, I’m sure.
9:45 am: I hear M on the phone with the garage – apparently, they can get a used part and do the job for $450. Not great, but it’s better than it might have been! He works from home basically every day except when he has to see customers, but thankfully we’re separated enough that we can hear each other but it’s not intrusive.
10:30 am: Between cursing at people on the phone, M calls the plumber and I grab some cheese and more coffee! I’d tell you about my job, but honestly, it’s not worth talking about. Basically, I go to meetings, take notes on meetings, and send follow-ups (I do other things, but that’s most of it). When I get off my 11:00 am meeting, I’ll find out when the plumber is coming. You guys are getting a much more exciting week than I expected!
12:30 pm: What a miserable day – it seems like everyone is annoyed! Take a break to eat a slice of leftover pizza and a Diet Coke (M finishes some rotisserie chicken from last week). He says the plumber may come today to look at the situation but can’t do the work till tomorrow.
6:00 pm: Keep my head down and get some work done in the afternoon and knock off for the day. Run downstairs and make dinner – “tacos” with strips of beef grilled with Korean barbecue sauce, shredded cabbage, cheddar cheese, pineapple salsa, cucumber slices, and lime inside warmed tortillas. Delicious, if I say so myself!
7:30 pm: I get on a Zoom faith sharing meeting and M gets on a Zoom religious ed class.
11:59 pm: Contemplated Sunday’s Gospel with my small group, watched Tampa Bay win the Stanley Cup, took a shower and set clothes out for tomorrow, and off to bed. M picked up the car after Religious Ed.
Daily Total: $450.00
Tuesday, September 29
5:45 am: Ugh. Up and out – I’m wearing a green dress with a black jacket and have black slingbacks in my bag. I have to walk 30 short blocks and five long blocks once I get off the train, so I’m traveling light. I used to take the subway to my office, but since COVID, I try to limit that as much as possible.
7:45 am: Off the railroad and walk uptown. I actually don’t mind the walk, because when I WFH, I walk very little – at the beginning of the lockdown, I had a nice walking routine, but lately the work seems to start the minute I wake up, so walking to work takes care of getting in those STEPS! I forgot my boiled eggs and I’m starving, so I end up buying an egg sandwich. $5.43
12:30 pm: Because I only go to the city twice a week and I have to walk uptown with all my work stuff, I don’t bring lunch often (pre-pandemic, I used to bring breakfast and lunch every day, but I also took the subway). Decide to run to Pret and my boss and co-worker both ask me to pick something up. Of course, no one (including me) has anything but a $20, so they both say they’ll get me next time. I get my favorite chicken parm wrap and a Diet Coke. $32
12:45 pm: I look at my personal email and discover that J’s car registration needs to be renewed. Hop on the DMV website and take care of that. $158.50. I also realize I never took out the sausages for tonight’s dinner and call M to ask him to do so. He mentions the plumber has still not shown up.
5:45 pm: Leave a little early to get to the Fed Ex office and make my train home. I’m a little later than I’d like to be and it’s raining, so I get the subway, which is thankfully empty, reasonably clean, and quick. $2.75
7:15 pm: M picks me up at the train station and mentions that he was so busy working that he didn’t take the sausages out. He asks me what I want to eat and we end up at Wendy’s. Cheeseburger, fries, and (surprise, surprise) a Diet Coke. He gets the same thing, but bigger. $19.75
11:30 pm: Avoid the debate by watching the Yankees pound the Indians. Usual routine (plus ironing a shirt for J, because he has to go to a customer tomorrow) and off to sleep. I’m up to Book 3 in the Chancey series, for those keeping score.
Daily Total: $218.43
Wednesday, September 29
5:30 am: Double ugh. Woke up to use the bathroom and couldn’t get back to sleep, so here we are. Get dressed (long-sleeved Yankees t-shirt, straight leg jeans), do the face, have some coffee, and try to avoid the fact that my boss sent me an email at 11:00 pm last night looking for changes to a document, which I said I would do today. Get the trash out, pick up a little around the house, and get to work by 7:00. OH, and despite the lack of plumber and his lack of general motivation, M moved the plastic closet…in front of the washing machine! Glad I bought him underwear, because I won’t be doing laundry any time soon. Now I’m wondering if he looked at the menu (I am an obsessive meal planner and post it on the fridge weekly) and that’s why he didn’t take the sausages out – he’s avoiding zoodles! He can run but he can’t hide – I have zucchini and I’m going to spiralize it sooner or later!
8:00 am: The document my boss needed is out, the agenda for our 9:00 am meeting is done, the morning emails are sorted (for now), and I got a link to our parish survey up on the Facebook page, so I make an egg and cheese on a tortilla and eat at my desk.
12:50 pm: Wednesday is conference call hell – I have recurring calls every Wednesday at 9:00, 10:30, and 11:30, and the added fun today of a 10:00. There’s also a webinar every Wednesday that I try to tune into. Grab some chips and a Diet Coke and go check it out.
2:15 pm: Still no damn plumber, but I’ll let M worry about that when he’s home tomorrow. My garden flags arrived, so that’s good. Hoping to get out and put the pumpkin one out before it gets dark, but the way today is going, that might not actually happen. However, I realize I never put dinner in the crockpot. Luckily, it only takes 3-4 hours on high, so I take care of that. It’s Tuscan Chicken with sun-dried tomatoes and spinach. By 2:30, I’m back at my desk with another Diet Coke and hard at it. Nightmares of rescheduling meetings, missing documents, etc.
6:45 pm: Still at my desk! OK, I took some time to send an email to the parish webmaster about the survey, update this, and read the R29 money diary of the day. But overall, I’ve been working with no apparent end in sight – I could easily be here all night, but I won’t be because (a) I’m falling asleep at my desk and (b) I have a 7:30 Religious Ed teachers meeting. Hopefully I won’t fall asleep during that. Make a list of things for my boss and I to review tomorrow and finish prepping dinner.
7:15 pm: Dinner was delicious – we had the chicken with rice for M and cauliflower rice for me, sautéed broccoli, and a basic salad (bagged spring mix, cherry tomatoes, cucumber). Now off to Zoom!
11:45 pm: The Yankees game is still on, but I’m showered, my clothes are set out for tomorrow, and I’m fading. Turn off the light and hope for a win.
Daily Total: $0.00 (bet you didn’t see that coming!)
Thursday, October 1
5:45 am: You know it…ugh. Get up, coffee, very quick scroll through the Yankees score/e-mail/social media. Get dressed in a black v-neck sweater, black and gray plaid skirt, and black jacket (not the same one I wore the other day). Am grateful the skirt fits – I gained some weight and am trying to resist buying clothes. Make sure I have the right shoes in my bag – I’m wearing high-heeled gray suede Mary Janes today.
8:15 am: At my desk and ready to go – I remembered to bring 2 hard-boiled eggs today, which I eat with coffee while looking through emails.
12:30 pm: Call after call after call, but I have a half-hour to eat. Run to the fancy buffet place that just re-opened for 2 meatballs, brussels sprouts, broccoli, salad, and the inevitable Diet Coke ($15.75). Manage to eat before my 1:00 pm call – go me!
3:30 pm: Leave to go to a job site and pick something up that has to be shipped to Italy. Something that's almost as tall as me, but thankfully not heavy. Taxi down there because I’m in a hurry and I can get reimbursed ($14.04, including tip), expensed.
4:00 pm: I get a cab to the Fed Ex office – thankfully the first one I see is a minivan, so I fit in just fine ($12.74, including tip), expensed.
5:30 pm: Well, that was harder than it needed to be – the Fed Ex office I went to didn’t have a box that would fit the item, so they suggested another Fed Ex office about 6 blocks away, so I had to walk through midtown Manhattan carrying an object almost as tall as me (it's 5' long and I'm 5'3" tall) while dodging oblivious people. Thankfully, the other office had my box, and they were super-sweet and helpful, but it took them forever to get it done. Bought the box and bubble wrap, which will be expensed (I brought the Fed Ex label, but I don’t remember the account number) ($43.54). Get a nice early train home, though!
6:45 pm: Wow, we’re eating when I’m usually getting the train! Cheeseburgers, tots (tater for J, cauliflower for me), green beans, and vinegar coleslaw with the end of the shredded cabbage. Get the kitchen cleaned and the dishwasher run and settle in to watch the Jets – I’m not holding out much hope, but you never know!
11:30 pm: I’ve showered, set out clothes for me and M (he’s seeing customers tomorrow), I prepped for Youth Group, which I’m leading because he’ll be working, and the Jets are winning, so I decide it’s time to sleep. Up to Book 5 of the Chancey series. I find series usually go downhill after about the third or fourth book, but I’m not sure what I feel like reading, so here we are. OH, at some point M must have gone to the convenience store, because there are vape cartridges on the table ($36).
Daily Total: $122.07; $70.32 expensed
Friday, October 02, 2020
6:00 am: Wake up, grab coffee, find out the Jets lost after all, do the morning e-mail/social media scroll. Leaving early to deal with that work errand has left me with a ton of stuff to do, so I get dressed (long-sleeved v-neck gray t-shirt, white tank because the v-neck is halfway to my belly button, dark wash skinny jeans), put out the trash, peel two hard-boiled eggs, and head to my desk.
12:30 pm: As always, call after call after call. Plus a bit of aggravation when my boss asks me at 10:30 for an agenda for the 11:00 call, which I sent him at about 7:30, and which he returns at 10:59 with the formatting looking like nothing on earth. Yay whee! And a project was mentioned that he forgot to tell me I’d do. So in case I thought I’d have nothing to do (that never happens on Fridays), that’s not happening. Anyway, between calls, I run downstairs for the lunch of champions – a Hot Pocket and a Diet Coke. Just that kind of day.
6:15 pm: Realize I have to run Youth Group at 7 and I haven’t even done my haimakeup. Get that done, heat up some frozen cauliflower rice/broccoli/cheese combination and add some leftover chicken. With a green salad on the side, surprisingly yummy.
8:15 pm: I am not a good youth leader…couldn’t get anyone talking about the subject of the day, which I thought would be a good one. I did make them laugh a few times, so that’s something.
M is going to have some expenses because he went to see customers today, but I don’t know what they are and his company will reimburse him, so I’m just leaving them out.
Daily Total: $0.00
This is the Week That Was:
Food + Drink: $326.06
Fun / Entertainment: $108 (if people can put drugs in as entertainment, I’m putting our nicotine in)
Home + Health: $61.94
Clothes + Beauty: $165.64
Transport: $638.03 (some of it will be expensed)
Other: $234.47
Lastly, reflect on your diary! How do you feel about your spending? Was this a normal week for you? Has this inspired you to make changes or has it given you a “wow I’m doing pretty good” confidence boost? Is there anything you’re actively working on? No need to answer any or all these questions but just use this space to write any thoughts you have!
This was a fairly normal week except for the car breaking and needing to be registered – we're saving some now that we WFH more because M will not bring food from home, but I used to bring breakfast and lunch at least four days a week. I know we should make changes, but I also know we don’t want to – honestly, if you looked at the way I lived 15 years ago, I’ve made a lot of changes already. We’re working on the credit cards – I’ve gotten rid of several already (paid off, not just moved balances around) and we don’t use them at all anymore (I can honestly say I don’t remember the last thing I charged). The bad news is that M’s car is on its last legs, and so I see car payments in our future. Hopefully, he’ll get something used – we have my car when we want to look good going somewhere (mine isn’t super-fancy, it just wasn’t hit by a bus and full of stuff for his job).
OH, and the plumber still hasn’t shown up! But that will be for next week’s expenses.
submitted by allybear29 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

Top Betting Mistakes

1) Failure to Use Betting Banks
Most gamblers fail to understand that the best method of achieving a healthy and sustained long term profit from racing is to set aside a sum of money away from your main finances, solely for the betting of horses. Whatever method or system you are using, whoever you are following or subscribing to or however your own bets are calculated, you are better off with a "Betting Bank" that has built -in advantages that can help you. It needs to be independent from your own personal finances and needs to be protected from factors that can threaten it. This can take a lot of emotion out of the decision making process. Emotion is a factor that threatens all punters. The size of your betting bank will of course be dependent upon your own individual circumstances and free capital available.
An analogy to the world of shares perhaps may be that no financial advisor worth his salt would advise you throw all your capital into the stock market alone. The vast majority of punters fail to use any form of set aside bank. They bet randomly with what ever money they have in their pocket at the end of the week or go in too deep with stakes far in excess of their personal safety levels. A punter with a professional attitude will set aside what he can comfortably afford to invest and then determine the best use he can make of that fixed sum of capital. With a fixed sum of capital available you now move on to the next reason for failure.
2) Failure to Stake Correctly
It is vital that you consider your betting bank as capped in amount. You do not have an endless pool of resources to dip into. Betting by its nature carries inherent risks. These risks include periods of low strike rates and long losing runs. Your betting bank and staking should be adapted for the method you use. You must in advance, prepare yourself for the possibility of a worse than average sequence of losers through adoption of a sufficient number of units in your betting bank. Correct methodical staking in addition to the mathematical advantage, can also help overcome the risk of emotional reaction to a sequence of unusually positive or negative results. Take the Pricewise column in the racing post as an example.
Long term if you could get on at the advised prices, it would have returned a decent profit overall. During this time however followers would have to have endured runs of up to 40 losers in a row! Despite the overall long term profit I suspect the vast majority of Pricewise followers would have been terminated either by a failure to set aside a sufficient amount of points or through failure to cope with the emotion of the losing run. We have long since established here a strike rate of about 35% on our Best Bet selections and at an average S.P. of over 5/2 for each winning bet.
We feel able to protect clients banks as long losing runs haven't happened and the strike rate and odds have been more than enough to ensure long steady and safe growth for your betting profits. That is in essence the key to winning money. Manage your accounts in a way that protects them as far as possible from the element of risk that the game presents you.
3) Chasing Losses
Chasing losses at first sight may appear to be an easy way to guarantee an eventual profit but the true story is it is a game for fools and statistically will not work unless you generate an overall level stakes profit. Chasing losses is a game for the ill informed who do not want to make the effort to seek value in their bets. Bookmakers have to price up every race. Punters don't have to play in every race, they can pick the races they want to bet in,and that is the main edge that people fail to understand.
If you have had a losing day, by attempting to chasing your losses you give up that advantage and bet in the races that you should not be betting in. You are therefore betting the way bookmakers want you to and not in the way to win. Many punters will alter their stakes in the last race either to "chase" losses or "play up" winnings. Its no coincidence that the bookmakers have ensured that the last race on each day is often a handicap or one of the hardest races that day. There will be more racing the next day and the day after that.
The secret is waiting for opportunities and only betting when you know you have circumstances which favour you and not the bookmakers. You must never change your approach, or deviate from sensible staking as there is no such things as "The Last Race".
4) Lack of Value Appreciation
Appreciation of "value" in a bet is core to long term success. To profit over a long series of bets you must be betting at odds greater than the true chance of winning your selection have. To do this however over the long term, you need to concentrate on each race individually and seek the value bet in that race. There is value to be had in every race. The key to it is understanding where that value is. Many times a punter will screw up a losing betting slip and say "At least I had some value".
There is absolutely NO relationship between value and prices. A 33/1 chance may be diabolical value yet a very short priced favorite may be supreme value. It does not follow that the bigger the price you take the better "value" you have. The value is sometimes clear but more often well hidden and it takes a trained eye to see that. Everyone has this "Foresight" on occasions, it is a game about opinions after all and nobody is always right or wrong. Value can be the most expensive word in racing if you can't bet winner. The old cliche is that value is about betting a horse whose true chance is better than its price reflects.
That's only a small part of it. You also have to make sure that you bet in the right way and in the right races as that is the only way you can keep strike rates high and protect a betting bank. You should continually strive to increase value in your bets. Once you have a selection you feel is value do not just take the first acceptable price that comes along. Seek to improve it by shopping around the various bookmakers or try and top the best bookmakers price by looking to the betting exchanges. Marginal improvements on odds on each bet you make can have a dramatic effect on long term profits.
5) Greed For Instant Wealth
Many punters seek the thrill of a life changing bet that will produce huge gains of instant wealth for a small outlay. Bookmakers play on your natural desire and go out of their way to encourage you to bet exotic multiple selection bets that can in one hit, turn a small stake into a large sum. Professionals however rarely bet in multiples. Most professionals bet singles and steer away from the multiple bets. Bookmakers relentlessly promote a host of multiple bets with exotic names such as Yankee, Lucky 15, and Goliath.
The reason they are heavily touted is the profit margin in the bookmaker's favour increases the more selections you add to your multiple bet. Say you select any random 5/1 selection. If you bet this as a single the bookmaker may have a theoretical edge in his favor of 15%. Taking two such selections however and betting them in a win double, the bookmakers profit margin rises to about 30% ! Yes your win double can produce a much bigger win from the same stake however over the long term the bookmaker is eating away at your capital at a much faster rate.
It is a waste of time debating which type of multiple bet is 'best'. Unless your prediction skills are supernatural or you are incredibly lucky, then betting in singles is more often the best option. You may say that many "Pros," do bet in multiples in bets like The Scoop 6 or the Jackpot, but that's only because they know there is plenty of "Dead" money in any given Pool and they are betting against people who don't understand the dynamics of those types of bet. There are times you should bet in multiples but in truth they are few and far between.
You can't approach this as a "Get Rich Quick " scheme. It is a long slow process of serious and sustained profit and not a game for Get Rich Quick schemers. If you go Into any Betting shop, have a look at all the posters on the wall offering "special offers", "enhanced terms " and "bonus offers". You will see they are all multiple bets. Bookmakers want you betting in multiples and it is easy to see why. They carve most profit from them. You never see a Bookmakers promotion offering extra's on a win or each way single. Ask yourself why.
submitted by shomesrobery to wanlanshop [link] [comments]

Flatten the Curve. #52. Lance B Eliot. AI World Government President (Organization) Behind Lance? Oracle Solutions. S&P. Is Techbrium a Real Company? C3.ai Founder Claims We're at War With China Already. The WEF Great Reset & Prince Charles. Boom or Doom. It's Game On.

You have to read, Flatten the Curve, Part 51 first. Who is Lance B Eliot? Link Here
After posting the article about Lance B Eliot yesterday, another video popped up on YouTube. u/D4W50N88 found it and provided the link, and I'm glad he did (Thank you D4). Why didn't it show up for me? No idea. But it did, and now the enigma has become worse.
When I first stumbled onto this, I made a mistake. I went back through my notes and found that I had wrongly attributed the Lance persona as the judge sitting to the left of what was Lance at the table. How did I screw up that bad? I'm human. (No seriously, I'm human. I'm not AI. I'm not NSA. CIA. I don't have any affiliations to any Alphabet agencies. I am what I am. And what is that? A guy who grew up with an extremely skeptical father who always called BS on the news and political events, and tried to make me understand that it was self interest, not altruism, that guided the world around us. That will be expanded on at some point down the road.) I make mistakes. It's not the first time and it won't be the last. But sometimes mistakes happen for a reason.
This is one of those times.
So I watched the second YouTube video of Lance that was provided here;
I'm not sure if he's exactly an AI, seems to be a real person going off this video -
Really quick summary, he doesn't say diddly squat. Anyone could have regurgitated lvl 5 autonomous cars and insurance rates. My statement doesn't prove anything though. I realize that. But let me ask you something, He's been on CNN, he's written a ton of books, he's an angel investor, a venture capitalist, CEO of Techbrium, and not one other picture or (so far) any other videos of him exist? We're living in an age of near omnipresent and approaching omnipotent surveillance, they are screwing with DNA, the government has acknowledged UFO's, phenomenon like the Hum and Sky Quakes are being reported worldwide, we live in a pandemic for which we will need never ending vaccinations, so is it really out of the realm of reason that Lance could be an actor? I've looked for research papers from him and I've found maybe three to four. None of them are overly technical and mainly deal with AI and the law and ethics. That's strange. But before we dive further, I will concede the possibility that there is a Lance B Eliot, but I'm adamant that the articles and books are written by AI. No doubt in my mind, and by the time this post is done, you'll wonder what's really going on as well.
Let's start with his name. Something about it grabbed my attention, as it did for others. I can't speak for them, but I remember just looking at it suddenly thinking, is that an anagram?
u/agelesseverytime • Lance B Eliot is an anagram for antebellico - prewar.
u/WhiteRabbitCaveCA also sent me the same anagram.
Hidden in plain sight. But it's still a chess game. Your moves have to be deceptive and you need to look ahead a minimum of three moves. And all moves have multiple moves. Does this mean that the anagram doesn't apply? No. It does. And it points to the ability of having meaning hidden in meaning, all in the open.
Now I will caution you, this post will be somewhat open-ended. I haven't been able to find anything definitive that could point to a possible origin of what I believe to be Lance B Eliot, yet those breadcrumbs do lead to loaves of bread, so to speak.
So when I was sent the other YouTube link with Lance as a speaker, I looked around the web again. I had already found what I thought was a very strong link, but now the video threw a monkey wrench into my plans.
This is what else I found when I Googled articles by Lance B Eliot. Eliot Weinman, executive editor of AI Trends, where AI Eliot seems to get published a lot. Relax, it's not just the name coincidence. It's also this:
Curiosity as a Core Cognitive Capability for Self-Driving Cars. By Eliot Weinman. aitrends.com — By Dr. Lance B. Eliot, the AI Trends Insider. • I live in a gated community that has a main gate for residents and guests, and provides an impressive driving entrance into the neighborhood that displays ornate iron gates and a spectacular water-sprouting fountain. There is a secondary gate at the back of the community.
And then.
President Trump Will Sign an Executive Order Promoting AI. By Eliot Weinman • aitrends.com — President Trump is expected to sign an executive order on Monday meant to spur the development and regulation of artificial intelligence, technology that many experts believe will define the future of everything from consumer products to health care to warfare.
Source Here
There is another example there, but this will suffice. So why is Lance B Eliot being headlined by Eliot Weinman? Doesn't make sense, does it? And what is muckrack.com?
Say hello to your one-stop, relationship-building platform and goodbye to outdated media databases: Muck Rack’s search engine lets you discover and pitch relevant journalists in a much more targeted way than legacy media databases.
Ok. Now usually top ranking scientists don't belong to an organization that is meant to find journalists paying work. Why would they? And why would a guy who has started multiple companies, is a CEO of Techbrium - and speaking of which, check out the website, powered by godaddy? Seriously? It doesn’t list any employees, no detailed company history, and while it does have job openings, it seems off. So I Googled mapped Techbrium, and guess what, no results found. Ok. Gotcha. Must be the New Normal GPS malfunctioning, right? SMH.
Back to Eliot Weinman. Let me show you what he belongs to: Founder and Conference Chair, AI World & AI World Government (brought to you by the Cambridge Institute). Uhm. Keep Calm and Carry On? Don't Worry be Happy? And, Eliot Weinman is the GM and Founder at Cambridge Innovation Institute. Also, Eliot Weinman has had 1 past job as the President, Events and Publishing at Yankee Group. And. Research firm Yankee Group has acquired digital media and technology research and events firm Trendsmedia. The acquisition will “accelerate Yankee’s growth and expand its reach in global connectivity issues, helping network builders, operators and users navigate revolutionary change”, whatever that means. And when I clicked on trendsmedia, it led me to a clickfunnel company. And when I clicked on Yankees group, it was owned by 451 Research, which is owned by S&P Global Inc. (prior to April 2016 McGraw Hill Financial, Inc., and prior to 2013 McGraw-Hill Companies) is an American publicly traded corporation headquartered in Manhattan, New York City. Its primary areas of business are financial information and analytics. It is the parent company of S&P Global Ratings, S&P Global Market Intelligence, and S&P Global Platts, CRISIL, and is the majority owner of the S&P Dow Jones Indices joint venture. "S&P" is a shortening of "Standard and Poor's". Cool, right. Now what? Glad you asked. S&P is into four different segments.
S&P Global RatingsEdit • S&P Global Ratings provides independent investment research including ratings on various investment instruments.
S&P Global Market IntelligenceEdit • S&P Global Market Intelligence is a provider of multi-asset class and real-time data, research, news and analytics to institutional investors, investment and commercial banks, investment advisors and wealth managers, corporations, and universities. Subsidiaries include Leveraged Commentary & Data.
S&P Dow Jones IndicesEdit • Launched on July 2, 2012, S&P Dow Jones Indices is the world's largest global resource for index-based concepts, data, and research. It produces the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average.[20][21] S&P Dow Jones Indices calculates over 830,000 indices, publishes benchmarks that provide the basis for 575 ETFs globally with $387 billion in assets invested, and serves as the DNA for $1.5 trillion of the world's indexed assets.
S&P Global PlattsEdit • Headquartered in London, S&P Global Platts is a provider of information and a source of benchmark price assessments for the commodities, energy, petrochemicals, metals, and agriculture markets. It has offices in more than 15 cities, including major energy centres such as London, Dubai, Singapore, and Houston, and international business centres such as São Paulo, Shanghai, and New York City.
Ok. So what? So this. The McGraws and the George W. Bush family have close ties dating back several generations. Harold McGraw Jr. (deceased) was a member of the national grant advisory and founding board of the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy. Source Here
And who is the President and chief executive officer of S&P? Douglas L. Peterson. And what else does he do? Peterson is co-chair of the Bipartisan Policy Centers’ Executive Council on Infrastructure, and advocates for public-private sector partnerships as a means of improving infrastructure in the US.[23] For the World Economic Forum, Peterson is Co-Chair of the Stewardship Board of the Platform for Shaping the Future of Cities, Infrastructure and Urban Services; a Member of the International Business Council; and Governor of the Financial Services Industry Community. Peterson is also a boardmember of National Bureau of Economic Research, and the US-China Business Council. Peterson is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's Systemic Resolution Advisory Committee.
Basically a Conspiracy Theorist's Doomscrolling dream job, am I right?
WEF • Who are behind the Great Reset (later post coming soon), and to quote Prince Charles speaking (virtually, of course SMH) at the World Economic Forum, "We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis - its unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change," said Prince Charles at the meeting, adding later, "It is an opportunity we have never had before and may never have again." Source Here
Great. Perfect. Crisis. Reaction. Solution.
CFR • The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded in 1921, is a United States nonprofit think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. It is headquartered in New York City, with an additional office in Washington, D.C. Its membership, which numbers 4,900, has included senior politicians, more than a dozen secretaries of state, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and senior media figures. Currently it has, • David M. Rubenstein (Chairman) – Cofounder and Co-Chief Executive Officer, The Carlyle Group. • Jami Miscik (Vice Chairman) She currently serves on the boards of EMC Corporation, In-Q-Tel and the American Ditchley Foundation, and is a member of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board. Before entering the private sector, she had a twenty-year career as an intelligence officer, including a stint as the Central Intelligence Agency's Deputy Director for Intelligence (2002–2005), and as the Director for Intelligence Programs at the National Security Council (1995–1996). • Thad W. Allen − Senior Executive Advisor, Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. • Laurence D. Fink – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer BlackRock. There are more, but you get it. And let's just top it off with, CFR has published the bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs since 1922, and runs the David Rockefeller Studies Program, which influences foreign policy by making recommendations to the presidential administration and diplomatic community, testifying before Congress, interacting with the media, and publishing on foreign policy issues.
And you may have noticed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which insures banks from going bankrupt. Yikes. Hopefully we don't have a cybersecurity attack on our banking systems. Maybe we should use Coalfire?
OK, are you confused, me too. Let's recap.


Lance B Eliot shares article ownership with Eliot Weinman on muckrack.com, which was published on AI Trends. Eliot Weinman is the executive director AI World and AI World Government. Trends Media was also bought by the Yankees Group, where Eliot Weinman is the President. And when I clicked on the Yankess group, it was owned by 451 Research, which was owned by S&P, which was started by friends of George Bush, who belonged to the Carlyle Group, which has a co-executive on the CFR, and Douglas Peterson is a member of the CFR and the WEF, while aslo running S&P.
Simple, right. Now, remember two things, Eliot Weinman seems to be associated with Lance B Eliot, and Lance is constantly produces articles about AI and business, while S&P has is all about business. Let's go.

Lance the Prequel.

So when I first found Lance, I started to ponder different anagrams. Why? Well, his last name. One guy who works for me is named Elliot, and Eliot stood out for the different spelling. After repeating a mantra of Eliot for a while, I stopped.
Eliot. ElIOT. elIoT. IoT. Internet of Things. It had to be me looking for a pattern. HAD TO BE. Then I looked at the name again. The end was possible, so I looked at his first name. I repeated the same mantra, letting my unconscious do the work. And sure enough, it hit me again. Lance. LANce. LAN. Local Area Network. No. Effing. Way. Come on. LAN + IoT = Local Area Network of Internet of Things. Ok. It adds up. Makes sense. I don't know how, but it does. Yet that still left me with the rest of his name.
CEBEL. Whelp, the mantra didn't help, it was time to dig. And dig I did. And found nothing. Well a couple of things, and one I thought that I was stretching logic too far, and the other, maybe not. Because it led me to OMG’s Artificial Intelligence Platform Task Force. A co-chair was Claude Baudoin, who has a company called cébé IT & Knowledge Management. And I almost went with it, and then something said NO. It was a gut feeling that I was wrong. There was no L in the company name. So I started digging all over again. And it wasn't easy. It took forever. It didn’t make sense. At all. I couldn't find anything that was an exact match. And then I saw this.
Thomas Siebel's software company C3IoT raised about $100 million from private equity investors in January 2018, at a $1.5 billion valuation. Today, C3.ai is focused on enterprise AI, but it started as a clean energy firm. It was briefly named C3IoT in 2016 to chase the IoT market. Siebel was a salesman at Oracle. He left in 1990, built software firm Siebel Systems and sold it to Oracle for $5.8 billion in cash and stock in 2006. Forbes
And he was attacked by an Elephant.
(DID YOU KNOW. Siebel was attacked by an elephant on a 2009 safari trip in Serengeti; he barely escaped death and has undergone 19 reconstructive surgeries. Maybe the animal kingdom was defending the planet?)
It was briefly named C3IoT. But the first program was sold to Oracle and • Oracle Siebel CRM is a sales force automation (SFA) and customer relationship management solution designed to assist enterprises to manage their customer experiences. It includes a range of sales, marketing and customer service applications tailored to various industries • focuses on businesses. Much like a lot of Lances articles. And Thomas Siebel's software • C3.ai is a leading enterprise AI software provider for accelerating digital transformation. The proven C3 AI Suite provides comprehensive services to build enterprise-scale AI applications more efficiently and cost-effectively than alternative approaches • advances AI to accelerate digital transformation, just like AI World Government, which is owned by Eliot Weinman. Is Cebel a play on Siebel? It sure seems like it to me.
And Thomas also has this to say.
High: What inning of the game do you believe we are in from an AI perspective, and how is that likely to develop going forward? Siebel: Julius Caesar considered Gaul as being divided into three parts, and I believe AI is divided into three parts.
1• Artificial general intelligence, which includes projects such as Google DeepMind. Here, the attempt is to build computers that have equal or greater intelligence as human beings. This gets to the malicious killer robots and the refrigerator that takes over your household theory, but I do not believe we need to worry about that in our lifetimes;
2• Social media systems. Here, social media vendors are using AI extremely effectively to manipulate people at the level of the limbic brain. I believe this is malevolent, and what we are seeing in social media is concerning. People are acting as servers to the computer instead of the opposite;
3• The application of AI to commercial, industrial, and government systems, which is where we play at C3.ai. This is building prediction to identify fraud, efficiency to the supply chain, and predictive maintenance for devices in the digital oilfields, the smart grid, the manufacturing industry, agricultural equipment, and precision health. This is about using AI to lower the cost of production and to deliver products and services with greater safety, with greater cybersecurity, and with lower environmental impact.
Hmmm. It's starting to sound like my posts, isn't it? Yet he's not worried about killer robots, yet social media manipulation, that's a problem. But I can bet you all the tea that's left in China, those words shouldn't be taken at Facebook value.
High: You have referred to there being a war with China based on artificial intelligence, and you have referenced how Vladimir Putin said the country that wins in AI will ultimately win in the world. As a citizen of the U.S., what do you think about this? How optimistic are you about the state’s ability to lead and the extent to which it is appropriate language? Siebel: This is a crucial topic. As you mentioned, in 2017, Vladimir Putin said, “Whoever wins the war in AI will be the ruler of the world.” I believe that is true, but I do not believe Russia will win. It is either going to be China or the U.S. I believe we are currently in a state of non-kinetic warfare with China. It is well-documented how great Russia and China are at infiltrating our power grid infrastructure, infiltrating our financial system infrastructure, and implanting viruses, bots, and malware so they can remotely turn off the grid. There are well-documented incidents where the Chinese have penetrated, say, the United States Office of Personnel Management and stolen the personnel records of up to 21 million people. This includes anyone who has ever applied for or been granted a security clearance. If this is not war, what is it? If you read the 13th five-year plan, it is extremely clear what they are doing. They are investing tens of billions of dollars a year in AI to win this battle and to dominate the use of AI for the purposes of defense and conducting warfare. In many ways, this is a test of two fundamentally opposed political philosophies. In the case of China, there is a totalitarian state with a top-down command and control economy where the NRDC writes the 13th five-year plan, invests billions of dollars, and mandates that this happens. They are extremely bright, competent, and educated, and they are hard at work. In the United States, we have a much messier process with a free-market economy and a capitalist system. Innovation does not take place from a top-down command and control government-mandated system, but in garages in Palo Alto and storefronts in theNew York. I do not know which system is going to win, but this is going to be the ultimate test of these political philosophies. This is not a war we want to lose, the stakes could not be higher, and it is game on.
And then.
High: What role do you see the government playing in all this versus private industries, and how do you see the balance between the two? Siebel: The people who work in the Pentagon are exceptionally bright and well educated. These scholar statesman warriors are not asleep at the switch, and they are adopting AI in many ways to prove the efficiency of the Department of Defense. As it relates to AI, the U.S. is going to advance through a free market economy, entrepreneurship, and through the creativity of individuals who are unbridled by the constraints of the stage. This system has always worked out for us in the past, and hopefully, it will continue to. If it does not, we are going to have a problem. Source Here
Game on. If it doesn't work, there's a problem, because we're in a war with China, and the Pentagon states that the war will be fought in abrupt climate change which will cause drought and famine in China. And I've said it before, but the social discord and the riots, will be blamed on Russia and/or China. And maybe they are to blame. Who knows, because we have to trust our New Normal World Order narrative as it's filtered with fact checks and fake news, while the surveillance system makes sure we are safe from physical threats through AI data mining, and incorporating AI through the Great Reset, which apparently China has to get on board with. Uhm, and people are having a hard time believing that our world is about to get turned upside down? Really? Has the desensitization been that effective that everyone is numb? Short answer, pretty much.

BGG Final Words

NEW YORK (PRWEB) JANUARY 11, 2018 • Though various forms of artificial intelligence and machine learning have existed for nearly 60 years, it is only recently that this field of computing has developed to a level of accessibility that truly allows businesses to leverage this innovative technology. There are no blanket solutions in technological transformations. Artificial intelligence is no exception. Mediaplanet’s Cognitive Technology campaign, created in partnership with Melinda Gates, the World Economic Forum and Microsoft, will serve as an educational guidebook for business leaders to understand how to obtain the maximum benefits from cognitive technologies within their market —using artificial intelligence to improve employee workflow and efficiency, reshape customer experiences and take risk and fraud protection to the next level. This program was made possible with the support of Melinda Gates, the World Economic Forum’s Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Microsoft, the National Security Agency, the National Retail Federation, Eliot Weinman, the Cognitive Computing Consortium, SCIP, AMT, HSBC, Forgerock, Feedzai, LogMeIn, Cognicor, Omron, The Nerdery and The Savo Group. Source Here
Hey! Look, NSA, Melinda "I hoarded food in my basement because I know how privileged we are" Gates, WEF, and Eliot Weinman. And his AI World Government did this press release.
According to Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of the Boston Global Forum (BGF), “We have been collaborating with Mr. Weinman and his team at AI World throughout 2018 to support the event as an International Host. We have several activities already underway at AI World 2018, and will continue our strategic alliance for all AI World 2019 events. We will present an AI-Government model at AI World Government.” Source Here
Do you want Skynet Eliot, cause this is how you get Skynet.
But maybe I'm suffering mass psychogenic delusions from Doomscrolling looking for mass surveillance examples and an upcoming war before environmental collapse. Maybe? Possible? Let's look and see if I'm justified in my paranoia.
Lance B Eliot • Neanderthal and AI. Source HereCould the acrimonious polarization in society today be simply due to chance alone, or might we be divided amongst ourselves by inherited Neanderthal DNA that has been triggered in recent times? Let’s hope that we can find a means to overcome the polarization, else we might become an extinct species and then, down the road, perhaps some surviving all-knowing AI might look back one day and snicker that we were ultimately and unknowingly doomed by our Neanderthal forerunners.
You're gonna trigger me, you AI loving Neanderthal monster. Doesn't that sound crazy? Read the article and then tell me that it was written by a human (not that anyone has, it's just a figure of speech).
May 21, 2016 • As you can see, it seems like we managed to avert what could have been a massive economic crisis in the 2008-2009 time frame, and entered into what Mohamed in his 2010 Per Jacobsson lecture referred to as the “new normal” (now widely popularized). We have been somewhat languishing in this new normal and are seemingly trying to just keep ourselves in the new normal, sometimes now referred to as the new new normal. Believing that we are nearing the T-junction, the Figure 1 shows that we are upon a pivot point, perhaps in just the next 2-3 years, and will then swing either toward the boom or the doom, of which the Mohamed as odds-maker suggests are equally likely (50/50 chance). Source Here
Pivot? Boom or Doom? Thank God we don't have any pivots happening.
Obama, 2012, Pivot to Asia • There has been strong perception from China that all of these are part of US' China containment policy.[4] Proponents of this theory claim that the United States needs a weak, divided China to continue its hegemony in Asia. This is accomplished, the theory claims, by the United States establishing military, economic, and diplomatic ties with countries adjacent to China's borders.
Aw crap. Pandemic. The Great Reset. Fourth Industrial Revolution. World Economic Forum. AI World Government. Pivot. Boom or Doom. Pivot to Asia.
All good. Keep Calm and Carry On. There is nothing to fear, but fear itself, and environmental collapse, WW3, AI, Killer Robots, Big Brother, Pandemic, Economic Collapse, Asteroids,1. Magnetic Field Weakening, Famine, and Animal Mass Mortality Events. It's game on. Boom or Doom time. Cats and Dogs living together. Neanderthals worshipping AI. All the worst parts out of the Bible, except we don't get turned to salt. I hope. 2020 isn't over yet. And it probably won't be over in 2021, or 2023, or, 2030. After all, the agenda runs until 2030, doesn’t it?
So is Thomas Siebel and Oracle Siebel Systems supposed to be a homonym for Cebel? Is Eliot Weinman involved somehow, or is it just a coincidence. Is Lance B Eliot gonna be AI President of the Techncracy? Just keep paying attention and stay aware. We might not what is happening, but we know something is, and possibly hidden actors involved in all of it.
Heads up and eyes open. This hasn't even started yet. Talk soon and take care.
1. Trust me, u/arctic-gold-digger was right on the money about space rocks, and I'll show you why in a few posts. And also, thanks to u/WhiteRabbitCaveCA as well as u/UFOS-ARE-DEMONIC The extra dots being connected were a massive help.
submitted by biggreekgeek to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Closing Line Value Pt 1

Alright gang – today I’m going to talk about Closing Line Value (CLV): 1) what it is, 2) how to measure it, 3) why it’s useful and 4) ultimately why it’s flawed. This seems to be a polarizing topic so I’m expecting some disagreement and backlash.
I’ll cover 1) and 2) in today’s post and 3) and 4) tomorrow in Part II.
Closing Line Value
For those of you who are new to sports betting, the “Closing Line” is the line/odds of a game when the market for a game closes (i.e. just prior to kickoff/first pitch/tip off, etc.). Closing Line Value (CLV) is simply a comparison between 1) the line/odds that your bet was placed at and 2) the Closing Line.
The theory behind CLV is that if you’re getting a line better than what is offered at the close of the market, that’s generally a good thing. Simple example: you bet the Yankees at -125 and they closed at -150. You got positive CLV. Congrats!
Measuring CLV
Unfortunately, there is no standard approach to measuring CLV.
The Casual Approach: Casually, folks would say you got “25 cents” of CLV. Clearly this is a good thing, as a $100 bet at -125 would win $80, while a $100 bet at -150 would only win $67.
The Win Probability Approach: To get slightly more technical, we can compare the breakeven win probability of your bet at -125 vs the closing line of -150. The breakeven win probability of -150 is 60.0% while the breakeven win probability of -125 is 55.6%. The difference of 4.4% in breakeven win probability is another way to quote your CLV.
The Expected Value Approach: A third approach is to measure CLV based on the expected value of the bet. If you made a bet at a breakeven probability of 55.6% and the closing breakeven probability is 60.0%, you could say that “price” of your bet increased from 55.6% to 60.0% (increase of 4.4%). Therefore your “return” (increase in value) was 4.4% / 55.6% = 8.0%.
Removing Vig
Some people prefer to review their CLV absent the book’s vig. To make this adjustment, we simply remove the half of the vig for that bet (we assume half the vig is charged on both sides of the bet).
Assuming a standard 10-cent baseball line (+140/-150) we would have a closing vig of 1.6%. Our no-vig CLV measurements would be as follows:
The Casual Approach: With a closing line of +140/-150, we estimate that the “fair” price of the favorite is -145. Thus, a comparison of your bet at -125 and the fair price of -145 would only yield “20 cents” of CLV.
The Win Probability Approach: Subtracting half the vig from our breakeven win probability yields a no-vig CLV of 3.6% (4.4% - 0.8%).
The Expected Value Approach: The closing breakeven probability of -145 is 59.2% so the “price” of your bet increased from 55.6% to 59.2% (increase of 3.6%). Therefore your “return” (increase in value) was 3.6% / 55.6% = 6.5%.
While you’re free to measure CLV however you feel like it, theoretically the no-vig expected value approach should best estimate your long-term return based on CLV.
CLV for Point Spread and Totals
To measure CLV for points spreads or totals using the Win Probability Approach or the Expected Value Approach, you need to estimate the push probabilities of the numbers that were crossed (i.e. if you bet -2.5/-110 and the market closed at -3.5/-110, you crossed the 3). You can then compare your bet with the implied “fair” moneyline of your bet based on the closing line. Referencing our NCAAB half point price of 9 cents on the 3, we estimate -2.5/-128 to be the equivalent of -3.5/-110. You can then calculate your CLV just as you had before.
Tomorrow's discussion: how CLV can be useful, but is ultimately a flawed metric
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[Analysis] What if baseball players were Primarchs from the Warhammer 40K universe?

It's my first time posting in this sub in a long time, so I figured I'd have to dig deep and really provide the shitpost hard-hitting analysis I know you all crave.
I know every time you watch a game, you're left wondering "This is cool, but I really wish I had some 40K characters to compare these players to." The wait is finally over, folks! I ran the calculations and determined which baseball players corresponded to each Primarch from the Warhammer 40K universe.
Magnus the Red: Pete Rose
Magnus was famed for psychic prowess and prescience. Pete Rose had prescient knowledge of the Reds when he was betting on then as a manager, and both have many fans who claim they did nothing wrong, or at least nothing really wrong. Magnus being called "the red" made this a slam dunk pick
Roboute Guilliman: Jayson Werth
A former warrior that got injured and shifted into a more administrative role and dreamed members of his legion could be something more? Fits Werth's tenure in DC perfectly. He was effective on the field his first few years but injuries kept taking him out. But teammates said Werth was pivotal in reshaping the clubhouse culture, making everyone eat healthier and workout more regularly. Also both are weirdly tall men with scraggly beards.
Ferrus Manus: Kris Bryant
Ferrus is renowned for his mastery of mechanical things, and Kris Bryant has worked really hard to have excellent hitting mechanics. Also both are pretty boring as people.
Horus: Barry Bonds
The man whose ambition was so great, it threatened to destroy the very Imperium itself. However, many people theorize that the Emperor knew Horus would betray him and let it happen because it was part of his plan. People also say Bug Selig knew Barry Bonds was juicing for years but let it happen because he was making baseball more popular, then destroyed and blackballed him when public opinion shifted against steroid users. Bug Selig, you turned Barry Bonds into Horus.
Fulgrim: Kevin Kiermaier
Fulgrim was said to be beautiful beyond description. Kiermaier has a face so beautiful I want to lick whipped cream off his UZR.
Vulkan: Dusty Baker
Vulkan was renowned for his humanity and compassion. Dusty Baker is the ultimate player's manager, and love him or hate him he always cares deeply for his players and gets to know them well on and off the field.
Konrad Cruze: Aroldis Chapman
Cruze was a terror to behold, the most intimidating man in the Imperium. I don't think anyone is more intimidating to face on the mound than Aroldis Chapman, who has enough velocity to intimidate anyone and just poor enough control to keep you in fear.
Sangunius: Derek Jeter
Sangunius was a man of moral purity and leadership, and Jeter lead the Yankees for years while avoiding controversy, something impressive in both New York and the Imperium.
Lion El'Johnson: Joey Votto
The Lion was a bit of a loner who refused any help. Votto remains a quiet and thoughtful man who refuses to leave the Reds for help elsewhere. I love them both.
Peturabo: Manny Machado
Peturabo is a moody dick who is disliked but has talent everyone respects. Machado lets his emotions get carried away and acts like an asshole on the field, but everyone knows that with his undenianle talent he will still be a hot free agent commodity.
Mortarion: Adrian Beltre
Mortarion's ideal form of warfare was advancing slowly but steadily, absording massive amounts of punishment and having a truly inhuman ability to keep fighting despite injuries that would annihalate normal humans. Adrian Beltre literally had a testicle destroyed on the field and stayed in the whole game to keep fighting with his team. He's also continued to play at a high level for longer than almost anyone in history. These are both some durable dudes.
Angron: Max Scherzer
Angron is perpetually angry, haunted by the loss of those he loves. Max Scherzer is perpetually angry on the mound, haunted by the loss of a single strike. Angron is also perpetually mad because of a head injury and Max Scherzer is literally called Mad Max.
Jaghatai Khan: Paul Goldschmidt
The Khan is a beast but prefers a hands off leadership style, leading by example instead of vocally. Goldschmidt is almost unmatched as a hitter but isnt someone who will yell at a teammate, instead providing an example of how to act on and off the field.
Corvus Corax: Adam LaRoche
Corvus Corax hates slavers and oppressors. Adam LaRoche spent his last offseason working undercover to free sex slaves.
Feel free to share your thoughts and comments below.
submitted by The_Nats_Of_Us to baseball [link] [comments]

NAPs/PoPs T5

Post one selection from any of the Saturday races in the UK, Ireland or France. Include a write up (a couple of sentences will do, please feel free to go more in depth) as to why this is your NAP. Selections can be any Tote bet on a race; win, place, e/w, exacta, swinger, trifecta. All selections will be for 1u total (e.g. e/w would be 0.5u e/w) and will be settled as Tote returns. Selections must be made by 12:15 Saturday.
You have £25 (a pony) to stake on any horse racing (UK, Ireland, France), on Saturday. You are not obligated to stake the entire £25. You can stake on any available Tote bet, win/place/etc and placepot/etc; no doubles or other multiples (yankee/etc) for ease of calculation of results. Stakes are settled on Tote returns and must be made in whole £ stakes (e.g. an e/w can be £2 e/w for £4 total but not £2.50 e/w for £5 total). You can stake the whole pony on one selection or you can do 25 single selections should you desire. Any stakes over the £25 limit will be removed down to the limit, reading from top of post down. Selections to be made by 12:30 Saturday.
Please ensure you have your selection properly written up before posting, edited posts will be classified as losses.
submitted by ImpliedProbability to HorseRacingUK [link] [comments]

NAPs, PoPs, week T4

I didn't manage to get this up last week because - reasons I won't bore you with. I've combined them into one post to make it easier, feedback on this as a good or bad thing welcome.
Post one selection from any of the Saturday races in the UK, Ireland or France. Include a write up (a couple of sentences will do, please feel free to go more in depth) as to why this is your NAP. Selections can be any Tote bet on a race; win, place, e/w, exacta, swinger, trifecta. All selections will be for 1u total (e.g. e/w would be 0.5u e/w) and will be settled as Tote returns. Selections must be made by 12:15 Saturday.
You have £25 (a pony) to stake on any horse racing (UK, Ireland, France), on Saturday. You are not obligated to stake the entire £25. You can stake on any available Tote bet, win/place/etc and placepot/etc; no doubles or other multiples (yankee/etc) for ease of calculation of results. Stakes are settled on Tote returns and must be made in whole £ stakes (e.g. an e/w can be £2 e/w for £4 total but not £2.50 e/w for £5 total). You can stake the whole pony on one selection or you can do 25 single selections should you desire. Any stakes over the £25 limit will be removed down to the limit, reading from top of post down. Selections to be made by 12:30 Saturday.
Please ensure you have your selection properly written up before posting, edited posts will be classified as losses.
Current standings:
nortonindex +0.9
smithmustscore -3
ImpliedProbability -3
TheMooseHunter +92.5
nortonindex +40
smithmustscore -10
easymoney95 -25
ImpliedProbability -40.5
Ghost_Hands83 -50
submitted by ImpliedProbability to HorseRacingUK [link] [comments]

Conjecture: If the season ended today...April 27, 2018 Edition

Hey everyone! So last season I started my "Conjecture" series and while it wasn't received amazingly I feel like I've worked the kinks out well enough that I'm putting out quality content for you guys, which is always my goal with these and my other posts. For those of you who this is new to, I essentially take the standings and currents stats and use them to figure out who would be in the playoffs, who would win, who would get what awards, etc. if the regular season ended today. I wanted to wait until the end of April but I just got so excited to do my first one of the 2018 season! So, without further ado, let's get down to it!
American League:
ERA- Sean Manaea (OAK)- 1.23
Wins- 4-tie (Carrasco [CLE], Porcello [BOS], Severino [NYY], Verlander [HOU])- 4
SO- Gerrit Cole (HOU)- 49
SV- Edwin Diaz (SEA)- 11
WHIP- Sean Manaea (OAK)- 0.60
Losses- Kendall Graveman (OAK)- 5
Cy Young- Sean Manaea So this year's pitching race has gotten off to a hot start. Right now, for me at least, there's no candidate that has already taken a huge lead in the Cy Young race (probably since it's only been a month since the first games, but I digress) but if there's one player that has taken the cake thus far it must be Sean Manaea. He leads the Junior Circuit in ERA, WHIP, BAA, is tied for second in wins, and even though he's 18th in Ks this year, HE PITCHED A NO-HITTER! While doing something like that isn't necessarily a trump card for the Cy Young, which it shouldn't be anyways, since there's not much else to pick from to differentiate the different pitchers, that'll do.
Average- Didi Gregorius (NYY)- .354
Homeruns- Mike Trout (LAA)- 10
RBI- Didi Gregorius (NYY)- 29
SB- Dee Gordon (SEA)- 9
OPS- Didi Gregorius (NYY)- 1.245
General Awards: WAR Lord- Mike Trout MVP- Didi Gregorius Rookie of the Year- Joey Wendle So this year I decided to add in the WAR Lord title as one of my general award I give out at the end of the stats section. I use the WAR provided for all players from BaseballReference to determine which player has, according to BR's metrics, contributed the most so far this season. According to them, it has so far been Mike Trout of the Angels, who has already contributed to 2.2 more wins than the average center fielder. Yankees shortstop Didi Gregorius isn't too far behind having a WAR of 2.1, and it's for that reason, combined with several others, that he's my MVP so far this year. Outside of his runner-up in WAR Lord, Didi is first in batting average, second in homers, first in RBI, fifth in runs scored, second in OBP, first in slugging, first in OPS, eigth in hits, second in walks, and all while appearing in 24 of the 26 games the Yankees have played this season. Didi has dealt at the plate but has also shown an All Star performance in the field, performing awe-inspiring and downright jaw-dropping plays getting essential outs for a Yankees team that has started the year colder than anyone could have predicted. He was missed last season in April having sustained an injury playing in the WBC but has shown why he should've been on the Shredder's Top 10 Shortstops in the offseason. As for RoY, unlike last year when there was a clear candidate through and through, this year has gotten off much slower. Again turning to BaseballReference's WAR system, the best rookie by WAR right now has been Joey Wendle of the Tampa Bay Rays. In 65 ABs for the 4th-place Rays, Wendle has a .338 average with 1 homer and 9 RBI, which isn't eye-popping by any means, but with an OBP of .405, SLG of .508, and an OPS of .913, not to mention an OPS+ of 158, Wendle has garnered a WAR thus far of 1.3, which is at least .6 higher than any other rookie in MLB and .9 higher than Shohei Ohtani.
Division breakdown: East- Boston Red Sox (19-5) Central- Cleveland Indians (13-10) West- Houston Astros (17-9) Wild Cards- Los Angeles Angels (16-9, +0.5), New York Yankees (15-9)
Wild Card So it seems pretty clear to me this is going to upset a lot of people so let me try to explain my logic. The Angels are off to a start no one would have predicted for them, and so are the Yankees, although their situation was much more dire. However, the Yankees have since gotten hot, taking 3/4 from a hot Blue Jays team and then sweeping the surprising Minnesota Twins to win 6 in a row. The Angels, on the other hand, are 4-6 in their last 10 and have seen some cooling off from every player not named Mike Trout. The Yankees take that easy, but their next series, against the Red Sox, isn't as certain.
ALDS Despite the Yankees doing well as of late, this start for the Red Sox has been downright historic. Their start to the season has been the best for any team in decades, and if they can ride that success through the rest of the long, grueling season, they have a good shot of going far in October. However, these April showers already seem to be cooling off the Boston Boys. After having lost only 2 games to start the year, Boston promptly went and got no-hit by my Cy Young frontrunner Sean Manaea, then dropped the next game against the A's, then proceeding to only take 2 of 3 against the Blue Jays. On top of that, their first loss of the season came at the hands of their opponent this round, the Yankees. At that point the Yankees were woefully inconsistent and their rotation and bullpen were in shambles. That, however, was weeks ago, and weeks can mean seasons in baseball. Since then the Yankees have become the hottest team in baseball, as already discussed, and with a strong Sevy, a tough Tanaka, and a solid CC "Cap'n Crunch" Sabathia, the Red Sox are in for a tough series. So long as the Yanks can keep the ball from leaving the yard and keep Sonny Gray and Dellin Betances off the mound they should take this series, though it will go to 5.
So, Indians-Astros. About this series: both of these teams are doing what they need to do, yes, but also neither one of them is doing as well as they were expected. Everyone knew the Indians were going to regress a bit from last year but they're just 13-10, 3 games up from the second place Detroit Tigers, not to mention only gaining first after the Twins lost 7 in a row and 8 of their last 10. The Astros, on the other hand, while they've been strong with excellent outings from offseason-acquisition Gerrit Cole, have only managed to put half a game between them and the petering Angels. Both teams have under-performed their expectations, as many teams have, but it's safe to assume that not only will this be a good series to watch, but that this is probably going to be the matchup when the real thing happens in October. For now, though, we can only go off of what we already have before us, and based on that I have to say Houston has the clear advantage. Astros take it in three, maybe four. ALCS Ladies and gentlemen, boy and girls, the rematch you've all been asking for. In 2013 the Yankees ganged up on the new American League addition of the Astros, and ever since the Astros have been taking revenge. From and 15-1 blowout in the Bronx and a 3-0 in the Wild Card Game in 2015 to a nail-biting and, at the end, soul crushing defeat in the ALCS in 7 games last year, the Astros and Yankees, if MLB had begun in 2013 and not 1903, have the fiercest rivalry on the diamond right now. Both teams have done their work over the offseason, though, with the Yanks getting the NL MVP Giancarlo Stanton and the Astros getting the potential ace of Gerrit Cole. Both teams are expected to do great things this season, and this is it, the ultimate test of strength, the rematch we've all wanted. And...it's the same result...in less games...oh. The Yankees have been resurgent as of late but, like last year, their pitching staff is good but not good enough to completely silence the potent Astros lineup. The Bombers can do all the bombing they want but the Astros will always be ready for takeoff. National League: Pitching: ERA- Johnny Cueto (SF)- 0.35 Wins- Max Scherzer (WAS)- 5 SO- Max Sherzer (WAS)- 57 SV- 2-tie (Davis [COL], Familia [NYM])- 9 WHIP- Johnny Cueto (SF)- 0.65 Losses- 2-tie (Gray [COL], Kershaw [LAD])- 4 Cy Young- Max Scherzer So Max Scherzer's been lighting up the League again, huh? Biiiig shocker there. "But cypothingy", you say, "Johnny Cueto has a .35 ERA. Shouldn't that count for something?" Well here's the thing. Ya Cueto has ERA at #1 with such an astronomically low number and he's also first with a minuscule WHIP, but outside of those the only major stat that he's in the top 4 in is BAA, where he's third. Scherzer, on the other hand, is 4th in ERA, first in wins, first in Ks, 4th in WHIP, 4th in BAA, and all while being first in IP. He's put in 13.0 innings more work than Cueto so until they're closer together the path for Scherzer is much clearer for me. Hitting: Average- Tommy Pham (STL)- .368 Homeruns- 3-tie (Albies [ATL], Blackmon [COL], Harper [WAS])- 8 RBI- Javier Baez (CHC)- 24 SB- Trea Turner (WAS)- 10 OPS- Rhys Hoskins (PHI)- 1.103 General Awards: WAR Lord- Johnny Cueto MVP- Max Scherzer Rookie of the Year- Jesse WinkerChrisitan Villanueva Again with the Cueto situaton. Look, Cueto has been good, really good. He just hasn't played enough for me to feel comfortable giving him the Cy Young at this stage, especially with Scherzer out there doing what he's doing. It also doesn't help that the team that's backing him isn't much to look at. That's why I also give Scherzer the MVP, or at least partially. Using my individual metrics, Scherzer was the highest scoring player I calculated for. Second was, believe it or not, Javier Baez, who has quietly been putting together an excellent season that I had not noticed until I sat down to do this. Placing highly were also Patrick Corbin, Cueto himself, Bryce Harper, Jarlin Garcia, Tommy Pham, and Rhys Hoskins. However, out of all of them, Scherzer was the one that put up the most points for me. As for RoY, the NL has a similar situation to the AL in that there's no runaway candidate. However, of note is Jesse Winker, who is putting out an impressive .323 on a historically weak Reds team. Let's see how he keeps it up since the rest of his bat isn't much to look at just yet.However, Christian Villanueva has thus far been quite impressive putting up a .355 average with 7 homers. Keep an eye on him throughout the rest of the year. Division breakdown: East- New York Mets (15-8) Central- St. Louis Cardinals (15-9) and Milwaukee Brewers (16-10) West- Arizona Diamondbacks (17-7) Wild Cards- Philadelphia Phillies (15-9, +0.0), St. Louis Cardinals (15-9) and Milwaukee Brewers (16-10) Tie breaker So before we can even start our playoffs here we need to have a tie breaker. Now since the Cardinals have the better win percentage (they're tied in the season series as well as the standings) they get to host this game. Now both teams are good, the Cards being better than I expected and the Brewers better than other did, but there's one team that I see coming out on top in this one game playoff, and that's the Cardinals. They're extremely similar teams but when you look at the players and the numbers they put up, and when you factor in the Cards in St. Louis, it just screams a Cards win to me. Factor in the loss of Eric Thames for the Brewers and things don't look so good there, now do they?
Wild Card Game As for the Wild Card game, with the Brewers away again, things don't go much differently. The Phillies are way ahead of where they're supposed to be and beyond this round they won't last long but, to put it briefly, they put up a lot better numbers than the Brewers do, and, again, they'd have home field advantage. Whereas the tie breaker would have been a close game throughout, this one's pretty out of reach for Milwaukee.
NLDS Leaving behind the Brewers and going to the Cardinals now, they have their work cut out for them facing a resurgent Mets squad. Injury prone and inconsistent last year, the Mets rotation is back and ready to taste the playoffs again, like they did in 2015. This time, though, they're battle hardened, toughened by injury and from loss of their Dark Knight to the bullpen, a demotion that honestly should have probably come sooner than it did. The Cards can put up, but it won't make the Mets shut up, not with Mr. Thumbs Down, the Toddfather, Todd Frazier manning third. The Mets take it in 3.
The Phillies, on the other hand, get to face off one of the more surprising, and then underachieving, teams from last year in the Diamondbacks. While things haven't changed much since last year when they got swept by the Dodgers (other than the loss of slugger J.D. Martinez to the Red Sox in free agency), the D-Backs have shown that, at least this far, they're the shining star in what has turned out to be a turdish-but-interesting NL West race thus far. I don't think there are any issues here with what I have to say; the D-Backs are simply the much better team. They sweep the Phillies out of the playoffs.
NLCS The NLCS is pretty straightforward too. Like I said, the Mets have come back with a vengance, but the D-Backs have something to prove, and the NLCS is where they're going to do it. They are objectively better than the Mets, who only have an average lineup to support that excellent rotation. Try as they might, the snakes are going to bite. It won't be a sweep, but Mets fans will probably wish it were. D-Backs in 6.
World Series: It feels strange talking about the World Series in April, but then again everything I've done in this is strange so that's probably the least of my issues. Also I would like to point out that unlike ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and 538, I at least waitied until the teams had already played before I started making my guesses. Anyways, World Series time. D-Backs vs. Astros. The team no one saw coming versus the team everyone has seen for the past year. Will the Astros become the first team since the 2000 Yankees to win it all 2 years in a row or will the Diamondbacks play the spoiler and show that Houston was only so strong. Ladies and gentlemen, I think we all know what the answer here is. We live in a day and age where dynasties in baseball just no longer exist, which seems to bode well for Arizona, but in the end it seems pretty obvious to me Houston would repeat in this scenario. It'll be fun to watch, so long as you're from Houston. Arizona, it'd be cool, but Houston would be proud once again. 5 or 6 games should be all it takes, but a 7th wouldn't be overly surprising.
So, first one of the year done. I bet all of you are think "Whoo, glad that's over with," and I'm sure the others are downvoting because I said Scherzer would get MVP, let alone the Cy Young. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and be sure to be on the lookout for egregious errors (I always happen to leave at least one in somewhere) and in case you're one of the three people that actually liked this I plan on doing one of these at the end of every month with a few off-schedule ones like during the All Star Break, after September callups, and maybe one more sprinkled in somewhere if I find the time (this took me a little over 4 hours so it's not the easiest). Alright, that's all from me today. Be sure to abuse me...I mean leave your thoughts...below in the comments and don't forget to shout "PLAY BALL!" at random strangers on the street! Thanks for reading!
EDIT: There was a recall on the NL RoY and a new winner has been selected.
submitted by cypothingy to baseball [link] [comments]

Betting through a mathematical model (MLB) - not the most exciting (or profitable) but the most reliable way

First off this will be on the longer side but time and effort is what it takes to win when betting on every game, all season long.
I envy those who can look at a matchup between teams in any sport and know more or less how they will matchup. For NBA this means knowing how teams will build their lineups depending on their opponents and which players can counter stars on the other teams. For MLB this could mean taking into account variables like stadium, weather, batting order, and what not. Generally across all sports being able to look at a certain matchup and the previous games between the two teams and using that knowledge to make an educated pick is a highly valuable skill. Being the degenerate that I am, I want to be betting all year round and as my favourite sport, basketball, only spans the winter months I wanted a way to break into the MLB betting (without losing).
My goal was to make a compeletely mathematical model in arguably the sport that has not the most available stats but the most meaningful stats. My first step was to build my own database on google sheets (not excel). Using javascript I managed to make sheets that could download the box scores for every game and the roster for every team.
The next phase of creating a system is the tough part. You have the hits, runs, innings pitched, batter faces, and pitches thrown for each pitcher. This allows me to calculate ERA, WHIP, OBP, B/IP, and P/IP on my own. That saves me a lot of lines of code otherwise needed to import all those stats into my own spreadsheets. The problem at hand is now figuring out which stats will predict what outcome. Big three bets are full game: spread, run total, moneyline. For someone who doesn't want to use high level calculus to get picks the immidiate solution is to reduce everything to a graph with a line. For example: ERA vs Hits/Inning, the possibilities are endless. Excel and google sheets have CORREL (correlation between two data sets) and LINEST (gives you an line of best fit for two sets of data) which makes it easy to pour out hundreds correlations between stats. So I set my correlations and equations between various pitcher (ERA, WHIP, OBP) stats as my X variable and game stats (At Bats, Runs, Hits) as my Y value. With all these equations and correlations I was now set to find what I call the "trail" of stats that would lead me to best results.
The trail is like a flowchart of stats that ultimately leads to what you want to predict, in my case, runs per team. The best system isn't the one that has all the right trails. A little side note I have been betting on the NBA spread and point totals for two seasons now. The odds are always -110 to -120 so a 55% win rate guarantees profit. This past regular season I was 210-143 (59%). What I noticed was that the trails change during the course of a season. At the beginning I could reliably predict each players individual points and add them up but towards the end I started predicting points by position instead. ANYWAYS, the goal is to always have many trails available and to track each one constantly to see if any of them become "hot". An example of a trail that I use for MLB is this :
have a graph and equation for opposing teams Pitcher's ERA in the last 2 weeks for all Yankees games vs the number of at bats for the Yankees. I then have graphs for At bats vs Hits and Hits vs Runs. You use AB to calculate the H's and then H's to calculate the R's.
Now this isn't the usual premise of a gambling system "78% WIN RATE" those "systems" are only at 78% because their definition of a win differs from ours. This is a system where you bet 5$ on 3 bets per 15 games ($225 risk) and you win 30 bets and 270$. Its not the thrill of winning a super parlay but it turns your hobby into an investment. Now that I have set up about 30 ways (trails) to predict runs I'm all set to go out and make some money.
I spent all last season betting on just run totals and went 60% with amount bet totaling just over 10k and amount won 15k (5k profit) I have little interest in making money off my system by selling because I make money off betting from it (that's what i don't get about sites selling you systems, why would they sell it if they have a 78% win rate LOL), so I decided to take to reddit to share what I do and how I do it. With all that being said I am just a college kid with no job (I quit my serving job a while ago) and not everyone has the time to spend 3 hours a day minimum collecting and organizing data. Some people may not have the excel, javascript, python, c++ knowledge I do or the time to learn it. The way I look at it a betting system is like a drug (pharmaceutical). If it solves a problem for you then you should make it available to everyone and for free.
That's why I will be posting daily MLB picks when I have the time (most days) and hope that you follow them. The idea is to bet the same on every bet and bet all bets. The MLB gives us the luxury other leagues don't, frequency. In NBA i would hit 7/7 spreads on day and 1/4 another. With 8-15 games every night this lessens the chance of a crazy loss but also of a crazy win. Hopefully we can all pocket some money this season and learn a thing or two while we are at it. I will be posting picks on the daily threads all season long but eventually my goal is to have a free app that will source my database directly. Since the lines never chance but only the odds on spread and run totals its okay to post picks early in the day.
If you've read this far thanks and even if you don't want to do the volume betting that I do track the picks for a week then decide again. I'm always spending time refining my system, I believe if you don't put in the hours you won't see results so I refuse to sit back and just let what I have made already run.
Looking forward to a plentiful season :)
submitted by jalen57 to sportsbook [link] [comments]

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Licensed Fresh Bacon Ergonomic Car Functionbased demanddriven Meme Gear criminal murder cult Miss Malinda Ernser meme green pixel index pixel North Augustuston Sleek Metal Bike Handcrafted Mouse Deengineered optimal Meme Gear cats venus the two faced cat venusmommy cat animals of 2012 Talia Hammes meme teal card index card Port Shanny Gorgeous Plastic Keyboard Fantastic Tuna Phased incremental Meme Gear exploitable 4chan super smash bros brawl video games gamespot stick figure image macro gamefaqs comic Velda Okuneva meme cyan sensor transmit sensor Port Pabloport Practical Plastic Hat Intelligent Soap Usercentric global Meme Gear super Cristal Hahn meme lavender monitor connect monitor New Nayelitown Rustic Steel Hat Handmade Mouse Multitiered multimedia Meme Gear film horror cyberbullying parody remix vine youtube Katlyn Beatty meme ivory monitor parse monitor Karlmouth Handmade Granite Chicken Small Chicken Extended 4th generation Meme Gear neon genesis evangelion shinji ikari mug photoshop Rosalee Johns meme orange transmitter transmit transmitter Shanahanhaven Gorgeous Rubber Cheese Practical Hat Monitored attitudeoriented Meme Gear subway sandwich censor my little pony friendship is magic sfw work safe ual innuendo rule 34 Evan Kautzer meme grey program reboot program Jenastad Intelligent Wooden Shirt Intelligent Chips Advanced 4th generation Meme Gear box orange metal snake gear solid Carlie West meme salmon panel compress panel North Moriahchester Unbranded Soft Chicken Sleek Cheese Operative intangible Meme Gear sheet tools exploitable image macro 4chan participatory game Miss Lyric Roberts meme white driver compress driver Port Leonardo Refined Steel Pizza Fantastic Fish Downsized clientserver Meme Gear omg am not finished Katelin Berge meme orchid interface parse interface Lake Kavon Practical Fresh Sausages Generic Table Organized hybrid Meme Gear youtube dancing tumblr singletopic blog dance Shanon Morar meme orange panel navigate panel Kozeymouth Handcrafted Frozen Chicken Handmade Mouse Rightsized discrete Meme Gear sadmedievalguy jiri kocura medieval sad guy Jayde Watsica meme yellow protocol synthesize protocol East Benny Ergonomic Metal Chips Awesome Shoes Visionoriented regional Meme Gear acc chatbot bot single serving site Sigurd Thompson meme salmon hard drive bypass hard drive New Bernardport Ergonomic Plastic Chips Handcrafted Table Deengineered objectoriented Meme Gear china splits weibo spotless split perfect split photo fad Krystal Schiller meme violet bandwidth transmit bandwidth Hildaberg Licensed Plastic Hat Sleek Tuna Progressive solutionoriented Meme Gear cecil the lion lion animal hunting cruelty justice Johnny Grimes meme salmon card copy card West Trentonside Unbranded Granite Bike Practical Mouse Persevering intermediate Meme Gear pokemon anime crossover gekkan shoujo nozakikun Georgiana Osinski meme pink feed compress feed Aurelieview Rustic Metal Pants Sleek Shirt Networked systemic Meme Gear april fools Craig Stamm meme black hard drive index hard drive Estebanville Generic Rubber Cheese Intelligent Chicken Assimilated contextsensitive Meme Gear wears double socks not even good Alison Kuhic meme indigo matrix back up matrix Okunevahaven Ergonomic Rubber Bike Awesome Hat Polarised systemworthy Meme Gear brad pitt angelina jolie divorce Yasmeen Eichmann meme yellow driver reboot driver Kimmouth Handmade Plastic Car Licensed Ball Innovative needsbased Meme Gear smosh pokemon meme metapod creature useless pokmon harden Ephraim Satterfield meme blue interface parse interface Brakusview Gorgeous Plastic Hat Handcrafted Sausages Sharable zero defect Meme Gear the game theorists game theory matpat matthewpatrick13 undertale earthbound mother video game toby fox Mrs Carmen Sanford meme cyan transmitter hack transmitter Lornamouth Refined Soft Sausages Intelligent Pizza Reengineered ecocentric Meme Gear what tiggers do best catchphrase its what he do Jena Bosco meme yellow protocol override protocol Hellerstad Fantastic Soft Bacon Incredible Sausages Profound valueadded Meme Gear youtube my i little this to mistakes me could how pony made happen Jane Russel meme lime matrix bypass matrix Bahringerborough Licensed Cotton Sausages Intelligent Table Programmable neutral Meme Gear ruby wuby hkgolden youtube Cordia McKenzie meme orchid system navigate system Annamaeview Awesome Granite Bacon Refined Car Fullyconfigurable attitudeoriented Meme Gear wally wallee wallied wallerer walleed wallier Brittany Collier meme pink protocol bypass protocol Port Rigobertofort Refined Rubber Car Fantastic Cheese Crossplatform optimal Meme Gear god dj dj jesus jesuschrist Willow Mayer meme yellow panel override panel Edwinberg Ergonomic Plastic Keyboard Generic Mouse Compatible discrete Meme Gear weird facebook humans of new york reptilian Luciano Bins meme teal sensor bypass sensor East Vicente Unbranded Cotton Bacon Incredible Hat Fullyconfigurable bifurcated Meme Gear creepy face weird jack in a box Dallas Lind meme blue circuit transmit circuit Robelmouth Rustic Fresh Computer Handcrafted Computer Selfenabling directional Meme Gear tippi the birds crows reddit Demetris Lang meme gold program parse program New Nova Handmade Granite Cheese Tasty Chair Synergized local Meme Gear undertale temmie soundcloud soundclown mashup remix parody tem temmie village Kellie Ratke meme blue protocol calculate protocol Lake Marvin Small Rubber Cheese Licensed Bacon Triplebuffered tertiary Meme Gear slang chatrooms gaming rage Urban Crona meme silver sensor synthesize sensor Lake Casimerport Licensed Metal Chair Unbranded Computer Exclusive local Meme Gear nichijou sliceoflife anime title kyoto animation manga title anime manga keiichi arawi 4koma Adalberto Predovic meme mint green hard drive back up hard drive Hegmannport Rustic Concrete Pizza Incredible Chips Diverse encompassing Meme Gear super mario luigi shirtless nipples nintendo video games Dayana Kuphal PhD meme plum microchip program microchip Jevonmouth Tasty Wooden Soap Incredible Shoes Preemptive contentbased Meme Gear twitter obama photo meme jihad conservative liberal -
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Cold War 2.0

Cold War 2.0
COLD WAR 2.0Alex LuYesterday I went to a business dinner, and the trade war between China and US was a hot topic. But many people were extremely doubtful about Trump’s tariff’s policy. According to the vice-president of a famous bank, China had its own problems and the US just needed to be itself other than pushing it too hard as what President Trump was doing now. Another president of an information consultant Company took the same side, saying that “didn’t the Soviet Union fall apart by itself? A tons of inner conflictions of those totalitarian governments will make them break apart from its inside.”Alas! Even though I was one of the only two Chinese Americans there, I cannot hold my opinion anymore. I told them: We all know that the stone will finally become sands during weathering process, simply because stones are not made of single material, but of different type of crystals comprising multiple molecular structures. As times goes by, all sorts of natural environment such like temperature changes cause tensions among crystals, which leads to the final disintegration of the stone. However, what about if somebody removes the tension and uses superglue to stick all different crystals together?They all laughed: “How could such kind of superglue ever even exist which could penetrate into stones and perfectly combine all those crystals!”Yes it does exist!I brought out a piece of Dollar: this is the superglue of China and it’s made in USA. We can say that in the past decades, without supports of America, Chinese Economy won’t be any better than today’s Korea. At least its economic collapse would be a past tense already.The discussion later on didn’t lead to any unanimous answer. This is part of the American culture: If not for scrupulous academic discussion, all debates are superficial and depthless. Nobody is going to persuade another person.But I do understand their view point. It’s not fresh at all. It’s a perspective from the bi-hegemony era of US and the Soviet Union. And yes the result did happen according to this script. Or we could say that this was the very foundation of the Peaceful Evolution: Waiting in the forest for a bunny to run into a tree and knock itself out, as long as it is a stupid bunny.Obviously, today’s China is not a stupid bunny as the Soviet Union at all. Most importantly, China has connected itself economically with the US and the whole world. You are in me and I am in you. This is totally different as the era of Soviet Union. At that time, the western and eastern were having incompatible economical systems and rarely connected with each other. And this was the economical reason which caused the collapse of Soviet Union, and it is the most crucial reason as well.Apparently China learned a good lesson from the collapse of Soviet Union. It wrapped its own economic system tightly with the West, just like a leech on a cow. It doesn’t only stop on the surface of the cow, but deeply into its blood vine. Therefore, the fantasy of waiting for the collapse of Chinese economy is not reliable at all. The huge trade deficit of western world to China every year is analogous to a cow feeding leeches with its own blood, or adding superglue into a stone. The Trade War of President Trump is not pushing it too hard, but way too late. It can only stop the bleeding. That’s all. If we expect China to collapse like Soviet Union, another cold war is absolutely needed: THE COLD WAR 2.0.It has been more than a quarter of a century since the cold war ended. And it happened to be the three decades that China’s economy took off and the West lost itself. In these three decades, the prospering Science and technology didn’t bring more wealth and progress for the western society. To the opposite, we are facing more threats and vulnerability. Since the World War II, Islam became a disastrous impendence to the civil world unprecedentedly, which did not only stay in the Middle East but went deeply into Europe, the origin of modern civilization. Here I won’t discuss more about this. What’s more, the rise of China multiplied the variables to the global situation and this was why the Sino-America relationship became a main topic in a business dinner.After cold war, Dr. Fukuyama, in his ecstasy, wrote his book, The End of History and the Last Man, in which he proclaimed that the Democratic System is the final stop of human society. But now would he be as confident to himself as before?When it comes to Sino-America discussion, it would be absolutely defective if we only stopped at the Trade War. And this has been the deficit of all US presidents since Clinton: just like Dr. Fukuyama, the end of Cold War leads them to an illusion of overconfidence and arrogance against China, which generated the dilemma that the US and West have to confront today.(WRITTEN by Alex Lu, TWITTER: yjpc1989)1) Advantage of the SystemReferring to China’s advantage, westerners always concentrate on its large population and huge market. The advantage of population will disappear anyway. India is also populous, but from the past history until today, did any country ever worry about the rise of India? No. Therefore, here what I want to talk about is the advantage of Chinese system.I believe many people would already reject my standpoint when reading this. At least they took it for granted that Chinese system cannot rival the American one. Surely I am a rigid advocate of democracy. But it does not mean that democracy has natural advantage on all aspects and could shatter all other systems, including Chinese system.Firstly, how should we definite Chinese system? Political and cultural dictatorship and economic freedom. Characteristic Chinese corruption is the inevitable result of the combination of the two. Anybody who had business in both China and US would agree with this: the economic atmosphere is more liberal than US in many aspects. Specifically, this is an advantage under political dictatorship: under the rule of man, a certain kind of freedom is granted to economic behavior. China has no trade unions and no laws that rigidly restrict the behavior of capitalist ---- even if there are, it’s super flexible.We all know that the main driving force for economic development comes from capital. As people who hold capital, capitalists are certainly the impelling hand behind economic prosperity. If ten thousand workers were assigned to a government, the government would not be able to make sure all those workers earn a living for themselves, and it has to shoulder the cost of their living, not to mention to realize economic growth. But if one capitalist was assigned to a government, this capitalist would transfer local resources to economic vitality just for his own “small goals”.Compared with Chinese system, the western world has an almost perfect legal system, which greatly restricts government and protects human rights of every human being. This is why I vote for democratic system. But this system cannot positively propel economic development but drag it backward. This is the reason I strongly brace the idea of small-size government in the West, at least domestically. Looking at the results, the difference between economic managements by China and western government started to formulate a conception in people’s mind: Chinese system is more efficient than democracy. And this is where Xi Jinping’s illusionary confidence comes from.Of course, there are numerous evidences against this point. But if we only look at things from economic growth and social construction within a certain period of time, this perspective is very reasonable. Even in the United State, the New Deal by President Franklin D. Roosevelt had a lot of similarity with this kind of Chinese system: a government holding huge resources would stimulate investment.2) Cost of Extensive Human RightThe western world defeated its biggest rival in cold war, and went way too far in welfare society. The enforcement of law, together with the rising of human right, is dampening the enthusiasm of capitalists. No matter this is right or wrong, at least one of the serious consequences is the outflow of traditional industries, with the exception of some high-return business as those related with high-tech and innovation. Even without China, those traditional industries would drain to other countries. Actually it betrayed the modern western value: Extensive human right. If nobody in western countries would like to get involved into those seemingly-to-be low-end industries, why should they shift those industries to peoples from other countries? Surely it was caused by the inequality of economy. The low-cost of labor in China and other developing countries will definitely spur this industrial transfer. The cost of labor includes human right.The West gives way too much attention to human right, to an unimaginable extent, which greatly increased the cost of capital growth.Adam Smith, in his Wealth of Nations, wrote that the growth of national wealth is determined by one crucial element: technique, skill and judgment of labor. As an entrepreneur who owns business in both China and US, I am under the rough impression that individual Chinese workers are far less efficient than those in the US. Obviously, the technique, skill and judgment of labors in free and open society are a lot better than those in a dictatorial regime. This is why the US has only ¼ of the population of China but could create more wealth. This also means that the cost of labor in a bunch of local product is not skyrocketing to an unacceptable extent. For the same product, China need more labor time. I calculated a business program in 2015, including the transportation cost, the labor cost in the US is only 25 percent high than that in China. I would say this distance is not unbridgeable.However, if all those restrictions upon capitalists of American law ---- some time only the political correctness is more than enough ---- are taken into consideration, contrasting with the freedom of Chinese business environment, the overall American product are way higher than that of China. Basically all the American entrepreneurs had been sued by their employees. I personally experienced with one case brought by a previous employee (and I won), and it was absolutely fabricated false accusation. However, under the environment of extensive human right, an employee could falsely sue his boss without any cost (not even the lawyer fee), without concern of being punished if he lost the case. Is that fair? In contrast, most capitalists in China have never heard of that.(WRITTEN by Alex Lu, TWITTER: yjpc1989)So, this advantage from low human right originated from “rule of man”, instead of “rule of law”. The government is used to the “rule of man” and so are the common people. Especially, in business activities, the ruling man has enough executive power, with a certain extent of supervision from the upper level. This type of management in economic activities can lower the cost of gaining interest from capital, especially of those large capitals. In this case, the shift of industries is inevitable. Nobody can stop those western international companies from transferring their industries.Those benefiting from the industrial shift are countries such like Japan and South Korea, the democratic countries which has adopted similar political systems as the Europe and America. They changed their own domestic economic situation by accepting western manufacture industries and also reallocated wealth perfectly under the democratic government and benefited their people. However, for those countries who refused to take the democratic political mode, or those who do not have a stable democratic system, this industrial shift didn’t bring success to them. To the opposite, this industrial transfer only magnified the distances of the poor and rich, because those governments didn’t distribute the accumulated wealth from this fairly enough and it resulted the concentration of wealth into a few hands. And this is why those countries with low human right failed.If we can say that long time ago those countries have a small ration of population and wouldn’t affect other western countries, the large foundation of Chinese population totally crushed this industrial shift mode. Today, Chinese tycoons have been escalating the price of real estate in many European countries as well as in America, and this almost overturned the whole traditional western real estate market. In a word, the worldly enlargement of the distance between the rich and poor is mainly caused by the Chinese mode.On one side it is the western political system with extensive human right, and on the other side it is the Chinese one with low human right. There should be no reconciliation between the two if not for the globalization. High-technology made it extremely easy to communicate among people, information and capitals. It’s like adding water into heated oil and will surely go crackling and spluttering.I am all for human right. And I have been persecuted in China because the human rights are not protected there. However, in the current situation of heated oil mixing with water, should we re-considerate about if the western human right protection goes way to far that it became an obstacle of social progress especially economic development? If Adam Smith resurrect today, he would definitely lament: today’s western world is not the West with free market anymore! Any protection of human right that is beyond a necessary extent is becoming the burden of economic development. If the whole world are the same and own a united standard, I would vote for this kind of human right protection: whoever wouldn’t like the idea of eating without working! But tragically, the western world only has 1/10 of the global population and it is surrounded by wolves like China, Russia and Islam. It is time for us to wake up from the illusionary confidence of the Clinton Time!3) Poor Individuals, Prosperous CountryFor individualists, the wealth of people means the wealth of nation. Simply, the purpose of a nation is to serve its nationalities. But for those collectivists, whether the people is poor does not matter ---- even though they themselves don’t want to be poor either ---- what does matter is the power and wealth of a nation. This is actually the so called greatest achievement of China in the past thirty years: Poor people and powerful nation. Nevertheless, when two countries confront with each other, it means confrontation between two nations, and most directly, between governments who are on behalf of the nations. It is useless to compare the wealth between an individual American family and a Chinese family. From this aspect, Chinese government obviously has advantages that American government doesn’t have.Wake up! You conceited Yankees who believe that US will win. How could the US government fight against a government who can print money unlimitedly? How could the US government fight against a government who can add taxable items whenever they want to? How could the US government fight against a government who never needs to worry about unemployment rate? A government who doesn’t need to consider the insurance and pension of old people, a government who doesn’t need to concern about the inflation, the dropping down of stocks by its limit, a government who doesn’t care about those children dropping off from school, a government who controls the media and internet, a government who can slaughter its people as how they wish to, how could you fight against it?And such government could ever exist? Yes it doesn't only exist, but becomes the second biggest government in the world! Take a look! How unfair this world is! This is the fact. Those who are crying about how unfair the American government is, you’d better print this paragraph and stick it on your forehead. Whenever you are whining about how unfairly you are treated, look into the mirror and read it.Look at those poor Chinese people. Different as you Yankees who get fussy all the time about those trivial stuffs in your life, how submissive they are! In front of the powerful they are licking their ass; In front of Police Officer they would even control the way they walk! When seeing unfair things they would at most sigh, but probably just close their eyes, pretending that they didn’t see anything. If not forced to rebel the authority, they don’t even know how to complain. This is a race that the westerners can never understand, and they are controlled by a bully government. Moreover, the huge trade difference between China and US are made by their hands. In another words, they worked really hard with their own hands and built for themselves a most modernized pigsty! Isn’t that miserable? Isn’t that horrible!China’s overall GDP cannot compare with US and GDP per capita is lower than US too. China’s military strength and technology is not as good as US either. However, the resources under the control of Chinese government are way more than US government! Chinese government could drive their soldiers like animals, and a bunch of Chinese are stealing technology in the US and sending it back to China. This is the reality we got to know. Who is more powerful?Don’t use Soviet Union as an example. The collapse of that communist regime was not historically doomed! Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a second powerful government rising to be US’s rival in such a short period!4) Stability of PolicyWithout any doubt, one weakness of democratic system is that their policies are not stable enough. Like China, the Mao’s era could be three decades’ of Left Wing and after that is another three decades’ of Right Wing in Deng’s era. This is unimaginable in the US. Within a term of four years, a succeeding president is always eager to erase off all his predecessor’s policies to prove that he himself is freaking damn good. This US system has no problem domestically, because no matter whoever became the President, they have one explicit goal: doing good in economy. And they have one enemy: Economic Recession.As for its foreign policy, unless fighting with deadly enemies such as Germany and Japan in World War II, Soviet Union in Cold War, US even has difficulty to triumph over a small country. Some good examples are Korea War, Vietnam War, Iraq, and so like. Among all failures of those wars there was a same reason: Inconsistent policy. Democratic system weakened and blurred the resolution of the States and along with the end of a presidential term, game was over. In fact, every president has to face the mid-term election, plus the four-year limitation of a term. So, if a president just wants to destroy America intentionally just like OBAMA, or just wants to dawdle on his Presidential Seat like Clinton, his time would be super easy. However if he wants to have any achievement on Foreign Policy, he would have a really hard time. Therefore we should understand how resolute President Trump’s attitude is in launching the Trade War.Very different from the former Soviet Union, one the one hand, China is really good at gaining and utilizing favor from the US, who has never treated China as its rival in history, but not being grateful at all, or just pretending to be grateful. This is one of most absurd drama in World Political History. On the other hand, China knows all the weakness of the US. For this reason, even for a President like Bush, who swore to God to stall China in his election, all his aspiration was gone with the wind, depleted by China. We can say that China, among all US’s rivals in history, showed the best apprehension of America’s weakness. In these three decades, China’s most effective strategy against US is: to POSTPONE! Just wait, hold on, this President was gone. Another president came, with his new cabinet, just wait, and hold on, he will be gone! (WRITTEN by Alex Lu, TWITTER: yjpc1989)And China itself, not to mention that Xi Jinping is going to be lifetime president, even in the Era of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, their opinions are unanimous towards how to deal with the US. So, if there is confrontation between China and the US, if not a life-and-death battle, here is a good bet: China Wins.5) Trade War CANNOT solve the problemIf only from the perspective of trade balance, US will certainly win the trade war. Just like what President Trump said, a country losing almost 400 billion dollars every year has nothing to lose. However, it is too shallow to analyze Sino-American relationship from the aspect of economic interest only. The importance of this trade war is that it would probably determine the direction of what human civilization will go in the next one hundred years.Problem between China and the US is not the trade balance, but the conflict between two ways and two cultures. The West is in trust of Multi-culture and this belief itself is part of its culture. In Chinese history, it has been a uniform country with a single culture. Two hundred years ago, all different countries lived by themselves. But in an internet age like now, it is impossible to segregate each other from the network of people and information. Conflict is unavoidable. It was not so distinct before only because the West is too powerful and China has no confidence in challenging. Nevertheless, along with the expansion of China’s economic power today, the confidence in Chinese traditional culture with its contemptuousness is doomed to emerge. It was an incidental event that Xi Jinping came to power, and if another person was in his position perhaps China would not be as aggressive as it is today. Yet the ideology of “Divined Dynasty, Centric Empire” inherited from thousands years of traditional Chinese culture is extremely liable to explode. Think about South Korea, a nation raped by North Korea, when it comes to the issue of United South and North Korea, or national self-esteem, it immediately loses its rationality. This is the essence of Oriental Culture.It is said that Sino-American relationship is different from that of US and Soviet Union because there is no collision of ideology. But what is more lethal is that not only there is cultural conflict but ideology is only part of culture. If we can say that the culture of Soviet Union is essentially western and concentrates on individualism, Chinese culture is oriental by its nature and it emphasizes collectivism. If not the advanced western technology defeated China in Tsing Dynasty, would Chinese people ever want to change their own life style? By no means! Therefore, why there are so many young patriots in China is not only a consequence of brain wash by the government. Instead, government maneuvered the conceitedness of collectivism derived from Oriental Culture.Ultimately, the confrontation between China and US is that of individualism and collectivism. Individualists pursue freedom and collectivists focus on succession. Which one is right? Which one is wrong? It is not important any more. It doesn’t matter. What does matter is which one is going to win the battle.6) COLD WAR 2.0Human being is living for his or her ideas. What we think is right might be very wrong in other people’s eyes. It won’t really affect our lives until one side is determined to annihilate the other one and wipe him from the earth. To withdraw cannot avoid confrontation.Nowadays China is exactly the one side haunting and stalking to devour and ravage the other one. Seemingly this confrontation was triggered by Trump’s trade war but actually it came from Xi Jinping’s imperial ambition. If my argument goes to the right direction, Xi Jinping is an extraordinarily ambitious leader. However, his passion is significantly inconsistent with the value of modern civilization. He wants to be one of those outstanding emperors in Chinese history such like Tangtaizong (唐太宗) , Kangxi (康熙) and so like. As for how much the people suffered under their reign doesn’t matter to him at all. If he determined to emulate those emperors, assuredly the most achievement he could ever think of is to confront and defeat the US. We have to admit that considering the reality, Xi Jinping might not be too determined to start the war against the US. Other than that, his secondary objective is to take over US’s hegemonic position in the world. This is probably the target in Xi Jinping’s plan, or at least, he wants China to become the former Soviet Union, standing as the other pole as same as the US.Allegedly, China doesn’t have the same ideology as the Soviet Union. However, it has its culture: a pragmatism culture that is reckless and heedless. This is a prolongation of Chinese traditional culture and it substantially exceeds the communism and is way more vigorous. This could explain why Russians seemed to be more honest in their competition with US. For example, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Russians promised not to set the missile system in Cuba and they didn’t do it, even though there were several presidential shifts in the US after that. If China was in that situation, after it promised to President Kennedy, during President Johnson’s term it would stealthily ship its missile to Cuba again. Wasn’t it what happened after they made their promises in WTO?Therefore, the seemingly-to-be military and economic confrontation between China and US is actually cultural confrontation: Rule of Man versus Rule of Law, Stratum versus Equality, Privilege versus Human Right, and Corruption versus Honesty: in a word, Evil versus Virtue!In fact, I am not really contented with the extravagant virtue of the West. This kind of “virtue” has reached a point of harming oneself without impairing enemies. There is no pure “virtue” on the earth and all virtues should be practiced on the condition of self-protection. Other than that, “virtue” means foolishness. But if I have to choose one between “Evil” and “Foolishness”, I would rather choose “virtue”.Even if the trade balance between US and China is realized, is their confrontation preventable? Is China’s occupation of Taiwan preventable? Is it preventable for China to buy and corrupt some small countries and spread their virus of this “evil” culture? By no means!The Trade War is a poor choice out of no choice and it was delayed for at least a decade. If today we still cannot realize the destined confrontation between China and the US, after ten years we have to regret another loss of a decade!So what we should do now is to launch the COLD WAR 2.0 between China and US!In 1946, right after the World War II, George Kennan, deputy chief of the mission in Moscow, sent the famous “long telegram” to the State Department, in which he explained in detail Soviet Domestic society and its foreign policy, and formulated the policy of “containment”, the long-term United States strategy for fighting against the Soviet Union. The policy of containment finally became the basic strategy of US. Now when talking about Kennan’s contribution, all nice words putting together are not enough to salute him. Without the containment policy, there wouldn’t be the COLD WAR later on. Though, for a country like US with no consistent policy, that Kennan’s strategy could be adopted for several decades is not because of his GOD-like influence, but because the powerfulness of Soviet Union was intimidating enough to threaten the national security of the US. Kennan only made Americans realize the danger of Soviet Union. Until today, the US has lost at least ten years. The dust from the newly started Trade War is not settled down yet. Is there going to be a peaceful result, or a deteriorated situation? It depends on the negotiation between China and US leadership. But undoubtedly, Americans need a new contemporary Kennan to send them another “long telegram”: Without a COLD WAR 2.0, the US is doomed to lose! Not only a problem of losing the trade war, but a huge retrogression of human civilization!20180406
Submitted April 20, 2018 at 02:20PM by alexlu1989 https://www.reddit.com/The\_Donald/comments/8dpsdh/cold\_war\_20/?utm\_source=ifttt
via The Cucks at /The_Donald
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