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Basic Guide on how to configure your: interface, gameplay & graphics settings, ability bars and combat fundamentals.


Hello There! Today i want to share with you a guide i’ve been making for the last couple months. The purpose of this guide is helping out new, returning and even veteran players navigate the user interface menu, the gameplay and graphics settings, along helping out new players configure their very own ability bars; wether they're in F2P or Member worlds and, help them undertand some of the fundamentals behind them, all that information who sometimes can get a little overwhelming due the sheer amount of it.
"This is the default" new player interface" (image credits: The RS Wiki)".
With that being said, this guide contains a couple of “Cheatsheets” along the way, carefully designed to contain as much information and visual examples as possible in order to enrich and make each section of this guide easier to understand. Now, without further ado, let’s get right into it.


Undoubtedly, one of the most important things of any game; regardless of its genre, is the user interface, as this is where all your controls, buttons and vital information is found. As a new RuneScape player, you’re welcomed with a rather confusing interface where Everything seems to be all over the place (as seen on the image above) without clear indication of what it does.
The majority of the time, when you arrive as a fresh player, the first hour or so is spent on “figuring out” what everything does by trial and error and, by the end of it, you end up even more confused, and with plenty of time invested.
Now, if you take a look at the First Cheatsheet below, you’ll notice there’s a lot of windows and information scattered all over the place, but don’t be afraid as i’ll guide you through them in the next couple of paragraphs.
"This is a general overview of your user interface and its many windows".

To get things started, you’ll need to focus your attention to the “Main Chatbox window” (that adorable yellow window on the corner of the cheatsheet), here you’ll be Reading all the information displayed in game, be it a Goblin Examine text, your friends flexing their Chickens Killcount, an in-game annoucnement, a rare drop, a skill level up or a message telling you about how you burnt those shrimps (again). This is where all of the wordplay comes alive, but don’t fret about receiving lots of spam because you can filter those messages by clicking on the first button of this handy header bar; for more information about these icons, refer to the mini-cheatsheet below
"Here's the magic behind the Chat Message filters".
Returning to the Yellow Window, there you can also drag and drop your friend’s, group or clan chat windows, the cool thing about it is that you can configure it to your heart’s content and see what works best for your playstyle; wether if you want to have only your friends chat window, or if you prefer to talk to your clan, the choice is yours.

Moving on, we have the Green and Purple windows, where you can see your Main Action Bar (who might be minimized, so click on the top right yellow icon to maximize it) alongside your Auxiliary action bars (more on that later, I promise), to not delve too much into what these action bars do, they allow you to cast your combat abilities, use items directly from them (if they have an associated keybind) use prayers/ancient curses to help you in combat and even use teleports to different locations. Sounds amazing right? That’s why it’s recommended to have these windows on the center of your screen and in your line of sight.

The Blue window contains your inventory, which also contains your items; such as food, potions, Weapon Switches, Logs, Raw fish and all those burnt shrimps you made earlier (yum!), this window should also be within your line of sight in order to keep track of all the items you’re carrying.

The Red window is equally important as it serves as an expansion for both your inventory; if you’re using a "beast of burden" familiar, or your ability spellbooks; if you’re not using a familiar. As you make your way through the game, you’ll unlock a wide array of useful familiars (through the Summoning Skill) which can help you with your skilling (by offering invisible boosts), with combat (by offering Passive abilities and Powerful special attacks) and, some of them are sworn to carry your burdens (namely the Terrorbirds, War Tortoise, Pack Yak and Pack Mammoths, known as Beasts of Burden), the latter can help you bring extra food to your Bossing trips, or even help you stay longer at certain skilling spots, so you can stay there a bit longer without needing to visit your bank as often.
You can customize your familiar options by right clicking on the Summoning Medallion (That Blue Icon with a Wolf Head). When you’re not using a familiar, switch to the other tabs, as these will help you use abilities you couldn’t include in your main action bars. If you’re not doing any of the above, then drag and drop the Music tab here, that way you can enjoy some amazing tracks while you play (and i can’t stress this enough, give the RuneScape OST a try, is really, really, really worth a listen, after all it contains Sea Shanty 2, what else could you ask for!?).

The small Mint Green window is your ribbon bar, here you can unlock your interface (by clicking on the little lock icon) and this will let you re-arrange the interface windows to your liking, on the cheatsheet you can see a standard “Bottom right corner” style, which isn’t too terrible and a good foundation to change and improve progressively throughout your playthrough.

The Orange window contains your Skills levels, Prayers/Ancient curses (useful when you’re in combat) and your Drop log/RuneMetrics stats, which helps you keep track of your items or damage/XP. During cerain Minigames or Treasure trails, the interface also goes here, so it helps you out by keeping track of those interfaces in a comfortable spot.

The Light blue window just above the orange one is your equipment window, here you can see a mini-you version of your character alongside the items you have currently equipped.

Finally, the Golden window on the upper right corner displays the minimap, here you can see where you stand in the current area. And it helps you change skyboxes, filters, open the world hop interface (if you want to switch to a more active/quiet world) and Teleport to the various Lodestones you have unlocked. Once again, make sure you right click every single icon here, you’ll find plenty of useful and cool options to try out.

Now, leaving all these interface windows to the side, there’s a useful tool known as the “Developer console”, which can be accessed by pressing the Keys [Alt] + [¬] (the key on the left of the number 1 key and below the ESC key) or the keys [Option] + [< >] if you’re using a MAC computer.
The purpose of the Developer console is to display some performance information of your game, like the amount of FPS you’re getting, how much memory is the game consuming, how much of the Game Disk Cache has been downloaded; and if the game’s still downloading the cache files, and Finally, it shows your ping.
In order for the Developer console to display all that information, you’ll need to type one of the following commands, keep in mind these are typed without spaces or caps:
Command Action
commands Lists available commands.
help Lists available commands.
cls Clears the developer console screen.
displayfps Toggles the frames per second (FPS) counter and alll information above-mentioned.
displayfpsfull Toggles the same data of the previous command, but adds expandable graphs.
displayfpssmall Only toggles you FPS counter without any extra information
renderer Shows information about your graphic card renderer and its capabilities
getcamerapos Showls the location and the direction of the game camera; mostly used in bug reports.
deletejs5caches Deletes the ENTIRE game cache, you will need to redownload all of it once again if you delete it.
enablesnow Enables the snow particle effect in the developer console.
disablesnow Disables the snow effect.
If you type the command a second time, the information window will be hidden and, in order to close the developer console, just click the same combination of keys used to open it.


All of those windows shown on the bottom half of the Cheatsheet above, represent a different interface that will appear in the game at some point; like your bank interface, dialogue windows, xp counters, achievements, level up progress icons, loot interface, and many more. The arrangement showcased in the cheatsheet is just an example aimed to make each of these windows easier to find.
You can resize some of these windows and re-locate them to an specific spot that suits your playstyle. Once you are done make sure to click [SAVE AND EXIT] and then on the [SAVE LAYOUT] option select the Custom interface of your choosing; called [MY CUSTOM 1/2/3/ETC], this way you can have multiple layouts for different activities.
In order to access the layout windows editor, you just need to click the ESC key and click on the [EDIT LAYOUT MODE] option, from there, click the [ADVANCED OPTIONS] button, and check the various windows you want to display, overall it’s just a matter of resizing and rearranging them to your heart’s content.


You may have seen a couple of amazing screenshots on the subreddit or the Steam community page, yes, those screenshots that are “wallpaper worthy” and take your breath away. In order to make your PC run in such a beautiful fashion, you will need to understand what each setting does and how it impacts the game performance; because as you’d might expect, higher graphics can take a heavy toll on your PC, and in some old laptops, they can even match your frying pan’s temperature (ideal for some shrimp cooking/burning).
By default, and once you run the game for the first time, it will run an “Auto Setup” to determine which option works best for your PC, however, you may still want to customize a couple of settings here and there, as some of these options may only provide minimal improvements at the expense of a smoother performance. On the following Cheatsheet, i’ll explain all of these options in detail alongside some visual examples.
The Current available screen resolutions are: [950 x 540], [1920 x 1080] and [2560 x 1440], the [Fullscreen mode] will use the entire area of the screen and, [Windowed] mode, will let you resize the game window to your liking.
"Here's where you can configure your graphics to look as good as they can, or optimize the performance of your PC by lowering them".
One of the most impactful settings on the game is the [DRAW DISTANCE]; which can be helpful on some Bossing arenas (like Solak, Nex: Angel of Death, Raids, Araxxor, Elite Dungeons and The Wilderness; to see potential attackers on the horizon), paired with a camera set on [FREEDOM - CLASSIC] mode, will let you see your target’s a lot more clearly. Overall, i’d recommend something like Medium or High depending on your PC specs. But, If you have a bottlenecked PC or laptop, choose the lower setting.
  • Vsync
[Vsync] or Vertical Synchronization, will help you prevent screen tearing in your game by matching the frame rate of the game and your monitor refresh rate, for this feature keep in mind the following: if you set your game at 120 FPS but only have a 60 Hz monitor, you won’t be able to see any extra FPS, but, if you were to play on a 144Hz monitor, you will be able to see those 120 FPS. [Here's a quick video about this topic].
On the other hand, [Antialiasing quality], will help you produce a smoother image quality, but, for the most part, this feature won’t be really noticeable unless you zoom your camera very close, and given how impactful this setting is, it’s adviced to turn it off if you’re having performance issues.
The [Antialiasing mode] included in the game are the high performance option [FXAA] which is slightly less taxing than the [MSAA] option; which consumes a bit more of resources, and the combination of [FXAA+MSAA] which makes certain objects in the game blurry.
The next couple of settings are [Lighting detail] and [Bloom], in the most essential sense of the word, these settings will only help you produce a more realistic image, by simulating accurate light bounces on a specific areas and objects and “Enhancing light sources" (like suns, moons, fires and lava), keep in mind tho, the latter can be pretty aggresive to the eyes, so use moderately.
[Anisotropic Filtering], what this setting does is add a little more of detail to far away objects by making them sharper the higher this filter goes, for instance, if set to [OFF], far off textures will look slightly blurry, whereas in a high setting [16x] these far off textures will look sharper and nicer. In a similar fashion to Draw distance, if the game performance starts to dwindle down, it’s recommended to set this setting to OFF.
Your [Foreground FPS], will define the amount of FPS your game will output and, like mentioned in the [Vsync] setting paragraph, one must take the Monitor refresh rate (Hz) into consideration when setting the amount of FPS desired. Similarly, the [Background FPS] should be set to a low number, because this is the amount of FPS you game will run at when you’re not actively playing the game (or in other words, when the game is running in the background while you "AFK").
The [Interface Scaling Setting] is mainly used for bigger monitors where your interface may look small, the higher this setting, the bigger your interface will be displayed at.
The game [Shadows] setting is pretty self explanatory, as it will display the environment shadows of a particular area. Disabling this setting will make the game look “flat” and slightly similar to the Oldschool RuneScape graphics. it is also suggested to disable this setting if you’re experiencing performance issues.
The [Shadow Quality] on the other hand, will only work if you have enabled the in game shadows and this setting will help define their “sharpness”, with [ULTRA] being the better looking one, or [LOW] which makes them slightly “blurrier”. The shadows setting can be somewhat taxing to your PC or Laptop, so disable this setting if you’re experiencing a poor performance.
Depending on your personal preference, you can either enable the game [Loading Screens] or just disable them entirely.
[Terrain Blending] is, in simple terms, a setting that allows the different floor textures to “blend together” in order to make them more fluid, if this setting is turned OFF, Textures will automatically get disabled aswell.
The [Smooth Camera Fade] is a setting only visible when certain objects get “cut” by your camera zoom; like walls, trees, rocks, buildings, etc.], the purpose of this setting is to “smoothen” the look of these cut objects, but other than that, it doesn’t really change anything important.
[Mouse over entity highlights] this setting consists of an “outline” that appears around anything “clickable” when hovering the cursor over it. Depending on the object (item/npc/players/etc.), it will appear as a different colour, e.g: for the majority of NPC’s, it will appear as a Yellow outline, for interactable objects like Fishing Spots, Trees, Archaeology Hotspots, etc, the outline colour will be Cyan, on the other hand attackable NPC’s will glow with a Red outline when clicked.
[Remove roofs] is a setting that will remove the roofing and first floors from the buildings in the game, you can either set it to [ALL] to remove it from all buildings, or [SELECTIVELY] to remove them only after entering these buildings.
[Water detail] in short, the [LOW] setting makes the water look like a flat surface, without reflections or depth and it gets progressively "realistic" by adding more reflectivity: [MEDIUIM] to [ULTRA], keep in mind this setting is also taxing, so adjust according to your preference.
[Ambient occlusion] simply put, this setting determines how much lighting should a space have depending on its features in order to make it more realistic. [SSAO] (Screen Space) is the least demanding, while [HBAO] (Horizon Based) has a higher performance hit. [OFF] would be the best option if you don’t mind losing this little feature in order to maximize the performance.
[Textures] this setting only has two options available, with those being [OFF] and [Compressed], disabling textures in the game will make everything look like a mesh of polygons without depth or detail, therefore, this can also greatly improve the performance of your game.
[Volumetric Light], this setting adds more realism to light emitting sources on certain skyboxes (like the suns or moons); similar to the Bloom setting, this feature depends, mostly, on personal preference and only if the brighter effects are desired.
[Game rendering Scaling] the higher this setting goes, the higher the overall image quality will look, however, this can be somewhat taxing for your computer. On the other hand, a lower setting will make the overall image quality look blurred out, but will increase the performance. Therefore, it’s recommended to leave this setting at 100% and adjust based on your performance and preference.
[Custom Cursors] to keep it simple, these custom cursors are the iconic RuneScape icons displayed when hovering your mouse over literally anything in the game, like the attack icons, the food icons, the “use item” icon, among others.
[Ground decoration], the purpose of this setting is to add more elements to certain areas of the game to make it more “rich looking”, things like Grass, Pebbles, Flowers, etc, are added to the ground.
[Depth of field], this setting is often seen in photography, and what it does in RuneScape is blur far off objects in order to make them look less “Sharp” on the horizon and, provide a more pleasant effect. Keep in mind tho, this setting is only available if you have your draw distance setting on [ULTRA] or [HIGH].
In short terms [Tree canopy fade] will fade out any and all Tree canopies around the character, in order to prevent the canopies from obstructing the visibility of the character.
  • Futher information about the graphics settings
If you'd like to learn more about these settings, check out the following RS Wiki Link.
"All videos linked on this section belong to their respective authors, if you liked their content, consider subscribing to their channels, I do not take any credit on the content displayed and, my only goal is to provide useful information to new, returning and veteran player audiences".


Finally, now that your user interface is stablished and, you understand what each of the graphical settings does in your game, let's move on to the Combat abilities and their fundamentals.
Keep in mind though, the ability bars shown on the cheatsheet require some levelling up and questing in order to fully unlock their potential and, as a new player, you'll have access to their "lesser variants" but, as you level up, these lesser variants will be replaced by the actual abilities.
Anyways, i highly recommend one of your early goals in the game becomes unlocking as many combat abilities as you can by levelling up and doing your quests, as these ability bars will allow you to get into bossing later on.
Quest Lists Description
[Quests currently available] There are a total of 229 quests with 40 free and 189 members-only quests
[Quest skill requirements] Breakdown by skills
[Quest Completion Order] This is a guide including the best order to complete your quests according to your levels
[Quest series] Includes all series and plotlines
[Items & misc. rewards] Useful and convenient items
[Experience Rewards] Good to achieve those extra levels
[Quest walkthrough YT playlist] [Created by: ImSikovit]
There's a couple of abilities you can unlock naturally while levelling up (as shown on the cheatsheet) and some of these are exclusive to a certain combat style and weapons (namely Two-Handed and Dual Wield Weapons), some of these abilities are unlocked by doing quests, and some of these are bought at the Grand Exchange or from other players, but some may be more expensive than others, [so always do your research on the current market prices], ALWAYS, DO, YOUR, RESEARCH before buying or selling items, because some prices shown in the Grand Exchange or Trade Offer price window may not be 100% accurate, specially for new or low volume items.
"Getting to know your abilities, and your ability bars".
You may notice these bars are “Revolution bars”, but what is Revolution Mode? Well, in the most basic sense of the word, Revo will automatically trigger your combat abilities as soon as they become available, going from left to right, and after the Global Cooldown has lapsed.
However, there's 3 ways of using the Revolution combat mode, you can customize if you want Revo to activate your Basic, Threshold or Ultimate abilities in the combat settings menu (more on that later):
  1. The first one is used if you want to cast your Threshold abilities manually (making combat slightly more engaging), this means, Revolution will only activate your basic abilities (inside the yellow outline), any Threshold ability included inside this yellow outline won’t get activated as you will need to activate it yourself.
  2. The second one, is allowing Revolution to use Threshold and Basic Abilities, This method is preferred in order to let the game do its own thing while you just manage your HP Points, Prayer Points, Prayers or curses and manually activate your Ultimate Abilities.
  3. The final method is letting Revolution activate all kind of abilities automatically without any kind of manual input, however, sticking to this combat mode of Revolution can make it harder for you to progress further into “Full Manual” later on.
On that note, Revolution Mode exclusively for basics is quite good and a perfect middle ground as its learning curve should prove engaging and exciting, while also making room for improvement in the long run and transitioning into full manual.
With enough practice you'll reach a point where you may want to actively use all your basics abilities and jump naturally into full manual or, you could keep using revolution for basics whilst you activate some of the basics and threshold abilities yourself. Invariably, it really depends on your playstyle but keep this in mind:
“There is no correct way of playing RuneScape, there's just efficient methods, but even these keep changing and evolving over time, that's the true beauty of the game. It's an ever evolving game that you can play any way you want.”
[Alrighty then, with that being said, feel free to try out all of your abilities and build some ability bars, step by step, little by little].
On a similar topic, you have the Global Cooldown, which is divided in 3 sections (as shown in the Cheatsheet GCD Diagram), and the Ability Queueing.
With [ABILITY QUEUEING] enabled (in your Combat Settings), you can hit any Ability anywhere within the #1 and #2 Global Cooldown sectors; shown above, and it will fire once the GCD is done (you’ll know it’s done once all of your abilities “blink”).
If you were to cast your abilities once the GCD is at the beginning of Sector #3, and you had [ABILITY QUEUEING] enabled, your abilities will fire automatically without being queued.
Without [ABILITY QUEUEING], in order to fire your abilities you’ll need to cast them once the GCD timer is at the end of Sector #2 (or 2/3 of the way), as this will make your abilities fire once the GCD ends.


Dual Wield Weapons are worn with both hands, Main Hand and Off-Hand, also, all shields and defenders are always worn in the Off-Hand Slot.

  • For melee the difference is quite simple:
2H swords help with AOE (Area of effect abilities) with Halberds being the absolute best 2h weapons to kill various mobs of monsters.
"Quick diagram about weapons area of effect damage and Bakriminel Bolts".

  • For ranged, the difference lies in the type of ammunition each weapon can use:
2H Bows & Longbows use arrows and some special bows (dubbed chargebows) generate their own ammunition, so you don't have to worry about it.
There's also "Shieldbows", who allow the usage of defensive abilities aswell as offensive abilities.
On the other hand, 2H Crossbows use bolts instead of arrows and this opens up a lot of cool bolts called Bakriminel bolts, which can be enchanted in order to activate some amazing and useful effects.
These bolts are what make 2H Crossbows a better pick than 2H Bows, as there's no special arrows for these Weapons; besides the "Blackstone Arrows", that applies a defense debuff to the target for 12 minutes or until it gets defeated.
On a similar note to DW Melee, Defenders (called reprisers for their ranged variant) help a lot with weapon switching, but also it benefits from a weapon called mechanized chinchompa, which makes each ability an AOE ability.

  • For the Magic weapons:
Mage follows the same rules but the 2H weapons are called Staves, on Mage's case, there's no big difference on the AOE damage abilities as both 2H and DW share the same ones (with a difference in certain thresholds abilities), and both weapons use the same spellbook abilities, so it boils down to each weapon effect and if you want to use a versatile playstyle by using a Wand + Defender (called rebounder in Mage's case), or a Shield. Sadly there's no chinchompas for magic but you there's a wide array of disruptive spells than can aid you in battle.
Each set of weapons enable the usage of specific Abilities and each weapon comes with their own subset of special effects, some weapons don't have them though.
For instance: 2H Swords are good for AOE Damage and when facing multiple foes at once, you can benefit from the Abilities: Hurricane, Quake and Meteor Strike to deal damage around you, but if you want to maximize the amount of targets you'll hit, you may want to use a Halberd Weapon.
If you're interested into more in-depth information about quests, game progression, tips, tricks & guides, feel free to visit the links below, to read more about these topics:
Video topic Author
[Keybinds for PVM] The RSGuy
[The Global Cooldown] Pixel Green
[Tutorial about unlocking important abilities] Sage Vanburo
[Tutorial about unlocking Shattered Worlds Abilities] Protoxx
[Bakriminel Bolts basics] Teh Proez
[Bakriminel Bolts Comprehensive Analysis] Teh Proez
"All videos linked on this section belong to their respective authors, if you liked their content, consider subscribing to their channels, I do not take any credit on the content displayed and, my only goal is to provide useful information to new, returning and veteran player audiences".


The Settings menu is divided into 5 different groups: [GAMEPLAY], [GRAPHICS], [CONTROLS], [AUDIO] and the [RIBBON]. On the following cheatsheets i'll showcase each option found on the [GAMEPLAY] tab and their function. Some of them will be images (as they're self explanatory and explain what they do) and others will be brief explanations on what each setting does, in order to make all these options easier to read and follow.
Under the [GAMEPLAY] Tab you'll find 8 Different subgroups (7 in the NXT client and 8 on the Steam Client), in the following table i'll explain in detail what each subgroup does:

"The various settings tabs".
Subgroup Description
Interfaces Fundamentally, this setting allows you to customize the look of your interface windows, filter which interfaces and warning screens should appear in game, how certain items will behave when using them (like keeping vials after decanting potions or emptying buckets when using the farming skill), you can choose which buff bar icons show up and if you want to display the Game Clock or not.
Combat & Action Bar Here you can change your combat modes (like Revolution and Full Manual, or the Legacy Combat Mode similar to the Old Fashioned combat mode), you can change your action bars visibility and ability queueing, alongside your action bar binding (which automatically changes your main action bar depending on the style of weapon you’re wielding), you can also change what kind of XP you get from combat, the way you attack other npc’s and your targeting settings along the colors your hitsplats (for aesthetic purposes).
Camera Another essential feature you will find here is the camera mode, here you can choose the camera zoom modes which are extremely beneficial when fighting large Monsters (so you can see them better) alongside the sensitivity of your camera.
Skills & Experience A lot of skills come with their own set of mechanics; from finding specicif parts of a mattock, to the amount of bosses you’ll be assigned for your reaper task and if they’re solo bosses or group bosses, all of these settings help you customize the way you interact with these skills.
Messages & Social On this setting you can customize what kind of messages you’ll receive on login, during your game sesión, from your friends, clan, private and groups chat. You can also customize the colors of each message, the broadcasts from your friends, clan chat, or anyone in the same world, and also, you can customize the events that will be tracked by your “Runemetrics” profile.
Item Drops This setting allows you to customize your Loot System interface (along various filtering options), you can also customize your lootbeams (pillars of light that let you know when you got an expensive item; defined manually, or a rare/unique drop), on the other hand, you can also customize if you want to receive Clue Scrolls or not, i’d highly recomment checking all of the checkboxes, as “Treasure Trails” are an amazing activity (and very profitable too) you can also enable lootbeams so you don’t miss out any of them.
Legacy This option lets you customize your interface colors, minimap icons, skillcape models, and combat mode, to make it reminiscent of the old version of the game (the one you may remember from 2011).
Third Party This is an exclusive option for the Steam Client, what it does is show the world you’re currently playing on (for instance World #2 or World #84) in your friend’s list status.


"The first part of the settings menu windows".

"The second part of the settings menu windows".
For more information on the topic feel free to visit the Wiki Link.


RuneScape is a game built around “freedom”, and all of these interfaces, ability bars and settings reflect that, while there’s no absolute best configuration, keybinds or interface, it’s always a good practice to try everything out and learn through testing, in order to find out the best results for our needs.
Whether you’re a new player strolling around the Free to Play towns, or you just bought your membership and are stretching your legs around the member’s only locations, everything you learned from this guide will help you.
One of the commonly asked questions i’ve seen posted on the subreddit and the discussion forums are: how to make as much GP/Hr? What kind of gear to buy, and in which order? What kind of bosses to fight for a given set of Levels? and, while the answers are changing constantly (as prices shift all the time and the Metagame evolves), invariably it comes to the same conclusion, which is:
“What you can do and how consistently.“
On the following links you can find complimentary information like Gear & Bosses Progression and a plethora of useful links, tips & tricks:

However, before trying out these methods and finding out how consistently you can do them, one must start from the very basics of the game, understand how the game works and how to make it as reliable as possible whilst also looking as best as it can, and that’s the purpose of this guide, to teach you, the player, what every setting does, how does it impact your game experience and, showing you the fundamentals of the ability bars. The other half will come from your own experiences and how you expand on these foundations.
With that being said, Thank you for passing by, i wish you the best of luck and i hope you found this guide useful, see you all around and take care!
submitted by Concordia_chaos to runescape [link] [comments]

How to anonymously host the continued development of youtube-dl offshore

Original sources of this guide (might be more up to date in case you're viewing a mirror of it):
In this guide I will go through how to anonymously host the continued development of youtube-dl offshore using companies that have a track record of being very resilient to DMCA takedowns. As a general disclaimer, youtube-dl is not illegal, no matter how much the RIAA wants it to be. Hosting it is not illegal, but the RIAA doesn't care about what's legal, so we'll have to act accordingly and not rely on companies that will bend over backwards for them. This post is basically my way of flipping the bird to the RIAA.
DMCA ignored hosting providers
RIAA report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
MPAA report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
United States Trade Representative report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
ESA report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
Europol report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
La Liga report including DMCA ignored hosting providers
Former bulletproof hosting reseller reviews offshore hosting providers
Former bulletproof hosting reseller on what the most warez friendly hosting providers are
(Novogara aka Ecatel recently got busted for tax evasion and are shady as hell in general, allowing anything to be hosted on their servers, so it's best to stay away from them.)
Take into account what data center the hosting provider uses. If they don't run their their own data center the company running the data center can shut down the server if the data center isn't DMCA ignored. That isn't to say that resellers can't be resilient, but it depends on how resilient the data center they use is.
This goes without saying, but keeping the hosting provider secret makes it a lot harder to take down.
Some countries like Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Korea force hosting providers to use government SSL certificates, meaning that they can MITM the connection.
CDNs and proxies to hide the real hosting provider
DDoS-Guard - Highly recommended. Based in Russia. Doesn't care about DMCA at all. DDoS-Guard is mentioned in the MPAA's Notorious Markets report and currently provides protection for Nyaa (the world's largest public torrent tracker for anime and manga) and Sci-Hub (the world's largest piracy website for academic papers which is under constant legal pressure from big US publishers). Has a free plan and accepts Bitcoin for paid plans. DDoS-Guard might be inaccessible outside of Europe for a few hours/month, meaning that sites using it would be unreachable outside of Europe during that time. This is probably peering related, but I'm not sure. Just tell site visitors to use ProtonVPN's free plan and connect to one of their VPN servers in the Netherlands if that happens.
While I recommend DDoS-Guard, I'll list some other alternatives in case something happens:
CloudFlare - Might be a honeypot, especially since I'm not sure how they'd be able to get away with this otherwise, but CloudFlare works for now. Just don't expect privacy from them. They're a US based company so they'll probably be reigned in eventually, but for now they're having their Wild West days. CloudFlare has a free plan. If CloudFlare is not configured properly when set up the real hosting provider will be leaked. More info about that here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
It's a myth that Cloudflare does not forward DMCA complaints, they forward everything. However, Cloudflare does not store any "sensitive data", which means forwarding "useless" information is similar like ignoring the DMCA request. A general advice is that whenever you use Cloudflare you should use a bulletproof backend server as well to avoid DMCA takedown request in the first place, so less or nothing gets forwarded (less "leakage risk").
Source: CHEF-KOCH / Warez / Bulletproof Hosting.md
OVPN's public IPv4 proxy (the Switzerland proxy) - Swedish company that provided a proxy for The Pirate Bay for a while, went to court because of it, and won. The two advantages with their Switzerland proxy in particular is that it's hosted by Interxion - the same Netherlands based company that is hosting Feral Hosting's DMCA ignored seedboxes - and that Switzerland is a pretty good jurisdiction. OVPN also scores well on That One Privacy Site. Accepts Bitcoin.
Before we go into registering a domain, I think it's worth considering if it's really worth keeping the name youtube-dl or if it could be spun off into a more accurate and less trademark infringing name like media-dl, for example. It downloads video and audio from a lot more sites than just YouTube, after all.
Resilient TLDs (there are more options than just these)
.is - As of a few years ago ISNIC had only ever suspended one domain and it was connected to ISIS.
When we asked whether ISNIC would follow Greenland’s lead and move for a proactive suspension, we got a clear answer.
“The short answer is no. Such an action would require a formal order from an Icelandic court. ISNIC is not responsible for a registrant’s usage of their domains,” ISNIC’s Marius Olafsson told TorrentFreak.
“This policy applies equally to any .is domain,” Olafsson says, adding that it’s the domain owner’s responsibility to abide by the law, not theirs.
Source: https://torrentfreak.com/pirate-bay-finds-safe-haven-in-iceland-switches-to-is-domain-130425/
“Domains can hardly be considered illegal any more than a street address. A street address is not illegal even if there is illegal activity in one apartment at the address,” ISNIC says.
Source: https://torrentfreak.com/torrent-domain-suspensions-damage-credibility-registrar-says-140617/
.ru / .su - Good for anything that doesn't affect Russia or go against Russian interests.
.to - Used by a lot of torrent and other filesharing websites. I have never seen one get suspended. .to is managed by a US company though, so it being "bulletproof" could change.
.cr is a resilient TLD according to the International Intellectual Property Alliance's (IIAP) report:
thepiratebay.cr domain is still online despite actions against it from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica. Other notorious infringing sites are following the trend of using .cr domains as a safe haven (e.g., kickasstorrents.cr). Costa Rica’s failure to deal effectively with its obligations regarding online infringement, more than eight years after they came into force under DR-CAFTA, is a serious concern.
In case you want cheaper options that are available on Njalla, .ws and .ch are said to be pretty good.
.ec is also looking pretty solid as Library Genesis (the world's largest book piracy website, which is under constant legal pressure from big US publishers) have been using it for some time without getting suspended.
Vulnerable TLDs
.com, .net, .cc, .tv, and .name are operated by VeriSign, a Washington DC based company that is controlled by the US government.
.org, .info, .asia, .aero, .ag, .bz, .gi, .hgn, .in, .lc, .me, .mobi, .mn, .sc and .vc are operated by Afilias, a company that blocked one of WikiLeaks' domains.
.site, .website, .tech, .online, .uno, .fun, .space, .store, and .press are operated by Radix, a company that has an anti-piracy partnership with the MPAA.
All TLDs operated by Donuts, a company that has an anti-piracy partnership with the MPAA.
Resilient domain registrars/resellers
Njalla - As anonymous as you can get when buying a domain. Njalla is a Nevis registered company that buys the more common domains from Canada based Tucows, which is pretty abuse friendly and some TLDs like .is they buy from the registry directly. They then lease it to you while legally speaking they own the domain. This means that you don't have to give them any personal information to register it and they take Monero. Njalla is mentioned in the RIAA and MPAA's Norotious Markets reports. Njalla has a Tor Hidden Service, PGP key, and has support for registration via XMPP with OTR. Njalla is run by one of the Pirate Bay founders and they kept the Pirate Bay sense of humor alive when dealing with DMCA.
NiceVPS - As anonymous as you can get when buying a domain. NiceVPS is a domain reseller based in the Dominican Republic that buys the domain from easyDNS and then leases it to you, meaning that you don't have to provide any personal information since they own the domain on paper. Accepts Monero. Has a Tor Hidden Service, PGP key, and warrant canary. I've seen NiceVPS recommended on some websites, but I'm not sure how solid it is. Doesn't seem to offer all of the TLDs that Njalla, Openprovider, and easyDNS offer, including a lot of the more resilient ones.
Openprovider aka Hosting Concepts B.V. - Netherlands based registrar that is one of the most abused registrars by rogue pharma sites. Doesn't suspend domains without a WIPO decision or court order. Has a full section dedicated to it in the United States Trade Representative's 2019 report and a brief mention in the 2020 report.
easyDNS - Canada based registrar that has a big focus on due process. The current registrar of The Pirate Bay's .org domain, which it defended against the RIAA. Wouldn't suspend a domain for a video downloader like youtube-dl unless ordered by ICANN, CIRA, or a court according to their takedown policy. Accepts Bitcoin.
There are a few resellers of bulletproof Russian and Chinese registrars that accept cryptocurrency, but because those are pretty much only used by cyber criminals they would not be a good look for this project. And there's also the risk that they'll just be gone one day without a word and no way to transfer domain and not much recourse. Because of those reasons I'm omitting them from this list. I think the above mentioned registrars and resellers will be good enough, the project is legal after all.
Worth considering:
In order to anonymously directly register a domain at any of the other mentioned services than Njalla and NiceVPS you'd have to fake the WHOIS information, which violates ICANN's rules and registrars usually suspend domains because of that. I could especially imagine easyDNS doing this. Not sure how the other registrars would react to that, but ICANN does have the power to withdraw their accreditation - meaning that the registrars would lose the ability to issue domains - if they don't follow ICANN's rules. In the cases of Njalla and NiceVPS they aren't a registrar, they just fill in their own details and buy the domain for you from a registry/registrar when you register a domain using them.
If you use Njalla or NiceVPS you're handing over control of the domain to somebody else and have to take their word for it that you'll always have access to the domain. It's easier to trust Njalla than NiceVPS in this case since it's known who owns Njalla and they have more of a track record than NiceVPS, which is fairly unknown.
Let's Encrypt - Free, uses open source software, backed by EFF, Mozilla, and others. Easy to set up and easy to maintain with an auto-renewal script.
If you're using CloudFlare, you'll have to use their phony SSL certificate.
Keeping your server secure and other technical advice
Check your server, and how reliable it is in terms of security and privacy, online services like https://centminmod.com can test your server and it's configuration to ensure nothing is "leaking".
Check if someone can see your hidden backend server IP via https://dnsdumpster.com. In general you should block every IP connection to your backend server, only allow your own connection, VPN's or reverse proxies. You quickly can check if someone has an "open" backend IP service via services like https://censys.io.
Source: CHEF-KOCH / Warez / Bulletproof Hosting.md
If you use CloudFlare, also check that your backend isn't leaking using CrimeFlare.
If you have set up email with your domain, use SMPT and a custom mail server so it doesn't leak your origin server IP. Email is the easiest way to leak origin server IP addresses.
Use SSH instead of VNC. With VNC the login information is sent unencrypted via plaintext, meaning that a rogue exit node in the Tor network and any server the login information is sent over on the clearnet could record your login information if they wanted to.
Use a password generator for all accounts and have it set to the max number of characters. Don't put the login information into a proprietary password manager or an online password manager. Make sure to back up the login information to multiple hard drives/SSDs/USBs/etc.
Try and make the site portable so that all software and all configurations can be saved to an ISO that can be spun up at any hosting provider at a moment's notice in case the site has to move at some point.
If you get a VPS, make sure it's KVM. KVM is much more secure than OpenVZ since OpenVZ doesn't have much separation between different customers on the same server. OpenVZ is also easy to oversell. Xen is also secure, but has worse performance than KVM.
Use nginx, it has a lot better performance than Apache.
Use MariaDB. It's a more up to date fork of MySQL developed by MySQL's original developer after he sold MySQL to Oracle. Contains bug fixes that sometimes have not gotten into MySQL yet. It is of course fully compatible with MySQL databases.
Basic security hardening (I'd probably use OSSEC + Shorewall instead of fail2ban and ufw, but I'm not an expert at this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
nginx configuration for improved security (and performance): GitHub Gist | blog post ( and are both Google Public DNS resolvers, so if you enable OCSP stapling, use a more privacy friendly DNS resolver, like Njalla's public DNS, one of the DNS resolvers mentioned on PrivacyTools, one of the DNS resolvers in DNS66's settings, or an OpenNIC server that doesn't keep logs. Digitalcourage e.V. and Chaos Computer Club are pretty trustworthy organizations, so their DNS servers from DNS66's settings along with Njalla's DNS resolver are probably solid, at least. Few OpenNIC servers seem to last very long, judging by that most of them were added in 2019 and 2020. If you use CloudFlare for the site, just use CloudFlare's DNS, they'll get site traffic data regardless, so just use them for that DNS resolver as well instead of sending out data to another party.
nginx tuning for best performance
nginx SSL/TLS hardening including HTTP Strict Transport Security
Top 25 Nginx Web Server Best Security Practices
Let's Encrypt auto-renewal script
If you need FTP server software, Pure-FTPd is the most secure option. Use SFTP instead of FTPS for better security and less of a headache.
Disable password access for administration, require login using a SSH key, and limit the number of login attempts.
Change default ports, like SSH. If anyone tries to access the default SSH port, have the firewall block them for a few hours.
Disable root login.
More security tips for SSH are available here. Don't implement port knocking though.
Disable nginx logging once everything is set up to protect user privacy and improve performance.
Keep the software up to date to decrease the risk of your serveVPS being hacked.
Don't use analytics. If you have to, self-host Matomo (formerly known as Piwik). It's open source.
Keep up to date backups of the site on multiple hard drives/SSDs/etc.
Anonymous payments
Bitcoin is fully traceable nowadays and tumbling/mixing your Bitcoin won't make any difference.
Tumblers are useless
Against my better judgement, I’m going with this click bait heading, but the premise is correct. Due to the software running real time analysis on the ledger, simply avoiding taint and breaking up coins is now entirely ineffective, as it matches the full bitcoin amount to be received over a period of time, as the software is built around a neural net of sorts (talking out of school here, I’m not a programmer) it appears to self-correct in real time as a more "likely" or "accurate" owner conclusion is reached.
Source: Blockchain Analysis and Anti-Money Laundering (X-post from /DarknetmarketsOz)
Meanwhile Monero was the only cryptocurrency that that the US government couldn't track when they took down one of one of the biggest darknet drug markets and seized the site operator's cryptocurrencies. This is because Monero is the only major cryptocurrency properly designed to be private.
There has apparently been some recent developments when it comes to tracing Monero. You can read more about it in my comment on Reddit or Raddle. I wouldn't worry too much about it at this stage though.
Use I2P or Tor when transacting with cryptocurrency. I2P has some privacy benefits in its design over Tor:
Unidirectional tunnels instead of bidirectional circuits, doubling the number of nodes a peer has to compromise to get the same information. Protection against detecting client activity, even when an attacker is participating in the tunnel, as tunnels are used for more than simply passing end to end messages (e.g. netDb, tunnel management, tunnel testing) Tunnels in I2P are short lived, decreasing the number of samples that an attacker can use to mount an active attack with, unlike circuits in Tor, which are typically long lived. I2P APIs are designed specifically for anonymity and security, while SOCKS is designed for functionality.
However, I2P doesn't have as much funding and reseach or as big of a developer community behind it. I2P's userbase is also a lot smaller than Tor's. A full comparison about that can be found here. Monero chose I2P over Tor.
More information about Monero + I2P/Tor is available here.
Either get cryptocurrency donations or use a peer-to-peer exchange that doesn't enforce KYC (Know Your Customer) to buy Monero or Bitcoin. Unlike centralized exchanges, private sellers on decentralized exchanges won't automatically submit all their data to the government. Even if you get all of the cryptocurrency via donations and it therefore has no connection to your real identity at all you should still anonymize it via Monero so that it can't be traced from the donation wallet to the hosting provider which you want to keep hidden.
Some private sellers on peer-to-peer exchanges won't require IDs, while some might require it. If nothing is mentioned, it's worth asking the seller before you send them any money. A few even accept cash meetups and cash by mail (watch out for being scammed or mugged though). If you do go to a crypto for cash meetup, make sure it's in a public place with lots of people in case something goes wrong. LocalCoinSwap, LocalCryptos, and LocalMonero even has sellers that accept gift cards (which you could buy with cash in a physical store). However, most gift cards are only redeemable in the country they were bought in, making this an option that won't work outside of the countries the sellers are based in. The one exception to this that I know of are Steam Wallet gift cards, which work internationally.
If your method of paying for cryptocurrency involves going somewhere to buy it/a gift card/a prepaid card/a burner phone, consider leaving your phone at home since it's essentially a tracking beacon. If it's a cryptocurrency for cash meetup you might want to have it with you in case something goes wrong though.
From what I've read there are some centralized exchanges that don't require KYC, but at least some of them freeze funds if they think it seems suspicious (which I would imagine a Tor IP would fall under) and they refuse to release the funds until they have been provided with an ID.
If you decide to buy cryptocurrency using a normal payment method, a wire transfer would be the option that involves the least amount of companies getting the transaction info, though I don't think you'd have much recourse with getting your money back if you got scammed and paid via wire transfer.
Bitcoin ATMs may require ID and usually have surveillance cameras around them, but this may vary depending on where you live.
If you bought Bitcoin, use XMR.to to exchange it to Monero. If the service provider only accepts Bitcoin and not Monero, exchange the Monero back to Bitcoin so that the Bitcoin has been anonymized. Don't pay in Bitcoin without exchanging it to Monero and back first.
Prepaid cards usually require SMS verification and are sometimes limited to purchases within the country they were sold in, so be sure to read up on whatever card you're considering using. Vanilla Visa gift cards used to be the go to for VPN buyers back in the day since they only required putting a zip code into a website, but things change, so read up about activation requirements and international purchases for the card in your country before buying anything and if you get information from an unofficial source, try and make sure that it's at least somewhat recent. If SMS activation is required there are two options. One option is buying a push-button burner phone and a prepaid SIM card at a physical store using cash, activate it at a major public place and then once the prepaid card is activated shut off the phone and take out the SIM card and the battery. Another option is buying access to a dedicated number in the same country that you bought the card in at an online SMS inbox site using cryptocurrency (the free SMS inboxes that have shared phone number might be used up already). The catch 22 there is that you wouldn't have any cryptocurrency yet at this stage, so it's not really an option unless you figure something out that I wasn't able to think of. If the prepaid card can't do international purchases you could withdraw the money into an anonymously created PayPal account (requires SMS verification). Expect the prepaid card and PayPal account to almost certainly get frozen if you try to pay with it over Tor. The risk is lower when paying via a VPN IP, but it's still a notable risk, especially if it's a VPN server with lots of users and you can never verify that the VPN provider isn't logging you. An anonymously paid for self-hosted VPN on a dedicated IP address in the same country that you bought the prepaid card would be less likely to cause the card to get frozen. A residential proxy/proxy would be the least likely to get the card frozen. Just don't connect to that residential or self-hosted VPN/proxy directly using your real IP address since your ISP would see that and since you would be the only user of that self-hosted VPN it would be directly identifying. You could use the prepaid card on public WiFi, but that will give out your general location and will give the WiFi network your IP address. It will also give the WiFi network your MAC address, so be sure to set the MAC address to be random (just search something like "[operating system] random mac address on wifi" on DuckDuckGo). Then there's the issue that most browsers other than Tor Browser, SecBrowser, and Bromite are bad combating browser fingerprinting. Sure you could also customize Firefox with arkenfox user.js (formerly known as ghacks-user.js) and a bunch of add-ons to combat all the different kinds of tracking, but you'll just make your browser more unique the more you modify it.
Anonymous Internet browsing
Use Tor when doing anything in connection with the site, including when using PuTTY and FileZilla. Verify the integrity of the Tor Browser installer using PGP before running it so that you know that it hasn't been tampered with. Use a bridge if you don't want your ISP/government to see that you're using Tor. Running Tor over a VPN may seem like a good idea, but even if the VPN provider really doesn't keep logs (which is impossible to verify) using Tor over VPN can make you easier to track since that makes the VPN service a permanent entry node [1][2][3][4] and there's also VPN fingerprinting. If Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is a concern you can use Pluggable Transports [1][2] to disguise the Tor traffic. Keep Tor Browser up to date. Never run Tor Browser in full screen. That makes you more easily trackable as websites can detect the real resolution of your screen. Don't install any add-ons or plugins, that makes you a lot easier to track. If you have logged in and then logged out of a site it can link you to other accounts you have on the same site using session cookies if you login to those accounts without hitting the "New Identity" button to relaunch Tor Browser with a clean slate. Block JavaScript when the website doesn't require it, that's the closest thing you'll come to an ad blocker. Use the Hidden Service version of sites when available, that way your Internet traffic never goes onto the clearnet and it also adds three more proxies between you and the site's server for a total of six proxies.
Since you shouldn't use an ad blocker with Tor Browser it's important that you keep your operating system up to date to minimize the risk of getting infected in case you come across some malicious JavaScript via for example malvertising when you have JavaScript activated.
If you use Windows and don't want to switch to Linux (even though you can set up dual boot or just boot it from a USB without even having to install it on your computer), use a non-admin user account and have an admin account that you only use to authorize trusted software to run, that will mitigate 94% of critical Windows vulnerabilities. You can use a tool like W10Privacy to decrease the amount of tracking in Windows 10, just be sure that the tool you use is updated to match the latest version of Windows 10 or you might brick your OS.
Use an end-to-end encrypted no logs email provider located outside of Five Eyes, Germany, Enemies of the Internet, and countries under surveillance - preferably ProtonMail - when signing up for all of those services. Use a different email address for anything not related to the administration of the website. ProtonMail has a Tor Hidden Service, but signing up for ProtonMail is only possible on the clearnet address, so you'd have to go into Tor Browser's privacy settings and change "Prioritize .onion sites when known" from "Always" to "Ask every time" when you register the ProtonMail account. Change it back to "always" once the registration is complete. And yes, it is possible to sign up for ProtonMail via Tor. It's not easy finding an exit node that hasn't gotten blocked yet, and you will most likely need a secondary anonymous email account on another email provider to send a verification code to, but it is possible. Don't try using a disposable email service, ProtonMail blocks pretty much all of them so you'll just waste time and will probably get your account frozen. Once you have made an account, go into Settings > Security and then wipe and disable the authentication logs. Once that's done - before you sign up for anything - log out and wait a while then log back in, just to see if their anti-fraud system decides to freeze your account or not.
If you go for a email provider other than ProtonMail, keep in mind that it has to be there for the long haul in order to be usable. If it suddenly shuts down without notice, you're pretty much shit out of luck. So try and go for one that has been around for a while and seems like it will continue to stick around.
Comparison of alternatives:
Use a new username that you haven't used before.
Use end-to-end encryption for all private communications. ProtonMail has built-in end-to-end encryption between ProtonMail accounts. If you want to encrypt email with PGP when communicating with non-ProtonMail users follow this guide. That will allow you to import it into ProtonMail. Just remember that the subject line will not be encrypted by PGP. PGP/MIME gives out less metadata than PGP inline and is just better in general, so use PGP/MIME. For file transfers you can also use OnionShare if the receipient also uses Tor Browser or put the file(s) into a password protected .7z file using 7-Zip with the "Encrypt file names" option enabled + a password generator set to the max number of characters that you then upload to Disroot Upload. Be aware that the lufi software that Disroot Upload runs on keeps the filename visible after the file has been deleted. If you need an end-to-end encrypted pastebin, self-host PrivateBin or use Disroot's PrivateBin. Disroot uses a privacy respecting hosting provider and claim that they don't keep logs for services that don't require an account, such as Disroot Upload and Disroot's PrivateBin.
Use DuckDuckGo instead of Google. At least when doing work related to the site. It has a Tor Hidden Service that you can easily find by searching "duckduckgo onion" or "duckduckgo hidden service" on DuckDuckGo.
Rely on open source software and privacy respecting services when it comes to processing and storing data related to the site. PrivacyTools.io, awesome-privacy, AlternativeTo, and GitHub makes it easy to find privacy respecting alternatives.
Keep software on your devices up to date to decrease the risk of it being compromised by an exploit.
And yeah, I probably went pretty deep on some of the less relevant sections, but I thought it was best to include everything.
submitted by Fuck_the_RIAA to youtubedl [link] [comments]

BestBuy Zephyrus G15 (2021) Benchmark/First Impressions/Q&A

To start, I have only had the laptop for a few hours so these are very much my first impressions. I feel compelled to do this because a lot of this is stuff that I wish I had known before pulling the trigger on the laptop or little nuances that stick out to me now that I have it in hand.
Physical Build:
Screen: I should probably start here since it is probably one of the most attractive features that this machine has to offer. The backlight bleed isn't too bad, I've handled quite a few IPS screens at this point and this is far from the worst. The picture I took is a bit exaggerated. Honestly, in a completely dark room, all I was able to personally see on my unit was the more yellow areas shown in the picture and not the more extensive white parts. I accidentally turned off overdrive and can't seem to get it to come back on in the Armory Crate software but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Speaking of the Crate software they do allow the screen to go down to a 60 Hz when you're not gaming automatically to save battery life which is neat. It's not quite as bright as I would have liked but otherwise, it really is top tier.
Overall Build: Coming from an XPS I was expecting to get a slightly less premium-feeling machine. I was right, it does feel slightly less premium. Overall the magnesium alloy body provides a good amount of rigidity without adding too much weight. That's important because the heatsinks in this thing still do give it quite a bit of heft and I can't imagine how cumbersome this would be if it were made out of an all-aluminum construction. I guess what I will say is that I wish there was a USB C port on the right-hand side so that if you are charging it that way for more casual use, you have the option of plugging it on either on the left or right.
Keyboard and Trackpad: I'll remind you again to take this with a grain of salt seeing as I have only had the laptop for a few hours. I will say that the keystrokes do feel nice, good travel and tactility. That's coming from someone that visits mk a bit too much. ;) The trackpad is very nice, good palm rejection, large, glass, and responsive. Everything you would want from a windows machine in 2021. That said there are a few flaws here. The gamery phone isn't amazing, but it's also not the worst font in the world. There is also a little dot on the "W" key to help you line up your fingers but, at least for right now, I feel like I'm hitting a crumb on my keyboard every time I use it. Both the "Shifts" are fine, I think the photos where the forward slash was incorporated into the left shift were pre-production units. The other thing that surprised me but maybe shouldn't have is that the keyboard is RGB, I don't know why but I was just expecting white. It is one zone RGB with multiple effects. Lastly, I wish the function keys allowed you the option to use them as their function first instead of having to press FN then whatever function you need. Small nitpicks.
Speakers: These aren't your MacBook or Razer Blade speakers. They get a bit distorted at max volume, not obnoxiously so but enough to where if you're listening for it you can make it out. That said it will do what you need to. I honestly can't complain too much. I'll likely have headphones or earbuds in while using the machine anyways. They're probably like a 7/10.
Misc: I went ahead and test the USB C port to make sure that Asus did their job and properly implemented the drivers for the controller that controls those ports. I say this because I have an Asus motherboard that has 10Gb USB ports on the back that don't work because Asus never implemented a driver. Anyways it works.

Internals: (All tests were done in Turbo Mode)
APU: It's a beast, like honestly, this thing runs circles around my desktop. If you plan on using this for anything CPU intensive it will more than likely stand up to the challenge. I went ahead and ran a Cinebench R23 run, it did very well. Consistent with the type of performance you'd expect having seen other benchmarks of the same CPU. As far the iGPU it seems to do well when dealing with normal desktop browsing but does seem to seize up a bit if you try and play an 8K video on youtube. 4K was fine. That won't be an issue seeing as most video editing programs will cause the computer to turn on the 3070.RAM: It's fast, I probably would have liked to have seen 3600 MHz since we can't upgrade it fully in the future. I'm honestly fine with the 2x8 GB layout. I know some people are going to feel that is limiting but for me personally, it's a non-issue.GPU: It's a mobile 3070, it's probably not going to run cyberpunk at 165 Hz at 1440p but no one really expected it to. I took the liberty of doing a run in TimeSpy. The results were fantastic.After a bit of Googling, I found these results for the Strix G15 (2021): 10655 total, 10854 graphics, and 9653 CPU. So roughly a 13% loss in performance, that's a hit I'm willing to take for the form factor and overall design of the Zephyrus variant. (Here is the link to my TimeSpy Run if you want more data.)
Cooling: The cooling is adequate, with light use in "Windows Mode" the fans don't even turn on and the machine is dead silent. When you crank it up to turbo/performance, you're going to need some headphones, but you already knew that.
Battery: After using it all day I got roughly 5.5 hours of battery life out of this today. To give you an idea of what I was doing I had Discord, Steam, wallpaper engine, and Battle.net open in the background all day. Throughout the day I was working on school work, typing essays, moderating a discord server, watched a few youtube videos, and reply to questions and posts on Reddit. I'd probably expect another hour with more "normal use" since I did download about 30 GB of files while working on school work.
Fingerprint Sensor: Worked about 70% of the time for me, I honestly feel like some driver updates could get it near perfect if they work on it.

Software and Misc:
ROG Crate: It's a bit slow and buggy and a bit cluttery but ultimately gets the job done. I'd like a snappier more minimal version of the software but I'm not holding my breath. Works pretty well so who am I to complain?
Cooling Button: The "F5" Key also acts as a cooling toggle but is very slow and only goes between the performance mode and the silent mode, leaving out turbo, manual, and Windows mode. I feel like this is something they could fix with an update. Maybe even allow the user to configure it, personally I know I'm always going to be using turbo or windows so I wouldn't need the others on there.

This is my first time doing this extensive of a write up on a product like this, let me know if you have any questions or suggestions and I'll try and get back an answer for ya. Have a good night everyone and stay safe.
submitted by GamingWithJayce to ZephyrusG15 [link] [comments]

Smartphone Hardening Privacy non-root Guide 2.0 (for normal people)

I forgot to post it here, might be valuable as it debloats phones of Google and other corporation software in general. The guide is nearly fully FOSS supported, and the only non FOSS XDA app does not require internet to function.
NOTE (June) 15/06/2020: r_privacy moderator trai_dep revengefully deleted my highly gilded 1.0 guide post before.
UPDATED 16/8/2020: Major edit, replaced closed source App Ops and Shizuku with AppOpsX (Free Open source) on F-Droid. This guide is nearly FOSS supported now.
UPDATED 17/9/2020: MAJOR EDIT, replaced closed source Access Dots with Privacy Indicator (FOSS) on Izzy's F-Droid repo. This guide is completely FOSS.
Hello! I am the founder of /privatelife . Finally my smartphone non root guide is back, and there are some big upgrades. I was taking time to test everything myself on my daily driver, so apologies for keeping everyone in the wait, but stability and ease of use is the important goal to strive in my playbook. Privacy must be accessible to maximum amount of people without being annoying or tedious.
A kind request to share this guide to any privacy seeker.

User and device requirement

Why not Apple devices?

iPhone does not allow you to have privacy due to its blackbox nature, and is simply a false marketing assurance by Apple to you. Recently, an unpatchable hardware flaw was discovered in Apple's T1 and T2 "security" chips, rendering Apple devices critically vulnerable.
17/9/2020: Apple gave the FBI access to the iCloud account of a protester accused of setting police cars on fire.
Also, they recently dropped plan for encrypting iCloud backups after FBI complained. They also collect and sell data quite a lot. Siri still records conversations 9 months after Apple promised not to do it. Apple Mail app is vulnerable, yet Apple stays in denial.
Also, Apple sells certificates to third-party developers that allow them to track users, The San Ferdandino shooter publicity stunt was completely fraudulent, and Louis Rossmann dismantled Apple's PR stunt "repair program".
Also, Android's open source nature is starting to pay off in the long run. Apple 0-day exploits are far cheaper to do than Android.


ALL users must follow these steps before "for nerdy users" section.
Firstly, if your device is filled to the brim or used for long time, I recommend backing up your data and factory resetting for clean slate start.
NOTE: Samsung users will lose Samsung Pay, as Samsung has been caught and declares they sell this data: https://www.sammobile.com/news/samsung-pay-new-privacy-policy-your-data-sold/
  • Make DIY camera covers, for front camera notch use a tiny appropriate-sized thin opaque plastic cutout and use an invisible tape to stick it in place, replace every month (cost: tape roll and one minute of your time per month). My rear camera cover
  • Install F-Droid app store from here
  • Install NetGuard app firewall (see NOTE) from F-Droid and set it up with [privacy based DNS like Uncensored DNS or Tenta DNS or AdGuard DNS]
NOTE: NetGuard with Energized Ultimate HOSTS file with any one of the above mentioned DNS providers is the ultimate solution.
NOTE: Set DNS provider address in Settings -> Advanced settings VPN IPv4, IPv6 and DNS
  • In F-Droid store, open Repositories via the 3 dot menu on top right and add the following links below:
  1. https://rfc2822.gitlab.io/fdroid-firefox/fdroid/repo?fingerprint=8F992BBBA0340EFE6299C7A410B36D9C8889114CA6C58013C3587CDA411B4AED
  2. https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/repo?fingerprint=3BF0D6ABFEAE2F401707B6D966BE743BF0EEE49C2561B9BA39073711F628937A
  3. https://guardianproject.info/fdroid/repo?fingerprint=B7C2EEFD8DAC7806AF67DFCD92EB18126BC08312A7F2D6F3862E46013C7A6135
Go back to F-Droid store home screen, and hit the update button beside the 3 dot menu.


  • Get Firefox Beta web browser from F-Droid (install uBlock Origin addon inside (if technically advanced, try doing this)). Also get Firefox Klar if you like a separate incognito browser.
  • Get Aurora Store from F-Droid for apps from Play Store without actually using Play Store, use Anonymous option to sign in
  • for 3rd party APKs source them only from APKMirror OR APKPure OR APKMonk, quite trusted, BUT TRY AND AVOID IT IF POSSIBLE
  • Get Privacy Indicator from F-Droid for iOS 14 like camera/mic dot indicator feature
  • Get OSMAnd+ from F-Droid or Qwant Maps inside web browser for maps and/or print physical maps if you live and travel in one or two states or districts.
NOTE: Qwant Maps has better search results than OSMAnd+
  • Get PilferShush Jammer from F-Droid to block microphone (use this in malls, restaurants or such public places if you can to prevent beacon tracking)
  • Get OpenBoard (user friendly) OR AnySoftKeyboard (nerd friendly) from F-Droid instead of Google GBoard, Microsoft SwiftKey et al, they are closed source keylogger USA spyware
  • Get FTP Server (Free) from F-Droid and FileZilla on computer for computer-to-phone internet less file sharing
NOTE: for phone-computer sync or sharing, can TRY KDE Connect, available for Android, Windows, Linux
  • Get TrebleShot instead of SHAREIt for phone to phone file sharing
  • Get K-9 Mail or FairEmail as e-mail client
  • Get NewPipe for YouTube watching, or YouTube in Firefox Preview/Klar
  • Get QKSMS from F-Droid as SMS client app
  • Get Shelter from F-Droid to sandbox potential apps that you must use (eg WhatsApp or Discord or Signal)
  • Get SuperFreezZ from F-Droid to freeze any apps from running in background
  • Get Librera Pro from F-Droid for PDF reader
  • Get ImgurViewer from F-Droid for opening reddit/imguother image links without invasive tracking
  • Get InstaGrabber from F-Droid for opening Instagram profiles or pictures without invasive tracking (seems like a revived fork is here, thanks u/sad_plan )
  • Get GreenTooth from F-Droid to set Bluetooth to disable after you have used it
  • Get Material Files or Simple File Manager from F-Droid for file manager app
  • Get ImagePipe from F-Droid if you share lot of pictures, and want to clear EXIF metadata snooping (often photos contain phone model, location, time, date)
  • Get Note Crypt Pro from F-Droid for encrypted note taking app
  • Get Vinyl Music Player from F-Droid for music player
  • Get VLC from F-Droid for video player


I would say this is one of the critical improvements in my guide, and will solve the problem of clipboard and coarse location snooping among other things.
AppOpsX is a free, open source app that allows to manage granular app permissions not visible normally, with the help of ADB authorisation without root. This app can finely control what granular information apps can access on your phone, which is not shown in app permissions regularly accessible to us.
Now that you would have set up your phone with installing apps, now is a good time to perform this procedure.
Step 1: Install AppOpsX from F-Droid. (https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.zzzmode.appopsx/)
Step 2: Plug phone to computer, and enable USB debugging in Settings Developer Options (you probably already did this in the starting of the guide)
Step 3: Keep phone plugged into computer until the end of this procedure! Open AppOpsX app.
Step 4: On computer, type commands in order:
adb devices
adb tcpip 5555
adb shell sh /sdcard/Android/data/com.zzzmode.appopsx/opsx.sh &
Step 5: Now open "AppOpsX" app, and:
  • disable "read clipboard" for apps except your messengers, notepad, office suite, virtual keyboard, clipboard monitor apps et al.
NOTE: Most apps that have text field to copy/paste text require this permission.
  • disable "modify clipboard" for every app except for your virtual keyboard or office suite app or clipboard monitostack special apps.
  • disable "GPS", "precise location", "approximate location" and "coarse location" for every app except your maps app (Firefox and OSMAnd+)
  • disable "calendar" for every app except your calendar and email app
  • disable "read contacts", "modify contacts" and "get contacts" for every app except your "Phone", "Phone Services", "Phone/Messaging Storage", contacts and messenger apps
  • disable all "send/receive/view messages" permissions for every app except "Phone", "Phone Services", "Phone/Messaging Storage", QKSMS, contacts, dialler and messenger apps
  • disable "body sensors" and "recognise physical activity" for every app except games needing gyroscope, or any compass dependent app like camera or bubble leveling app
  • disable "camera" for every app except your camera and messenger apps
  • disable "record audio" for every app except camera, recorder, dialler and messenger apps
  • disable all "Phone" permissions for apps except your SMS app (like QKSMS) and Contacts, Dialler and call recorder apps
  • disable "change WiFi state" for every app except file sharing apps (like TrebleShot)
  • disable "display over other apps" for any third party app not from F-Droid
  • disable "read storage" and "write storage" for apps except file manager, file sharing app and messenger apps
  • enable all permissions for "Phone", "Phone Services" and "Phone/Messaging Storage" system apps, critical for cell radio calling and sending SMS
Step 6: Profit! Now you can plug off phone from computer.
NOTE: Remember to use AppOpsX everytime you install a new app outside of F-Droid store, which is done not too often by people.


  • Get App Manager from Izzy's F-Droid repo (here) to inspect app's manifest, trackers, activities, receivers, services and even signatures via Exodus Privacy built-in, all without root
  • Get Warden from Izzy's F-Droid repo (here) for checking loggers (rest app is inferior to App Manager)


By default, all apps will be blacklisted from WiFi and mobile data access.
If not, go to Settings via 3 dot menu Defaults (white/blacklist) Toggle on "Block WiFi", "Block mobile" and "Block roaming"
Whitelist your web browsers, messengers (WhatsApp, Zoom et al), file sharing apps, download managers, "Aurora Store" app and any game if needs internet and give them WiFi and mobile data access.
Also, whitelist "Downloads" and "Download Manager" as these are system apps that allow web browsers and other apps without built-in downloader to download files. Whitelisting this will keep apps and system stable.


Now we will need to evaluate what manufacturers are relatively safe, no appeasing, I will be blunt. I will make tier lists to help. I will give explanation for each, so read before jumping with pitchforks.
NOTE: If you have anti-Chinese political allergy, kindly read facts, or choose the other non-Chinese options listed.
Tier 1: Huawei/Honor, Asus, Nokia, Motorola, Sony, LG, FairPhone
Tier 2: Samsung, OnePlus, Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi, Realme
Tier NOPE NOT AT ALL: Google
FairPhone: Clean software, ethical, recyclable components, good phone but bit extra price for midrange hardware. Status: good.
Huawei: (still no evidence by US government after one year of market protectionism ban, contrary to what Sinophobic US propaganda and condemned joke research papers (refer to this for why), may make you believe, all countries except US, Australia, Japan and UK are allowing them for 5G participation, there is absolutely ZERO EVIDENCE against specifically Huawei (does not count other Chinese companies), earlier ironically audited by UK GCHQ to be safe and on any of their global devices, to date there has been no telemetry found IFF you do NOT use Huawei ID account or Huawei AppGallery store (as instructed above). I have an OpenKirin rooted unlocked Honor 6X, and now a locked P30 Lite to confirm this.
If Huawei's CEO is a former PLA technician, so do plenty US companies. What does it prove?
NOTE: Real reason for this propaganda ban is USA could not monopolise 5G unlike it did 4G, and so they are playing their cards to put China out of commission. And Huawei did not steal 5G from USA, since USA does not even have a proper 5G vendor yet.
To add, for the rest of world outside China it is better to own a device from a country which has no jurisdiction over them, and you can use their phones without Huawei and Google accounts very safely. BONUS: baseband modem not associated with NSA. Also, good cameras, battery, display and performance in general. Status: good.
Asus, Sony, Motorola: their software is nearly stock, and as such quite beneficial and peace of mind assuring. Status: good.
LG: less stock-y software, still good. Good cameras. display too. Status: good.
Nokia: a bit of skepticism here with them helping spy with nexus with Russia's MTS and recently found Chinese telemetry as well, but nothing that NetGuard cannot stop by blocking domains via HOSTS from interacting with your device. Status: Potential issues, can be mitigated.
Samsung: Multiple issues with Qihoo 360 on phones with IMEI MAC sent over HTTP, Samsung Pay selling user data with no optout till now, Replicant devs discovering backdoors, Knox hardware blackbox with no idea what microcode it runs, certification from NSA even worrying, lockscreen and notification ads in OneUI, ads on Smart TVs, this all accounts to being quite shady company, but Blokada or NetGuard can mitigate it. Status: avoid for other brands if possible.
Xiaomi: They have quite a bit of telemetry in their MIUI skin, similar to Samsung. Now they have tracking in Incognito Mode in their Browser as well. Status: avoid unless you implement my guide properly.
OnePlus, Oppo, Vivo: They have considerably less telemetry and ads, better than Samsung and Xiaomi. But they will start doing the same thing as Realme which I will mention below soon. Status: potential but passable for now.
Realme: They are implementing ads into their UI, which will soon come to Oppo and Vivo phones too, a bit of an issue. This allows for telemetry and tracking concerns. Status: avoid if possible.
Google: In general an evil megacorp, Titan M security chip is self-claimed to be great on Pixels, but there is no way to verify if the microcode it contains is the same as that open sourced by Google. Having faith in Google's promise of their proprietary closed source chip being clean is like having faith in cyanide not killing a person. Moreover, they are known as:
  • NSA partner and collecting data and spy on users in googolplex capacity
  • AI used by US military for drone bombing in foreign countries based on metadata Google collects on smartphones
  • use dark patterns in their software to make users accept their TOS to spy
  • repeated lies about how their data collection works claiming anonymity
  • forcing users to use their Play Services which is spyware and scareware
  • monopolising the web and internet via AMP
  • use of non standard web browser libraries and known attempts to cripple lone standing ethical competitors like Firefox and Gecko web engine (now with Microsoft making their default Edge Chromium-based too)
TL;DR there is no summary, privacy is an indepth topic and you must take a couple of hours to go through this simple guide, as long as it looks it should clear all your concerns with smartphone privacy.
This is the best you can do without rooting or modding a phone, and it is working for me since almost a year now, personally tested and verified on my locked P30 Lite.
I have a history of rooting and modding phones, one being an Honor 6X before Huawei disabled unlocking policy, one being a Xiaomi and one being a Lenovo before that. Also, one Samsung Galaxy S2 long time ago.
Credit to w1nst0n for the Universal Android Debloater (authorised me to use his tool). Hope this guide serves as a great tool for any privacy seeker.
submitted by TheAnonymouseJoker to degoogle [link] [comments]

[GUIDE] PXE Booting to a Raspberry Pi 4

Back in September 2020, when i wrote this for myself, i was looking for a way to host multiple Pi 4s from a single SSD without the need of using SD cards anymore. Most of the guides I found didn't scale beyond a single pi so i created this as a set of recreatable steps to set this up for myself in the future and explain what exactly was done at each step. This is a mishmash of guides I found doing research and from what I remember, most of the information is found in these two guides:
https://reddit.com/raspberry_pi/comments/e45shy/raspberry_pi_4_disklesssdless_pxe_boot_tutorial/ https://www.virtuallyghetto.com/2020/07/two-methods-to-network-boot-raspberry-pi-4.html
If you have a server setup with multiple pi's, i can highly recommend setting up PXE booting. I find that it is overall more stable than using SD cards. There is a small performance penalty for the data needing to go through the network and you'll notice things like updating will take longer vs local storage. I personally think it's more than worth it as i only manually install updates once in a blue moon and unattended upgrades usually takes care of all my other updates anyway. I've run this setup for months, even purposefully keeping one of my client pis up for months without needing to reboot.
If you want a small primer of how PXE booting works, here's a quick video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dm2k4H03L0s
In this guide, our server will double as both our TFTP and DHCP server. If you don't know EXACTLY what you're doing as far as the networking goes, follow Option A.
We will also be using Raspian Lite images for our client pi to boot from. Technically, this can be used other distros but i haven't personally troubleshot any of them.

SERVER PREP- Let's start simple

first, we set up the server. This should work for both ARM and x86 debian based distros, confirmed working on Raspian Buster and Ubuntu 20.04 x86 VM, both fresh installs.
BTW this SHOULD be a fresh install. If you run into a software conflict because you did this on an existing server, you're on your own.
I'm personally running this setup on a standalone 1GB raspi4 booting from a 256GB SSD.
First, install needed programs on server
sudo apt update sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server kpartx unzip -y 
And a few directories for hosting our files. These directories can be changed but make sure you edit anywhere else these directories can show up.
mkdir /srv/ mkdir /srv/tftpboot mkdir /srv/nfs 

So how does your network handle DHCP?

OPTION A - Little to No DHCP control

Most people will do this, as they have little control of their DHCP or have restrictive routers. Try to at least setup static ip leases in your router so your pi doesn't get lost on your network.
dnsmasq will both listen for PXE requests and handles TFTP in one program
sudo apt update sudo apt install dnsmasq -y 
make sure you edit the DHCP-range to match your subnet i.e. will cover .... 1.1 to 1.254
cat > /etc/dnsmasq.conf << EOF dhcp-range=,proxy log-dhcp enable-tftp tftp-root=/srv/tftpboot pxe-service=0,"Raspberry Pi Boot" EOF 
and restart dnsmasq
sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq 

OPTION B - Advanced Routers / Standalone DHCP Server

Got another server to do DHCP for you? Or maybe OpenWRT or the like?
Use DHCP option 66 pointing at this server. The following example assumes my PXE (or TFTP) server is at
dnsmasq looks something like this
look up specific options for your router or DHCP server to set this up
then back on our pxe server, we need a tftp server
sudo apt update sudo apt install tftpd-hpa 
edit tftp file
nano /etc/default/tftpd-hpa 
you config should look something like this
TFTP_USERNAME="tftp" TFTP_DIRECTORY="/srv/tftpboot" TFTP_ADDRESS=":69" TFTP_OPTIONS="--secure" 
and restart the service
sudo systemctl restart tftpd-hpa 

CLIENT PREP - readying the client pi for network boot

Now, we need to get the client pi ready to pxe boot by enabling network booting fallback
but first, we need to make sure the firmware is up to date
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y 
then open raspi-config
sudo raspi-config 
Advanced Options > Boot Order > Network Boot
before you reboot the client pi, you'll need the mac and serial number for this pi
you'll need this for later, note that the serial should be 8 characters
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep Serial | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}' | tail -c 9 ip addr show eth0 | grep ether | awk '{print $2}' 
you can now reboot the pi without an SD card and will bring you to a boot screen that will loop while looking from a PXE server to boot from
sudo reboot 

SHOWTIME - let's setup an image

lets go back to your pxe server
this part will be a lot easier if you're root
su root 
make a temp area for the files
mkdir /tmp/pxestuff cd /tmp/pxestuff 
download and unzip the latest raspian lite image
wget -O raspbian_lite_latest.zip https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian_lite_latest unzip raspbian_lite_latest.zip 
mount the partitions from the images
kpartx -a -v *.img mkdir {bootmnt,rootmnt} mount /dev/mappeloop0p1 bootmnt/ mount /dev/mappeloop0p2 rootmnt/ 
let's set some variables

Use the Serial and Mac address we noted from your client pi, along with a name for this pi for future reference. The kickstart IP will be the IP of your TFTP server

PI_SERIAL=12345678 PI_MAC=01:23:45:67:89:ab KICKSTART_IP= PI_NAME=NameOfPi 
copies the image unique to this pi and updates the bootfiles and firmware
mkdir -p /srv/nfs/${PI_NAME} mkdir -p /srv/tftpboot/${PI_SERIAL} cp -a rootmnt/* /srv/nfs/${PI_NAME} cp -a bootmnt/* /srv/nfs/${PI_NAME}/boot/ rm /srv/nfs/${PI_NAME}/boot/start4.elf rm /srv/nfs/${PI_NAME}/boot/fixup4.dat wget https://github.com/Hexxeh/rpi-firmware/raw/stable/start4.elf -P /srv/nfs/${PI_NAME}/boot/ wget https://github.com/Hexxeh/rpi-firmware/raw/stable/fixup4.dat -P /srv/nfs/${PI_NAME}/boot/ 
updates the mounts on the server so the pi can grab the files.
echo "/srv/nfs/${PI_NAME}/boot /srv/tftpboot/${PI_SERIAL} none defaults,bind 0 0" >> /etc/fstab echo "/srv/nfs/${PI_NAME} *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports mount /srv/tftpboot/${PI_SERIAL}/ touch /srv/nfs/${PI_NAME}/boot/ssh sed -i /UUID/d /srv/nfs/${PI_NAME}/etc/fstab echo "console=serial0,115200 console=tty root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=${KICKSTART_IP}:/srv/nfs/${PI_NAME},vers=3 rw ip=dhcp rootwait elevator=deadline" > /srv/nfs/${PI_NAME}/boot/cmdline.txt 
Clean up
systemctl restart rpcbind systemctl restart nfs-server umount bootmnt/ umount rootmnt/ cd rm /tmp/pxestuff -r 

Time to test your image!

Boot your pi, bobs your uncle, it should boot into normal raspbian here.
it may restart more than once, especially between updates. that's normal.
do note that as soon as you go to update you pi, you may need to uninstall the swap daemon. PXE booting and swap don't mix.
sudo apt remove dphys-swapfile 
if you need to do another image for another pi, run the image setup portion again with the updated serial, Mac and name.


sudo umount /srv/tftpboot/${PI_SERIAL} sudo rm /srv/nfs/${PI_NAME} -r sudo rm /srv/tftpboot/${PI_SERIAL} -r 
and lastly remove entries from /etc/exports and /etc/fstab that contain /srv/nfs/${PI_NAME}
submitted by Offbeatalchemy to raspberry_pi [link] [comments]

I created an open-source VS Relief Overlay app that *might* help improving the symptoms of VS

Hi everyone,
I recently found out about VS and became immediately interested in this rare syndrome.
While researching online, I noticed many people reported that watching a video of a static (e.g. TV static) temporarily "freezes" their visual snow symptoms and gives them a sensation of relief. This is the video generally shared. Under the video, you can read thousands of comments confirming its effectiveness.
The static video could be able to stimulate the areas of the brain that cause visual snow and trigger a response. Several organisations are researching the effects of these images on the brain of people affected by VS, however, research is still limited and we need to stay tuned to get a definitive answer.
Interestingly, some people have documented how watching these images for prolonged sessions has improved their VS symptoms (see here). However, sitting in front of a screen for hours staring at a static video is not fun, and it requires time. But what if you could get the potential benefits of the static while carrying out your daily activities on your computer?
Users started experimenting and created static noise overlays, although these all had problems of compatibility or large size (see #1, #2, #3 for more). Needless to say, this theory got me so interested that I decided to use my knowledge to create an open-source, cross-platform Visual Snow Relief Overlay that works on Windows, Mac, and Linux. The overlay sits on your screen and lets you interact with anything underneath it, so you can e.g. keep browsing while you use it. You can set the opacity and choose from several static noise textures, so you can experiment which gives the best result.
The project can be found at https://github.com/belvederef/visual-snow-relief-overlay/. If you want to give it a go, head to the “download” section and get the right version for your system.
We can contribute to the research! I need all the feedback you can give to document the effects of the app and improve it, as well as understanding if it actually provides benefits to people affected by VS, in the long run. If this is effective, I will get in touch with the right research organisations and show our findings.
If you feel like contributing to the code, open a Github issue and help me improve this project.
**If looking at the static makes you feel dizzy, stop immediately**.
I created an open-source, cross-platform Visual Snow Relief Overlay that works on Windows, Mac, and Linux that might help improve the symptoms of VS. You can find the project and the download at https://github.com/belvederef/visual-snow-relief-overlay/.
Share feedback on its effects so that we can contribute to the research together.
Screenshot of one of the filter types in action: https://i.imgur.com/vQPtwxU.png

Edit: since many of you are asking for it, I am including a link for donations. Any contribution will help improving the app and doing research, and is much appreciated. Also, giving feedback on the app's effectiveness will help make progress, so please do!
submitted by belvederef to visualsnow [link] [comments]

[FREE RELEASE] MYbloXX for iOS - The first crowdsourced AUTO-UPDATING "xBlocker" | Block ads, revokes, trackers, miners & more!

[FREE RELEASE] MYbloXX for iOS - The first crowdsourced AUTO-UPDATING

Original post:


Introducing MYbloXX for iOS
A crowdsourced AUTO-UPDATING "xBlocker" for iOS!

Repo: https://myxxdev.github.io
Compatibility: iOS 4 - 14*
Official Telegram Support Group
Telegram: MYXXdev | Twitter: MYXXdev

After many months of closed beta testing, MYbloXX for iOS is now officially available to the general public! You may have seen it mentioned here and there on jailbreak but official release was delayed due to my Dad's on-going battle with Coronavirus. Apologies for the delay but today is the day!

What makes MYbloXX for iOS better than the alternatives?

The problem with alternate ad-blocking tweaks is that they rely on hosts file modifications to block ads... Not only is this static, requiring constant manual additions to the file and pushes of package updates (rarely done) but it also takes a toll on your download/upload speed... The more rules in the hosts file, the longer it takes to render pages. This method also requires additional tweaks (LetMeBlock and mDNSrestart) to allow mDNSresponder’s use of the hosts file. This is also a strain on system daemons which causes a significant amount of battery drain, especially if mDNSresponder goes haywire, which it’s known to do.

That’s where MYbloXX for iOS comes in!

Security is a top priority for everybody... MYbloXX for iOS is no different. This uses absolutely no third-party servers to re-route your traffic, unlike ffapple and other third-party DNS/Ad blocking App Store apps. They claim to not do so but how do we REALLY know that? MYbloXX for iOS is different: All traffic is routed DIRECT...

MYbloXX for iOS is a simple configuration profile that uses JavaScript to check against specified rules within a PAC file. If the domain requested is within the PAC's rule list, it will sinkhole. The PAC congifuration uses wildcards to more effeciently block targeted ad-servers and known domain structures like http://ad._____ - This script is available in plain-text so you can see exactly what MYbloXX for iOS is doing and how it works HERE.

The use of wildcards means a vast majority of entries within the hosts file can be removed to ensure a fast, efficient ad-blocking method.

MYbloXX for iOS uses a powerful Apple stock feature that is usually only available to those with "supervised" devices. It also allows for on-the-fly updates to quickly add new ad-servers and works on all versions of iOS, all carriers and ISP’s (IPv4 and IPv6 respectively...

So... Just how effective is MYbloXX for iOS and how does it stack up against the competition?

It was put to the test against 2 other popular ad-blocking tweaks (BlockYouX & Mega UHB) using adblock-tester.com
The numbers speak for themselves! All 3 tests were conducted using the following settings:

Contextual Advertising: ON
- Google AdSense: ON

Analytics Tools: ON
- Google Analytics: ON
- Hotjar: ON

Banner Advertising: ON
- Flash banners: ON
- Empty Block button SELECTED (if not shown)
- Gif image: OFF (explanation below)
- Static image: OFF (explanation below)

Error monitoring: ON
- Sentry: ON
- Bugsnag: ON

Final scores (in order);
MYbloXX for iOS: 94/100
Mega UHB: 81/100
BlockYouX: 72/100

Gif image and static image tests were turned off because I’ve decided not to attempt to block these... Why? Although possible, it’s highly likely it would have an adverse effect, potentially blocking legitimate GIF’s (now that they’re hugely popular on social media) and small images. This ad technique is pretty antiquated at this point either way and most do not do this anymore.
MYbloXX for iOS aims to block as many ads as possible out of the box using a technique that has not been used in any other ad-blocking tweaks until now. With new ad servers being created on a daily basis, on rare occasions, it’s possible you’ll come across an ad in an app/on a website.
If this happens, please use the MYbloXX app to submit a report or reach out via Telegram: MYXXdev Support Group. The more that use this feature, the better!
Ad-servers that are added to MYbloXX for iOS will be updated AUTOMATICALLY on your device providing up to the minute protection from ads, revokes, trackers, miners and all other malicious content/threats.

• Works for WiFi and data (5G/LTE/4G/3G) connections.
• Does not rely on hosts/other tweaks to work.
• Works in stock AND jailbroken mode.
• Works alongside VPN servers/apps.
• Blocks all language ad-servers.
• Works for all versions of iOS.
• No filesystem modifications.
• Blocks Facebook video ads.
• Blocks pop-ups/Redirects.
• Blocks user stats scripts.
• Blocks app revocations.
• IPv4/IPv6 compatibility.
• Blocks in-game ads.
• Blocks tweak ads.
• No battery drain.
• Auto-updates.

JAILBROKEN USERS: This package will SPOOF your devices “isSupervised” status allowing easy installation. Upon removal of this package, your device will return to its true unsupervised state.
STOCK USERS: MYbloXX for iOS requires you (legitimately) supervise/manage your device using Apple Configurator 2 (Mac only) prior to installation... THIS REQUIRES RESTORING YOUR DEVICE in order to configure/supervise so please ensure you BACKUP YOUR DEVICE! HOW TO SUPERVISE WITH APPLE CONFIGURATOR 2
A special thanks to Charlie Todd, Droom0ne, John Coates, LakesideMiners, Usman, yoyo and all beta testers for their contributions!


Reviews: ★★★★★

“MYBloXX is the most robust ad blocker I've used. It works very well every where on the device. Very responsive developer with quick updates. And it’s all free. I definitely recommend this blocker.”

“I've been using MYbloXX since the initial beta release and I can definitely be the one to say that it’s the best ad blocker to this day. It’s my go-to ad blocker now.”

“Wow! I never knew this existed. This is amazing!”

“Very nice. Just made the jump from BlockYouX, working great!”

“Use MYBloXX! Best ad blocker by far.”

“MYbloXX is the best I’ve found!”

“Just tried it, it’s brutal.”

“I just switched to MYBloXX and it’s better than the rest.”

“The MYbloXX dev is very responsive; he fixed an issue I had with one of my apps blocking something it shouldn't have in under an hour!”

“Have been using MYbloXX since day 1 of beta release... After using all other ad blockers, I can definitely say that MYbloXX is on another level! None of the other ad blockers come close. The dev is very responsive, always available to sort out any issues.”

“MYbloXX is so good that it annoys me every time I have to use somebody elses device that's full of ads.”

“Since my ISP removed the option to change DNS, I wasn’t able to use AdGuard DNS anymore. MYXXdev released the first beta which went so smooth and buttery that I liked it a lot and became a loyal user. It met my needs, it's battery efficient, bug free, very responsive, seamless updates, blocks popups and even works in a non-jailbroken state. This really is a must have tweak!”

“I’ve been a beta tester for MYbloXX and it’s been strong from the get-go! The dev really does commit to his tweak and pushes daily updates so we can get the best experience possible. He also takes the time to listen and resolve any issues we face regarding his tweak extremely quickly! Would recommend to anyone that’s used Mega UHB and wants better performance!”

“One of best ad blockers ever!”

“Blocks everything for me!”



- Why does my device say "This iDevice is supervised and managed"?
At no point is your device actually TRULY supervised. The message in Settings can cause alarm (and so it should under legitimate circumstances) but MYbloXX for iOS doesn’t actually supervise (or “manage”) your device.
MYbloXX for iOS uses a hidden stock Apple feature (usually only available to devices that are supervised under Mobile Device Management (MDM)) in order to block ads, revokes, miners etc. Under normal circumstances, this would require a person to manually supervise their device with Apple Configurator 2. This not only requires a Mac but also requires restoring your device.
The beauty of being jailbroken, we can SPOOF this setting, fooling iOS into BELIEVING it’s in a “supervised” state. Obtaining “spoofed supervised” status was simple: Changing one key string (“isSupervised”) in CloudConfigurationDetails.plist from “false” to “true”.
You can try this for yourself in Filza:
After a respring, you’ll see that the “warning” message is now in Settings.
Again, at no point is your device TRULY supervised... This would require YOU physically restoring your device in your possession. MYbloXX simply tricks iOS into thinking it is to allow the installation (this is also why MYbloXX for iOS is available for stock users as they have the option to legitimately supervise their device to use it).

- Can I remove the supervised message in Settings?
YES! AFTER you've installed the MYbloXX for iOS profile, please install isSupervisedBeGone from the MYXXdev Repository to remove the message.
You can immediately uninstall the isSupervisedBeGone package after install - This will not make the warning message re-appear.
NOTE: THIS REVERTS SUPERVISION SPOOFING ENTIRELY. If, for whatever reason, you remove the MYbloXX for iOS profile, you will need to reinstall the MYbloXX for iOS package to re-spoof and reinstall the profile.
I recommend keeping a spoofed status so you can remove/re-install the MYbloXX for iOS profile with ease but this package is available for those that wish to remove it.

- Does this block ads systemwide or just Safari?
SYSTEMWIDE! MYbloXX for iOS blocks ads, revokes, trackers, miners and more in all browsers, games, tweaks and apps that use external/dedicated ad servers!

- Does MYbloXX for iOS work in stock mode?
YES! MYbloXX for iOS xBlocking technology works in both jailbroken AND stock mode!

- How often is MYbloXX for iOS updated?
MYbloXX for iOS is updated by hand by yours truly as reports come in/as I find ad-servers... Updates are typically more than once per day!

- How do I get the updates?
No enduser interaction is required! Your device will automatically call out and receive the latest PAC rules from the MYXXdev GitHub repository. This will only occur when you use something that requires an active internet connection so there's no fear of overnight/standby battery drain. Sit back, relax and enjoy up to the minute protection!

- Will I have to update anything in Cydia?
This package will rarely receive updates... Only if features are added/changed that require a full package update. Everything else is handled by the PAC automatically.

- Why does the MYbloXX app crash on launch/stay on a black screen?
If the MYbloXX app sits at a black screen after launch, it's likely you have OpenURLPrompt (or similar) installed that's blocking the MYbloXX app from redirecting to/opening Safari. This is required in order to install a profile (an Apple set restriction). If the app crashes to the SpringBoard immediately upon launch, you may be using an older version of iOS that isn't officially supported (but does work). The app is basically a shortcut to THIS PAGE. You can use this link to continue installation and file reports.

- Does this block YouTube ads?
NO! Some apps/services self-host their ads... YouTube being one of those services. This requires patching out the ads in the app directly with a separate tweak. Why? The ads are hosted on the same servers as the content itself - Blocking the ad-server would block the service entirely... Very smart on their behalf but annoying for us!
Services that use this ad-hosting technique:
- Facebook/Messenger
- Instagram
- Reddit
- Snapchat
- Twitch
- Twitter
- YouTube
I recommend using Haoict's family of ad-blocking patches/tweaks alongside MYbloXX for iOS for these particular apps.
Snapchat - They have recently started moving their ads from snapads.com to the same servers that host stories and Snaps. MYbloXX for iOS will still block the majority of ads until they fully transition but it's possible you'll see a small percentage of them. This requires a patch to remove them completely but it's unlikely that will happen due to their stance on tweaks injecting into their app.
YouTube - There are multiple tweaks available to block YouTube ads. I recommend YouTopia by sinfool... Lightweight and FREE.

- Does this block Cercube/Watusi banner ads?
NO! MYbloXX for iOS blocks ads that are hosted on dedicated/external servers. Removing these types of hard-coded self-promotional banners is considered piracy and will NOT be removed by MYbloXX for iOS. Some tweaks use this method to encourage purchasing a license... Please support the developers!

- How do I fully remove MYbloXX for iOS?
You can remove this profile/package at any time using your choice of package manager (Cydia etc.) as well as/or navigating to Settings - General - Profiles & Device Management - MYbloXX for iOS.

- MYbloXX for iOS blocks app revokes?
YES! MYbloXX for iOS blocks apps revokes meaning even if a certificate is revoked for an app you have downloaded from a third-party store, it will continue to open and remain VERIFIED even in stock mode!
NOTE: This will only work if the CERTIFICATE OWNER revokes the certificate. If this happens, it will continue to open and last until the expiration date of the certificate. HOWEVER, If APPLE remove the developer account attached to the certificate entirely, the application will unverify and crash on launch.

- Can I delete the MYbloXX app?
The MYbloXX app is included in installation for reporting purposes (and initial installation). Please use this to report any ads or issues you have. If you must, you can hide the icon with Lynx, Springtomize, HideYouApps etc.

- Can I uninstall the MYbloXX for iOS package after installing the profile?
You'll lose the integrated pop-up/redirect blocker (TabBlocker) that's included in the package as well as the ease of reporting/profile re-installation. I'd recommend hiding the app icon opposed to complete removal.

- How can I support your work?
Donations are not required but definitely appreciated. It takes a lot of work to ensure MYbloXX for iOS is efficient and up to date. Although everything updates for you as an enduser automatically, it's still very much so manual research and data entry on my end. If you wish to donate to support continued development for years to come, a PayPal donation page is setup HERE. Thank you in advance for your generosity. MYbloXX for iOS relies solely on donations since it cannot be monetized by ads for obvious reasons ;)

- What is MYXX FM?
MYXX FM is another of my projects that I own/operate... I included MYXX FM branding simply for exposure and for those that enjoy music that wish to support another of my hobbies... Again, commercial/ad free so non-monetized but it's something I enjoy doing.


Coming Soon:
• *TabBlocker update for iOS 14.
• Activator action to easily enable/disable.


Changelogs are available on the Telegram support group as well as the tweaks depiction page.


Thank you and please enjoy!
submitted by MYXXdev to jailbreak [link] [comments]

FAQ for Beginners

What is NANO?

Nano is scarce, decentralized, with ultrafast and feeless transactions global ecological digital money that cannot be censored.
Please read the whitepaper for an general overview of how Nano is designed click here

Video explanation

Nano explained in 60 second: click here
Nano explained in 2 minutes: click here
Nano explained by exodus wallet in 5 minutes: click here
Nano explained in depth 13 minutes: click here

Nano explained by exchanges

what-is-nano explaind by kraken

What is seed, public and private key?

Check beginner guide here:

Earn free nano to try it out



Application to set up spots for receiving nano based on GPS location. https://wenano.net/ WeNano

Where can I buy nano safely?

Where to buy Nano - A Beginner-friendly Guide click here
For direct fiat nano buys/sells based on your country of residence click here
If you are located in USA, Canada, European Union never use exchanges located in offshore locations or in Asia. If you will have some dispute you will have better chance you will get appropriate help if your exchange is located in USA, Canada or in European Union. Industry-leading security by Kraken to read more click here
Trade moons for nano: https://moon.nano.trade/

Where can I store nano safely? Recommended wallets.

Best practices regarding cold wallets

  1. Never use with eshops when you buy hardware wallet your official telephone number use second number only for crypto and never let them deliver crypto currency related stuff to your home address let them deliver it to your post office. If you use social networks to communicate about cryptocurrencies use throwaway emails, second number only for usage with crypto and view your social network account as throwaway. Never share thru it your personal information age/location/crypto holdings etc. Your data may be abused. Read carefully articles how may your data be abused: wrench attack article nr.1 wrench attack article nr.2
  2. Never disclose to your family, friends, colleagues or anyone on the internet that you own hardware wallet, your seed, private key or your amount of cryptocurrency. Even if you think you own small amount attacker can view it as enough to attack you.
  3. If you want to pay for anything with crypto currency use for that separte wallet with small amounts.
  4. Always buy hardware wallet from official eshop example Ledger nano S. That way you are sure nobody tampered with it.
  5. When you hardware wallet arrives carefully examine packaging if you see it was opened return it and buy new from that eshop.
  6. After you connect you hardware wallet do firmware update if needed.
  7. Carefully record your seed on steel plate. Dont store it in your smart phone or computer it could be hacked. If you write it on paper it is flammable and ink may fade away.
  8. Use preferably mac or linux operating system with your hardware wallet. They are more secure than windows without antivirus and antimalware software.

Cold wallets

( Use cold wallets to store nano securely for long term holding 1+ years )

Ledger nano S hardware wallet official eshop: Ledger nano S

Nano ledger S is fully supported on Mac, Windows and Linux. source: www.support.ledger.com
Guide how to store nano safely with nano ledger S If you have problems with your hardware wallet nano ledger S join sub ledgerwallet

Paper wallet for nano

Read carefully this website before you want to create paper wallet. Remember if you do something wrong it cant be undone try it with small amount of nano currency. Guide how to store nano safely with paper wallet + paper wallet generator

Hot wallets

( Use hot wallets for spending nano for daily use they are not secure enough for holding larger nano sums cold wallets are for that ) Recommended hot wallets by nano.org source: https://nano.org/get-nano ( Always download hot wallets from official websites )
  1. Natrium mobile compatible wallet official website https://natrium.io/ Mobile wallet is compatible with iOS and android.
  2. Exodus mobile/desktop compatible wallet official website https://www.exodus.io/nano-wallet Mobile wallet is compatible with iOS and android. Desktop wallet is compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux.
  3. Nault web/desktop/nano ledger S compatible wallet https://nault.cc/ Desktop wallet is compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux.

How to integrate nano as payment method?

  1. https://coinembed.com/
  2. https://coingate.com/nano

Nano rich list

If you are interested how many wallets hold as much nano as you click here

Recommended reading material

https://nanolinks.info/ https://github.com/qwahzi/nanofaq https://www.freenanofaucet.com/faq
If you want to join main nano currency community visit: nanocurrency If you are more interested in trading visit: nanotrade If you are dev searching for information visit: nanodev Our meme community: Nanocurrency_Memes https://forum.nano.org/ https://chat.nano.org/
submitted by freeman_joe to nanocurrencybeginners [link] [comments]

I am 32 years old and I made $475,000 this past year. I live in a VHCOL and work as a television director (currently remote).

Disclaimer: this is a long boy. I’m self employed and a business owner. No doxing or guessing, I love u forever.
Section One: Assets and Debt Use this section to explain your current financial picture at large.
Current NW: ~375k. I’ve been a high-earner for 2+ years.
Retirement Balance: As a business owner, I put in money into a SEP-IRA but wasn't able to prioritize it until the past 3 years. Current balance is: $39,238.79. My investment portfolio is $88,465.72. I also have a 7k+ pension from my union I'm working in contributing to.
Equity if you're a homeowner (and how much you put down and how you accumulated that payment): None
Savings account balance and Checking account balance (personal and business: $272,839.99. I keep a ton in a HYSA and in my savings. I have a huge upcoming tax bill and due to my illness I write about below I keep a couple years in savings. It is not what my financial advisor would most prefer but she understands that it makes sense for my particular situation. I’d rather put money into a house but haven’t been able to figure out the area I want to live in.
Credit card debt (and how you accumulated it): I spend a lot on credit cards (AMEX and CHASE) and pay it off every month.
Student loan debt (for what degree) Zero! I paid off high five figures debt. Immensely proud of this.
Anything else that's applicable to you
Section Two: Income
Income Progression: I've been working in my field for 10 years, my starting salary was $27,500. I wrote an income progression story prior to this.
Have you changed careers? Did you recently have a breakthrough in your career? Here is where you can tell us about your salary/job progression.
Main Job Monthly Take Home: It really depends on the month and what stage of a project I’m at. I get paid based on contractual milestones and I have a deal that pays me monthly. The range is from 10k to 76k per month and I pay taxes every 3 months. I would say my base is around 20k after taxes per month and paying for my researcher.
Side Gig Monthly Take Home: I have about 3 different jobs so I do believe some of the monthly is side hustle income but I kept it in the main spread.
Section Three: Expenses
Please include ALL expenses relevant to you. Here's a good place to get started:
Rent / Mortgage / HOA fees (please specify how you split it if living with a partner): 3400 per month for the rental in the HCOL. It definitely the fanciest place I’ve rented in quarantine. My boyfriend pays 2k.
Retirement contribution if you contribute more than what’s as already specified from the income / pre-tax section. I contribute 1200 for my SEP-IRA per month (if I remember).
Savings contribution: I try to save a lot but right now but it’s hard to calculate as everything feels a bit irregular because of my income.
Investment contribution: For the past 6 months I’ve put 8500 towards my investment portfolio per month which I haven’t seen anyone else do so I’ll probably make it less than that per month for the future year.
Debt payments (please break this down individually and specify if you're paying above the minimum)
Donations (please specify if monthly or annual). Feel free to also put volunteer hours you normally do as well! 2k (Planned Parenthood, Recovery Organizations, Food Pantries, ASPCA, local domestic violence shelter). Aiming for 5k for this year. I give around 5k in family support per year.
Electric: none, taken care of in rent
Wifi/Cable/Landline none, taken care of in rent
Cellphone: I pay for my whole families’ cell phone bill which $414 for all of us.
Subscriptions: 199.96+, this is embarrassing and I even did editing of it last month. Right now for monthly: Netflix (13.99) Hulu ($10) NYT ($10) Patreon ($10) Sling ($40) Audible (22.99) RePost App ($4.99) HBO Max ($14.99) Spotify, split with BF ($6), Curology ($20), Barkbox ($27) Amazon Prime downloads around $20) All write-off able.
Yealy: YNAB ($80) Amazon Prime ($119) Blinkist (99.99) Amex Platinum (450) Chase Sapphire Reserve ($99)
Gym membership: I was a member of Equinox in the city and have spent SO MUCH on gyms in the past 5 years. I currently pay ZERO.
Pet expenses: Insurance is $59 b/c I have an adult dog. Food and toys average ~35 per month. I paid 3k in hospital bills.
Healthcare bills: I’ve paid around 15k the last 4 years in extra health care related costs due to a rare illness. Right now I have health insurance through my union! I pay ~50 out of pocket for meds.
Car payment / insurance: I’ve leased a car and it’s $299 per month and $140 for insurance (boyfriend splits this, so I pay $70 plus lease).
Regular therapy: 400 per month (specialized therapist) and 280 (healthcare professional)
Paid hobbies: Do you count buying apple products as a hobby? This year I had to buy a new souped up iMac ~3k.
Any other expense that's relevant to you
I have a ton of business expenses. Before I receive my take home I pay 10% of my gross income to my agent and 5% to my lawyer (so I pay 15% on top of the 475k but it goes immediately to them). I have a bookkeeper (250 a quarter) accountant (2-3k per year) and a full time assistant. My assistant is currently on one of my show’s budgets but I have paid for her out of pocket (1400 a week). I also pay for an executive coach 2x a month which is 350 a session. Union dues are around $250 a month but are dependent on how much I make. Website: $20 a month. I have my stuff in storage which is currently costing $150 a month but it was about 2k for the move back in July.
Shopping/Amazon: Average ~400 per month
Groceries/take-out: 1000 per month, split with my boyfriend. I am being real with you, please don’t drag me!
Inheritance: My parent passed away quite suddenly when I was in my 20s, the the assets were divided amongst the remaining children. I received ~35k
Excited to write a money diary! It’s going to be an expensive week, I think …
Last day of vacation! I sleep in until 9am and go downstairs to make some hot drip coffee. I check my email and I promise that I will NOT stay on email all day. I have some bitcoin/investing/banking stuff I have to take care of but mostly it’ll be a book in bed, watch tv sort of day which feels like I can do forever.
11a I email the bank manager asking some technical questions but it’s time sensitive due to estimated taxes so I know I should call but I email instead.
12p I watch a video about bitcoin and opt for a hot wallet versus cold storage. I read the directions *VERY CAREFULLY* as it all seems slightly difficult to comprehend how the best way to store bitcoin is.
12:30 It’s last day before work stress starts in a big way and I treat myself to my favorite meal which is beef noodle soup + scallion pancakes. I tip 25% $35.60
1p I head out for a drive through coffee at local starbucks (mask and hand sanitizer of course) I use my phone and it’s contactless. $5.31
2p I’m looking for some comfy pajamas and somehow find myself on Madewell. I can’t find what I’m looking for but I ordered a sweet constellation kerchief. $13.29
The rest of the day is spent in bed :) besides a light cycle ride.
Total Spend for the day: 54.20
8a: first day back at work after the break, snooze for 15 minutes. Wake up and remind myself to brush teeth before my coffee. I go downstairs and let the dog out and make coffee. I sip it as I call my assistant and outline the goals for the week/what happened over the break.
10:30a: call with my editor, we get on google hangout and discuss the strategy for getting the edit in the best possible place for the network.
12:00p: team call for my other series. I have a bigger team on this one and I mention I’d like to have a group communicable brainstorm and I'll pay for coffee/pastries to be sent to wherever they are currently working from. I love my team.
2:00p: I have a joint therapy session with my therapist and a family member. We are very close and it’s a good way to process some tough stuff. It's a good session with some salt! I work with a specialist who is quite expensive but worth every penny ($300 per session with 60% reimbursed at the end of the month by insurance so = $120). $120
3:15p: I quickly have to run to the bank for an in-person and scheduled meeting, I absolutely begged to do over the phone and they said no.. I need to move money to a newly formed corporation to pay estimated taxes. It takes 15 minutes and I wear a mask (and so does the manager). I pay 1.85 for parking. $1.85
3:45p: Like clockwork, I go to starbucks for the drive thru and order a soy latte to get me through the rest of the meeting. It’s delicious! $5.31
4:00p: I’m billed for my doggo’s insurance, worth every penny for the best girl in the world. $58.96
4-7:00p: In google hang out meetings the rest of the day and I feel like me and my team are on the same page. My boyfriend goes to pick up groceries, they grocery store attendant places it in the waiting trunk (thank GODDESS for these humans, can we get them the vaccine already!) $178 split = $89
7:30p: I made myself a quesadilla while my bf works late. I’m mad at him for throwing out some of my leftovers :(
9:49p: as you can see from yesterday I’ve been really getting into researching bitcoin and the bull run it’s been having. I check my portfolio and decide I want to move my monthly “fun” money from RobinHood to Coinbase and I purchase $50 more of Bitcoin and $50 of ethereum. I invest about 1% of my net worth in bitcoin as I believe in it as a system. $100
Total Spend for the day: 369.81
I wake up late as I started working after those trades and working my way through a book for work (or the late coffee). Suprisem I make coffee and the sweet doggo has already gone out. I start the day by eating some leftover eggplant dish. While enjoying a non-traditional breakfast I put on YouTube, I love watching an older tennis match to regulate my running brain . One of my employees needs to transfer court discovery off of a DVD. My assistant purchases a DVD player and burner on my business card for $22.04
My financial advisor does a bi-monthly call to verbally get my OK to release funds for the assessment. I usually do quite a bit but i’ll be paying A LOT in taxes this month. I verbally confirm 1000 to buy our usual index funds and mutual funds. $1000
My development producer is back from break and I am paying her out of pocket until one of current dev projects is financed. The rest of the team (6+ people!) is on currently being paid on my greenlit projects. $275 per day x2 = $550. I pay at the end of the week but want to keep track here.
It’s google-hangouts until a 2pm lunch where I throw some ham and some spreadable cheese w/ a pickle on a plain tortilla and my boyfriend makes me a fresh latte from our home machine, swooooon. I know I shouldn’t go to the drive-through but I love getting in the car and getting a little fresh air. For the rest of the afternoon, I read through my prep for my big network meeting tomorrow and fire off emails. I definitely need help tracking down a couple of deals and email my agent. I go for a walk with the doggo and chase her around while she gallops around, it’s beyond charming.
6:30p: I quit early and get on the airbnb’s echelon bike while streaming the Black List. I push it and am able to do around 40 minutes which is really good as I deal with a chronic illness that I developed a couple of years ago. It’s been a lot to process/manage. I stretch on the mat and detail the work out in my habit journal (this month it’s write a daily gratitude list, spin or go outside for a walk, read 10 pages, tidy around the house and do something nice for someone else). I then VERY POLITELY ask my boyfriend when dinner is likely to be ready and he reminds me not to ask that as he is not a private chef. He’s made a delicious meat sauce w/ egg noodles (while working through his incredibly demanding job) and I am very grateful. I pour us some diet pepsi from a 2liter like it’s a fine wine, he laughs.
8:30p, it’s after dinner and he wonders if we should order dessert from the greek place. The delivery charge is $7 which is highway robbery but he says he’ll splurge and pay for.
9:00p Damn, the show we have been watching has been pulled off the streamer. I rent the season for 9.99. $9.99
Total spend for the day: 1582.03
7:00a It’s FRIDDAAAAAY. Who doesn’t love a short week? I wake up early to get into a zen place before my network meeting. I brush my teeth, add some curology moisturizer to my face and head downstairs to make coffee. I for the first time in a while give myself a fresh cat eye and it’s only slightly crooked, score! I grind fresh beans from a European coffee shop (christmas gift from a colleague) and it’s truly like being there! Well sort of.
9:00a big meeting, it goes so well and is easy and we have some laughs. I remind myself not to be too nervous about these meetings.
10:00a I celebrate the good meeting by…. cleaning the kitchen. It was a wreck and I should have cleaned it last night but didn’t feel up to it. I use the second to last serving of eggplant and fry and egg in the skillet to put it over the cold eggplant dish. It ends up tasting quite gross because I undercook the egg whoops.
10:30a: I got my boyfriend the wrong sized shoe for a holiday gift. Whoops, I return the too small pair and purchase a size up. Shoe place will reimburse me but I want to make sure to get him the shoes ASAP. $127.61
11:00a: I have to pay state taxes and IRS by Jan 15th. My approve my accountant to pay the initial fee of $4500. I keep checking my account to see if it’s gone. $4500
12-5:00p it’s a true whirlwind and I end up getting a pretty distressing personal phone-call. I go for a 25 min walk and call my sister and she helps me feel better about the situation. I call my assistant and we start to build a presentation I’ll be giving to high school students next week on how to get an entertainment meeting and how to follow up. I orate and she jots down. She asks if it’s okay to deliver it back to me by Monday at noon. I have a fairlife milk latte and am still full from breakfast. I copy-check a proposal for another project and prior to sending it to the production company, it’s pretty good if I do say so myself.
5:30p my second in command on big project calls and gives me an end of week summary and I pepper her with questions, I feel like I’m sort of out of the loop and she does a great job of adding clarity. We edit some outreach emails together and set a couple of early in the week meetings.
6:30p I text back and forth with a pal and put on workout gear as I’d actually been wearing pants and a shirt and a real BRA all day! My boyfriend was shocked, how “normal” I looked. I get on the exercise bike and do a light 30 min spin while watching the Blacklist again. It’s pretty grisly and I’m not sure if I am going to continue watching.
8:00p we usually do delivery on Friday nights (my treat) but BF has decided to make some of the frozen lobster tail his parents sent us for Christmas. He makes lobster tail with angel hair pasta w/ some lemon, butter and pepper. It is… DELICIOUS. I also have my cake from last night’s delivery which we split.
8:30-10:00p TV and hanging with the rufus and talking about how Twitter finally kicked that jerk that is the current sitting president off their service.
10:00p I check bitcoin, it’s up to 40k, holy moly. I’m trying to reach 10k and then cash out my initial investment, we shall see.
Total Spend for the day: 4627.61
Wake up like clockwork at 7am and go back to sleep. Lounge in the bed with the boy and the dog until 10:30 when my caffeine headache starts to abound.
11:00a One of my favorite festivals is having to do an online only version of the festival and I want to be sure to support. I ask my assistant to use the company card when she has a second. $199
12:00 I do some bed watching of videos I’ve marked for research. It’s nice to be in a house and use the upstairs. Bf has made an egg white only omelette which I think will be gross but it is actually quite good because it has fresh shallots and jalapeno. I grab a handful of chocolate chips to cap end the lunch/breakfast.
2:10p I’ve been researching an organization I’d like to contribute to. I’m in recovery from a substance abuse disorder and I wanted to find a BIPOC/recovery based org that passes the charity standards. I found an amazing organization in Minneapolis and donate 500 and send a personal note to the head of the org asking if there is anything more I can do for hethe mission. $500
2:30p: I have a zoom with my pals who I used to work and it’s a fun session where I get to ask A’s three year old so many sorts of questions. I obviously do not have kids and am semi-ambivalent but I do love the curiosity of kids.
3:30p: Bf has fresh french onion soup with gruyere cheese. It’s pretty fantastic and I couple it with the last remaining bit of my eggplant dish I made last Sunday and froze. Proud of myself for making and finishing a dish I meal prepared.
4:30p: I go for a very brisk walk while listening to audible, I’m reminded to reach out to a family friend and we set up a catch up-call for tomorrow. I watch tennis and a doc on Paris Hilton.
6:30p There’s a good tennis match on so I set up my laptop next to exercise bike and the minutes start to melt away. I used to be an exercise fiend before my chronic illness diagnosis and have for the last year REALLY ramped down my exercise which is fine. This week, I’m feeling like I'm back to my old self. I bike at an intermediate pace for 30 minutes and a lite pace for a remaining 20 min.
7:30 it’s dumpling night!!! Bf suggests a fancier place but then says no let’s do cheaper! I go all in and get peking duck and it is PRICY but pure HEAVEN. I get a dish for tomorrow too. 103.71 with tax and tip. $103.71
Total spend for day: $802.71
I sleep in, I usually zoom with my pals on Sunday morning but I wake up late and send an “opps” text. I grab the physical copy of the NYT and start with metropolitan and work my way into real estate. I’d prefer to have my money in a house versus the stock market but I’m not sure where I’ll live next so it’s not in the cards for the near future. I read and listen to classical music and feel like a fringe character on SATC. I bide my time until the tennis match at 12:30 by watching YouTube videos regarding a certain child actor star.
12:30 I start watching the match, it’s a pretty boring match so I offset it by reading reddit and playing with my dog. I got her a bark box in December and she loves playing with the toys. The rest of the day is a mixture of TV and couch and the internet and I have zero guilt about it.
3:00 I head outside to call one of my father’s best pals. We haven’t talked in years and he and his wife pop into my head and we launch into a fun catch-up call. I speak honestly about my illness (I know i’m so vague here) and it feels good to talk about it. I walk for around 30 minutes and then do a loop with the rufus. We plan to stay more in touch.
3:45 I jump on the echelon bike and do a light 30 minutes as my legs are pretty sore from yesterday. I do this more for mental health benefits than physical as it’s one of the core things that lifts my moods. I even bought myself star stickers to put on the calendar if I do 20+ minutes of exercise. For my illness, exercise is strongly urged.
5:15p: I had to Starbucks drive-through for a skinny mocha and a choco croissant. Meanwhile, I text two friends who have been going through a hard time and check in. I listen to a recovery podcast and sit in the car and meditate on all that recovery has done in my life. $8.80
6:00p: another super boring tennis match! Unsure why they’ve been so one-sided or why I am continuing to watch it? I read up more on said child actor Lindsay Lohan and read a bizarre story in the NYT “Here Is What Happens When You Cast Lindsay Lohan in Your Movie” it’s a disturbing. I help boyfriend slightly with dinner prep and we start to order groceries for the week but do not complete said task.
Total spend for day: $8.80
8:00am I wrote out my to-do list and action items the night before so I wake up knowing what needs to be done. I watch a couple of Graham Stephan response videos (really weird pastimes) and drink, you guessed it coffee. I load a new edit onto my monitor set-up and take notes, I really like where he is headed. I quickly write out the notes and give the editor a ring. I get a text from my producer on my other project and I do back to back meetings/calls to discuss on how earth we are going to film in the wake of the current COVID climate. I check bitcoin, huge market drop and is sitting at 32k.
For breakfast/lunch I make 2 over-easy eggs with american cheese on a plain tortilla and I throw on some sriracha for good measure. I pair with a fresh polar seltzer and some of the eggplant dish that we made again in sunday.
Meetings are dragging and I’ve had a coffee, a latte, a cold brew and another coffee. Realizing that coffee/caffeine runs my entire life, not uncommon for a person in recovery. I had to do a creative note-card session with my producers today which involves a lot of creative thought but I struggle with a caffeine crash around 2:30. I decide to go for a walk and listen to a famous recovery tape.
4:30 a medical appointment with a specialist via zoom. $140 a session. $140
5:30 I go to the mailbox and get a hospital bill for a CT scan that I had to get a couple of months ago. I get scans every 6 months. My insurance was billed 3181 (insane) but I am only responsible for $104.41. 104.41
6:30p time to hop on the bike. It’s gotten a lot easier and I do a light one and then do a full body stretch. I head upstairs to shower and boyfriend has made jewish brisket which is like a warm hug. We order another round of groceries which is 190, so $80 spit. $80
Total Spend for day: $324.41
Total spend for week: 7769.57 (minus taxes 3269.57)
Reflect on your diary: Yeah this was pretty average minus the 4500 in taxes, I spent a lot of money so it was really interesting to write this up and see where it all went. I come from a spender mentality and am trying to revert into a saver mode. I’m very interested in FIRE and have read several books. Mostly, I am just trying to be more mindful when using a credit card because it can become “I want, I buy” and my industry is very up and down so I really need to be committed and save. Thanks to everyone in this community, especially the mods. Xx
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