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Steven Universe: Harmony and The Plot of the Movie

Tl; Dr: The Movie plot could be about a rogue gem that escapes from eons of imprisonment and starts breaking havoc on Homeworld, as the Steven Universe: Harmony comics suggest.
After the bomb that was "Change your mind" and with the official confirmation on the upcoming movie airing sometime in fall, I think it's time for some rough speculation about everyone's favorite matter: the plot.
For those who didn't know, KaBOOM! Studios (the ones responsible for bringing SU to the good ol' fashioned format of comics) released a series of comics called Steven Universe: Harmony that is some kind of prequel to the movie. The last comic was published two(ish) months ago and, oddly enough, nobody is talking about it. So I decided to give it a go, speculate a bit of what the comic gives in terms of plot for the movie and the what it adds to whole show itself.
With so many things in mind, warnings are the best to avoid misconceptions and/or problems.
1) I'm, not a fluent English speaker. I say this because, even though I'm confident enough in my capabilities to make this post, I understand that seeing bad writing is... unpleasant (at least for me). So, please, for the sake of mastering my English skills, feel free to correct any typos and spelling errors that you can spot (and be patient).
2) About the canonicity of the comics. As far as I know, the comics are "half canon" or "level 2 cannon", that is to say, unless the show directly contradicts the comics, they are as canon as an official release can be.
3) Spoiler Warning (For the comics and the movie) I mean, my word is not any kind of official confirmation, but the whole batch of comics are intended to be a "prequel" of some sorts for the movie, so if you would rather like to see the movie (whenever it airs...) blind, and without any kind of expectations about its plot or would actually want to give the comics a go (they're actually pretty good), get out of here, NOW.
4) Supporting the show. If you can, buy the comics, the best way to support the show is by showing Cartoon Network our love, the best way of doing so is by buying the merch.
Well, without further ado, let's get started.

The Time period of the comics

First of all, unlike the other comics, these ones are pretty clear in the time period they are positioned. So, given the clues the comics present, they could be set between the aftermath of "Jungle Moon" and directly before"The Big Show". The evidence is the following:
Knowing that, we can get a pretty solid idea that the comics are actually made with care for the details that the continuity of each episode has, that makes me think that the adventure happening in the comics will be referenced in some point of the movie (I hope a callback, as some characters get some really good development in this short story), because it doesn't contradict anything that has happened in the show.

The Comics and The Story

Before moving on to the movie plot, lets talk of what the comics add to the overall story of the show:

The Harmony Cores

The comic introduces the "Harmony Chores", a piece of ancient gem technology (at least from before the war) which primarily function was to subdue planets before their colonization without threatening organic lifeforms by serving as an energy source to power centinels that would grow stronger the more time the cores would remain active. They are said to connect with each other through "warp-like" technology and work like this:
First, a "loyal Gem" would get inside it by touching it (this would make only the light form of such gem go inside of the harmony core, not its gemstone) to control it from the inside and harmonizes with another gem on the outside, thus getting the core started and functioning well.
Second, the cores would start harmonizing with each other (they all activate at the same time, but deactivate separately) and would begin to pulsate signals that trap inside it the consciousness of any living organism nearby (I assume they all eventually die from starvation, as only their consciousness is sent inside). The consciousness of those trapped inside the cores acts like an amplifier of a radio frequency, the more they are, the powerful the cores grow.
Third, the cores would start beating light-signals that power centinels, those sentinels would start colonizing the planet, making it ready for gem production.
Fourth and last, when the colony is finished, the gem inside the harmony core would get out through a failsafe and deactivate the core.
The problem with this is that, as Peridot mentions, such failsafe for the gem trapped inside the core was only used when a "useful" homeworld gem was being trapped, it's said that most of the gems that got trapped inside the core to make it work are still trapped and scattered alongside with each core in space (maybe this was a punishment for "malfunctioning", different or off-colors gems.
Another thing that gets mentioned in these comics is that the harmony chores weren't used for eons, they were never even intended to be in the earth in the first place because new and more efficient technology was being used already for the colonization. They were, though, a gift from Blue Diamond to Pink to please her. First, the zoo was created to help her with the preservation of the humans in the planet, then the harmony cores were given to her to "ensure the rest (of the organisms in the earth) a peaceful end". Tough, as Blue mentions, the cores on earth were never activated (One of the topazes activates one accidentally at the start of the comics and that sets off all of the cores in existence) before, because Pink was "shattered" first.

The Movie and The future of Steven Universe:

At the end of the last comic, Steven and co. finally, destroy all the cores in existence (after battling with a giant core-robot) and supposedly free all of the hundreds of gems inside the other cores. To make a good assumption of what the movie plot will be, let's break the situation of the story so far, apart:
The Harmony Cores side to side (Left, the teaser of the Movie, Right, comics):
That is the end of the "facts" we know for sure, but let me get inside some heavy theorizing:
Let's say that, after seeing she's not perfect, White decides to make some severe changes in the Homeworld society and starts by stopping the colonization of planets. Now, after Homeworld finally starts to take the steps to get better, things get bad. The connection I was talking about before? Well, I think the comic end and the movie teaser suggest that some not-so-friendly gem got out after who knows how many eons of getting trapped and is not feeling so swell about Homeworld. Let's say this rogue gem wakes up from her thousands of years imprisonment and begins to cause havoc amongst the planet/colonies, as some sort of revenge to the empire that trapped her.
And what If the threat is big enough, such as the diamonds can't handle it? Remember, if the Diamonds resort to trapping gems instead of directly shattering them (that could lead to potential problems later) that must be for a really good reason (Heck, it could even be an organic life-form that caused them some real problems). And what if their last resort is asking the CGs for help. That would make both, a good exploration of the ancient/new gem culture and a good scenario for battles to develop, mix everything up and you have yourself a good movie plot.
Many wonder about the future of the series (as most of the more "important" plot points got resolved with the last episode released) and some even act like there is nothing left for the show to explore, but if the Crewniverse knows how to do it?, they have tons of things to add to the Steven Universe story (Traveling through each of Homeworld's old colonies to find the lost gems?, that could be awesome!)
But that is what I think that could happen. Let me know what you think about all of this!
EDIT: As Timeline15 said, the gem that appears in the movie's teaser seems to have a heart shaped gem in its chest. That reminded me of something: at one point in the comics Garnet battles a sentinel/monster that has a Harmony Core in i'ts chest. We've seen quite little about gem-powered artifacts such as lapis's mirror or the gems in the walls of Homeworld, maybe this is related?
EDIT 2: After four months or so, a kind stranger gave me gold in this post during my cake-day. That's actually a really good gift, thank you very much whoever you are!!
submitted by CosmicBirb to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Blind Reaction to Steven Universe Episodes 62-63

Episodes 1-2 Episodes 3-4 Episodes 5-6 Episodes 7-8 Episodes 9-10 Episodes 11-12 Episodes 13-14 Episodes 15-16 Episodes 17-18 Episodes 19-20 Episodes 21-22 Episodes 23-24 Episodes 25-26 Episodes 27-28 Episodes 29-30 Episodes 31-32 Episodes 33-34 Episodes 35-36 Episodes 37-38 Episodes 39-40 Episodes 41-42 Episodes 43-44 Episodes 45-46 Episodes 47-48 Episodes 49-50 Episodes 51-52 Episodes 53-54 Episodes 55-56 Episodes 57+misc Episodes 58-59 Episodes 60-61
Time for another reaction! Yinz know the rules, keep spoiler free and keep the hype low, and let’s get into the episodes!

Episode 62- Chille Tid

Steven and the Crystal Gems try to relax with a slumber party.
Written and Storyboarded by Lamar Abrams and Lauren Zuke

Closing Thoughts-

This was a really great episode. First off, learning Malachite’s name was really cool, and the way we learned it was even better. Everything in that scene was pretty amazing. The animation was especially fantastic there, I think. The way Lapis and Jasper looked absolutely exhausted and defeated was really great, and their expressive emotions were really well animated. Most of the early stuff was really fun, especially anything with Pearl, and so hitting the dark stuff with Lapis was really unexpected and carried a lot of weight. I thought this would be a lighter episode, but it turns out that there’s no such thing in Steven Universe! I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes, so let’s get into the next episode.

Episode 63- Cry For Help

Steven's favorite TV show gets interrupted by a magical disturbance.
Written and Storyboarded by Joe Johnston and Jeff Liu
Alexia Khamide, huh? She really nailed it here. Good Jorb, Alexia!
Oh, I see. Sardonx, consciously or unconsciously, left the place unbroken so that she could be in the limelight again.

Closing Thoughts-

This was a powerful episode. We met Sardonyx, who’s a manipulative, attention-seeking bully, and we learned that Pearl’s willing to lie to people to feel better. We also learned that Amethyst blames herself for Sugilite’s behavior exclusively, and we got some really tense drama between all of the characters. This is probably the worst we’ve seen the gems be to one another and themselves. This episode was really interesting to watch because it does a complete 180 on where it seems to be going about two thirds of the way through the episode. There’s so much to talk about with this episode, but I want to hold onto it for awhile until I have a better sense of what’s going to happen. Still, this was a great episode, and I really enjoyed it. On to my episode list-

Top Ten Episodes

  1. Alone Together
  2. Rose’s Scabbard.
  3. We Need to Talk
  4. Keeping it Together
  5. Sworn to the Sword
  6. On the Run
  7. Lion 3: Straight to Video
  8. Winter Forecast
  9. Cry For Help
  10. Coach Steven
10. Laser Light Cannon
I rearranged a couple episodes after rewatching some of the older stuff, so this might not be exactly the same as it was before.
Next up, my vocal tracks-

Top Five Vocal Tracks-

  1. Do it for her
  2. Stronger Than You
  3. On the Run
  4. Strong in the real way
  5. Let yourself be wherever you are
After the next song, I plan on extending vocal tracks to top ten so look out for that. Finally, my BGM’s-

Top Ten BGM's

  1. I’m Still Here
  2. Theme from an Endless Romance
  3. Glitch City
  4. Lapis' Tower
  5. Night Drive
  6. Twilight Run
  7. Alone Together
  8. The Cave
  9. The Hill/Rose’s Fountain
  10. Love like you(The Ocean Returns)
Thanks so much for reading, guys! As usual, keep your comments spoiler free and keep the hype low. Finally, a question-
Until next time!
submitted by elecathes to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Blind Reaction to Steven Universe Episodes 23-24

Episodes 1-2 Episodes 3-4 Episodes 5-6 Episodes 7-8 Episodes 9-10 Episodes 11-12 Episodes 13-14 Episodes 15-16 Episodes 17-18 Episodes 19-20 Episodes 21-22
Hey guys! We’re back once again with a new let’s play-er, reaction video! As usual, please avoid posting spoilers in the comments. You guys have been really fantastic about this, so I’m super glad that I can read the comments freely. I’m really looking forward to getting to episode 25, so let’s get started with…

Episode 23- Monster Buddies

Steven accidentally releases a monster from a gem bubble and attempts to tame it and takes it on an adventure.
Written and Storyboarded by Lamar Abrams and Hellen Jo(Jo)
Earlier, I theorized that we would see a new yellow gem based on the colors of the balloons. I also noticed that, on Greg’s van, there was a shooting star of the same color of yellow as the balloon. Y’all are saying that the big, exciting episode is coming up… Is this shooting star the one I theorized about? Are we about to meet a new gem?
(See, guys, I know the memes!)
God the filler in those games were bad…

Closing Thoughts-

This episode was great! Excluding the character breaking we got from the gems, this episode was really fun. The music was great, although nothing made my top 5 BGM’s. (Should I include that as a list, too? I think I like most of the BGM’s more than the vocal songs.) The animation was very interesting this episode, and we got a lot of little hints about the past. Overall, I really loved this one. It was fun, and upbeat, and had some good emotional weight at the end! Let’s move on to the next one!

Episode 24- An Indirect Kiss

Amethyst cracks her gemstone and Steven and the Crystal Gems try to heal her using Rose's healing tears.
Written and Storyboarded by Raven M. Molisee and Paul Villeco

Closing Thoughts-

This episode made me feel a lot of emotions. There was a lot of crying. The reprise of The Hill actually ended my existence, I think, so it’s going to be a little harder to write these from the astral plane. The animation was beautiful in this episode, especially with regards to anything Rose-related. Also, it’s very interesting to see Pearl’s breakdown over the state of the fountain. There’s definitely something else going on behind these moments, but I don’t want to pass judgement yet. Anyways, now for my episode rating! It is as follows-
  1. Coach Steven
  2. An Indirect Kiss
  3. Laser Light Cannon
  4. Giant Woman
  5. So Many Birthdays
As for my music listing, it goes-
  1. Strong in the real way
  2. Steven and the Stevens/Crystal Gems
  3. Giant Woman
  4. Let me drive my van into your heart
  5. Cookie Cat Rap
As always, guys, thanks for reading! Remember, keep all of your discussion spoiler free! I’m really enjoying these episodes, and I would hate to be spoiled of a big emotional moment, or huge plot movement, or anything along those lines. Also, we officially have our first piece of fanart! Thank you so much, jaifriedpork! Finally, a question-
Until Next Time!
submitted by elecathes to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond Masterpost

Edited 05/08/2018: Now that The Truth Is Out, I wrote a formal version compiling foreshadowing on The Geekiary here!

I HAVE UPDATED THIS IN A SEPARATE POST HERE. I'm keeping this one up so that we can all have a good laugh about it once the full truth comes out. But as of today, Jan. 25, I will no longer be updating this particular post.

THEORY: Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond, former member of the "Diamond Authority" (ruling entity of Homeworld)
Note: There are many variations on this theory, the most common being "Diamond is a title, not the name of the gemstone." Most of these points can be used for most RQ = PD theories, but I will specifically be presenting evidence on the veracity of Rose (and now Steven) being a literal Diamond.
In addition, I am conflating Rose = Royalty (or whatever the Gem equivalent is) with Rose = Pink Diamond theories, as I believe they go hand in hand.
manny_funk on the variations of this theory:
We don't know if she was called Pink Diamond or Pink Debbie. Pink Diamond is just a name that stuck with fans because of Ronaldo. Ignoring the names... the main crux of the theory was that there used to be 4 ruling parties of the Homeworld, one of them being pink and post war, now there is 3, with pinky erased from the symbol. Who do we know whose distinguishing color is pink in the show? Rose. Thats what we're debating is true or not. Whether she was called Diamond, Betty, Sue or whatever are details we don't know yet.

And if you are still hung up on the semantics, check out rooktakesqueen's The Pink Rhombus theory

1) The "Diamond Authority" symbols from various episodes seem to indicate there once was a pink component, but now there is not (say if she rebelled against her Homeworld...)
2) Real life rose quartz gemstones are lighter than pink diamonds.
3) (Pink) diamonds are rare and very hard, like Rose's shield.
4) In the original pilot, Steven's Gem has a gold ring around it.
5) Several pieces of clothing have pink diamonds on them
6) Rose is bigger than any Gems we've seen except for Yellow Diamond.
7) Pearl is kneeling before Rose in her holo-flashback in Rose's Scabbard. Pearl tells Connie to bow to her "liege" in Sworn to the Sword.
8) The sparklies at the warp pad are pink diamonds in Rose's Scabbard.
9) The mural in Serious Steven.
10) There are pink diamonds on the shields at the Strawberry Fields.
11) Rebecca Sugar packed these pins for SDCC this year
12) Greg's van has a diamond window. The lighthouse has a diamond designs as well.
13) Royalty foreshadowing in Watermelon Steven
14) Royalty foreshadowing in So Many Birthdays
15) Lion's original design was a heraldic lion
16) The pink stuff all over the space ships in Friend Ship (ty, argentarachnids)
17) Pearl calls Rose "one of a kind" in the Guide to the Crystal Gems
18) Rose doesn't have much in common with the other confirmed quartz types, Jasper and Amethyst
Why would Jasper say "you have the power of Rose Quartz!" and not "You have the power of Pink Diamond!" ?
Wouldn't an actual Rose Quartz Gem exist?
I don't get it. Why would Rose change her name at all?
I think Pink Diamond is actually _____!
Ugh, I hate hidden royalty cliches. It seems too obvious
Question: Is it disheartening to the crewniverse if a fan theory predicts events in the show?
Matt's response: No. What fun is a mystery if audience isn't given the clues to figure it out themselves?
My concluding point: Not only is there a lot of evidence, (some undoubtedly more convincing than others), there is a good narrative value to this theory. This show is about Steven Quartz Universe--whoever his mother was has to impact him directly. But think about it--Steven coming into his "magical destiny" as the son of an ancient alien ruler and some primitive primate joe schmo, one of a kind in a species in the whole universe, the bridge between magical and mundane, made from love <3
submitted by LadyRavenEye to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond (Post StevenBomb 4 UPDATE)

Edited 05/08: Now that The Truth Is Out, I wrote a formal version compiling foreshadowing on The Geekiary here!

Original Masterpost

Hello lovelies! I've been dragging my feet about updating this post, but here I am, finally doing it. I have decided to redo the post entirely, since there is all sorts of new context for the theory, and I thought it might be fun to preserve the "original" theory for posterity.

THEORY: Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond, former member of the Diamond Authority

Note: There are many variations on this theory. Rose + Bismuth = Pink Diamond, Rose mutilated her Gem to be Pink Diamond, all Diamonds are secret Fusions and Rose is only a component--etc. To make it easier for myself, I'm still presenting the potential evidence that supports Rose (and now Steven) being a literal Diamond, but please note that this evidence can be applied to most theories if you tweak the interpretation. Quite honestly, much of this evidence can also support Rose being a high-ranking member of Pink Diamond's court. Only time will tell!
Here is an excellent summary of the post-SB4 misdirection of the theory by tumblr user oathkeeper-of-tarth.
1) The Diamond Authority symbols from various episodes seem to indicate there once was a pink component, but now there is not. In rough chronological (in terms of Gem history) order:
2) The mural in Serious Steven.
3) Real life rose quartz gemstones are lighter than pink diamonds.
4) (Pink) diamonds are rare and very hard, like Rose's shield.
5) In the original pilot, Steven's Gem has a gold ring around it.
6) Several pieces of clothing have pink diamonds on them
7) Royalty foreshadowing
8) The sparklies at the warp pad are pink diamonds in Rose's Scabbard.
9) There are pink diamonds on the shields at the Strawberry Fields.
10) Rebecca Sugar packed these pins for SDCC this year
11) Greg's van has a diamond window. The lighthouse has a diamond designs as well.
12) The pink stuff all over the space ships in Friend Ship
13) Pearl calls Rose "one of a kind" in the Guide to the Crystal Gems
14) Rose doesn't have much in common with the other confirmed quartz types, Jasper and Amethyst
if Rose is a quartz, why is that she's much more friendly looking, and has protection/healing powers if she's built to fight? Ian Jones-Quartey: quartz soldiers are intended for armies, meaning some of them need defensive powers as well. they can't all be tanks.
Does this mean that Rose is definitely a quartz? Ian Jones-Quartey: Yo her name is Rose QUARTZ
15) It Could've Been Great
16) There exists a famous diamond named "Pink Star Diamond") ty, u/noordleoordle
17) You can hear Blue Diamond-like tones in Rose's music
I. Skinny mural legs! Other Diamonds have a kite cut! No one recognized her during The Answer! She's way smaller than Blue or Yellow Diamond! Jasper said: "You have the Power of Rose Quartz!"
II. The Guide lists Steven's Gem type as "Quartz"
III. Peridot calls Steven "some kind of quartz" in When It Rains
IV. Wouldn't an actual Rose Quartz Gem exist?
V. I don't get it. Why would Rose change her name/form at all?
VI. Ugh, I hate hidden royalty cliches. It seems too obvious
Question: Is it disheartening to the crewniverse if a fan theory predicts events in the show?
Matt's response: No. What fun is a mystery if audience isn't given the clues to figure it out themselves?
My concluding point: Not only is there a lot of evidence, (some undoubtedly more convincing than others), there is a good narrative value to this theory. This show is about Steven Quartz Universe--whoever his mother was has to impact him directly. But think about it--Steven coming into his "magical destiny" as the son of an ancient alien ruler and some primitive primate joe schmo, one of a kind in a species in the whole universe, the bridge between magical and mundane, made from love <3
submitted by LadyRavenEye to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Team of the Month: The Crystal Gems

There will be some fairly big spoilers in this post, so be warned.
Huge thanks to Joseph_Stalin_ for a couple of gifs and the comic scans.
Recommended background music
The Crystal Gems
“We are the Crystal Gems. We’re still alive and we’re still the guardians of this planet and all its living creatures.”
Thousands of years ago an rebellion of magical alien gemstones caused a war with the fate of the Earth in balance. While the rebellion, led by Rose Quartz, was ultimately a success in driving off the forces of the Gem Homeworld, the costs were high and only a few survived the war. The survivors continued to protect the Earth as the Crystal Gems, a small band that traveled the world to protect it from any remnants of the war. Years passed and eventually, Rose Quartz fell in love with a human and gave birth. In doing so, however, Rose sacrificed herself as both her and her son, Steven Universe, could not exist at the same time. The remaining members of the Crystal Gems took to raising and training Steven so that he could continue in his mother’s footsteps as a protector of Earth.
Keep in mind the following facts only apply to 100% Gems. Being a human/gem hybrid, Steven’s fleshy body keeps him from having the same properties as standard Gems.
The bodies of gems are solid constructs created by their magical gemstones. Because these projections are created by the gems, they are also capable of shapeshifting into a variety of other forms such as animals, technology, and inanimate objects. Shapeshifting into animals, even oversized ones, can allow the gems to use natural abilities that the animals have, such as when Amethyst produced spider silk.
These bodies have superhuman durability, but if the body is significantly damaged it can cause the form to vanish until the gem itself can recover, though this can take anywhere from hours to weeks. However, any direct damage to the Gem itself can cause the physical form and communication to “malfunction”. If untreated over time, this can cause permanent damage, cause a Gem to go haywire, or transform them into a monster.
Gems are also ageless as the whole team, sans Steven, have lived for thousands of years. Though their physical bodies are capable of replicating biological functions such as digestion, sleep, and even sexual reproduction with other species (humans as displayed with Steven’s mother Rose Quartz) these functions are completely superficial as Gems don’t require food or sleep to sustain themselves.
Each Gem has a specified weapon that they can summon from their gemstone. These weapons can be summoned multiple times which allows the weapons to be easily used as projectiles or dual weld.
“I’m never alone.”
Garnet is notably stronger than the other gems of the group. Garnet is usually calm, stoic and seldom speaks. She is often regarded as the de facto leader of the group.
Garnet’s weapons are large gauntlets.
Strength/Weapon feats
Garnet is the physically strongest of the group.
Spiked Amethyst so hard it left a crater in the sand
Casually lifts a massive axe
Pushed a van a remarkable distance by mistake
Can launch her gauntlets in a rocket punch
Splits an escape pod in half over her knee
Clashing with her water clone creates a massive crater, and repeated punching causes the ground to shake
Is smashed through the interior of a spaceship, and gets right back up
Withstands being punched through the ground
No sells being doused in hot coffee
Combat Skill
Dodges spike projectiles
Dodges and disarms Jasper
Dodges Jasper’s Spindash
Can determine the location of a target based on its trajectory.
Can use shapeshifting powers to elongate and enlarge her arms to respectable size capable of overpowering the other gems
Garnet has the ability to see possible futures and outcomes to most situations like a river’s branching paths.
She even is able to grant this ability to others for a few hours by kissing their forhead
With her Future Vision, Garnet is able to predict and block lightning with her bare hands.
“This will be perfectly fine, just a pop over to the nearest star system.”
Respect Thread Here
The closest friend to Rose Quartz, Pearl acts the most as Steven’s nurturing, overprotective, and at times coddling mother figure. Pearl is the most intelligent of the group and likely the most skilled as well due to her graceful and patient personality. Pearl is passionate, but can find herself overwhelmed by her emotions or stressors which can cause either lapses in judgment, or a feeling of inevitability.
Pearl’s weapon is a spear.
Strength/Weapon Feats
Kicked away a large stone
Pearl can launch a series of beams from her spear
Or she can launch a single powerful charged shot
Survives a small explosion
Survives a barrage of attacks from Sugilite
“Skin” is too hard for an average human to punch without hurting themselves
Dodges an barrage of attacks with her eyes closed
Skill with a spear.
Skill with a sword
Outran Lion
Makes several leaps and bounds worthy of Mario
Able to create hard light holograms that have artificial intelligence and are strong enough to damage herself.
The hologram is even strong enough to somehow cut a tree in half with a balloon sword.
These holograms, however , have very low durability.
Pearl was able to construct an aircraft using assorted junk that was almost capable of leaving Earth.
Pearl is able to absorb an entire rooms worth of junk inside her forehead gem
Not unlike Kirby, items and people that are sucked into her gemstone find themselves in a pocket universe that Garnet describes as infinite.
“Yeah, yeah, don't forget: reckless, vulgar, loud-mouthed. That's just what makes me so awesome!”
Respect Thread Here.
Wild, energetic, and rebellious, Amethyst is often the catalyst for contention amongst the group, especially with Pearl. Despite this, she is often depicted as having the closest bond with Steven. She is the least skilled amongst the group as a result of her nature as her form a tactics are lacking (though her willingness to abuse her shapeshifting powers allows her to tackle problems more creatively). Unlike the other gems, Amethyst was synthetically made by the Homeworld gems which Amethyst harbors rough feelings about and sometimes feels like an outcast in the team.
Amethyst’s weapon is a bladed whip.
Strength/Weapon feats
Has the strength to almost casually throw large boulders with her whip.
The sharp gems in her whip are capable of cutting through alien metal.
Can channel kinetic energy through her whips causing an explosion
Throws a small group of people with her whip while simultaneously stuffing herself with hot dogs.
Tanked being spiked so hard into the ground it left a crater in the sand.
Was repeatedly used as a living projectile over the course of a few hours
Sponged several powerful strikes from Garnet with no visible damage..
Is capable of using a Sonic-like spindash for speedy attacks
Acrobatic skill
Steven Universe
”What do you know about my mom? I didn’t even get to know my mom! But I do know she saw beauty in everything, even in stuff like this! And even in jerks like you!””
Respect Thread Here.
Steven is the son of Rose Quartz and youngest member of the Crystal Gems. He has the least amount of experience of the team, but is able to pull off impressive feats regardless. His powers mainly focus on defense and healing which allows his to be a remarkable support to his team despite his inexperience.
Superhuman Feats
Push back a large monster made of breakfast
Tore off a bolted down arcade part
With effort, he is able to demonstrate slightly superhuman jumping ability…in sandals
Bubble Shield/Shield/Rose’s Sword
Bubble shield was capable of protecting the team from the explosion of a spaceship
The Bubble Shield can hover above the ground and is strong enough to carry 6 people, a van, and a lion.
In Attack the Light, Steven can produce a Bubble Shield on other targets
Shield was able to fully block a laser from a Jasper’s spaceship, though it exhausted him. It bears mentioning that, Lapis Lazuli described the technology of the world that Jasper came from as “so advanced I can’t even understand it. There’s no way anything on Earth can stand up to it.”
Steven also has access to Rose’s Sword that he can retrieve from Lion, which is capable of reflecting projectiles like any good magical sword.
Other abilities
Due to being a human-gem hybrid, Steven is able to resist anti-gem technology that was even able to one-shot Garnet..
Steven’s saliva has healing properties that are capable of healing cracked gemstones and broken limbs
Though technically not a Gem at all, Lion does hold a yet unknown connection to Steven’s mother Rose Quartz. Found by Steven, Lion is a powerful magical beast that Steven often is able to ride like a mount. Though loyal and remarkably intelligent for an animal, Lion is about as obedient as one would expect a large cat to be.
Notable agility as a mount.
Roar shockwaves are capable of destroying stone.
Roar shockwaves are capable of damaging magical sand stone, which even Garnet could not break through.
Mane is actually a portal to a pocket dimension (which contains no oxygen). which Steven is able to store supplies.
Roars are capable of opening portals
Gems are able to combine and create a powerful being by performing a fusion dance. Fusions are able to keep the abilities of the gems they fuse from. The more in-sych and close the gems are the longer and more stable the resulting fusion will be. However, the form can become imperfect if the gems are in conflict and with enough conflict between the gems the fusion can destabilize.
A fusion of Pearl and Amethyst, not much is known about Opal’s personality but she does have Pearl’s grace and dignity. Her weapon is a bow with magical arrows.
Acrobatic Skill
Arrows have an Area of Effect for multiple targets
An an arrow can multiply into dozens of slightly smaller arrows
A fusion of Garnet and Amethyst, Sugilite is violent, reckless, and nearly impossible to control. While a powerhouse, she’ll likely not take orders. Sugilite’s weapon is a flail.
Sheer size and power (Steven and Pearl for scale).
It should be noted that she reverted from the fusion after her weapon fell on her head.
A quad fusion of Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst, very little is known about Alexandrite. She has a massive size, possibly even taller than Sugilite, but has not been shown in combat as of yet. With the three members combined, maintaining the form is difficult especially if the gems are in a conflict.
Catches up to a bus and casually picks it up.
Team Accomplishments
Have on numerous occasions defended Earth from corrupted gems, and advanced Homeworld technology.
Took down a vastly technologically superior space ship and the more powerful oppoenent Jasper by combining their skills. After being captured, Steven’s was able to free the other gems and deal with the anti-gem technology due to his resistance, Amethysy overpowering and incaping the pilot, Pearl using her intelligence to commander the ship and Garnet’s power to take on Jasper and throw her into the power source which led to the ship’s destruction. It is implied that Garnet’s Future Vision allowed her to set in motion the events for this possible victory in the face of almost certain defeat.
Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven were able to round up and capture a dozen gem monsters that had escaped and run amuck in their base through coordinated and strategic attacks without Garnet finding out.
In fact, through years of experience the gems are able to coordinate movements nonverbally and very quickly. In the time Steven fell into a pit, Amethyst and Pearl took no more than a look at each other before utilizing their combined skills to save him.
Steven has many times been able to motivate the other gems in times when defeat was nigh, even when the gems were critically injured.
Pooled their skills and intelligence to modify a standard bicycle to have remarkably fast speed
Garnet’s stoic yet serious composure also assists the team in remaining steadfast in the event of nearly certain doom.
Steven’s connection to the human world allows him to easily reign in outside expertise, technology, and help when the Crystal Gems have no solution on how to tackle a task on their own.
With Rose’s passing and the resurgence of Homeworld Gems, tensions have never been tougher. Despite this, the gems frequently give emotional support to one another.
submitted by selfproclaimed to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

Newbie Review Update: Extended Intro & Episodes 63-65

Guess who? Its your friendly neighborhood newbie of course! Can I still call myself a newbie? I've watched like eighty percent of the show now...but I guess it doesn't really matter until I get all the way caught up. Anyway, back again to see some more episodes. I'm excited and sad at the same time because I feel like the next several episodes will only get better based on what I've seen of season two so far but at the same time...I really liked doing these posts and meeting all you guys and sharing my reactions with you and seeing your reactions to mine. Its gonna be a bit sad when I do the last one of these...it'll be like finishing a book series and just not knowing what to do with yourself afterwards.
But we'll cross that bridge when we reach it I guess! Onwards and upwards!
One thing before we start, I know from the comments on the last post that this set of episodes was apparently dubbed "The week of Sardonyx" by the Crew. Assuming Sardonyx is a new character of some sort due to it being a gemstone...I looked up pictures of what actual sadonyx looks like. They usually seem to be a red-orangeish color with white bands. Hmmmm...maybe its the name of a new fusion? We haven't seen Steven fuse with any of the gems...OH MY GOSH GUYS WHAT IF ITS THE NAME OF STEVEN'S FIRST GEM BASED FUSION?! THAT WOULD BE SO EPIC.
Enough speculation though, lets go!
You can find my last post here.
Alright I meant to do this in the last post but I kind of went overboard with some exposition so I'm going to take the time to do it now...here I go watching the much alluded to extended intro.
Extended intro: Hey look! The house is being built! GASP This must a prequel of sorts!
Well guys that was everything I could have hoped for and more. Its a rather good thing if even your opening themes have characterization in them...and this show has characterzation coming out of its ears. Once again the singing was on point! Kinda wondering who all was singing during that shot of all the gems together plus Yellow Diamond...I could make out Estelle's voice and maybe DeeDee's but there was one other voice in there that was higher pitched that I couldn't make out...oh well.
Cry for Help: More Crying Breakfast Friends!
Well we got to see Sugilite again but I'm not happy about it at all. I'm just so...disappointed in all of the gems this episode. Don't get me started on Pearl...then there's Garnet over here making Amethyst feel like shit and acting all righteously indignant even though she didn't even bother asking Amethyst to fuse...she just told her to do it. DO THE GEMS EVER JUST HAVE A NORMAL CONVERSATION WITH EACH OTHER?! I feel like a lot of this kind of stuff could have been sorted if they were just...honest with each other.
Welp...trouble in the Universe household. Looks like Garnet and Pearl aren't even on speaking terms anymore...and with Peridot and Malachite still on the loose...awww man guys...our little family's falling apart ;_;
Keystone Motel: "I know that you're all...disappointed...in me." Just a tad.
THAT WAS A ROLLERCOASTER...One the one hand I'm glad we got to see the two little love rocks again, on the other...they were only present because of all the angst. This arc has soooo much angst I swear. Greg continues to be the greatest dad in existence and...Steven had a moment of self doubt worth mentioning. Blaming himself for the adults fighting...that's such a kid thing and I'm really glad Ruby and Sapphire were at least able to stop fighting long enough to assure him that he wasn't at fault.
Onion Friend: From the title I'm assuming this is an Onion episode...damn...we havent had one of those since what...Onion Trade?
Birth video
I expected that to be a lot less heartwarming than it was but I'm grateful it managed to be both weird and heartwarming at the same time. Vidalia's so awesome! And she's a painter! You go girl!
Alright guys I know I'm stopping in the middle of the Stevenbomb for this one but I'm gonna put a pin in this post here so that I have a decent amount of episodes for my last couple of posts...four and four respectively if I count the remaining ones correctly.
I honestly wasn't expecting the show to take this sort of turn. If you asked me beforehand if Pearl was capable of doing something like this I would have said no. I guess it just goes to show you how much baggage the gems hide from one another. As a person this is a bit frustrating because the obvious answer is for the gems to have an honest and open conversation about it but you know...easier said than done. I wonder how they'll resolve all this.
Well, you already know but tune in next time to see my reaction to it I guess!
submitted by Mobius_Uno to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

On Pearl's Character, and her Relationship with Rose Quartz

tl;dnr Warning
If you thought my last post was a feels trip, you'd better buckle up, because it's gonna be another bumpy ride.
After my last post (see linked above), I did more thinking about the Crystal Gems - and in particular, their relationship with Rose Quartz. It's fairly obvious that Pearl was in love with Rose (or, at least she was in love with the idea of Rose Quartz/love); Amethyst seems to have loved Rose like a mother; and Garnet cared for Rose as well, as Rose was implied to have accepted Garnet for her true nature, as a fusion and a relationship.
Now, I know there has been a lot of discussion on /stevenuniverse, particularly concerning the exact nature of Pearl's relationship with Rose. Given that, from my last post, I made it clear that I identify with Pearl the most, I wanted to share some insight on my part as to why Pearl feels - and acts - the way she does, concerning Rose.
You see, fellow SU fans, in my last post, I mentioned relating to the Crystal Gems' experiences "because I lived them". In the case of Pearl and the Crystal Gems' relationship with Rose, and dealing with her subsequent choice and loss, I, too, unfortunately experienced something in my life along those lines.
I also think that it can explain a lot, so bear with me, here.
(Keep in mind, I'm not making any of this up to fish for karma. My story is based on a real-life tragedy, with the names changed. If anyone is interested in the real articles, feel free to PM me. The following is also c/ped from my original post on /askreddit here.)
When I was 14, back in 2005-2006, I was part of an international, UK-based equestrian group called Pony Club, or USPC for the American branch. Our own local Pony Club was disbanding, so my mom decided that we would join the Pony Club of a town about an hour away. The leader of the new Pony Club was an older woman in her 50's, reasonably healthy, save for a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease.
She, in turn, had a 12-year-old daughter, in addition to a younger son, and several grown children she'd previously adopted and raised. She also adopted (or rescued) off-the-track Thoroughbred racehorses who might otherwise be put down, retaining them to be huntejumper and trail horses.
A devout Catholic, she had spent much of her life being faithful, and sought to be as giving as possible, hence why she'd adopted so many children. Much like Rose Quartz, she also absolutely loved and adored animal and human misfits alike. She truly cared about them, and took in as many as she could. She was, in a sense, a mother to many.
According to my mom, she had also slim to no chance of having her own children, until she managed to conceive her biological daughter 12 years prior, and later on, her youngest son.
My family being devout Catholics as well, my mom hit it right off with her, and both decided to send their daughter to a summer equestrian boarding camp up to the north of the state.
When I met her 12-year-old daughter, who I'll call Lacey, she seemed very nice, if bookish and shy. She was thin, blonde, with short-cropped hair and glasses.
I didn't know it at the time, but I had undiagnosed autism, and I'd always had a hard time making friends. I'd always known I was "different", called a "weirdo" and a "freak" by other children at school.
However, this girl was nice and sweet, and we shared similar interests, and I finally felt like I was able to make a good friend.
While at camp, we bunked together with her best friend, also from her club. I was looking to get into photography, so I had her pose for a few pictures for me.
After camp was over, we didn't see each other for several months due to the start of school, but my mom planned for me to go to Club events with this girl.
Come March of the following year, I had just gotten home from school, and went to work on my homework. I noticed my mom was on the phone, but while normally she's a chatterbox, she was very quiet.
After hanging up the phone, she turns to me, very slowly, and says, "You remember your friend Lacey? She's dead."
She had just been on the phone with Lacey's sobbing mother.
She then proceeds to tell me that, a few days after Lacey's 13th birthday, the Club was holding a fun riding event with a bunch of kids. Lacey's mother was helping oversee it. It was muddy out, but no one thought much of it. One of the younger, smaller children was having trouble with one of the rescued horses, so she asked Lacey to ride the horse to "work it out".
As soon as Lacey got on the horse, the horse reared, and slipped in the mud. It fell on Lacey, crushing most of her body and head. Even despite Lacey wearing a helmet, the sheer blunt force of it was too much.
...The area was rural, so they had to wait for Lacey to be airlifted to the hospital.
By the time they managed to stabilize Lacey in the hospital, the doctor(s) pronounced her brain dead. The family decided to remove Lacey from life support, and let her die.
When my mom told me the news, I just was in shock and disbelief. Almost numb. I felt like it was some sort of joke, that it wasn't really true.
All my life, I had been believed that God was an all-benevolent being, one who protected children and loved them. I had also believed in the Virgin Mary, the protective "mother of us all".
Why, then, had he let Lacey, who was so sweet and so full of life, die so horrifically? Or the Virgin Mary, for that matter? Wasn't she supposed to protect her?
Why would God inflict so much pain and suffering on her poor mother, who had sacrificed so much to help others? When all she wanted as a child, a daughter, of her own?
How could God be so cruel as to punish a woman who had been so loyal and devout, so faithful?
(To top it off, the poor woman began to have some psychological problems after her daughter's death. It broke her.)
Then, that turned to thoughts of, how could God have done this to me? I, too, had been loyal, devout...faithful. Even despite everything that I'd been through, everything I'd suffered, I wore my faith like a badge of honor. As early as fourth grade, I had already read through all books on saints. I'd picked out my future Confirmation name - Agnes - with pride, choosing it for the saint's "purity" and loyalty to God.
You know what the ironic part was? St. Agnes was a Roman girl who was only 13 years old when she suffered martyrdom for her Faith. Agnes had made a promise - a promise to God never to stain her purity. To always remain loyal, and serve God. It is said that her exact words were, "I am already promised to the Lord of the Universe. He is more splendid than the sun and the stars, and He has said He will never leave me!"
The reason why I am mentioning all of this, is because, in a similar - if not identical - manner, this is how I see Pearl's emotions towards Rose Quartz.
In SU, it's implied that Pearl, more than any of the other Crystal Gems, seems to have suffered from Rose Quartz's passing the most. However, why is this?
Let's take a closer look at some of the quotes by/about Pearl in SU thus far. Two were also in my past post, linked above.
"But it's true! No matter how hard I try to be strong like you...I'm just a Pearl...I'm useless on my own...I need someone to tell me what to do...When we fuse, I can feel what it's like to be you...! Confident and secure and complete...You're perfect...You're the perfect relationship...You're always together...I just—I wanted to be a part of that..."
"But this is all that's left of her army? Some lost, defective Pearl, a puny overcooked runt, and this shameless display?"
"But we won! Your mother led us to glorious victory! The odds were against us, and our hearts were uncertain. But we chose to fight alongside Rose, and here we made our stand against our Gem Homeworld! ...She was courageous, and brilliant... and beautiful...Sometimes, you look so much like her."
"Shh! It's a secret, even to Garnet and Amethyst. Rose had a place that she kept hidden from all but me, but you have her gem. That place is yours now, and I can show it to you! ...I was your mother's sole confidant— for the words she could share with no one else, I was there to listen...She had to, Steven! It's the mark of a great leader, knowing just what to keep hidden from everyone you're trying to protect. Everyone, except me!"
"No, Rose didn't have a lion, because, if she had a lion I would have known about it! ...But not from me, I was the one she told everything! You can't understand how I feel, none of you had what we had! What do you know?! You've never even met her!"
"Sometimes, you even sound like her...do you remember this place? Do you have any of her memories? We were right here, over 5,000 years ago...Everything I ever did, I did for her. And now, she's gone. But I'm still here. Sometimes, I wonder if she can see me through your eyes...What would she think of me now?"
From here on, I'm going to piggyback a bit off of becausegoodbye's post on Tumblr.
In the finale, Jasper sneeringly calls Pearl “a defective pearl.” A defective pearl, implying one of many.
That made me suspect that there are more Pearls back on homeworld, perhaps an entire class of them. More than that, though, because of the slur-like way Jasper spat out the word “pearl”, it made me suspect that homeworld’s society is likely structured hierarchically by gemstone-caste.
Given how neatly the metaphor works, I think it’s probably pretty likely that the hierarchy is determined at least partially by the various gems’ relative scarcity. There is probably only one Yellow Diamond, which may explain (or perhaps partially constitute) their authority.
In contrast, pearls are a relatively common and plentiful type of gem here on earth – valued more for their uniformity than their size or colour or quality – so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were a correspondingly common, ‘lower’, and largely undifferentiated class of Gem on homeworld. I have a strong feeling we’re going to meet more pearls before the series is out, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they are treated as an underclass of servants or, at best, bureaucrats.
What I’m really interested in, though, is what this means for Pearl the character.
We saw in her flashback in “An Indirect Kiss” how she treated Rose with deference, bowing to her as though she were royalty (which she probably was). She and Rose did clearly have a special relationship; Pearl brags about being Rose’s “closest confidant”, and declares that “none of you had what we had”. In her holographic flashback, we saw Rose call her “my pearl.”
...Pearl clearly treasured this relationship with Rose beyond anything. She stayed to fight for Rose. She abandoned her people and history to defend a planet (which she honestly doesn’t seem to care for very much) for Rose.
And now that Rose is gone, all she has is Steven...Steven, and the desperate desire that he become her reason for staying, that he can somehow make all of this worth it for her, that she can once again be seen – and so again be able to see herself – through Rose’s eyes.
If having this relationship with Rose really was the first truly individuating factor in Pearl’s life – the first thing that made her feel like she could be more than “a pearl”, made to serve whatever purpose she was created for – it’s completely understandable why she was so distraught upon finding out that Rose had kept things from her. (It’s not like that needs further explanation; it’s pretty clear why that would be hurtful and challenging regardless, but I think it deepens the picture.) Any erosion of Pearl’s relationship with Rose is an erosion of her belief in herself as an individual worthy of attention and love.
It made a huge impression on me when Pearl said to Steven, “Sometimes I wonder if she can see me through your eyes.” She mentions that in the context of worrying about what Rose might think of her now, but I also think that it expresses a desire – the desire to be seen by Rose again – that Pearl craves in the deepest part of herself. She only started to believe in herself through Rose’s eyes.
If this theory is right, she only began to believe that was capable of agency and nobility and autonomy, because Rose believed it of her. Pearl’s love for Rose, and Rose’s love for her, formed the very core of her self-belief, which is why it was so punishing to realise that Rose actually didn’t trust her with everything.
And yet, while that realisation hurt her deeply, it didn’t destroy her. It didn’t destroy her partly because of Steven’s intervention, but also partly because while Pearl’s relationship with Rose is still deeply, crucially important to her, it’s no longer the sum of her self-belief.
Rose helped her get from a point of nonindividuality (”a pearl”) to a point of love-based dependent individuality (”my pearl”), but her story didn’t stop there.
By choosing to continue Rose’s work in protecting earth, Pearl gave herself purpose. By making a place for herself with Garnet and Amethyst, she was able to turn her caste-name into something that specified her as an individual. By continuing to devote herself to what and who she loves, she gave herself permission to look for her own happiness.
With all the respect in the world to the Pearl-is-autistic headcanon (which I love and leave a lot of room for in my own reading of the show), I think maybe that’s what Jasper was referring to when they called Pearl “defective”.
Jasper probably looks at Pearl, and sees her hard-won individuality as a programming error in a robot built for servitude. A “non-defective” pearl would probably be indistinguishable from other pearls, would follow orders without question, and would have no emotional attachments that could get in the way of their duties.
Pearl is not standardised and weaponised for use by the higher gems, so she is seen as ‘broken’. Even Pearl’s clothes (her bow, her ballet slippers) feel much too idiosyncratic and specific to her to be standard Gem attire; they’re probably also part of what Jasper sees as Pearl’s abnormality, her “defectiveness”.
Ultimately, I feel like Jasper looks at Pearl and probably just sees a tool that has forgotten its place. (Source)
To that, I'll add an excerpt from my past post as well.
When my mother got the news of my diagnosis, she cried...You know what she told me? She told me I was "defective", that I would never be "her perfect little girl".
Nobody, not even my teachers or parents, seem to understand what I was going through. They didn't even try to understand.
My parents just saw me as just another child they needed to shove back into the box, that my cries for help - for someone, anyone to understand - were signs of a "defiant" child. The message was that they didn't want to deal with me, and honestly, neither my parents or teachers did know what to do with me.
...Much like Pearl, especially with the Sardonyx fiasco, my psychologist and teacher saw me as "manipulative and lacking empathy" at times.
In short, I think that Pearl had suffered, likely for a long time, as I had suffered. If the "Pearls are servants" theory is, indeed, true, there is also some possibility - given Pearl's mindset, words, and behavior - that she may have previously been abused. Perhaps not by Rose, but by those she previously served.
She probably knew, much like in my earlier post, that she was "different" from early on - that she was "defective". In turn, due to this, Pearl knew that she would never be fully accepted back into Gem society on Homeworld - an outcast - should she ever decide to return.
This realization, in turn, caused a profound, deep self-awareness of Pearl of just how alone she was. Not only was she "different" than all of the other Pearls - she wasn't "normal" - but due to being "defective", she was forever cut off from them, and the idea (and fantasy) of "what could have been".
In "Space Race", much like Lapis Lazuli, Pearl also experiences what appears to be homesickness...or strong nostalgia for the past. Pearl still longs for that wistful remembrance of what things could have been like, if she'd been "normal".
However, at the same time, Pearl has to face the stark reality that she is an outcast - a misfit. She was doomed to be alone and ostracized from the start, and Jasper even says as much. Due to this, when Rose decided to take Pearl under her wing - choosing to form a close, personal friendship with her - Pearl became extremely devoted to Rose. So much so, that she would be willing to die for her, time and again.
A lot of people also call Pearl's love for Rose "unhealthy", and I can see why. However, coming from someone who has experienced the same kind of devotional, devout love and blind faith that Pearl puts in Rose myself, I see it more so a love born out of Pearl's profound sense of loneliness.
For all intents and purposes, Pearl was utterly alone, before she decided to serve Rose. This also easily explains why Pearl would sacrifice herself for Rose; Rose was the first being to see Pearl as someone "worthy" of her friendship, and of her love. The first being to see Pearl as something other than just a "lost, defective Pearl". As Pearl says herself, "She [Rose] made me feel like I was everything."
When you are so desperate for love, so desperate for affection, that you will do anything to have it, you end up with this sort of relationship. When you're told that you're "nothing", "defective", and belittled and mocked for years and years, you start to wonder - or even believe - that's the truth. This ties into the "defective Pearl" mention and possibility of abuse as well.
I know; I've been there, several times before, especially with Lacey.
That being said, considering all of that, it's easy to see why Pearl was - and continues to be - so distraught over losing Rose, and Rose's decision to sacrifice herself, so that Steven could live.
Pearl feels, and reacts, the way she does, because she feels that Rose was everything she had. (If not literally, then Rose was a symbolic figure of that in Pearl's life.) Even in the flashback with "What Can I Do For You", we see Pearl, not with the other Crystal Gems, but off to the side - distanced from them. This, along with the events of Rose's Scabbard, makes it very clear that Pearl, due to her attitude of "I'm just a Peal", even feels like an outcast - and alone - among the Crystal Gems.
To top it off, Pearl wasn't just fighting for Rose. She was constantly fighting herself - all of her fears, insecurities, worries, and negative thoughts about herself. Pearl says in Ocean Gem, "Ugh... I hate fighting me!", and that could not be more true.
For a long time, I, too, warred a lot with myself. I battled the crushing onslaught of negative thoughts, prompted and reinforced by years of bullying and abuse on all sides. On one hand, I wanted to believe that I didn't deserve this - that God loved me, and would one day "save me" from all of the pain and suffering. On the other hand, part of me began to believe that I deserved it, because I was "different" - that I was "defective" and "weak".
One thing that Pearl mentions in particular is "strength", particularly "being strong in the real way". She says, "there are... different ways of being strong", and sings to Steven, "And I want to inspire you / I want to be your rock / And when I talk / It lights a fire in you". But the only reason why Pearl would be singing about this in the first place is because she doesn't feel like she's "strong". The reason why Pearl says "strong in the real way" is because she is constantly doubting herself - when Rose was there, everything Pearl mentions (about Steven) was her view of Rose.
It was Rose that inspired Pearl, and Rose that was Pearl's "rock". When Rose talked, it gave Pearl the courage and confidence in order to believe in herself. Yet with Rose's passing, Pearl feels that she lost all of that.
Still, however, Pearl fights - not just for Steven, but her own inner demons, and her feelings of "not being strong enough" or "weak". She fights because Rose, and now Steven, gives her something very precious: hope that things will get better. (This is also referenced when Steven inspires Pearl to fight Sugilite in the same episode. Just when Pearl wants to give up, Steven rekindles her hope, and she succeeds.)
In the end, hope - in the form of Steven - is the only thing that Pearl has left. It's the only thing keeping her (and I) fighting.
Pearl's inner struggle reminds me of an old Cherokee legend. An old grandfather told his grandson: "My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, and resentment. The other is good. It is joy, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and bravery." The boy thought about it, and asked, "Grandfather, which wolf wins?"
The old man quietly replied, "The one you feed."
submitted by Obversa to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

How Steven Universe has affected Google's Image Search

Minor spoiler warning for character names, I guess.
I recently came across this post from way back when, and I began to wonder how much Steven Universe has affected google's search algorithms. To see how, I decided to see how early the different gems would come out in a google image search of the gem's name.
For an unbiased test, I went in incognito mode, entered only the name of the gemstone for an image search, and then counted how many pictures there were until I got to a picture of the character themself, whether it was fanart or images from the show. They're ordered here from lowest to highest.
Make of this what you will.
submitted by MarcoTalin to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

There's a new alien in Metropolis: the Crystal Gem, Kryptonite

A gem warrior (Steven Universe) powered by a gem of pure Kryptonite arrives in Metropolis, determined to take down Superman. Can he stop them?
Round 1: Peridot (with limb enhancers) with a kryptonite gem
Round 2: Amethyst with a kryptonite gem
Round 3: Garnet with Kryptonite gems
Round 4: Jasper with a kryptonite gem
Round 5: Sardonyx with kryptonite gems
Round 6: Sugilite with kryptonite gems
Round 7: Alexandrite with kryptonite gems
To win, Superman has to shatter or contain the gemstone(s). The gem wins if Supes is incapped or killed.
submitted by CannedWolfMeat to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

Organic life and gems

I've been pondering something lately about Yellow Diamond's dismissal of Earth life as being merely organic. Most gems are minerals based on various inorganic elements such as silicon*, aluminum, copper - that sort of thing.
However pearls are considered organic gemstone because they are formed by a living creature (oysters and other mollusks). So, are pearls considered little more than lower caste servants and/or decorations by other gems as a result?
And, organic chemistry deals with carbon based molecules. Diamonds are a particular type carbon crystal. Not "organic" technically, I don't think, but the very thing "organic" is based on. So, aren't diamonds a bit hypocritical in their attitude?
For those who may be interested, here's a quick list of most of the inorganic gems introduced so far:
Then there is also Bismuth which is not a mineral or a rock but rather an element (a metal).
* If you recall your star trek lore, there was an episode with the Horta - a silicon based life form. It's struck me that the writers of Steven Universe returned to that theme with the whole sentient gems theme --- you know, I have way too much time on my hands...
submitted by Seven_Sisters to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

sugilite gemstone steven universe video

Steven Universe Soundtrack ♫ - Synchronize/Sugilite - YouTube Steven Universo - Sugilite - YouTube Sugilite & Her Symbolism Explained!  Steven Universe ... [60FPS] Steven Universe - Fusion Dance (Sugilite) - YouTube Gemsona Maker : Sugilite How to draw Sugilite (Steven Universe) - YouTube Sugilite vs Malachite (Steven Universe AU) - YouTube Steven universe Sugilit - YouTube

Sugilite Gemstone By: Olivia Luz. Search In: Sugilite Price Gemstone Meaning Pink Steven Universe . It is also thought to provide extra support for children with. A wide variety of gemstones have been used to simulate or imitate the appearance of sugilites. Steven's gemstone color palette has changed from a red-pink palette to a magenta palette. This change occured in the beginning of Steven Universe: The Movie. Jasper's only gemstone change was the color of the bottom facet, which went from a tan color to a yellow-orange color. This change occured right when Jasper became corrupted in Earthlings. For more information on Sugilite, see the page on the Steven Universe wiki here. "Sugilite" is the fusion of Amethyst and Garnet (and, by extension, Ruby and Sapphire). She made her first appearance in "Coach Steven". 1 Appearance 1.1 Pre-regeneration (debut) 1.2 Post-regeneration (current) 2 Personality 3 Relationships 3.1 Steven 3.2 Pearl 4 Abilities 4.1 Skillset 4.2 Unique Abilities 5 Place your gemsona in beautiful Steven Universe environments. This game is now available as an app: Gemsona Maker for iOS and Gemsona Maker for Android ! Tags: dolldivine - tv shows - magicians - fantasy - multiple bodies - plus size - cartoons - mega hits - scene maker - couples - steven universe - breeding games - dolldivine classic - brush mode - fandom - character creator Sugilite is the fusion of Amethyst, Ruby, and Sapphire, and an original character that appears in Steven Universe. 1 Appearance 1.1 Pre-regeneration (debut) 1.2 Post-regeneration (previous) 2 Personality 3 Abilities 3.1 Fusions 3.2 Skillset 3.3 Unique Abilities 4 Gemology 5 Gemstones 6 Gallery Sugilite is has a large and bulky body with four huge arms. Her skin is light purple and she has five Sugilite is the fusion of Garnet and Amethyst. 1 Episode appearances 1.1 Coach Steven 1.2 Cry For Help 2 Appearance 2.1 Pre-regeneration (debut) 2.2 Post-regeneration (current) 3 PersonalityEdit 4 RelationshipsEdit 4.1 StevenEdit 4.2 PearlEdit 5 AbilitiesEdit 5.1 SkillsetEdit 5.2 Unique AbilitiesEdit 6 TriviaEdit 7 GemologyEdit 8 Gemstone(s)Edit Sugilite makes her first appearance in Coach Jan 26, 2017 - Explore Shatterstar's board "Sugilite (Steven Universe)" on Pinterest. See more ideas about steven universe, steven, universe. Sugilite is the fusion of Amethyst and Garnet (and, by extension, Ruby and Sapphire). She made her debut in "Coach Steven". 1 Appearance 1.1 Pre-regeneration (debut) 1.2 Post-regeneration (previous) 1.3 Third regeneration 2 Personality 3 History 3.1 "Coach Steven" 3.2 "Cry for Help" 3.3 "Snow Day" 4 Relationships 4.1 Steven Universe 4.2 Pearl 5 Abilities 5.1 Fusions 5.2 Skillset 5.3 Unique 17-ott-2018 - Esplora la bacheca "Sugilite Steven Universe" di Steven Universe, seguita da 2131 persone su Pinterest. Visualizza altre idee su steven universe, arte dell'illustrazione, citazioni sulla famiglia. "Sugilite" is the fusion of Amethyst and Garnet(and by extension,RubyandSapphire). She made her first appearance in "Coach Steven". 1 Appearance 1.1 Pre-regeneration (debut) 1.2 Post-regeneration (current) 2 Personality 3 Relationships 3.1 Steven 3.2 Pearl 4 Abilities 4.1 Skillset 4.2 Unique Abilities 5 Episode Appearances 5.1 Season 1 5.2 Season 2 5.3 Shorts 6 Trivia 7 Gemology 8 Gemstone(s

sugilite gemstone steven universe top

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Steven Universe Soundtrack ♫ - Synchronize/Sugilite - YouTube

Zmiana granat i ametyst Sugilite é a fusão da Crystal Gem Ametista e da fusão Garnet, ela teve sua primeira aparição no episódio "Coach Steven". Thank you for your comments As promised here is Sugilite , I hope you liked it and that it helped the music : Sugilite the soundtrack - Steven Universe Gemso... Garnet and Amethyst's fusion dance music and Sugilite's theme from "Coach Steven."Composed by Aivi Tran and Steven "Surasshu" Velema. Picture drawn by Paul V... AU where sugilite fights malachite instead of alexandrite~audio: america — logic (edited and looped by me)~ib: singlepalerose on Instagram (in terms of audio... Here's Garnet and Amethyst fusing into Sugilite. In this video we can see how to draw Sugilite of the show Steven Universe. Hope you like!!! Hey! Wanna see something cool? We’re continuing our ongoing gem series, and today we’re talking about the fusion created by Amethyst and Garnet. We’ll be cov...

sugilite gemstone steven universe

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