YouTube Launches Cheaper Student Plans for YouTube Music

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youtube music price student - win

YouTube Music & Premium tidbits: Student pricing, Play Music plan, $7.99 grandfathering

YouTube Music & Premium tidbits: Student pricing, Play Music plan, $7.99 grandfathering submitted by Austin31415 to google [link] [comments]

Living in Lebanon, which music streaming platform do you use and why? I'm mainly torn between Anghami and Spotify.

So I've been using anghami for the past year. Besides a recent increase in price, the free version has so many ads its intolerable. I noticed that spotify is actually now cheaper and the ad is simpler. I'm curious about which app do other people use and why.
submitted by plays-with-squirrelz to lebanon [link] [comments]

That Time I Was Almost Kidnapped in Thailand

Edit: No YouTube people, you cannot use my story. Please stop asking.
This was back in January of 2018. It took me a few years and a little therapy to be able to talk about it. I am ok now and thought I would share. It's a little long, but buckle up.
I was part of a study abroad program in Bangkok (which was awesome for the record). Not long after being there, my fellow students and I went out for a night on the town. After a night of drinking, and runnning amok in Bangkok, we somehow end up in a back alley illegal strip club. Here is where I think it is important to mention that I am female, and I was the only female in the group that night. I saw things that I will never unsee in the 15 minutes we were there and it honestly keeps me up at night once in awhile. Let's just say that it was pretty obvious the women did not want to be there. Very quickly, I also did not want to be there.
About 5 minutes in to this really really misguided decision, I realize that two guys from my group are talking to a guy in a red polo shirt. Oh man, there are many guys in red polo shirts scattered throughout the room and none of them look very pleasant. One of my buddies, let's call him "M" cmes back over to me laughing, points back at the red shirt and says "Hey, he's trying to get me to sell you to him for $10.00 American, but I keep telling him you're worth more. $10 is the highest he says he will go." I have never NOPED out of a situation so fast in my entire life and everyone went with me.
I am an experienced traveler, so I did take the opportunity to use this as a learning experience for "M" as to how quickly these situations can go south and how important it is to be on your guard in a forgein country. I'm thinking he learned his lesson, we all got out safe, no harm no foul.
I admit that I became a little more withdrawn from the group. Everyone went out partying every night. I went to school, occasionally ate out, did some day time shopping at the markets or hung out in a high end spa near the hotel (for like 20-50$ American you can get PAMPERED like a queen and a broke college kid took advantage). Two other girls joined me on my adventures and we had a great time overall.
Before we were scheduled to return back to the states, my other classmates (ok ok ok it was all "M") finally convinced me to go out for a night on the town with them to some strip. People were eating scorpions on a stick, some dumb girl from Australia who had joined our group took a hit of some gas they were selling on the street and threw up everywhere, people were packed in elbow to elbow, and there was a LOT of rave-style lights / music. SENSORY OVERLOAD. I figure that I am with a group of 20 people from the US and Autralia, if there was a time to drink and party in a foreign country, this is it. So the drinking started. The party began.
With drinking, eventually comes the need for a restroom. So I told "M" I was going to find one and I would be right back. "M" chose that moment to be a diva, start hammering back drinks and demanding everyone's attention. I might have been gone 10 minutes, tops. I come back and everyone is gone. I got the story later that the Aussie's left and the rest of my group had to chase down "M" when he ran off in a drunken display for attention. So I walk over to the entrance of this strip where we were dropped off and sit on a picnic table near all the cabs to wait for my group. 2.5 hours goes by, its almost 1 AM, the street is still packed, and I have seen NO ONE from my group. I'm starting to get a little concerned because I have no idea where we are really. The others had been coming to this strip every night and it was my first time.
Fuck. ok experienced traveler. I don't even have the address to the hotel written down in English OR in Thai and I don't speak freaking Thai. Luckily I haven't had a drink in 2.5 hours so I am pretty stone cold sober at this point. I have been here long enough to know that taking a Tuk Tuk (open wheely cab thing) is much cheaper than taking an actual cab, but NOT long enough to realize that taking a Tuk Tuk at 1 AM alone as a female is a BAD IDEA. I show the driver my room key (oh the naive child I was). We negotiate a price, I hop in.
But he goes in the opposite direction from where our cab came in from to drop us off initially. And we took a highway to get there, but my Tuk Tuk driver is on all residential streets. Then, he hits an alley. Ok, I am on RED ALERT right now. He stops, I am poised, ready to strike should I need to, and next t me on my left, a garage door rolls up (one of those rattly pull up/down by hand ones) and a group of men come out. One of who - is holding a blue purse. I stuck around just long enough to watch him start walking voer and unzipping said purse as he moved and I BOLTED. I barely shook off the tuk tuk driver, just kept putting one foot in front of the other, crying because I couldn't breathe and thinking to myself "I am going to die because I couldn't be bothered to go to a gym"
I ran until I saw it. The Familiarity of home. A 7-11, in the middle of this Thai neighborhood. I'm hysterical as I come through that door like the Kool Aid man himself. The cashier starts yelling at me to get out in Thai and I'm yelling in English that my tuk tuk driver tried to sell me and I'm not going anywhere. We ago at it for a minute or two of me begging him to help me. And this little tiny 4 foot elderly Thai woman comes up to me with an equally tiny grocery cart full of 2-liter bottles of pepsi. She takes my hand, and my room key. She never says a WORD to me - NOT A SINGLE WORD. She leads me outside, hails a cab, has a solid 60 second conversation with the driver, and pushes me into the backseat.
The scariest part of my entire night though, was that 15 minute cab ride back to my hotel. Not knowing if this little Thai woman had sold me out or sent me home to safety. The cab driver had to stop and ask for directions about 3 minutes from the hotel and that was probably the moment I knew this was going to affect me mentally. The ride cost me 10$ American and I tipped him 60$ - you know, for not selling me into the slave trade.
submitted by MrsPots-Stark to LetsNotMeet [link] [comments]

Cyberpunk best settings guide to go beyond 60 fps for AMD and Mid-range users

Cyberpunk best settings guide to go beyond 60 fps for AMD and Mid-range users
Here is the complete version of this graphics guide:


This Reddit post is just a snippet of a more verbose and in-depth analysis on Cyberpunk's graphics settings. If you want the detailed version with more boring words and images, just clink the link above. If you're tired of clicking, then settle down here.
This guide is intended for people who have mid-range GPUs, specifically AMD, that doesn't have DLSS. But this guide can also be enjoyed by other low-end and high-end users from either camp, provided RTX-specific effects are out of the equation. In here, we will be finding the perfect balance between consistent, playable performance at 60 plus fps, and perceivable quality. The reason I say perceivable is because we tend to attach quality to the text that describes a specific setting: like "very high" or "ultra". But we should be focusing on how the game looks according to our naked eye, not according to how the menu says it looks.
More importantly, this guide will help you explain WHY these graphics options matter and which of these should you focus on more than others. Because I know you're not just toggling graphics settings simply to get good-looking visuals and for arbitrary frame-rate numbers to go up; you also want peace of mind. You struggle with fiddling around with the graphics options, playing a bit of the game, and still having that gnawing itch at the back of your mind, doubting whether or not you've made the "best" settings combinations for the "best" immersive experience. You're desperate to settle this introspective tug-of-war once and for all so you can finally move on and actually play the game.
I am that person. And this is exactly why I made this guide.
My current hardware is:
  • GPU: Sapphire 5700xt nitro plus
  • CPU: 5600x Ryzen CPU
  • RAM: Crucial Ballistix 3600mhzcl16 of RAM.
  • SSD: Adata XPG SX8200 Pro
A lot of you may be wondering, this setup is ONLY mid-range? Well I am basing my definition of mid-range on my GPU. The 5700XT nowadays is nowhere near the top of the card hierarchy compared to last year. And ultimately, it's the GPU that determines the overall mileage of your game performance.
This was recorded using AMD's Radeon Software. And because I'm AMD, there will be no RTX settings to be discussed. Currently, the game is patched to 1.04.
Before going into our benchmarks, it is important to distinguish what constitutes normal gameplay from specific scripted events. Focusing too much on on-rail sections for their low performance numbers may just be a futile effort since these moments are one-time events that are rarely repeatable in regular gameplay. Lastly, graphics settings do not impact all scenes with the same level of intensity. Some settings are greatly significant indoors, some during outdoors, and some during close-up conversations.
If you like a supplemental video and see the same optimization guide in action form, the settings video guide is right here:


Before we proceed with the optimization, let us first establish a reference point for our guide. For this I decided to use all max setting at 1440p and picked an intensive location at night as our benchmark point by which we would be able to compare our optimized settings later on. Because I have already used up the 20 image limit on this page, I will just be giving you the facts now. You will still be able to see the BEFORE OPTIMIZATION image in the results at the very bottom.
Our current FPS is at 30 FPS. We will be targeting 60 and beyond without too much sacrifice on visual quality. Now let's proceed with the different settings.


My results may hugely vary with yours. Remember that even though I have a mid-range card, I still have 3600mhz CL16 RAM and a 5600x CPU. Settings that may be CPU-intensive for others may be non-existent in performance gains for me. Also remember that not all FPS differences between settings are the same for all hardware configurations. The differences between medium and high on my machine maybe 5 FPS, but for others it may be 10 FPS. So please keep that in mind. I will also be notifying you of which resource they are utilizing as we go through each of them


Basic Section
Everything in the basic section where motion blur and other post processing effects can be found. Just adjust them according to you preference.

Advanced Section
  • Contact shadows: GPU-related
  • Improved facial geometry: I have no idea
  • Local shadow mesh quality: Can be CPU-related
  • Cascaded shadow range: CPU-related
  • Distant shadow resolution: Can be both CPU and GPU-related
  • Max dynamic decals: Both CPU and GPU-related
  • Subsurface scattering quality: GPU-related
  • Level of Detail: CPU-related
All the above I can turn to high or on without significant performance impact. When looking at graphics setting in-game, the two "local" prefixed shadow settings affect shadows cast by light sources and the next two, the one prefixed by "cascaded" - affect shadows cast by the sun. Note that the shadow settings we have just both set to high relate to both indoors and outdoors. But they simply refer to the range by which they're being drawn and the consistency against relative light sources. These do not affect the resolution of the shadows themselves. Hence, they have a non-existent effect in performance.
Subsurface Scattering
Also important to take note is how subsurface scattering affects how light bounces off the skin. It's very fortunate that it has minimal impact to frame rate while reducing shadow graininess and improving light dispersion on character's skin especially when being hit by light. Just set this to high and worry no more.


Remember the settings above that are CPU-related? I have read replies on this post that some of those settings resulted in frame-rate loss when toggling them on high or on.
These are:
  • Cascaded shadow range: CPU-related
  • Distant shadow resolution: Can be both CPU and GPU-related
  • Max dynamic decals: Both CPU and GPU-related
  • Level of Detail: CPU-related
  • Crowd Density: CPU-related
Please be aware that these settings will matter depending on your CPU's single-core performance. The reason I am NOT having problems with these settings is because the 5600x has truly remarkable single-core performance.
See 5600x's impressive single-core performance results on CPU-intensive games here:\ryzen_5600x_with_only_2400mhz_ram_on/)\am_shocked_5600x_runs_the_original_2007_crysis/)
For now, we will be looking into these GPU-bound settings first for two reasons:
  1. GPU-bound settings should be given topmost priority since it is the hardest hitter to game performance
  2. CPU-bottleneck issues are hard to spot without determining first where your frame rate drops are coming from. Is it because of a CPU or a GPU bottleneck?
This testing order will then allow us to identify whether or not CPU bottleneck still exists afterwards.


Now that we've ruled them out, we will be looking at the settings that are noticeable both visually and performance-wise. First up we have the other two shadow settings. While previously the shadow settings we've adjusted relate to the consistency and range by which they're drawn, now we're changing their resolution. This is why they're significant in GPU performance.

Local Shadow Quality

Local Shadow Quality High
Local Shadow Quality Medium
Local shadow quality can increase fps but remove interior and artificial light shadows. For this I recommend medium or high shadows. This setting is also relevant at night since cascaded shadows are replaced by local shadows due to the sun being absent and artificial lights take its place. If your frame rate drops below 60 during interiors and night scenes, try setting local shadow quality down to medium. I personally use high for this one. Take note that this also affects character shadows being projected by artificial lights - including yourself.

Cascaded Shadows Resolution

Next we have cascaded shadow resolution which affects the resolution of shadows cast by the sun. For this I recommend turning down to Medium just to gain 3 to 4 fps during outdoor scenes while still maintaining a smooth, soft-edged shadow quality. Just don't go low since it looks pixelaty bad.

Volumetric Fog Resolution

Next, we move on to volumetric fog resolution which I think is one of the sneakiest hitter settings since it is not noticeable visually but performance-wise it's a hog. This affects both indoor and outdoors scenes as well.
Volumetric Lighting Medium
Volumetric Lighting High
Volumetric Lighting Ultra
In here, we could see the biggest performance gain is going down to medium from high. Note that all settings contain dithering fog in some way - even on ultra. This is more noticeable when you're moving. There's just a slightly less pixelation inside the volumetric fog itself on ultra compared to medium but this is a highly recommended medium for me. If the dithering and "crawling" fog effect bothers you, then go ahead and go higher. Just don't blame me if your frame rate drops under 60 since it will affect performance even during the day. That's why I recommend medium. Let's move on.

Volumetric Cloud Quality

Cloud quality is exactly what it says. Toggles the volume of clouds, turning this off removes clouds in the sky while gradually increasing setting adds more volume to it. I just recommend any setting since it has close to zero performance impact. Maybe one or two fps when outdoors, but not enough to really warrant your attention. You can even turn this off if you want since probably you would be playing the game looking forward - not looking up into the sky.

Screen Space Reflections

Next up we have screen space reflections. This is the biggest hitter to performance when toggled all the way up.
SSR: Off
SSR: Low
SSR: Medium
SSR: High
SSR: Ultra
SSR: Pyscho
Note that choosing the off setting will toggle baked in reflections instead which look very bad and laughable. Trust me, this looks even worse in motion. Also turning SSR off removes reflections from wet roads and specular surfaces. Going from low to Pyscho increases the range of objects that is being reflected by a particular surface with Pyscho just brutally murdering your framerate.
There's also some sort of temporal noise around objects that gets more noticeable when going down to low from Pyscho. It has that grainy look to some reflective surfaces. For this I simply recommend medium since it strikes the perfect balance of having that reflective quality with minimal noise and a healthy performance increase. You can go high on this one if you have the frame rate budget, but considering the next step ultra is very similar to high performance-wise, you can just go up there instead. It all depends on what matters most to you. Turning this off should be your last resort since it removes reflective properties entirely and impacts the aesthetic of the game especially during the night. Some people, especially on this guide's reddit post, prefer it off to avoid the "visual noise". But those baked-in cube-mapped reflections just look so bad I'm unable to notice the noise in hindsight.

Ambient Occlusion

For ambient occlusion, I recommend medium. High may indeed add more depth shadows under more objects, but this is so unnoticeable compared to the number of frames it reduces.
AO: Off
AO: Medium
AO: High

Color Precision

Next is my personal favorite - Color precision. This guy is probably the sneakiest bastard on here. Not only does it sound unimportant and trivial, finding the difference between it on and off is next to impossible. However, this option can actually determine whether you can reach 60 or not. And unlike other settings that matter only on scenes that call upon them, color precision is constantly taking effect and so will reduce your frame rate at all times. Take a look at this certain spot in the game. This is one of the most demanding scenes that I've been and it all comes down to color precision to be set to medium for our frame rate to go beyond 60 fps.

Color Precision: Medium
Color Precision: High
Look at the difference in performance that it brings. But can you see the difference visually? Zoom in on these pictures if you can find Wal--I mean any difference. Looking closely on still shots, there's maybe a hint of blurriness to the medium setting compared to high but how will anyone notice this during normal gameplay is beyond me. Colors are still exactly the same without no dithering whatsoever so it's still a mystery to me what it really does.

Mirror Quality

Finally, we have mirror quality. This obviously affects scenes where mirrors are rendering your reflection. The very start of this game makes this setting known and probably made the worst impression ever if you had this setting turned to high before starting the game. For my end, I find the medium setting to have the perfect balance of reflective resolution and performance. It's not a perfect 60 during mirror scenes even on low, but medium is a perfect-trade-off for me and these are limited gameplay moments that don't require frame-rates to be over 60 for an enjoyable experience.

Static FidelityFX CAS

Going down to the very bottom we can specify a static internal resolution. This is my final cherry on top. Since I'm on 1440p, going down to 75 percent would lead me back to 1080p, so I'd want to avoid it. Hence I will be finding the sweet spot between 75 percent and 100 percent which would give me constant 60 fps on regular gameplay. The percentage that works for me is 85 percent.

UPDATE: Dynamic FidelityFX CAS Works Now

This option is now functioning correctly in 1.04. If you find Static FidelityFX to be too restrictive, this is the best option. What I advise you to do is:
  1. Load your own benchmark save point that reports lowest FPS you can get because of GPU bottleneck. The reason for this is for us to be able to set the gold standard by which every other section in your game would be guaranteed 60 fps and above.
  2. Find your own optimized graphics settings using this guide as - your guide. Don't ever move in that loaded save point for accurate results.
  3. Use Static FidelityFX to find the perfect resolution percentage which gets you just above 60 fps. Maybe give 1 or 2 frames above it for allowance.
  4. Turn off Static FidelityFX and set the same percentage value above to the minimum resolution target of Dynamic FidelityFX.
  5. Set Maximum resolution target to 100.
  6. Set your own target framerate lock to the threshold by which you would like the game to drop resolution. It can be at 60 sharp, or it can be anything above it.
As a freesync monitor user, I prefer my framerate to be prioritized first before resolution so I set my target framerate at 68 and minimum resolution at 85. That way, the game will try to render at native resolution but will drop to 85 percent of my resolution when it gets below 68. Simple as that.


If you have the 5700xt from Sapphire, use the TriXX boost software to enable the 85 percent of your native resolution instead of using AMD's FidelityFX. This allows you to select an arbitrary resolution that's 85 percent of your native resolution rather than having the game constantly downsample native 1440p down to 85 percent and upscale it back to your native screen as you play along. This is more CPU-friendly and I can confirm - a frame higher than the same 85 percent of Static FidelityFX. However, there is slight noise and aliasing when using arbitrary resolutions such as these. Use at your own discretion.


So far, this is what we've done.
1.) Turn ALL toggable settings On and ALL slider settings to High
2.) Turn to Medium ONLY these settings:
  • Cascaded Shadows Resolution
  • Volumetric Fog Resolution
  • Screen Space Reflections Quality
  • Ambient Occlusion
  • Color Precision
  • Mirror Quality
  • Optional: Local Shadow Quality, Volumetric Cloud Quality
3.) If you are not Sapphire GPU owners: Use 80 to 95 percent resolution slider at the very bottom. If you have Sapphire GPUs, use TriXX software to enable 85 percent resolution for your chosen native resolution and select it in-game instead of the the AMD FidelityFX slider.


No I didn't. In fact, this is the perfect time for that. Now that we've made the necessary changes to alleviate possible GPU bottlenecks through our settings above, it's time to evaluate your current performance. Answer these two questions:
  1. Are you still having framerate drops below 60 fps?
  2. What is your GPU usage percentage?
Here are my next recommendations based on your answer conditions:
  • If you are NOT dropping below 60 fps and GPU usage is at 99 percent: you are GPU-bound and have met the main objective of this guide. This is the ideal scenario we want to be in. Congratulations.

  • If you are dropping below 60 fps and GPU usage is at 99 percent: you are still GPU-bound and our settings are not enough to reach 60 fps. Consider dropping down ONLY the settings I've specified in STEP 2 of our OPTIMIZED SETTINGS SUMMARY. You may fiddle with other settings but these will be more apt for the next two conditions.

  • If you are dropping below 60 fps and GPU usage is BELOW 99 to 95 percent: You are now being CPU-bottlenecked. Consider adjusting these options only:
  1. Cascaded Shadow Range
  2. Distant shadow resolution
  3. Max dynamic decals
  4. Level of Detail
  5. Crowd Density (Only choose low if you're speedrunning the game)

  • If you're NOT dropping below 60 fps and GPU usage is also BELOW 99 to 95 percent: You are CPU-bottlenecked but not in a bad way. You just have a good GPU, go flex it if you want. Maybe you're in the middle of a CPU upgrade transition. Still, if you want more FPS, consider adjusting the same options above if it makes any changes:
  1. Cascaded Shadow Range
  2. Distant shadow resolution
  3. Max dynamic decals
  4. Level of Detail
  5. Crowd Density (Only choose low if you're speedrunning the game)


This reportedly improves utilization of CPU threads for AMD users. You can find lots of tutorials around the net for this one so I'm not going into detail on this. However, before you apply this fix, take note of where you fps drops are coming from. Are they GPU or CPU bottlenecks? If your frame rate drops while GPU usage is also dropping and you're using a Ryzen CPU, then this fix might be for you.
But if your frame rate drops while your GPU usage is at 99 percent or around that, then the benefit gains you may be getting would be smaller than you expect. This fix will be primarily ironing out the 0.1 percent lows of your playthroughs rather than your FPS average IF you are GPU-bound. If you're trying this out because you wanted to increase FPS at 1440p, your gains may be very small. I recommend this to people with 1080p screens and are experiencing CPU bottlenecks during their sessions. It wouldn't hurt to apply this regardless though, especially for AMD users. Just don't expect mind-blowing results if you're already GPU-bound.

Memory Pool Budget Adjustment (Possible placebo for me)

I've seen this all around the Net and while I can't definitely speak in behalf of those who benefited from it, I think this is just placebo. Benchmarks I've seen that provide "evidence" for this fix are simply within the margin of error to be called anything substantial. However, this could be of huge help to those who are memory limited - both VRAM and system RAM. This is just simple to do:
  1. Simply go to "..\Cyberpunk2077\engine\config" and open memory_pool_budgets.csv . Simple notepad will be able to open this file.
  2. Find the PoolCPU and PoolGPU rows and change the values inside the PC Column to 0. Some are setting calculated static values for these but I would strongly advise against it.
What does this mean? Well, it turns out memory allocations for the PC version are set exactly the same as our last-gen console brethren. Xbox and Sony machines are just beside PC and are named Durango and Orbis respectively. What we've done is unshackle restrictive memory allocations for our version and set them dynamically. I am not an expert on this one that's why I can't recommend this as something important and mandatory. But you could still try this out and report back its validity.

RESULTS TIME! drum rolls

Now let's compare my chosen benchmark points before and after our optimized settings. Remember what we discussed at the very start? I was reporting 30 FPS on all Max settings at 1440p.

Maxed out settings at 1440p
Optimized Settings at 1440p
Let's also not forget some closeup scenes in this game since these are also graphically intensive as the open world sections. I've chosen this Streetkid intro section as this is one of those discouraging performance moments I've experienced. (Makes you feel bad about your GPU)
Maxed Out settings at 1440p
Optimized Settings at 1440p
Look at how drastic our performance has become. Is maxed out settings any different from our optimized settings? Maybe, if you squint too hard on your screen. You be the judge. For me, the image quality still looks similar for the most part but it's in the performance that the difference is huge.


What if you're still unable to reach 60 fps after this guide? Well, here are my recommendations for a next-gen cyberpunk experience with high graphical fidelity and consistent performance:
  • Make a compromise to the 60 fps standard and lock your game to 30 fps but ramp up your settings to ultra. This results in consistent frametimes albeit in a lower framerate but you're getting the best fidelity.
  • Lower ONLY the settings that I specified to be on medium to low. Do not change those settings that are already on High since they will give you nothing. Maybe they will if you're on very low-end hardware, but for me, you should not be playing the game on lower-end hardware since you're just gimping the experience both visually and performance-wise. Wait till you get better hardware for the game experience to be given its due justice. This is not a jab at you or some sort of snarky remark, just a friendly advise.
  • Double down on that rendering resolution slider and decrease it until you reach 60 fps. Be prepared for blurry town but that's your choice.
  • You can also try "downgrading" to a smaller 22-inch IPS monitor with 1080p native resolution to get a high pixel density while gaining huge performance. My advise would be to never go beyond 22-inches 1080p for the PPI (Pixel Per Inch) value to not drop below 100.
  • If all still fails, well maybe it's just the time for you to get a better hardware if you cannot wait for future patches to fix the game.
If you're using mid-range GPU along the lines of 5700XT or 5700, with a decent 6-core Ryzen CPU, do these steps:
1.) If you are GPU-bound: Turn ALL toggable settings to On and slider settings to High
If you are CPU-bound, instead go to step 3
2.) If you are GPU-bound: Turn to Medium ONLY these settings:
  • Cascaded Shadows Resolution
  • Volumetric Fog Resolution
  • Screen Space Reflections Quality
  • Ambient Occlusion
  • Color Precision
  • Mirror Quality
  • Optional: Local Shadow Quality, Volumetric Cloud Quality
3.) If you are CPU-bound, apply the hex edit fix and adjust these settings ONLY:
  • Cascaded shadow range
  • Distant shadow resolution
  • Max dynamic decals
  • Level of Detail
  • Crowd Density
4.) If you are not Sapphire GPU owners: Use 80 to 95 percent resolution slider at the very bottom. If you have Sapphire GPUs, use TriXX software to enable 85 percent resolution for your chosen native resolution and select it in-game instead of the the AMD FidelityFX slider.
That's all for me, I hope this helps a lot especially those mid range users out there who think they need to grab a 3080 or 3090 just for this game. Be aware that current pricing for these cards are waaay beyond the MSRP. Please comment down below if I missed or misinterpreted anything. I am not a graphics expert of any kind; just some nerd who like to dig deep into the details of stuff.
Did my guide help you in any way?
I will be trying my best to respond to each and every comment coming from you.
Thank you again and stay safe!


After giving the game hours of chances for its fundamental design quirks to grow on me, I've decided to stop playing this game. This is not the proper state that this game should be played in. I'm not talking about the performance since this is fixable as what the guide below will show; it's not even the bugs, the graphical glitches, or the collision issues. These are all treatable by future patches.
But it's the actual game design itself that's currently incomplete and disjointed. Dialogue choices don't matter and it's insulting to include conversation options when there aren't even substantial consequences to be had in a game that's supposed to be an RPG and inspired by a tabletop RPG.
The AI is atrocious. NPCs behave like they were coded by high school students learning their first coding lesson. Their routines, if you can even call them that, are so basic and superficial that AI pedestrian traffic simply stop working at checkpoints and never move anymore. For me, the basic standard that should always be used as a template for open world design is Grand Theft Auto V, a game that came out more than seven years ago in an aging PS3 in its final generational year. To not at least match the very basic AI rulesets of that seven-year old game in 2020 is simply unacceptable.
The world, despite being one of the most beautiful and graphically advanced game worlds ever rendered in current hardware, is jarringly empty and lifeless with no potential for emergent gameplay. NPCs simply either walk around, play out canned animations, or engage in combat with other NPCs because it's a scripted event.
Speaking of comabt, the hand to hand combat is severely lacking as well. It's floaty, non-impactful, and imprecise. The lack of convincing damage animations during fist to fist combat doesn't help its case as well.
It's such a shame because there is a good game hidden underneath its problems. The lore that they've established here could be one of the richest and most compelling video game lores IMO. The fact that I stayed inside an elevator for minutes just to finish an in-game debate show is a testament to the potential of its writing to tackle relevant real-world issues and present them in this hyper-corporate, mechanized interpretation of the future. The soundtrack is awesome as well with surprising variety of music genres. Shooting is quite responsive as well and way more playable as a shooter game than the Fallout series. But it then falls apart when the AI freaks out and does stupid things like run around in circles and freeze in place while turning their backs to you.
It's heartbreaking to see a game developed with blood and tears come out in this state. That's why I won't progress through the game and consume its hard-earned content in an experience that feels more like a quality assurance session than a genuine cyberpunk adventure.
I've already requested my refund of the game and I also encourage others who are suffering with all the bugs and glitches to do the same. If you're one of tough-willed ones who can tolerate these issues and are unfazed by the incompleteness of its systems then go ahead enjoy the game. I'm happy for you.
submitted by DoeClapton to Amd [link] [comments]

r/Neoliberal elects the British Prime Ministers - Part 11: James Callaghan vs Margaret Thatcher vs David Steel in 1979

Previous Results

1945 – Sir Archibald Sinclair (Liberal)
1950 – Clement Davies with 50% of the vote
1951 – Clement Davies with 58% of the vote
1955 – Sir Anthony Eden with 67% of the vote
1959 – Harold Macmillan with 75% of the vote
1964 – Jo Grimond with 73% of the vote
1966 – Jo Grimond with 70% of the vote
1970 - Jeremy Thorpe with 53% of the vote
1974 (Feb) - Jeremy Thorpe with 62% of the vote
1974 (Oct) - Jeremy Thorpe with 63% of the vote
Last week the results were: Jeremy Thorpe (Liberal) 63% Edward Heath (Conservative) 25% Harold WIlson (Labour) 12%
The Con vs Lab result was, Harold Wilson (Labour) 37% Edward Heath (Conservative) 63%
The Actual results from 1974 (Oct) were:
Labour: 319 seats, 39.2% of the vote
Conservative: 277 seats, 35.8% of the vote
Liberal: 13 seats, 18.3% of the vote
SNP: 11 seats, 2.9% of the vote
Plaid Cymru: 3 seats, 0.5% of the vote



  • 1974 (Oct) – The second election of 1974 resulted in a slim Labour victory, with a majority of only 4 seats. This was a blow to Harold Wilson who had expected a much more comfortable margin, but with both parties exhausted and the country having little appetite for more elections Wilson accepted his victory. The Liberals who had hoped for “One More Heave” saw the loss of a seat, and Billy Wolf’s SNP saw a gain of 4, but he once again lost his own attempt to enter Parliament.
  • The Iron Lady:
  • Well it’s been a while since a leadership position last changed hands and here we have the first of three. Margaret Thatcher rose to prominence as Heath’s Education Minister, having been chosen as a hard-working and intelligent backbencher worked her way up as spokeswoman for various departments, she was then chosen by the US for its Foreign Leader Program - an exchange program which saw her tour the US and meet with various notables such as Nelson Rockafeller, and the IMF. Thatcher created a favourable impression on the Americans and gained a position on Heath’s Shadow Cabinet. As Education Secretary Thatcher was hard working and stuck to her remit, although she was perhaps best known for cancelling the programme of free school milk for children (she herself argued she was continuing a Labour policy as they’d cancelled the programme in secondary schools). After the Feb 1974 loss Thatcher was downgraded to Shadow Environment Secretary - perhaps a reflection of her and Heath’s frosty relationship. But what was meant to be a downgrade caused Thatcher’s star to rocket. Thatcher proposed a new policy of abolishing the rates system which was a property tax, and for it to be replaced by a new tax based on income (although the latter part was sometimes left out).
  • Thatcher unveiled this policy during August when the rest of Parliament was on holiday and hoovered up the media’s attention with little else going on politically. As I discussed last week she also notably tore into Dennis Healey’s budget, which gained her great acclaim as Healey was seen as a formidable debater. Thatcher was aided by the fact that she never believed she'd be leader. The contest after Heath had already seemingly been set in stone: WIllie Whitelaw vs Keith Joseph. I’ve touched on Whitelaw previously but he was seen as a consensual centrist, whereas Joseph was the leader of the Conservatives’ right. However, after the October 1974 election, Joseph torpedoed his budding campaign in a series of controversial interviews, during one of which he argued poor people should stop having children because it diminished the British racial stock. The fact that Thatcher stood despite not being considered a forerunner for Leader meant that she avoided accusations of scheming or being power-hungry despite her political manoeuvring.
  • Thatcher’s policy of scrapping taxes during a dismal campaign where 2 parties fought over who was the least unpopular brought her great acclaim and she was heavily featured in the Conservatives TV broadcasts (see my last post). This fame allowed her to take the unprecedented step of challenging Heath in 1975. Heath had assumed he’d stay on as leader, and most of his cabinet fell in line out of loyalty to him, but after losing 3 out of 4 elections most Conservative backbenchers were itching to get rid of Heath who as discussed previously could be unbearably haughty and arrogant. The contest with Thatcher brought out the worst of Heath as he failed to hide his disdain for the (as he saw it) annoying woman with right-wing views. Thatcher could sense the backbenchers had enough of Heath however and her image shown in TV broadcasts of the wife and mother cleaning up in the kitchen before whipping off the apron and dashing out for a business meeting struck a chord with many people along with her previous fame for scrapping taxes and coming across well in party broadcasts. Thatcher also managed to channel the anger of the right of the party who had stuck with Heath after he sacked Powell and then been disappointed by Heath’s u-turns while in power, and his shift to the left in the contests of 74. The heavyweights of the Conservative party dutifully fell in behind Heath and were stunned when he lost the first round of voting in a surprise upset. Heath withdrew and other candidates such as Whitelaw piled in but Thatcher had the momentum on her side, and for her courage in challenging Heath she won the second round and became Leader of the Conservative Party.
  • But what does Thatcher believe, and how is she as a leader? Those within the Conservative party saw her as a figure of the right due to her monetarist policies and sympathies for Enoch Powell but the larger public had little idea of what she stood for. Thatcher embarked on a series of lengthy political interviews with journalists and commentators to advocate for her positions. Thatcher loved debating commentators so much she extensively appeared on the American show Firing Line, hosted by William F. Buckley. The show was only broadcast in the US so it had no political advantage for Thatcher but she enjoyed honing herself in TV debates. In this way Thatcher is totally different from Wilson, Heath, and Callaghan. Heath loathed TV appearances and could go a whole year as Prime Minister without ever giving an interview or putting himself on TV. Wilson disappeared after the 1970 election and tried to fade into the background of the referendum on the Common Market because he despised journalists and knew how much the public were sick of him. Callaghan did not avoid the press as much but was known to be a quiet figure who rarely made appearances. Thatcher’s outstanding quality during this period is her abilities as a political communicator and teacher, and her ability to frame issues. The policies she advocated for were radical, and are very different to the manifesto’s we’ve gone through before (briefly the “Post-war consensus” consists of a “Tripartite” agreement where managers represented by the CBI and trade unions are consulted before economic decisions are made, full employment is maintained through Keynesian economics trade unions are regularly consulted by the government on policies and are given widespread powers, and a strong welfare state is maintained through high taxes. Thatcher in effect opposes all of this), but Thatcher was able to frame her policies in a way which seemed completely normal, and appealing.
  • Her economics were not just about numbers for example but freeing the people and giving them power. When asked if she was a pragmatist she replied ‘I’m a pragmatist in the true sense of the word… putting your principles into practice.’ When asked if she was right-wing she replied ‘Define what you mean by right-wing… you can’t look after hard-working people unless you create enough wealth to do so… My views don’t differ very much from Iain Macleod/ If you want lower taxes it’s called right-wing… If you support the police it’s called right-wing… If you want to sell council homes it’s called right-wing… If you want to uphold standards in education it’s called right-wing… If you call that right-wing, I’m right-wing.’. When discussing her housing policy she declared “property is freedom”, when discussing the economy she claimed Britain’s economy was struggling because something had “gone wrong spiritually and emotionally”. She declared she would not suffer disagreements from her cabinet. Heath and others scoffed at Thatcher for being overly simplistic and ignoring the realities of governing, but over the inertia of the political scene, Thatcher’s policies were seen by the public as bold and exciting. But Thatcher could only pursue these policies because at the time the British economy and political system were in total crisis and so a rethink made sense to voters. Elsewhere Thatcher was more careful, her cabinet, for example, contains more “wets” and “Heath-men” than natural allies. I should also note that by this point Margaret Thatcher is not seen as “The Iron Lady” or a particularly strong, or tough woman. At the announcement of her victory, she pulled out a feather duster and cleaned the stage to laughter, and when first called “The Iron Lady” she mocked the term and pointed out her done-up hair, her expensive dress, and her make-up. Thatcher’s image will change over the next few years. In summary, Thatcher is a bit of an unknown quantity but is seen as representing a clear break from Heath, and as someone with very clear principles, but also perhaps inexperienced.
  • In or Out? - As promised after his victory Wilson eventually held a referendum on Britain staying or leaving the Common Market. This had been devised by Wilson to help keep the Labour party together which was split almost 50-50 on the issue. Both sides, however, saw a referendum as a way of solving the issue, and Wilson believed it’d let some of the tension out of his cabinet. Wilson largely took a backseat and let his cabinet members appear on TV to fight one another, intervening sparingly in favour of “Yes” (or remaining within the Common Market). Wilson had held off on a referendum until every available poll showed “yes” would win and in the 3rd election in 11 months the British public voted to stay within the Common Market
  • Big Jim - Wilson then rather abruptly stood down as Labour leader. It’s still unclear why exactly Wilson stepped down. It may have been because his wife was ill, he developed colon cancer, or the realisation he was developing Alzheimers, and there are other reasons as well. As I’ve mentioned before Wilson’s cabinet was one of the most stacked in history and there were several candidates to succeed him the Labour party was split into 2 main ideological camps with the “soft right” being the largest. The left were split between Tony Benn and Michael Foot. Benn was a young charismatic maverick, and the darling of the hard left, whereas Foot was seen as a figure of the left who could still unite the party and therefore won the first ballot. On the right, there were 4 candidates although Anthony Crosland is pretty irrelevant. The main figures were the Chancellor Dennis Healey who was busy writing a budget and had just had a public spat with the left-wing magazine “Tribune” who were one of the main voices behind the “No” campaign which tarnished him. Roy Jenkins was one of the favourites to win, Wilson’s modernizing Home Secretary who legalised homosexuality a few posts ago. Jenkins had been the right’s standard-bearer but had voted against a Labour whip to vote yes to entering the Common Market when Heath was Prime Minister, and then resigned as Deputy Leader when Wilson committed Labour to re-negotiating Britain’s entry. Jenkins was therefore seen as disloyal and divisive among the party. Callaghan was a steady, safe pair of hands. A figure of the right but one who’d opposed British membership into the Common Market and led the trade unionist charge against “In Place of Strife” making him a figure the left could fall behind, and as the oldest candidate was seen as someone who’d maybe lead Labour into another election but would resign relatively soon, giving the other contenders another crack at leadership anyway. He had also been unofficially endorsed by Wilson, so when Jenkins withdrew after the first round of voting Callaghan hoovered up his support and went on to win.
  • Thorpe to Steel - And finally we have the bizarre case of the Liberals change in leader. During the 60s Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe had a homosexual affair with a man called Norman Scott, then a criminal offence. MI5 tracked the two but took no action. When Thorpe became leader Scott resurfaced and tried selling his story but was turned down by newspapers due to the story being difficult to confirm and old news, but these rumours distressed Thorpe. Thorpe took money from a Bahaman millionaire to help cover his party’s election expenses and then gave the money to an airline pilot who promised to assassinate Scott. The pilot bungled the attempt however and ended up shooting Scott’s Great Dane. In court Scott testified that he believed the shooting had been motivated by his affair which made his relationship with Thorpe public knowledge. The pilot then sold his story the next year when he was released and the pressure made Thorpe step down as leader, although prominent Liberal figures defended him. The case eventually goes to court in 79 but the case is handled poorly, with Scott also bizarrely claiming that Thorpe infected him with the lifelong disease of homosexuality and should therefore pay for his care for the rest of his life. Thorpe is acquitted but is widely perceived as being guilty and the Liberal leadership goes to great lengths to distance themselves from him. The subsequent leadership election was won by David Steel who had been Thorpe’s chief whip and foreign affairs spokesman. Steel was a popular progressive figure, perhaps most notable for writing and proposing a bill which legalised abortion in 1966 but he’s not as charismatic as Thorpe, who after achieving the Liberals’ best modern result has badly tarnished its image.
  • The Economy Stupid - The economic crisis we’ve discussed in the last few posts as a result of the oil crisis and stagflation continued into Wilson and Callaghan's government, but the resignation of Wilson made things worse as creditors lost confidence in Pound Sterling and it was temporarily pulled from being able to be converted into other currencies. In order to try and restore confidence, Callaghan instituted a program of austerity with widespread government cuts but the pressure continued and in 1976 the government was forced to ask the IMF for a hefty loan to keep going. The IMF agreed on the condition of more cuts which were implemented. Many in the Labour cabinet were opposed to both of these series of cuts and Callaghan employed the tactic of letting his opponents talk themselves into circles until eventually, it became clear that cuts were needed, however, this tactic resulted in extremely lengthy meetings where the cabinet seemed to endlessly debate amongst itself, leading to Thatcher’s aforementioned comments about not allowing much dissent within her cabinet. With the world economy improving, Labour’s cuts, the strengthening of the Pound, and a pay freeze (more on that Labour) inflation began climbing down from a peak of 26% in 75 to 7.8% in 78. Unemployment began falling and the economy as a whole began improving which led to an uptick in Labour’s polling, with polling in 78 showing Labour slightly ahead or a hung parliament likely. But by 1979 unemployment rose to 5.5% and inflation hit 13.39% and the economy began faltering again.
  • The Lib-Lab pact - Although the Labour party had won a majority of 4 seats this was quickly whittled away due to by-election defeats, with the Labour Parliamentary Party elected in Oct 74 being notably older than usual. To combat this Callaghan negotiated with the SNP and Plaid Cymru, Scottish and Welsh nationalist parties, agreeing to referendums on Scottish and Welsh devolution and the prospect of creating a Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly in return for their backing on key votes. In 1977 an agreement was also made with the Liberal Party for the Liberals to back key votes such as the budget to keep Labour in power, an exchange for a joint Liberal-Labour committee which would examine government policies and legislation. It has been suggested that Steel as a new, young leader was naive to agree to this agreement as it didn’t give the Liberals much real power, but after the Thorpe affair, Steel believed close cooperation with the government would help the Liberal party rebuild its legitimacy. The pact, however, was unpopular with activists within both parties. The prospect of an election was growing more likely, and it was believed Callaghan no longer needed the Liberals. The Scottish and Welsh nationalists would wait until their referendums on devolution, and the upcoming boundary review was predicted to give Northern Ireland more seats so the Northern Irish parties would hold off, it’d also give Labour roughly 6-8 seats too so the Labour party wouldn’t try to bring him down beforehand, and MPs in both parties from marginal seats were nervous about an election. Just 15 months after it was agreed to the pact was terminated in August 1978.
  • The Social Contract - In order to prevent the chaos of the Heath years Harold Wilson devised a “social contract” with the trade unions. The Industrial Relations Act was repealed and new protections were given to unions such as protections over picketing and “closed shop” practices where an employer agrees to only hires members of a specific union, and workers are forced into remaining members of that union otherwise they’ll be fired. Labour also agreed to pass legislation which favoured trade unions and carried out social policies which they agreed to, in return the unions would review pay every 12 months instead of just striking constantly. Miners were also given a further 35% pay increase to keep them happy. The unions agreed to this, and then to an “incomes policy” where the government and unions agreed to restrain themselves when it came to giving pay raises. This somewhat surprisingly worked and the trade unions kept to the agreement despite significant drops in real wages.
  • The election that never was - by 1978 Callaghan had caught up to the Conservatives in opinion polls and as mentioned previously was slightly ahead or level with them. This is due to the low levels of striking and industrial actions, the improving economy, Callaghan himself whose calm and relaxed demeanour even during crisis reassured voters who felt as though they could trust him, and also Margaret Thatcher’s unpopularity with voters with her personal polling not being very impressive. By 1978 there was serious media speculation that Callaghan would call for an early election and Callaghan seriously considered one. He consulted widely but opinions were mixed. David Steel actually told him to go for an election, and most of his cabinet agreed, although the more prominent members didn’t want an election. As mentioned previously Callaghan’s position was seen as safe, and he personally didn’t believe the polls that suggested he would gain a majority. Callaghan believed there would probably be a hung Parliament again and that this would lead to more negotiations with other parties which he was exhausted at the prospect of after negotiating with the Nationalists and with the Liberals. Callaghan therefore decided to hold off until 1979 and let the economy improve some more. At the 1978 Trade Union Conference Callaghan was set to give a speech and it was expected he’d announce a general election, Callaghan instead made a joke, telling the conference that the commentators had set the date and the election but Marie Lloyd (a singer) had set the time and the event but that they all knew what happened, he went on to sing the song “Waiting at the Church” in a moment hailed as showing his domination of the political field.
  • The Winter of Discontent - ...But that social contract did not last forever. In 1978 the agreement was due to be renegotiated and with the economy improving the unions believed it was time to loosen the belt. Callaghan without consulting anyone decided on a rather arbitrary limit of 5% pay rises at most for workers. Union leaders refused to accept this, knowing that it’d lead to their members turning on them and the head of the transport union asked who James Callaghan was to tell him he should refuse the pay increases he’d negotiated for his workers. The dam broke when Ford workers went on strike demanding a pay raise of 30% due to the companies growing profits and the fact that Ford’s chairman had just raised his pay by 80%. Ford offered the 5% the government had advised but the workers refused to accept it and eventually settled at 17%. The consequence for breaking government policy should have been sanctions for both the union and the company but when this was voted on in Parliament Labour’s left backed the unions and Callaghan was defeated. This meant that there was no pay restraint for the private sector but that public sector workers pay was still capped, which led to a strike at the BBC with workers threatening to go on strike over Christmas and not play the Sound of Music which BBC had just bought the rights to. A pay freeze only for public sector workers could not hold and limits were withdrawn. What followed were a massive wave of strikes with over 29 million days of work lost from January-February as different unions began striking to secure the pay rises that other unions had secured, culminating in a national “day of action” where 1.5m workers went on strike at the same time. At the same time, one of the coldest winters on record swept the country with temperatures hitting an average -14 degrees celsius or 57.2 Fahrenheit. The UK was buffeted with storms and heavy snows just as the strikes began. Lorry drivers went on strike and demanded a raise of 40% which caused petrol stations to shut down due to distribution issues, and food stores to be stripped empty as people began panic buying. Cities were blockaded stopping all movement in or out and the strike also meant cancer patients could no longer receive chemotherapy. Gravediggers went on strike which saw bodies being dumped out in the open and discussions were held on how they could bury people at sea instead, binmen went on strike so garbage was simply dumped in the streets, hot water supplies were disrupted so people had to boil water instead, nurses went on strike and blockaded hospitals, then ambulance drivers went on strike. Workers walked out en-masse in St. Ormond’s Street Hospital, leaving the sick and dying children to lay inside alone. After this formerly left-wing Labour MPs even began to give speeches in the House saying the unions were going too far.
  • Crisis? What Crisis? - What was Callaghan doing during all of this? Well, he was at an economic conference in the Caribbean where the press took photos of him gleefully sunning his toes and posing with beach babes. Callaghan had no idea of what was happening in the country and when he returned he decided to give a press conference straight after getting off his plane. During the conference Callaghan scoffed at journalists for asking if he should have come home, claiming they were jealous, brushed off a question about mounting chaos and then laughed about it, asking if he’d be able to find a cup of coffee with all the chaos the journalists were braying about. Callaghan’s cool and calm nature had won the public over during previous crises but this press conference seemed beyond the pale for voters who’d had images of blizzards, empty shelves, and cities being left to starve seared into their minds. When Callaghan soaked in the scale of what had happened he told his press secretary he’d let the country down. When told if Labour kept their heads and fixed things they’d still be able to win the next election Callaghan murmured “I’m afraid we might”, and he refused to give a televised statement on the chaos, asking how he’d give an address admitting his policy had collapsed. During the crises, Thatcher appeared on television to put forward a programme of restricting union powers. By the election, 82% of the public believed the unions were too powerful and Labour were 20 points behind the Conservatives. The day after Callaghan’s conference The Sun ran the headline “Crisis? What Crisis?” Callaghan never said the words during the conference although The Sun claimed he’d said them to a journalist afterwards in private. But the headline summed up what many thought of Callaghan’s response and it formed the basis of one of the Conservative’s most iconic political broadcasts which I’d highly recommend watching to understand the narratives at play during this election, and so you can see the images of the Winter of Discontent
  • No Confidence - As the strikes petered out referendums were held in Scotland and Wales on devolution. The Welsh referendum was voted against outright whereas the vote in Scotland passed but did not meet the required threshold to implement a Scottish Parliament so Labour blocked it. This led to the SNP calling for a motion of no confidence in Big Jim, who claimed that they were turkeys voting for Christmas. The motion was a tense affair and there are many stories about how one or two decisions could have changed history but in the end, the motion passed by 311 votes to 310, and a general election was called. With the Conservatives jeering the young Labour MP Neil Kinnock leads his party in singing The Red Flag. Harold Wilson is asked for his thoughts and he murmurs that he thinks his wife will vote Conservative because they’re led by a woman. The Labour party is not particularly happy with his contribution
  • The Campaign - The Campaign itself is relatively uneventful. The Conservative Party employs the advertising agency Saatchi and Saatchi who come up with the poster “Labour isn’t working which becomes iconic and is reused in later elections. Thatcher is also trained in lowering her voice to make it sound more commanding, but Thatcher isn’t quite the Iron Lady yet and isn’t a natural at campaigning. Callaghan comes off as by far the most experienced and like Wilson in 74 tries to focus on prices rather than larger ideological debates. One of his advisors told Callaghan he thought they could win it due to Callaghan’s campaigning but Callaghan replied that once every generation there was a sea-change in politics when what people wanted completely shifted and that they were experiencing that now. Before the election Thatcher gave a speech claiming that there was a worldwide revolt against big government and bureaucracy and that now they were witnessing the end of an era, and throughout the campaign the Conservative party focused on promising a radical break from the past whereas Labour promised continuity, flipping the party’s traditional roles.



  • Strengthen price controls, radically reform the European common agricultural policy and work with the trade unions to hit a target of 5% inflation to get prices under control.
  • Setup regional development agencies and plans with companies to increase employment, “work for an international agreement under which all countries are helped and encouraged to expand their economies to the limit of their productive capacity and so stimulate world trade”, continue with job creation schemes, move towards a 35 hour work week, expand the national bank “Girobank” to compete with private banks, protect employees from unemployment due to their companies modernising, reserve the right to nationalise companies who take government aid
  • Increase the nationalisation of the North Sea oil reserves, continue to support coal mining, encourage energy saving schemes,
  • Nationalise road haulage industry, electronics, pharmaceuticals, health equipment and building materials
  • introduce an annual wealth tax on the small minority of rich people whose total net personal wealth exceeds £150,000, reduce the burden of income tax, and raise the tax threshold below which people pay no income tax, increase benefits and pensions
  • End as soon as possible private schools, abolish prescription fees in NHS, phase out private beds
  • Provide a universal scheme of education and training for all aged 16-19, remove barriers preventing poorer students from attending higher education
  • Increase rights of tenants, relax planning laws, help first time buyers with mortgages, increase job security in construction, Encourage the development of building workers' cooperatives, tackle land speculation through land nationalisation.
  • Develop policies for resource conservation, encourage recycling and cleaning campaigns, reduce pollution and lead contents of petrol
  • “encourage recognized trade unions to establish joint representation committees in all companies employing more than 500 people, and place a legal obligation on employers to discuss company plans with these committees. We will establish an industrial democracy commission to stimulate and monitor schemes of industrial democracy in the private sector and nationalised industries.”
  • Introduce a Freedom of Information Bill to provide a system of open government,
  • Continue direct rule and army presence in Northern Ireland but expand the role of the police
  • oppose any move towards turning the European Community into a federation, reform the Community’s agriculture, energy, finance, trade, and industry policies, legislate that British parliament is able to repeal and amend European laws
  • Cut the defence budget
  • Push for peace in the Middle East and Cyprus, detente with the East, opposition to colonialism and racial injustice, force South American dictatorships to repay debts, restore human and trade union rights


  • Monetary discipline with targets for the growth of monetary supply, a reduction in government borrowing, an end to price controls, and the size of government to be reduced in order to control inflation
  • Scrap government programs and further nationalisation to save £1.65bn
  • Picketers to be confined to only picketing their place of work, a review of the immunity of strikers, those who continue going to work during strikes to be free of intimidation or violence, violence and obstruction to no longer be tolerated, an end to “closed shop” practices where workers have to remain members of a specific union or be fired, secret and postal ballots to be used by unions, pay bargaining to be conducted only between employer and employee, pay rises in the public sector to be dependent on what the taxpayer can afford
  • Cut income tax at all levels, raise tax threshold of what people can make before paying taxes, reduce highest band tax rates to European average, sickness benefits to be included in annual income, reduction to investment income taxes, simplification of VAT and reduction of tax bureaucracy, no wealth tax, capital transfer tax and capital gains tax to be merged into a simpler, reduced tax. Amend regulations around small business to be simpler and more favourable.
  • sell back to private ownership the recently nationalised aerospace and shipbuilding, sell government shares in the National Freight Corporation, relax the Traffic Commissioner licensing regulations to enable new bus and other services to develop, encourage new private operators, amend the 1975 Industry Act and restrict the powers of the National Enterprise Board solely to the administration of the Government's temporary shareholdings, to be sold off as circumstances permit.
  • Scrap all import controls but maintain regulations against foreign “dumping” of products
  • Encourage energy saving scheme, make sure tax and licensing policies encourage larger oil production, support for coal and nuclear power
  • Radical change to the Common Agricultural Policy, opposition to discriminatory proposals, implement a freeze on CAP price increases for goods which are in surplus, negotiate agreement with Common Market to protect British fishing
  • Improve pay and conditions for police, reduce procedures which take up police time such as traffic supervision duties, introduce tough compulsory attendance centres for young offenders, free vote in Parliament on if capital punishment for murderers should be legal
  • introduce a new British Nationality Act to define entitlement to British citizenship and to the right of abode in this country, tougher immigration controls, quotas for non-EEC immigrants
  • Implement an elected regional council for Northern Ireland, no amnesty for terrorists,
  • Introduce policies to support first-time buyers, sell nationalised housing with discounts for long-time renters
  • Continue to protect the environment and reduce pollution. Particular attention to improvement and restoration of derelict land, the disposal and recycling of wastes, and reducing pollution of rivers and canals subject to availability of resources. Improve housing insulation to reduce fuel consumption
  • “Repeal those sections of the 1976 Education Act which compel local authorities to reorganise along comprehensive lines and restrict their freedom to take up places at independent schools.”, introduce national standards for education, restore direct grant schools, introduce a parents charter which gives parents right to choice of schools
  • Simplify and decentralise the NHS and cut back bureaucracy. Reintroduce paid beds and end “vendetta against the private health sector”, reintroduce tax aid for health insurance.
  • Simplify social security, reimplement tax credit schemes, exempt war widows' pensions from tax, introduce cash benefits for disabled, allow pensioners to still work if they want to
  • Significantly increase defence spending, increase the pay of servicemen, buy new equipment.
  • Reaffirm Britain’s commitment to the Common Market, integrate each country’s foreign policies more closely, but some reforms to CAP and fishing, national payments into the Common Market budget should be more closely related to each countries ability to pay Support peace in Middle East and Rhodesia, strengthen aid to Commonwealth


  • Because this post is running really long the Liberal Manifesto will be down in the comments:

Read the full manifestos here:

1979 Election coverage (featuring the debut of “Arthur” and one of the greatest openings ever):
Conservative political broadcast: Crisis? What Crisis? -
Thatcher election broadcast -
Thatcher Winter of Discontent broadcast -
James Callaghan interview -

Vote here (All Parties):

Vote here (Labour vs Conservative):

Please try to vote as if you are a British citizen in 1979 without knowledge of what will happen after the election.
submitted by Woodstovia to neoliberal [link] [comments]

Don't pay for those courses that are floating around now!

So I have been watching Coffeezilla, Boone and some more channels on people scamming, especially the ones that are putting up overpriced online courses. I have noticed that a few similar ones have popped up in the EDM scene, and I expect more to come as well. Now, for a few bucks, you might think it would be nice to have an all in one package with everything you need, but I yet have not seen one, and the ones that are circulating around are in the hundreds of dollars area of courses. They are NOT worth it, for what is out there on the internet for free!
If you have been considering buying one: Please take a look at these resources first! And if they are not enough, look around yourself, I doubt that you will not find video series or other resources that are actually not as good as those courses.
So here is the list: (just look and see if the workstyle fits you):
Books and other resources I have used:
Tips on how to sniff out the bullshit:
There are probably more resources out there, that might even be better than the one I listed. But my goal was just to make people sway away from the paid courses pandemic that is starting to move over to the music scene, and to look out for resources that are cheaper and better.
TL:DR Keep your money, and buy a book, equipment or plugins instead. The paid tutorials are heavily over priced!
Some extra thoughts:
I myself got access to a real studio to learn basic hardware set up (+ simple mixing tips) for around $20 (5 sessions, each around 3h, and I got a student discount, actual price was $40 I think). But with no studio access or real feedback, and a price way over $100, then there is a problem, and artists are taking advantage of people who doesn’t know any better. The artists I have seen are taking between $250-$500!
So compare: $20-$50 with a real location and feedback or $250-$500 for a video folder.
Final thoughts:
If you want to play an instrument, an hour can be in the range of $20-$70 for a teacher to personaly teach you and guide you (eye to eye!), by telling what you are doing right and wrong when practising (+ a textbook and video recommendations are common). Same with mixing, it’s a practise, someone has to tell you what you are doing right and wrong if you are paying this professional to teach you at this price range. So, if you are paying over $90-$100 for only video guides, with no feedback! Then something isn't right here. There is no way to justify $100-$500 for a video folder without a real feedback guarantee, which are conveniently excluded in these courses TOS (massive red flag there). Combine this with it's all videos + pdf files and not eye to eye, it should actually be cheaper, but instead, it's more expensive!?
Another way of seeing it: These products are a "one way interaction" thing, so it might be fair to price it as a textbook, which would be around $20-$90 (the range for physics and engineering textbooks at university level), and most of these courses are not in that range, and if they are, then the odds are that the books are better.
F##k it! Last words: Here is a really good example of "a certain website/artist" doing this shit! Dodging responsibilities for what an instructor is supposed to do. You don't pay $279 for a maybe, you pay that for an guarantee! Huge red flags for $279 (while trying to convince you is worth $10000). I hope you see why this is so sketchy, that the prices on theses online courses are so unreasonable for what they provide!
submitted by HaraldRevery to edmproduction [link] [comments]

I am a 52 year old making $116,000 a year, living in Northern Virginia and working as an analyst for a Federal agency

Happy New Year. I hope it is better than 2020. I am a 52 year old single female with no children who works for a US government agency as an analyst. I have been with the agency for over 15 years. Within those 15 years I have held two positions, one for three years and one for over 12 years. I wrote this diary to show the finances of someone who is older and seriously thinking about retirement. People in the sub want diversity, well here is some age diversity. My week was pretty normal for COVID times. I will also put out upfront, after the last NoVA diary, that my parents paid for my college and gave me $7,000 for my down payment and closing costs for my first home.
I was raised in a household where the only debt was a mortgage. My dad was a low level manager in a factory until late high school and my mom was a teacher who went back to teach full time when I was 10 after staying home for seven years. We never wanted for the essentials, but vacations were modest and extras were not expensive. We swam on the local swim team, did girl scouts, band and church activities. If you wanted something out of the norm you saved up your babysitting money or part-time job earnings. There was no new car for a 16th birthday present. They kept a car when a newer one was bought for our use. It was not our car. The keys could be taken away. We had to pay for the gas. I knew my parents gave to charity and to church. Money was not a taboo subject but it was not talked about extensively. My dad would be called frugal by many. My parents spending habits and lack of debt were how my older sister and I were able to go to college both without debt with my father unemployed for part of the time. Much of this rubbed off on me about debt, except I have only paid cash for a car once which my parents did for all their vehicles. Higher education was expected in my family. My dad has a BS and my mother had a Masters.
Most of the good and bad of my money journey has been on me with some significant help from my parents for life events like college and first home purchase. I also lived almost rent free for a few years in my childhood home while I figured out what I wanted to do with my life after college. I decided I did not want to teach. I did (and still do) have a lot of privilege.
Home ownership is very important to my father and this rubbed off on me. I think this was shaped by his age, he is the child of an immigrant and his parents lost their home when he was a young child during the Great Depression. Both my sister and I received assistance in purchasing our first homes.
I had one inheritance of $1,000 from my grandmother. I used the money to help fund travel to England and France when I was 24 with two of my best friends. I am glad I did travel then and did not save it. With one of my friends I always thought we would travel again after her children were older. Well the children are older, but she was diagnosed with early onset dementia at 51. I am glad I have a lot of good memories of our trip in Paris together.
Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance $480,000 split between TSP, Traditional Rollover IRA and Roth IRA. I got there by saving from every paycheck. It should be higher. I didn't really get serious about saving for retirement until 35. In my late 20’s and early 30’s I did not even save up to the match. That is my biggest money regret. My retirement balance was around $35,000 when I joined the Federal government at 37.
Equity $177,000 I purchased my first property for $64,000 with $7,000 in help from my parents in 1996. I sold my first property with about a $90,000 profit in 2006. I rolled about $76,000 of this equity into my new condo. Within two years I had lost all of my equity in the 2007 -2009 RE market slide. I was never underwater and I just kept paying my mortgage. The value of my condo finally increased over my purchase price about a year ago. This took over 10+ years. I started paying significant extra principal payments about two years ago. I now pay an extra $400 towards principle each month and a lump sum of $1500 twice a year when I get my two extra paychecks. I have approximately $54,000 left on the mortgage and I will hopefully pay it off in 2024 about 7 years early. I get paid 26 times a year and consider part of two of those checks extra. I work the majority of my budget off of 24 checks.
Savings account balance of multiple accounts $50,000. This includes about $15,000 designated as my emergency fund. I also keep $4,000 liquid in my Roth that could be used for emergencies.
Checking account balance $2300
Credit card debt $0. I pay my accounts off every month
Student loan debt $0. My parents and some savings from a grandparent paid for all four years of school for me. My last year of college in total was less than $7,500 including living on campus. My father was unemployed most of my senior year in high school and most of my freshman year in college. My parents incurred no debt for college for either myself or my sister who was two years ahead of me. I received a BA in History and certified to teach high school. I worked for my spending money during summers and three of the four school years.
Section Two: Income
Income Progression: I've been working for my agency for 15 years. I left my previous career in real estate finance as I was tired of making money for other people, 9/11 and some personal things that had happened in my life. I made $33,000 in my last job before joining the government. My starting salary was $39,000. I am on the GS schedule so I get some regular increases. I am currently a GS 13. I have the opportunity potentially to be a non-supervisory GS-14. My agency has made this last jump very difficult and I am very unmotivated to even try after hearing what happened during this year’s promotion process. I personally think, if the rumors are correct, there will be future lawsuits over the recent changes that were implemented this year to the process. I will likely top out my salary at between $124,00 to $130,000. I have eight to 10 years until I plan on retiring.
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $4749
Mandatory Pension Contribution $78 (.8%) Federal employees after 2013 I think have to contribute a mandatory 4.4% . Our pension is called FERS. It is based on the average of your highest three years of salary earnings x a multiplier (usually 1.0% or 1.1%) x your number of years of service. In order to get a full retirement with the health insurance benefit and a few other things you have to reach certain age and service requirements. I will receive around $30,000 from my pension a year with a COLA every year when I retire.
TSP and Catch Up $2187 (Half Roth and half Traditional. I recently switched to this mix) I max both for a total of $26,000. My agency matches 5%.
SS $586.86
Federal Taxes $1421.36
State Tax $459.81
Life Insurance in the amount of my salary $38.68 (I should probably get rid of this as I do not have any dependents who need my income)
Medicare $137.27
Health, Dental and Vision Insurance $197.77 I will have lifetime subsidized health insurance if I take a full retirement after reaching certain milestones and have had the insurance for five years before I retire. I am dropping vision insurance in 2021. I have a BC/BS PPO and I am fairly happy with my insurance.
Section Three: Expenses
Rent / Mortgage / HOA fees $1101 for mortgage that includes escrow for RE taxes, HOA $412. I am likely to get a large increase in my RE assessment in the spring so I anticipate my property tax escrow going up in 2021. I live in a large condo complex with amenities. HOA includes heating/cooling, gas for cooking, and electricity. Parking is free. My mortgage is a 20 yr fixed rate mortgage at 4.875%. That is high. I made the decision a few years ago to pay it down faster rather than pay the cost of a refinance. Now the balance is low enough it would be harder to find a lender who would lend such a low amount.
Renters / home insurance $385 per year. Since I own a condo, the master condo policy covers everything but the finishes, personal property, and personal liability for my unit
Retirement contribution $100 a month to my Roth IRA and I sometimes put extra money there from a refund or if I spend less than my budget for the month.
Savings contributions per month $300 for next car, $100 for vacations (plus tax refund), $100 for miscellaneous, $50 for 529 plan (I have one for each of the nieces/nephews) Saving $4,000 for each of them. All are fully funded but one. $60 for car repairs/maintenance, $320 for charity and $50 for medical expenses. When I pay off my mortgage my plan is to save up some larger cash or cash like reserves for retirement and maybe save for a specific travel goal I have when I retire.
Investment contribution $0 Retirement contributions are all of my investments right now
Debt payments $0 except mortgage
Donations $4,000 annually
Food I budget $200 for groceries and it varies but is usually lower and $250 for eating out. Eating out is one of my things
Clothing I budget $75 a month but some months I buy nothing and some I go over. This month I have spent about $150, but $75 of that is being returned. I do not like shopping online, but COVID has made that necessary. I have some flex in my budget so I am not going into any debt.
Household items I budget $75
Electric NA covered by HOA
Wifi/Cable/Landline $64 for internet
Cellphone $47
Subscriptions $30 Sling, $14.95 Audible, Kindle Unlimited $9.99, Amazon Prime $12.99. I use my sister’s Disney + and Netflix on a limited basis. I am going to shut down my Sling account when Discovery + starts up next week. It is supposed to be cheaper. Most of what I watch on Sling are shows that will be on Discovery +. I also need to pause my Audible account. I just don’t use it as much as I used to because so much spoken word media is free through podcasts.
Car insurance $775 I pay once a year
Gas $100-$125 a month. I commute about 55-60 miles a day by car. Public transportation is not a very good option. I also will be visiting my Dad more frequently which is a three hour drive each way.
Personal Property Taxes for Car (VA tax) $250 paid once a year
Extra principal payments for mortgage $7800 a year
Car registration state and local $75 a year
Hair. I spend $250 at least 4-5 times a year for my haircuts and highlights. In the DMV this is not super expensive and I could pay more. Spending on my hair is one of my things. I am not ready to go grey.
Day One
830 It is Christmas Eve and I don’t have to go to work due to the President giving us the day off. I sleep late and laze around in bed for a while looking at my phone. I finally get up and have a mug of tea. I wrap all of my gifts and bag them up for easy carrying tomorrow. I only spent about $300 this year on eight presents. My sister was always complaining about her Kindle so I got her a new one on Prime day. My brother in law gets microbrew beers from the Total Wine build your own six pack selection. The kids mostly get gift cards. My dad gets chocolates, Christmas cookies and a couple of jigsaw puzzles. I am not much in the Christmas spirit this year. I go and pick up my order from Best Buns of decorated Christmas cookies for my dad, a mozzarella and tomato sandwich and a container of their chicken salad. There is a bit of a traffic jam in front of the bakery. I love Best Buns ($36.24 with tip)
12 Noon I eat my tomato/mozzarella sandwich, grapes and some unsalted pretzels. I spend the afternoon reading, watching HGTV and YouTube videos. It is bleh outside so no motivation to go for a walk.
6 PM I eat the chicken salad for dinner and some more grapes. I ordered the Royal Ballet’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland from their streaming site. I am a big ballet fan. It is a wonderful modern take on the story. ($3.38) I watch the ballet and then read until bedtime around 10.
Total for the day $39.62
Day Two
Merry Christmas. This one is a hard one for me personally and COVID just adds to that. I wake up around 8. I shower and dress and eat a CLIF bar. Around 1015 I leave to go see my dad in my hometown about three hours away. I pick up a breakfast biscuit and a drink at the only thing open, McDonald's as I will not be eating lunch with my family. ($5.38) It starts to flurry. When I am about an hour away the grass is covered. We are sort of having a white Christmas. I get to my hometown and stop by my sister’s house to drop off their presents in a socially distanced way. I also pick up brownies for me and my dad that my niece made and a pie for my dad. You can tell a theme here. He loves his sweets. My dad lives in an assisted living facility and my visit can only be 45 minutes with my dad and I both masked and sitting apart. I check in and get my temperature taken. We open gifts on Zoom with my sister and her family. I do a couple of things for my dad around his apartment and it is time for me to leave. I am very sad to leave. I drive back home. On the way home I hit a snow squall. I cannot see 200 ft in front of me, but it is not sticking. I get home around 530 and I throw a frozen pizza in the oven. I have no desire to cook. I binge on some HGTV shows I have never watched and go to bed early.
I wanted to comment on the decision to visit my dad. The facility is following all the regulations the state has laid out. They are under a lot of scrutiny as they had an outbreak in their nursing center back in the spring. My dad has suffered a lot of cognitive decline during lock down. We feel the risk is worth trying to help some to slow down more decline. We could not visit until July except for window visits. We can only visit once a week for 45 minutes. This is not an easy decision, but one we feel is the best for him. It is only my sister or I visiting. I try to visit every two or three weeks. He is scheduled to get the vaccine in January.
Total for the day $5.38
Day Three
745 AM Wake up before my alarm and doze and think for a while. Finally get up around 9 and clean my bathroom. I find that I get things like that done more often if I do them at the beginning of the day. I look in the fridge to see if there is anything I want for breakfast. Nothing but several things that need to be thrown away. A CLIF bar and a mug of tea will have to do. I need to go to the grocery store.
1230 PM I went to the dry cleaners (masked) to pick up my quilt and a few other items which were prepaid when I dropped them off. $31.50 prepaid so not included in totals. I stop for a takeout chicken sandwich and a drink. ($6.87) I head home, eat my lunch and log on to my bank account to move money around since I got paid today. There is more in this check than normal. I will have to figure out why when I can get on my work site to pull up my paycheck stubs. I am having technical two factor authentication issues and someone at work has to reset my “factors.” I pay my credit card bills. I like to pay each pay period right before I get my next check. I think this helps me keep better control on my un-budgeted spending. I text a little bit with one of my roommates from college.
7 PM I just got the AMEX Platinum card and it has some unique benefits. They give you $50 credit at Saks 5th Avenue twice a year. I log on to the Saks website and I can hardly afford anything or I am not willing to pay their prices. I found a pair of panties and a pair of socks for $45.59 with tax. I never pay $28 for a pair of socks but since I will get a credit I will order them. As another perk they refund $200 of airline fees like for baggage each year. I will likely not be flying until late next year or 2022. There are some tricks to get the refund. I put $200 in my United Airline travel bank and I will get the $200 refunded. After owning the Platinum card for 12 month between two calendar years I will have $400 in the travel bank to use on United. It is the airline I usually have to fly for work because they are the contract carrier for many routes out of the DC area for the US government. This card has a huge annual fee of $550. I will likely only keep it for only one year. I am working on a sign up bonus. I am saving Amex MR points to try to fly business class to Asia sometime in the future.
8 PM I call my Dad to chat for a few minutes, eat some leftover chili and then read until I go to bed around 1000.
Total for the day $252.46
Day 4
Wake up around 745. Eat my CLIF bar and tea. I think about going to the grocery store. I decide to go after work tomorrow. I have to do laundry. I hate doing laundry as I do not have my own washedryer. They are not allowed in individual units in my building as the pipes (which are older) cannot handle everyone having a washedryer.This was one of the things I compromised on to get a better location when I bought my condo. $4.00 for two loads wash and dry.
1230 PM Eat a salad. I have a dull headache and lay down to take a nap.
230 PM I take a long walk around my neighborhood. Good to get out in the fresh air.
4 PM I have a credit on Uber and order a grilled cheese sandwich and fries from Bus Boys & Poets. I also get their hummus platter and will keep that for part of lunch or dinner tomorrow. $27.56 with fees and tip. I had a $35 credit on my Uber app. I waste time going down some rabbit holes on YouTube. Have you seen any of the music reaction videos from TwinstheNewTrend? Love their reactions to old school music.
Total for the day $31.56
Day 5
700 Alarm goes off and I read on my phone for a few minutes. I shower and dry my hair and I am out the door for work. I listen to FrequentMiler on the Air podcast during my commute. Best thing about COVID (if there is anything positive) is that my commute to the office is much better. I cannot work from home. I catch up on a few things left over from last week. I eat my CLIF bar and drink a mug of tea made with one of the tea bags I got for Christmas from my sister. It is very quiet around the office. I touch base with a coworker who will be working from one of our other offices away from DC for two months to check if she can help out with a small project while she is in the other office. I get lunch around 1130. Salad, fruit and a bottled iced tea for $14.34. The afternoon drags on. I leave an hour early. I will take annual leave. My bosses are very flexible on days like today. They are not clock watchers.
430 PM Home and dinner is left over chili and hummus and carrots from my Uber Eats order last night. I work on some paperwork that needs to be filled out for my dad pertaining to finances. Dealing with aging parents is not easy and it is not easy for them. I search on Etsy to try to make up my mind on a new leather handbag. I am tired of the handles on cheaper purses fraying. I am looking to buy a handmade leather bag. Of course the one I really want is out of my price range of what I want to spend at almost $300. I am trying to keep the price as close to $200 as I can, but get what I want. I think I know which one I will order but I will sleep on it.
Total for the day $14.34
Day Six
0700 Repeat wake up and read on my phone. Shower and dry my hair. Off to work. I have to stop and get gas.($20.10) I listen to the Real Crime Profile podcast on my commute. Not much going on at work. It is actually more quiet today than it was yesterday. I do some research that I need to give to the person completing a project that I want my input taken into consideration. Tea and another CLIF bar. I spend 40 minutes on hold with the payroll people trying to get my 2 factor authentication reset. Turns out my agency has to put in the request for security reasons. I call HR and put in a ticket. I review a product I am a collaborator on. The graphic is all wrong for my piece of the project. My boss asks me to review something for clarity. Off to lunch where I pick up a chicken wrap sandwich, fruit and soda for $11.42. I work on my slides for a presentation in January, but I find out I need to change the slide template to a new one my division has just approved so I will finish it tomorrow. A friend stops by and we chat too long.
I am out the door at five. Leftover hummus and carrots along with soup I took out of the freezer for dinner when I get home. I go down more rabbit holes on Etsy to find my new purse. I thought I had made a decision, but I found a few more I like. I also finish up my charitable giving for the year. I donate the final $620 to a food bank in my hometown that my family was involved in for many years and a charity that assists with natural disaster relief. I talk to my dad about the paperwork I am helping him with. We have a three way call with my sister regarding some of his new health issues that have developed. My sister tends to deal with the immediate things as she is near by and I help with things like doctor’s visits that are planned. I try to spit duties with my sister so she is not overwhelmed, but it is difficult.
Total for the day $651.52
Day 7
My weekday routine is basically the same during the week. My arrival time at work is flexible as long as we put in our eight hours and we are there during “core” hours 10-2. Some people have gotten permission for unique schedules during COVID due to child care, schooling or other needs. I try to get out the door before 8 AM. I listen to the Afford Anything podcast on the drive to work. Tea and a CLIF bar again. I am very much a creature of habit. I decide to take two hours of leave this afternoon. I have a coworker review my slides for my future presentation and she makes some good suggestions. I make changes and move them to the new template. I don’t like the new template. Too much white space.
12 PM I work through lunch and grab a snack from the snack shop in our breakroom. $.50 for a bag of crackers and $.50 for a Diet Coke. I stop by a friend’s desk and during our chat it comes out that I am interested in getting involved with a project in another division at some point in the future. It is the type of project that people get picked for because someone recommends you. My friend has a lot of contacts in that division and offers to call people and tell them I am interested. I greatly appreciate it. Now is not the right time for me to try to get involved as my team will be down a person for a few months, but maybe in the spring or summer. When I mentor young employees I always stress how it is important to build your network of people within the organization. You never know when you will need something or you can help someone else out. This friend, who is going to help me out, and I have worked on and off together for over six years.
3 PM I head home. Late lunch/early dinner is soup and hummus and carrots. I get sucked back into the Etsy hole again. Finally I have made my decision. It is the bag I thought I had decided two days ago to buy for $197.17 with tax. It is a splurge. I have had a very difficult time personally since mid-November. I don’t like to get into the I deserve it mentality as I believe that is a dangerous mind set, but I deserve it. The money will come out of my miscellaneous savings.
730 PM I call to check on my dad. He is back on lock down at his assisted living facility due to a positive staff member who came to work when they were asymptomatic and did not know they were positive. I am finally able to log on to my payroll site. I figured out that I had extra in my paycheck because I made a mistake earlier in the year and had more deducted for my TSP than I should have one pay period. I basically maxed everything out a little early this year. I took the entire day off tomorrow so I think I will stay up and start the Bridgerton series on Netflix.
Total for the day $198. 17
Total for the week $1193.05
Food + Drink $102.81
Fun 3.38
Home + Health $4.00
Clothes + Beauty $242.76
Transport 20.10
Other $820
Spending was a little strange this week. $23 of the Uber Eats costs were taken from a $35 credit on my Uber account since I tied the account to my AMEX Platinum card. Also $45.59 in the clothing category and the $200 in travel will be refunded by my AMEX card due to card benefits. Also I don’t spend $700 in charitable donations all the time. I tend to usually donate mid year and at the end of the year. I never made it to the grocery store. I will probably do it tomorrow.
Link to the bag I bought in black
submitted by Iamnotme24 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

Feb/5/2021: (1) General Artak on drones & draft (2) Democracy & Food index (3) Trade w/Iran to expand (4) Army news (5) Quake! (6) HRO report (7) Rumor & rebuttal (8) High tech (9) Tourism classes (10) Food $ (12) Russian dossier (13) Biggest trade partners (14) Forestry reforms (15) Buses! (16) Sci

Your 18-minute Friday report in 4440 words.

interview with General Artak Davtyan, ex-General Chief of Staff / Drone production / Legal issues with army draft

Question: Turkish Bayraktars are assembled with imported items. Why can't Armenia do the same?
General: we need large financial resources and time. We worked and continue to work on it. Some of the projects weren't effective. Military Aviation's creation of the "Krunk" drone was a success. The production was transferred to High Tech Ministry but there are some obstacles for them; they don't have enough space and resources.
The army placed an order but the manufacturers couldn't fulfill them. The government can give funds, but that's not enough. We need large direct investments. We need large facilities and testing areas for long-term success. This problem won't be solved overnight.
Question: the company has to be sure that when they create a drone, the government will purchase it. Do they have the assurances?
General: yes, but before the MOD buys the drone, it has to undergo testing before entering serial production. The process before MOD makes a purchase is a lengthy one, and companies often do not have the resources to go through it.
Sometimes companies can create prototypes with imported parts, but when it comes to serial production for the military, they come across legal obstacles while making purchases of components from foreign sellers for mass production.
Question: are there laws that prohibit parts export to Armenia?
General: nothing targeted. When I was GCoS, we worked with various govt agencies to resolve problems.
Question: you were a member of the military industry committee when the war began. Did the Armenian army use any product made in Armenia on a large scale during the war?
General: yes. For example, mortar shells. They aren't new, though. The list is limited, unfortunately; up to 7 different weapons. We also tested experimental drones and other weapons during the war. The MOD will make a decision about their further development.
Question: High Tech Minister posted a video during the war, showing how an Armenian suicide drone blows up a building. Were they used and did they make a difference during the war?
General: they didn't affect the military outcome due to limited quantities. I can't provide more details about the production.
Question: did the war change production priorities?
General: the direction is clear, but the industry should first and foremost continue to do what it does best. It produced or repaired 2400 units of items in 54 categories. We have great potential here.
15 artillery units, 5 GRAD vehicles, over 60 anti-tank vehicles, etc. were also repaired. This would normally take 6 months to repair, but we did it in a month. Repair crews visited various locations during the war and fixed 1,000 weapons in place.
Question: ex-MOD Tonoyan said he was unable to fix communication problems between PM-MOD-GCoS-Commander ring. Comment?
General: Mr. Tonoyan could give a full answer. Conflicts can happen. It can be legal conflict, personal conflict about views, and structural-legal issues. There are many nuances here. When you read the law about Defense, there can be unclear parts about wartime and non-wartime command. It says GCoS follows one agency during wartime and another during peace, however, it still has to report to MOD on certain things.
This leaves room for confusion. The GCoS may not properly orient. At the end of the day, though, the commander-in-chief is the upper echelon. However, the commander-in-chief cannot handle everything by himself, that's why the problems are distributed through various rings of command.
That's when differences in approach can arise. There can be timing problems. You cannot clarify the conflict between the command center and MOD every minute by contacting the commander-in-chief for clarification. There are viewpoint and personal differences.
That's why we need to reform the law to clarify things. The military prefers when everything is very clear and there is clearly one person who is defined as being in charge.
For example, MOD is responsible for the army draft, but the immediate executioner is the army. There has been a talk lately that the draft wasn't done properly during the war. There are false representations of what happened. The experts should give the numbers.
But let's say the MOD does not handle its draft duties fully, and the military operation fails. The army command can put the blame on MOD, even though the army failed the military task. From a legal standpoint, this is wrong; the whole draft process should be handled by one agency.
[The general criticizes those who beray the army, saying the boys fought hard and kept most of the borders secure, and only due to a week ring in the south the Azeris were able to develop on their success. "The army did great at defense in the north. Azeris walk with their head down when reminded about the north. We fought 44 days against much more powerful forces. We need to go through today's difficulties, analyze, and hope that we'll have success 10 years from now. The region develops very quickly. Who knows what will happen then. We need to be prepared."]
Tags: #GeneralChiefOfStaff #DavitTonoyan #ArtakDavtyan #Tonoyan #CommandConflict #GCoS #draft #ArmyDraft #DraftDuringWar

Global Democracy Index 2020

After a boost in the democratic index in 2018-2019, Armenia dropped 3 positions because of the emergency restrictions that were implemented during the war, which continued to remain in place for a while; it blocked some protests.
Within the region, Armenia is still one position ahead of Georgia.
Globally: Armenia 89, Georgia 91, Russia 124, Azerbaijan 146

Global Food Security Index

Armenia improved its food security ranking, moving from 75th to 48th position in the world, according to the UN.
"The government is currently taking measures to diversify import-export markets, state food reserves, replenish the range of vital food, which will provide the population with essentials in case of emergency or sharp price fluctuations," said the Economy Ministry.

Artsakh has thanked South Australia for recognizing its independence yesterday

search operations, POWs, diplomacy

5 search crews resumed their operations to look for soldiers and bodies in Hadrut, Fizuli, and Jabrayil battlefields. No one was found. The identification of discovered bodies continues, with 52 more names being published today. Hundreds are yet to be identified. ,
Czechia's House Foreign Affairs Committee adopted a resolution and called on Azerbaijan to return the Armenian POWs. It welcomes the trilateral ceasefire statement and expresses regret that Azerbaijan hasn't yet fulfilled its commitment.

arms dealer Davo says he wasn't Tonoyan's adviser

Context here. Davo was charged with receiving army contracts and delivering old and wrong type of artillery. He denied wrongdoing. He called the reports about him being an adviser to any Defense Minister is "fake news." The media has been writing that Mr. Patron Davo served as recently-resigned MOD Davit Tonoyan's adviser.

Defense Minister has a new adviser to handle army anti-corruption

Parliamentary Security Committee chief Andranik praised the appointment of ex-Artsakh MOD Jalal Haruthunyan as a new position in MOD.
Andranik also noted that the media missed another equally important appointment: the son of a famous General Gurgen Dalibaltyan (active 1944-2015) was appointed as MOD's adviser. He will be tasked with handling corruption issues. "He will help to restore our army abilities. He has genetic connections with the army."

could the army conscription length reduce from 2 years? probably not, but...

Parliamentary Security Committee chairman Andranik was asked to comment on the upcoming army reorganization in Artsakh. He confirmed Artsakh Security Councilman Vitalik Balasanyan's and Artsakh govt's message that the army will undergo structural changes, but "it won't be dissolved." Vitalik earlier said there will be professional contractors.
Andranik was asked to comment on rumors about the possible shortening of the 2-year army service. He denied the presence of active discussions around that topic, but there are broad talks about reforming the effectiveness of the army, weapons, structures that handle the weapons, the quality of the service. ,

earthquake in Azerbaijan is felt in Armenia

A 4.6M quake hit Azerbaijan, 75km from Ganja and 5 KM from Armenia's border. It was felt in the capital Yerevan. No heavy damage was reported in Armenia's Shorja, which was close to the center. Some old barns and electric poles sustained damage, suspending electricity for nearby residents. ,

HRO condemns Azeri soldiers for cutting off a river water and hijacking a facility

5 years ago, the Azeri soldiers installed barriers on a small river that flows through southern Armenia and Nakhijevan and feeds another river. The barriers had allowed Azeris to redirect the water flow to Azeri areas, depriving several Armenian villages of water. The Human Rights Ombudsman released a message with detailed info/names and condemned the act, saying that it's a violation of international laws.
Another incident took place shortly after the 44-day war when Azeris entered Artsakh's northern Qashatagh region. Human Rights Ombudsman learned that an Armenian energy business, based in Gegharkunik's Sotq, suffered $5M in damages and had a land loss after Azeris intruded in its area on November 25th.

diplomatic meetings: trade & politics

Economy Minister Qerobyan met Russian ambassador Kopyrkin to discuss trade and the need to establish a business financing infrastructure in Armenia.
Did you know that Armenia has an ambassador to the US? He phoned Gregory Meeks, the new Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. They spoke about the post-war security in the region, Minsk Group negotiations, etc.
Speaker Mirzoyan met the Chinese ambassador Yun and discussed humanitarian issues, POWs, the silk road trade.

"video games can kill your child"

Not the Call of Duty type, but those specifically designed to have a psychological impact on children. Human Rights Ombudsman received reports from parents and teachers about bad video games. HRO says more needs to be done to raise awareness.
The report comes amid news reports that a teenager committed suicide after playing one of those games. It's the momo-type sh!t. Don't even Google it. It terrifies me as an adult. YouTube demonetized momo videos back in 2019.

rumors and rebuttals: Tigranashen is back in the news

Outlets and individuals allied with the former regime once again claimed that Pasnhinyan wants to give Tigranashen village (Nakhijevan border) to Azerbaijan. The same rumor was spread months ago when Armenian NSS met Azeri NSS on different border locations, mediated by Russia. At the time, some media outlets claimed that the two were allegedly discussing Tigranashen giveaway, while the govt said they were discussing POW exchange. Weeks later, news arrived that POWs were swapped after negotiations between Armenian and Azeri NSS.
Tigranashen is back in news again with similar claims after Pashinyan visited Ararat province to meet local farmers earlier this week. A similar rebuttal statement was issued by the Ararat govt: "Please do not spread such misinformation from now on. Refrain from serving the interests of internal and external enemies."

Armenia-Iran trade / from $400M to $1B... possible? / regional transport unblocking

Economy Minister Qerobyan was in Iran a week ago, where he met business leaders and officials and gave an interview to the IRNA state outlet. Segments:
A new group will be formed, tasked with boosting the current $400M trade turnover to $1B within the next 6 months.
Minister offered Iranian businesses to establish joint AM-IR businesses in Armenia and use the country as a transit hub to the rest of the world, including the EAEU trade bloc.
The largest category of products imported from Iran are construction tools/materials, fruits, veggies, petroleum products, some metals. With 2250 Turkish products being banned in Armenia, the Minister said Iranian and Chinese products can serve as substitutes.
There are major obstacles in transportation to-from Iran due to geography. On the other hand, Iranian trucks pay large fees to enter Armenia. Qerobyan said the Armenian side is working to fix issues on its end.
One option that could help with trade would be the restoration of the Yerevan-Tehran railway connection that passes through Nakhijevan. He mentioned the trilateral statement and the possible restoration of the Yerevan-Julfa-Tehran railway.
To maximize gas imports from Iran, Minister said Armenia needs to finish building its 3rd electric grid first (Armenia gives electricity and receives gas in return).

Armenia and Iran discuss Black Sea-Persian Sea trade route

Deputy PM Avinyan and Iranian ambassador Abbas met to discuss Artsakh, AM-IR trade, the ongoing construction of a third 400kW electric grid to supply electricity to Iran, a trade route between the Persian and Black seas, and a telecom connection between Europe-Armenia-Iran-Qatar.

tourism: subsidized hotel management classes / 100 lesser-known monuments

The American University of Armenia has a year-long program to teach hotel business management skills to help restore the tourism industry in Armenia. "Take advantage of the available time to improve your skills."
It will retrain industry workers who don't have an academic education. They'll learn financing, management, English, communication, and math. Then comes the operational management program, sales, marketing, financial planning. Tutors are from the American University and abroad. 90% of the tuition will be subsidized.
The University is also working with National Science Academy to promote 100 lesser-known archaeological monuments for mass tourism.
"Even after the war, Armenia is ranked as more secure than Georgia and Azerbaijan. We need to put efforts to preserve the image of a safe country to help tourism," said a guest speaker. , ,

Pashinyan visits Kazakhstan for EAEU high-tech conference

Pashinyan and Kyrgyz counterpart met to discuss relations, regional trade unblocking efforts, etc., before joining the Almaty Digital Forum 2021. Its participants are EAEU trade bloc members and other states that are "observers". They discussed digitization and the use of tech on a global scale, from telemedicine to remote learning.
"90% of Kazakh government services are available electronically." Guests emphasized the need for the private and public sectors to cooperate.
The founder of the internet Vint Cerf participated via a remote call and spoke about the need to make the internet more accessible to "offline" populations.
Pashinyan gave a speech. "Armenian IT companies saw a +20% growth in turnover in 2020, while the employment grew +22%. There are 1,200 workers ATM... The pandemic brought many challenged for the state which resulted in wider adoption of digital tech; it formed a new culture... EAEU states are utilizing tech to resolve some of the pandemic-related problems, i.e. an app to test for COVID and receive permission to travel abroad; it's implemented between Armenia, Russia, and Belarus," said Pashinyan.
Russian PM Mishustin thanked Tigran Sargsyan, the Deputy Chairman of the Governing Board of the Eurasian Development Bank, and others, for their role in helping to create the COVID app that lets travel between Armenia-Russia-Belarus.
Russian PM Mishustin pitched the Russian vaccine as one of the tools that could allow EAEU members to safely resume travel. "The vaccination is free in Russia. We're ready to share our experience with our colleagues and provide assistance."
The guests were shown various tech products and apps by the host. , , , , , ,

Education Minister meets composers

"Our people today need spiritual and cultural energy after the pandemic and war," said EduMin Dumanyan. "Our security begins with education. Art is an integral part of education. We must clearly state our goals and develop our youth."
In response, the composers said that they had implemented various educational programs in previous years, and now they are ready to continue their contribution to this important work through courses, master classes, meetings, and discussions.
EduMin encouraged the artists to visit Artsakh and bordering villages

Abovyan teachers boycott the new school director

Abovyan's School N1 held elections for a director. The incumbent and the challenger received equal votes. The Education Ministry became the tie-breaker and chose the challenger.
The supporters of the incumbent director organized a protest/boycott in the school and refuse to accept the new director Qarmile Arakelyan.
Today it became known that the director filed a police report against the former director, deputy director, and few others. The reasons are unclear. , .

sports news

Armenian-Russian youth figure skater Adelia Petrosyan performed under Ara Gevorgyan's famous 'Artsakh" music during a competition in Russia. She won Silver. ,
Armenian-Russian tennis player Karen Khachanov made it to the quarter-finals in the Melbourne competition.
Roma's midfielder Henrikh Mkhitaryan will meet with the team leaders to discuss business. He earlier joined Roma as a contractor coming from Arsenal, but recently completely dropped from Arsenal. Heno has been on fire lately with 19 matches, 9 goals, and 8 goal-passes.

High Tech Minister meets Swedish ambassador

Arshakyan and Svensson discussed the possible opening of a TUMO tech education branch in Sweden, various tech programs in Armenia by Swedish companies. Svenson said there are grant programs that Armenian students can apply for in Swedish tech universities, and that they can work to expand the programs. They also discussed the development of startups and incubators.

COVID stats

2858 tested. 158 infected. 305 healed. 2 deaths. 4488 active.

COVID, inflation, imports, vs food prices

Food prices have been rising globally, and as an importer, Armenia isn't immune. Combined with the recent inflation, here are food price changes year-over-year:
Overall food & beverages +6.4%. Fruit +12%. Veggies +10%. Oil & fat +17%. Sunflower oil +44%. Bread +8%. Flour +12%. Dairy +8%. Eggs +26% (price had plummeted in 2020 but regulators found it was due to predatory practices by monopolies). Sugar +41%. Alcohol +13%.

Russian peacekeepers receive the second dose of the Sputnik-V vaccine

2,000 shots were shipped to Artsakh for the troops stationed in 27 locations. The doctors will travel around with mini-fridges to administer the second and likely final dose. ,

update: the "dossier" by Russian opposition group that named several Armenian figures as Russian agents

A dossier by a Russian opposition group was published last year, about the existence of a taskforce lead by a Kremlin official tasked with "researching" Armenia and other countries, their political figures, and cooperation with pro-Russian agents within the countries. BHK leader Tsarukyan, ex NSS chief Arthur Vanetsyan, and others were named as possible "agents". Copies of passports and other data were shown. Internally they referred to Pashinyan as the "Beard" (hence the moniker Beard Man Bad).
Some civil society figures have been wondering why there hasn't been a felony investigation within Armenia to punish the "foreign agents". NSS won't comment whether they know who the "Candidate" is (dossier says that the Kremlin official refers to one of their agents in Armenia as "Candidate". There was speculation that Russians wanted to promote Arthur Vanetsyan as their Candidate.)
On September 21st, then-NSS chief Argishti Qyaramyan said they were investigating it without revealing details. Today he refused to comment but continues to believe that the dossier is a report of a felony crime. He said he was unable to finish the work because the war began 6 days later.
Parliamentary Security Committee chief Andranik says it's first important to understand the problems that the author of the dossier attempts to solve, before accusing the Armenian law enforcement of inaction. He will speak about this with NSS chief Armen Abazyan soon. , https://dossier.centeazerb/

stats: Armenia's biggest foreign trade partners in 2020

Overall $7.103B (-13% from 2019)
Russia $2.155B (-3.5%)
China $964M (+2%)
Switzerland $485M (-5%) (your Adidas might be fake, but զաթո the Rolex is real).
Belarus +17%
Kazakhstan +96% (is this because of all those car exports?)
Kyrgyz -63%
EU $1.276B (-23%)
Germany $291M, Italy $232M, Slovakia $18M (+99%). Finland +23%. Greece +17%.
USA $152M (-54%)
UAE $115M (+7%)
Iran $400M (-2%)
Georgia $129M (-13%)

Cassations Court asks ECHR for advice over the statute of limitations regarding torture

A victim was tortured in 2004. The case reached the ECHR. The victim sued Armenia and won in 2012.
In 2016, prosecutors charged the perpetrators with the torture. In 2019, the court found the defendants guilty but released them because of the statute of limitations.
Prosecutors challenged the verdict in the Appeals court, but it sided with the Lower court. Both courts found some legal loopholes that didn't allow a prior ECHR ruling to be taken into account.
Prosecutors escalated it to the Cassations Court, citing ECHR ruling and torture not falling under the statute of limitations. Cassation Court has asked ECHR to clarify certain things. This could set precedence.

3-year stats: infrastructure subsidies

Stats about federal government funding specifically for socio-economic infrastructure repairs in communities.
2018: 157 programs worth ֏1.7B
2019: 464 programs worth ֏9.59B
2020: 660 programs worth ֏14.3B
💎 ✋🤚 🚀

forest protection law needs reforms / prosecutors work with Nature Ministry

You may remember how post-2018 the police began busting many illegal tree loggers. It even resulted in a riot by them back in 2019. Experts say the law needs to be amended to define what a tree actually is because, under the current definition, it could leave a loophole to illegal loggers.
Prosecutors contacted the Nature Ministry with some suggestions to reform the law about deforestation, extraction of illegally-cut trees, sales prevention, strengthening of oversight agencies. They examined the 2018-2019 cases to search for common issues.
Sometimes the dishonest forest guards claim the area they were tasked with guarding was too big so they couldn't protect it, while in reality, they were accomplices to illegal logging. Prosecutors suggest the use of technologies or more staff for better monitoring.
The law also doesn't require proper database entries by forest guards whenever they go on a trip to look for illegally-cut trees. Prosecutors want their trips to be documented with day/time/hour.
Another problem is the frequent location change by forest guards. It reduces the likelihood of catching perpetrators. Prosecutors suggest proper documentation of who served where and when.
Another problem is the 9-5, Mon-Fri, 40/week strict schedule. Dishonest guards often claim they did their duties properly during those hours. Prosecutors suggest the creation of a 24/7 service. "It would require the hiring of more guards, but considering the government's policy of protecting forests, and the massive financial damages that are done to the state by illegal logging, it could be worth it."
Another loophole is in the lack of proper documentation when a guard goes on a vacation. It becomes impossible to prove whether the logging was done under their watch or not.
There were situations when forest guards caught an illegal logger but didn't have the legal documents to write a citation so they wrote it on a regular paper. Days later, they copied it on a legal document, but the suspect refused to sign the new and legally-acceptable document.
The suggestions follow another 2019 cooperation between prosecutors and Nature Ministry, which increased the punishment for illegal logging and reformed the damage calculation methodology.
Tags: #NatureProtection #NatureReforms #ForestGuards #IllegalLogging #logging #deforestation

ey bro, the new buses are here! / which routes? / upcoming electronic payment reform

new buses
Yerevan is purchasing 100 long, 100 medium, and 100 short buses. Many of them are already in Armenia. 30 of the compact buses, made by Russian GAZ, are entering the fleet. ThEY WEre a BiT bEHind SCHeduLe but IT"s finALLy hapPeninG. They have 17 seats and standing room for 6 people (press doubt to squeeze more).
These 30 compact buses will serve the former Route 26 (connecting Ajapnyak's Khopan to Norq Marash) and Route 99 (connecting Bangladesh to Zeytun via universities). The actual routes could slightly change.
The third line, served by these buses, will be entirely new. It will connect Shengavit to Tsarav Aghbyur. "This is important because we had transportation deficiency on both ends."
Combined, these 100 mini-buses will eventually serve 10 routes.
appearance & accomodation
The drivers will wear special uniforms with the Yerevan logo. They are ready. No more dzyadz with սիգարետի պաչկա in his սառոչկա ։( The new buses have disability access, cameras, low ramp for seniors, accommodation for parents with children, four electronic info bars, GPS, HVAC system, tall enough to stand without bending over for pickpocketers.
payment system
For now, you will drop 100-dram coins in a box at the entrance. Later, there will be a unified electronic payment system and drivers will no longer handle cash. The city says this will significantly speed things up because right now, drivers waste time by looking for a change.
Currently, some drivers intentionally drive slow to pick more riders. Others intentionally overload the vehicle to earn more cash because they are paid per transfer.
Under the new system, drivers will earn a fixed wage (with some bonuses), no more schedule shenanigans, no more handling of cash, fixed timing for travel. , , , ,

public TV discussing the possible creation of a program to promote science

There was a parliamentary debate recently over the state of science and education in Armenia. It evolved into a broader discussion about Armenia's culture. The "qyat" culture that often mocks the "nerdy" character was condemned.
Parliamentary Education Committee chief contacted the public H1 TV and asked them if it's possible to create a scientific show that promotes Armenian scientists. "For many years, the main hero of our nation and in the education system was the character of a rich man, not a scientist or inventor. Even in sitcoms, the scientist is presented as a poor man, living a not so prosperous life. It leaves a psychological impact on young people who wonder if they will live well if they become a scientist."
H1 TV responded saying, "We have received the offer to create a program. The discussions on the organization and further work continue. We will provide additional details later."

today in history

1879: scientist Hovhannes Adamyan was born. He invented the color television.
1957: H1 public TV begins broadcasting

top-5 bestseller documentary books in December

5) 21 lessons for the 21st century, by Yuval Harari
4) World Order, by Henry Kissinger
3) Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, by Yuval Harari
2) Robin Sharma's "The Leader Who Had No Title"
1) You guessed it, it's Robin Sharma's "The Monk who sold his Ferrari".

in case you missed yesterday's important news (including about weed)

donations to Artsakh & recovering soldiers (recovering soldiers & their families) (for Artsakh & Armenia) (U.S. tax-deductible)

archive of older news


All the accused are considered innocent unless proven guilty in the court of law, even if they "sound" or "appear" guilty.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

I am 31 years old make $70,000, live in Brooklyn, NY and work as a Research Manager

Job title: Research Manager
Industry: Art
Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance: $41,915
Savings account balance: $19,050
Checking account balance: $2,275
Investment account balance: $18,500
Credit card debt: usually around $500, paid off in full each month
Student loan debt: $0 (paid off – the total was $20k when I graduated. I used part of my inheritance detailed below to pay it off)
Section Two: Income
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $3,654
Section Three: Expenses
Rent: $1,500
Utilities (Electric/Wifi/Cable): split equally with roommate, we each pay: $85
Cellphone: $65 paid to my Mom, she’s on a discounted plan through work
Streaming (Netflix plus Hulu plus iCloud storage): $20
Gym membership: $200 a month at pilates studio and $50 on Classpass on pause (monthly pilates has been on pause since January last year when I was getting fed up with my studios higher rates and had begun looking around, and know, the world shut down) - I roll this into my savings now
Groceries: $300
Donations - approximately $700 a year - in 2020 it was $3k because I was also making donations to BLM organizations, food banks, and matching the price of my tickets to performing arts organizations and museums
Retirement contribution: $1,000 to my ROTH IRA January-June
Savings contribution: $500+ a month
Investment contribution $2,000+ a year
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
Yes, I have a bachelor’s degree from a large out of state private university. I received a partial scholarship and grants to cover the majority of my education. I took out student loans to cover the rest and paid it off a few years ago.
What was your first job and why did you get it?
I think my first job was as a camp counselor when I was 16! It was a fun tradition for campers to become counselors.
Did you worry about money growing up?
I was peripherally aware of money problems growing up. My Mom was a big spender and always muttering about her overdraft account. When I became more financially aware, I realized her spending habits were from a place of scarcity, and I became determined to handle money more mindfully.
Do you worry about money now?
I don’t worry about little problems that pertain to money anymore, like bills, cost of living, etc. I feel I make enough to live comfortably in New York with my expenses and savings on auto-pilot. I do worry that I may not be able to afford retirement or afford a home or apartment. These are future me problems that I can only try to get ahead of.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
I became fully financially responsible at 25 when I joined my previous job and moved out of my Mom’s house. I do have emergency savings as my financial net, and living in the same state as so many family members – not just my parents, and their siblings, but a plethora of cousins, I am secure in that if anything were to happen, from a flat tire while I’m driving in the Bronx or NJ, where a bunch of my cousins live, or needing to move home again, I have that support net from both immediate and extended family members.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.
Yes, I inherited $30k from my grand-aunt when she passed away a few years ago. I guess I’d liken my inheritance to Jo inheriting Aunt March’s house in Little Women. I’m so grateful, but it was also not anything I expected to receive or even knew about.
Disclaimer: I always wear a mask and gloves when I leave my house.
Day 1 - Saturday
9:00 AM I go to Starbucks drive through for a latte and croissant $4.25 (pre-paid with money on my Starbucks card). I definitely prefer supporting local business but my favorite coffee shop has been closed for a few weeks because they’re moving to another location. I know that the new location has less parking options, which will be annoying. After mulling it over on the way home, I replace my milk frother so I can get back into making lattes at home $43.34
9:45 AM I drink coffee and watch the news in French (France24’s youtube channel). I used to speak French well and I’ve been making a concerted effort to boost my proficiency since the end of lockdown. I’m also nearing fluency in Italian. You’ll see bits of my language learning throughout the week – with French I try to do at least 20 minutes of listening a day and study a grammar concept once a month, with the goal of mastering it. This month it's the future tense.
10:30 AM PopSugar workout class on Youtube with– it’s a fun dance class, and it closes one of my Apple Watch workout ring, boom!
5:00 PM I stop by the local beauty supply shop to buy a new set of hot rollers, combs, silk scarf, and leave-in-conditioner. Their credit card machine is down so I have to leave and go to the drive through ATM and come back, which is annoying. Pre pandemic I always carried around lots of cash and now, I’ve become one of those ppl who feel grossly inconvenienced when I can’t use a credit card. C’est la vie, I guess. $52.60
8:00 PM A reminder pops up on my phone that my HBO subscription ends today...ah! I usually only have Netflix + Hulu, but my movie-watching club and I chose a HBO movie last month, so I’ve had it for a few weeks. I wisely made the decision not to start any new shows recently and when I glance through my queque, it’s all stuff I can pick up next time. I power through an episode of Insecure and end up watching the remaining 2 episodes of the last season, too. So good and I finally love Lawrence again! The way they handle the unraveling of Molly and Issa’s friendship fallout is heartbreaking.
Daily total: $95.94
Day 2 - Sunday
9:15 AM alarm goes off
9:30 AM alarm goes off again. This time I tell my Google home to play some pop music.
9:40 AM literally threw on a sweatshirt to go with my pajama bottoms and am guzzling a homemade iced coffee as I drive to the station to pick up my Mom. She’s a nurse manager who works nights a few towns away. She hates driving at night, so in the wintespring she takes the train instead of driving in.
11:00 AM I make blackberry scones and read a chapter in my French textbook.
12:30 PM Scones have been out of the oven for an hour or so and I’ve demolished three already. I reconcile my accounts on YNAB while I eat my last scone for the day. I got paid Friday and my second stimulus check has come in, so start to outflow money to my savings accounts $1375 transfer
1:30 PM My aunt and I take a walk on a local trail. It’s good to see her again, and catch up.
3:00 PM When I get home I play the piano. I was a singer in college, and still sing and play the piano. My piano skills are atrocious ha but getting moderately better due to lockdown and the built in hours to practice here and there each day.
4:30 PM it’s snowing, ugh. I wanted to go to the grocery store and get a pizza dough. I guess leftovers for me - ravioli and since I’m the kind of basic Italian girl, I munch on nan in lieu of a crispy roll with butter...ugh making myself hungry remembering.
5:00 PM I glance at my work email to see some messages are rolling in from our external product developer. I’ve been working with him and their coder for about six months and we’re two weeks away from the final launch. We hadn’t been in touch since a few days before I went on break in mid-December so I’m relieved the project is picking up steam.
6:00 PM Youtube kickboxing workout – it’s not the same as going to Rumble, not by a longshot.
7:00 PM It’s been snowing off and on for a few hours. I roll through my queque on Hulu and don’t see anything of interest so I watch a few episodes of Bourdain while I wash, deep condition and set my hair.
I0:00 PM I pack up extra containers to bring back to my apt. After I finish organizing the rest of my bag, I text with my best friend L., joking about quitting and she immediately reminds me how I need to ask for a promotion before I go. I joke I don’t remember any work ambitions before this magical time - I’ve been off since mid December and my brain has gone woolly. I’m glad she’s keeping me on the straight and narrow though!
11:00 PM I switch on an episode of Gilmore Girls in Italian. I’m on season 4 and no longer need the subtitles . It’s been easy to follow along and of course it’s Paris who says a word I don’t even know in English, tautologia (tautuology: the saying of the same thing twice in different words, generally considered to be a fault of style ). I drift off to the dulcet tones of Richard and Emily Gilmore – their Italian dubs are the cutest.
Daily spend: $0
Day 3 - Monday
8:00 AM Back to reality! My alarm sounds off, and it's time to get up to go into the office. I was remote between March and September, and have been back in the office on a rotation of one week in the office and one week working from home. I do take the subway, and always check the train will let me be socially distanced from other riders. When I came back to the office I also rerouted my commute so I just take one train.
8:45 AM My metro card needs topping off. Work will reimburse and I get the credit card points, win win. $127.
11:30 AM - I get a random email from a senior staffer about a meeting she’d like me to coordinate. I start to panic, but I do appreciate her saying Happy New Year.
12:30 I order lunch. I spend a few minutes waffling between a go-to sushi special that comes with all the fixings like dumplings, miso soup and salad, or a new Thai place from last week that ended up lasting two days. I go with sushi $18.
1:00 PM I swab my nose with a free Covid test from work. I can’t quite believe that’s a thing now, and generally I’m very squeamish but I’ve become dare I say used to this. I don’t have any symptoms but my last weekly test was before break and I want to be sure I don’t have it. The testing company included a shipping label too, easy peasy..
5:50 PM Finalizing research for a senior person I rarely work with. He gave me glowing reviews on the last project I did for him but we’re still not working together regularly. Fingers crossed I make a great impression again.
6:30 PM I’ve finished the research and send it to my manager. Time to peace out!
7:30 PM on the train home listening to Reply All and another episode of The Oyster.
7:50 PM Pizza pickup time $18 (promo minus $5 for ordering between 8 and 10 pm. I didn’t need to know this ha!)
8:30 PM munch on crispy cauliflower crisps while unpacking my weekend bag - mostly brought down socks and my electronics from work from home days (work laptop, work iPad, etc.)
Daily spend: $163
Day 4 - Tuesday
9:30 AM pick up my bagel breakfast $9 - I always order this on Seamless and swing in to pick it up. The women at the cashier both now know my name since I’ve been coming in at least once a week since we returned to the office. I’m both amused and touched that one of them recognized me, mask and all and says my name and hands me my sandwich right away.
11:45 AM my roommate texts that she’s ordering Whole Foods delivery after all - yay! I didn’t want to go to the store tonight. I order Chicken thighs skin on and bone in; Frontera taco skillet sauces; plain cheese ravioli; olives with feta; Kale greens organic 1 bunch (not the Dino one); Lettuce romaine organic; and sweet potatoes - my half is $24.48
2:00 PM Daily walk with my work bestie, A. We’re on the same office rotation at work, and take a walk a couple of times a week.
2:30 PM we order noodle bowls. She expenses as part of work’s weekly free lunch.
3:00 PM zoom call with our external product developer. I jokingly demand to know how he managed to get his company to allow him to move to Boston and go fully remote. I half wish it were me in that scenario
6:45 PM My college friend T. and I have dinner over Facetime while we eat dinner and watch reruns of One Tree Hill, laughing at the ridiculous storylines.
9:00 PM Call my Mom to catch up too and read a few articles from Corriere della sera (Italian newspaper) before bed.
Daily spend: $33.48
Day 5 - Wednesday
8:00 AM - log in to prep for the meeting. I take morning calls from home now which is the best!
9:45 AM meeting kicks off. The mood is tense - there were some end of year metrics we didn’t meet so every department is chipping in.
11 AM Meeting ends and I start formatting the updated reports.
11:45 AM On my commute in, I listen to the last episode of The Oyster. Ah, the last two episodes gave me chills! So excellent.
1:30 PM I log into my personal email and see the milk steamer I ordered has been delivered at my Mom’s house. Back in December I also made an intro and referral on behalf of a friend who now is a freelance writer, and my contact has connected with us. In her mail, she’s apologizing for her delay in absolutely the sweetest way possible and kicking off interviewing my friend.
2:00 PM More back to back meetings until 4 PM - I munch on popcorn from the office snack cupboard and call my friends at work to chat and catch up.
3:49 PM I’m sitting at my desk, formatting an excel report when my best friend C. who lives in Washington DC texts me a string of articles about the storming of the Capitol. I literally spit out my water
4:30 PM the NYT is on one of my screens and I’m constantly refreshing, my jaw dropping each and every time. I’ve told my family WhatsApp group with my Mom and her sisters and one of my aunts demands where is the tear gas to prevent this. I totally agree with her but at this point are any of us shocked by the inherent systemic racism in this country that allows this protest to unfold like this.
6:45 PM I reach home and my roommate is perched on the couch glued to the news on screen. This is very unusual for her as she’s such a non-TV person that the TV in our apt is mine. She didn’t have one for years before I moved in. We agree to turn it off for now and just digest the news separately.
I fire up the oven to make my go to chicken dinner - chicken thighs with roasted vegetables. I also cut and prep a salad for lunch the next few days, which I’ll top with the chicken too.
7:30 PM I eat dinner and watch an episode of Brooklyn 99
Daily spend: $0
Day 6 - Thursday
8:16 AM - wake up naturally. I am equal parts dismayed that my phone died so the alarm didn’t go off and that my body knows my wake up time
9:30 AM I have a Nespresso latte and coconut milk yogurt at work. It’s my no internal meeting day, hurrah! Having at least one of these each week, or even a morning like this, is always something to look forward to.
10:30 AM It’s been a full 12 hours since I’ve tuned in to the news. I catch up to the Italian and French news channels’ coverage.
11:30 AM Weekly town hall meeting. I munch on an apple and also see in my email that my covid test result has come back negative.
2:00 PM Long walk with my work friend. We get our daily steps in.
2:45 PM I try in vain to keep my Apple store appointment to buy new headphones but the line is way too long. figures they would switch from efficiently bringing the product to you to making you go inside.
3:00 PM I take the second zoom call with our product developer and we make great progress on the last questions.
4:00 PM Log back in to catch up on emails, continue working on another report for a project. I snack on pretzels and hummus and make myself an iced tea.
6:30 PM I’m home early and fit in a barre class on Youtube (Pop Sugar again)
7:30 PM Quickly drop off my laundry at the local laundromat. It’s usually around $10 and I’ll pay when I pick it up.
9:00 PM J. Facetimes me and we make plans for a movie date tomorrow at his place. We met on Hinge last month and he’s back in town, after spending the holidays in CT with his family. His self-quaratine period is done, and his covid test came back negative today.
11:00 PM I fall asleep after a chapter of my current Italian book, Donne dell'anima mia. Enjoying it so far and hope to read more this weekend. It's also nice to have a physical book in hand - I like to write in the margins translations or notes about grammar.
Daily spend: $0
Day 7 – Friday
7:00 AM I wake up and numbly log in to see if there are changes from overseas for the morning call.
8:00 AM There were a few changes but not nearly as bad as one time that I had to redo the entire presentation in one hour. Usually more changes don’t come in after this time, so I head out to get a latte, croissant and ground coffee at one of the coffee shops nearby. The ground coffee is a gift for my Mom, who loves this spot $24.99
9:00 AM The meeting kicks off.
10:15 AM My manager, coworker and I have our monthly departmental meeting afterwards. We go over our team’s 2021 goals and discuss major projects on the horizon.
10:45 AM I start heading to the office, with my chicken salad for lunch.
12:00 PM Lunch at a normal time, whoohoo! I text C. and confirm what time we’ll bake banana bread together on Saturday. She’s a novice baker so we’re walking through it on Facetime together. I plan to also make some blackberry scones when we’re done. I log in to arrange a pickup of groceries at the store near my Mom’s (bananas, pizza dough, buttermilk, blackberries)
5:30 PM Work cocktails via zoom – the theme this week is 80s and it’s fun seeing everyone’s costumes. I do duck out at 6 sharp though, to head home.
8:00 PM I shower, roller set my hair and do my make-up before heading over to J’s for date night. And I’ll end this diary here :)
Daily spend: $24.99
Food + Drink: $130.47
Home + Health: $43.34
Clothes + Beauty: $52.60
Transport: $127 (will be reimbursed by work)
Savings Transfer: $1,375
Total: $1,728.41
This was an emotionally taxing week. Spending-wise I’m definitely spending much less and saving much more than this time last year. Back then I would have been out with friends every weeknight and working out at my pilates studio at 8 AM. I do miss those days. NYC is a ghost town still and being on a somewhat normal routine feels incomplete in many ways. Challenging weeks like this make me super grateful for my job, family, friends and health
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Relaxing Music For Studying And Concentration - YouTube

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