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FBE Final Stand II - Book the 2020 Battle of Los Angeles - Prologue

FBE Final Stand - Book 2020 Battle of Los Angeles - Part 1: The Participants + How We Got Here
If you’ve never heard of what BOLA is, it’s a 24-man knockout tournament spread across 3 blocks. 8 men per block, with each block being a mini 8-man tournament. The winners of all three of these blocks face in a Triple Threat Elimination Match, with the winner being gifted a trophy and PWG World Championship Match. Due to the circumstances, it did not take place this year. However as per the prompt, this is how I would of done if it were to happen without the circumstances in place. Now, onto the participants.
Block A:
Pentagon Jr: this name needs no introduction. You know the drill, breaks arms, throws down the cero miedo, and has a turbulent relationship with Vampiro. He came to light in AAA, was made famous in Lucha Underground, grew larger in Impact Wrestling and is now tagging it up with his polar opposite brother, Fénix, in AEW. Pentagon is no stranger to PWG or the Battle of Los Angeles, first competing five years ago in 2015. He has only gotten nastier and more violent since then and is an easy contender to dominate Block A, and even perhaps go to the finals.
Brody King: time for a big guy. Many will know him as one third of Villain Enterprises, Marty Scurll’s faction over in ROH. King is part of the modern wave of big guys: being a very big lad indeed, but also well able to fly. He can throw you around like nothing or hit a Springboard Hurricanerana from outta nowhere, you never know what you can expect from this man. He also is, pretty terrifying. He has the most tattoos of any wrestler I’ve seen working today and also as I’ve said, a very big man. Block A are sure to fear this man.
Chris Bey: this guy has been turning a lot of heads as of late, most notable of them being Cody. Cody is very impressed with Bey which he has made known. Bey is currently holding 3 different championships, having made appearances in loads of different companies across America in 2019: having a match on 205 Live, countless Impact appearances, basically all but AEW. He’s a sensational high flyer, working a very fast paced style with a fair share of strikes thrown in, he’s built for PWG.
AR Fox: amongst the independent circuit, this guy is pretty famous. He’s conquered everywhere, but the most mainstream stage he’s reached is Lucha Underground, where he competed as Dante Fox in a legendary feud with Killshot, who you probably know as Shane Strickland. Fox is the definition of high octane, throwing caution to the wind with his moves and going about everything with a daredevil mindset. He’s famous for his work in CZW for that very reason.
Chris Ridgeway: There’s two main things you need to know about Chris Ridgeway: he’s hard as fuck, and he bloody loves kicking people. Ridgeway employs a blend of stiff physicality and technical ability, comparable to the likes of Zack Sabre Jr. and KUSHIDA. If you enjoy watching competitors that hit their opponents really hard, you will have fun seeing Chris Ridgeway. Having recently made his US debut for Defy Wrestling, it looks like there are big things on the near horizon for this BritWres up-and-comer.
Cara Noir: Cara Noir is a beautiful combination of art and abs sculpted into a pro wrestler. Cara is a performer that you simply cannot forget once you’ve seen him. If Black Swan was a pro wrestler, it would take the form of Cara Noir. Just watching him walk to the ring is an artistic experience, but don’t let the flamboyancy fool you, Cara is a very physical wrestler, a strong striker, and a skilled technician. Cara Noir is a diverse performer that brings something unique to independent wrestling, and this Black Swan deserves a much brighter spotlight than he’s currently being given.
Jonathan Gresham: with Zack Sabre Jr. not really showing up in PWG anymore, the crown for the top submission specialist in Los Angles was handed down to Jonathan Gresham, being able to tap you the fuck out with his Figure Four or Octopus Hold. However, the man can also bust out a Shooting Star Press, Phoenix Splash or 630 Senton at a moments notice, making him a great hybrid wrestler. Last year he got to the BOLA Finals, but didn’t quite win. Can he do it again? But this time, go that step further?
Tony Deppen: God, I love Tony Deppen. The guy can get legit heat AND work a fast paced style. This is not an easy task, something I’ve only seen the likes of Shawn Michaels pull off. Deppen is just like a pitbull, he’s short and angry. In ring he’s a major hothead, and wrestles like he’s letting out his anger on his opponent by just hurting them as much as possible. His Suicide dives are like a bullet being shot and his elbows look like they crunch his opponents skull. This intensity and fighting spirit will get him a long way in this prestigious tournament.
Block B:
Chris Hero: PWG could use a Hero... NXT is fucking fantastic, they are genuinely one of the greatest brands that the wrestling industry has ever seen, but I will never forgive them for how they used Chris Hero. This guy before his first WWE run was in my opinion, the best indy wrestler ever. The legacy this man had. Once in WWE, “Kassius Ohno” was originally tipped to be in The Shield instead of Roman Reigns, but Triple H fired him because of his weight. He then had a phenomenal 2016 before being rehired by WWE and made to put others over. Chris Hero has been released, and its time he returns to the independent circuit. This man is a PWG legend, he is sure to have a Hero’s Welcome when he returns.
Rey Horus: time for some Lucha Libre in this block, comes Rey Horus. I find this man to have an interesting backstory so we’ll start with that. He first worked under the name of “El Hijo de Rey Misterio”, meaning “The Son of Rey Mysterio”. He was trained by Rey Mysterio Sr, who is the nephew of Rey Mysterio Jr, who is the man most of us associate with the name “Rey Mysterio.” In Lucha Underground he worked as El Dragon Azteca Jr and had a relationship with Rey Mysterio there, going off their connection. He wrestles a similar style of course, and is very exciting to watch. He brings high flying and quick lucha Libre to the table, and is a regular in PWG.
Jeff Cobb: now its time for another big boy, and not just big by star power standards. Cobb is a former PWG World Champion, so he does carry around his fair share of swagger. He is a master of being a massive lad who can move really fast, exactly what the modern big man looks like. He can throw people over his head with ease, and follow that up with a Standing Shooting Star Press. You may know him from AEW, New Japan, Ring of Honor or Lucha Underground (where he appeared as Matanza). He’s gotten to the finals in the past, coming short to Ricochet in 2017. He also won it in 2018. Hopefully he can go that step further in 2020.
Jacob Fatu: there’s nothing like a Samoan. Jacob Fatu is the nephew of Rikishi and Umaga, along with being the cousin of The Usos and Roman Reigns. The guy has taken the Samoan gimmick of the past from guys like The Wild Samoans or The Islanders, and like what the Usos have done, updated it to a 2020 version of that gimmick. He’s been MLW World Heavyweight Champion for 10 months now and has been tearing it up as one quarter of CONTRA Unit. The guy is simply sensational and is sure to impress in his PWG debut.
Matt Tremont: PWG isn’t exactly known for deathmatches. They do the occasional Guerrilla Warfare Match, but they never go into glass/barbed wire territory. Thumbtacks are usually as far as it goes. Matt Tremont on the other hand is a deathmatch legend. He’s spent a lot of time in CZW and GCW as well as working over in Japan. He had his last ever GCW match against Alex Colon at Joey Janela’s Spring Break 4, which frees him up. BOLA is a showcase of the best indy Wrestling has to offer, and since GCW has overtaken PWG as the premier Indy, having a GCW alum in the tournament makes sense. It also adds diversity to the lineup.
Jordan Oliver: Jordan Oliver is a prediction of many to have a breakout 2020, which he definitely has. He’s one third of the faction “InJustice” over in MLW, teaming with Myron Reed and Kotto Brazil. The guy is only 20 and is already turning heads, Jim Cornette being one who tweeted about how Oliver and Blake Christian’s recent match was an embarrassment to the sport, no surprise there. Oliver as I said is only 20 and is just fantastic at being a douche, he doesn’t care in the slightest and his simple presence just irritates you.
Andrew Everett: the most PWG wrestler you can possibly get. This guy has gone under the radar for the past 2 years ever since being released from Impact, now working various companies around the country. He doesn’t work PWG very often anymore and I don’t like that. He’s supremely talented in the ring, being up there with Fénix for top “how is that humanely possible?” moveset. He spent a lot of time in PWG a few years ago where he was very over with the crowd due to his lightning quick moves and sensational high flying. I believe he deserves to go back to prominence. He may not have much character beyond his moveset, but that is fine for PWG.
Flamita: more Lucha Libre, introducing: Flamita! Flamita is one half of Mexibloods, an excellent tag team comprised of himself and current PWG World Champion, Bandido. Dave Meltzer has called Flamita "one of the best high-flying wrestlers in the world", comparing him to Lucha legend, Rey Mysterio. Flamita deserves the high praise and lives up to the hype, bringing and explosive in ring style to the table with his matches stuck in second gear. He’s sure to bring high intensity to tournament.
Block C:
Dragon Lee: continuing with the luchadors, its current ROH Television Champion, Dragon Lee. Dragon Lee had quite the situation at BOLA last year, getting fired from CMLL because he entered it. But he’s back again this time! If you’ve never seen Dragon Lee’s work, or Ryu Lee as he’s called in NJPW, check out the Dragon Lee vs. Hiromu Tanahashi feud from CMLL. It is glorious. Dragon Lee is a young luchador who mixes a blend of strength and speed, being a very agile high flyer but also being well able to slam his opponents to the mat and knock the soul out of them. The guy has appeared in PWG numerous types yet has never reached the BOLA Finals. Will that change this year? We’ll have to wait and see.
Laredo Kid: our third luchador in BOLA this year, Laredo Kid! You may have seen this luchador appear in AEW at Fyter Fest or in AAA. He begun his career back in 2005 and has grown alongside his company AAA. Even though he left the company in 2011, he still wrestles regularly there as he holds the AAA Cruiserweight Championship. He also had a WWE tryout in 2015 where he teamed with Sammy Guevara in a match against Los Matodores. Notorious for being a top high flyer in the world, the guy is no stranger to a big competition.
Joey Janela: I’m sure most of you are familiar with this name, as he’s been regularly appearing in AEW and also having “altercations” with Jim Cornette. He’s a preliminary booker with shows he’s booked, including LA Confidential in 2018 and most famously, Joey Janela’s Spring Break that happens over WrestleMania weekend. He is also notorious for his infamous Zandig spot he did where he fell off a roof into a truck full of glass and barbed wire where he almost died. His big story going into the tournament is this will he his last attempt to get the big BOLA win he’s been searching for after getting so close so many times.
Blake Christian: if you’re unaware, Blake Christian has been absolutely killing it on the indies. He’s taken over the mantle of Andrew Everett of best “popcorn match” producer. Him and Alex Zayne have engaged in a new Ospreay/Ricochet program of “super crazy flippy can’t be separated fight for forever” feud and it’s been amazing, as they’ve done excellent work together. They’re also a frenemy team. Blake was called out by Jim Cornette which brought him to notoriety after - what I thought was an excellent - match with the previously mentioned Jordan Oliver. He is death defying and mega flippy, but the same can be said for the man I just spoke about...
Alex Zayne: this guy is going to be huge. He’s made many appearances in PWG, along with other top indy promotion, GCW. I personally consider Alex Zayne, Jordan Oliver, Blake Christian and Tony Deppen the modern day Radicalz. Zayne is just fantastic. He has zero fear, something that Pentagon Jr. would appreciate, he’s young, no matter how many times I see him he somehow has a new hair colour - but most of all he’s just fantastic in the ring. He’s done well in PWG before, but he’s going to have to go that extra step to win the Battle of Los Angles. His nickname is also “The Sauce”, which is brilliant.
Darby Allin: you know this guy, we all saw Fyter Fest. He of course was made famous in that match with Cody, but he was kicking ass before that. He competed in EVOLVE as a lot of us know, but he also has spent time in PWG. Last year he partook in BOLA where he had a great performance and this year he’s going to do it again. He’s now a year later into his AEW run and more experienced. With the same goals in mind that we’ve established Joey Janela has, Darby is looking for nothing less than the victory this year. We’re not done with the AEW people yet. We got space for about one more, and he’s a name we’ve mentioned a few times...
Rey Fénix: this was a name I assume you expected to be mentioned, and for obvious reasons. He personifies the PWG style, having competed in the company for 5 years. When he first competed for PWG, it was BOLA 2015, where he had one of my favourite ever PWG matches. It was a Tag Team Match where he teamed with Aerostar against Drago and Pentagon Jr. in a Lucha Underground showcase match that was absolutely incredible. You all know this guy regardless of his prior work, he’s been sensational on Dynamite, constantly delivering incredible action. He’s sure to go far this tournament, but it could be in doubt
Black Taurus: last participant, last luchador. This guy is a major dark horse of the scene and I think deserves way more recognition. In the modern craze of “aerial big man”, they don’t come much better than this guy. To start: HES terrifying. His mask is a black bulls head, and is gear is also around the whole bull vibe. He moves with insane pace, and busts out double springboards as if he’s the size of most luchadors - despite being over 250 lbs. I think he’s absolutely badass and has been tearing up the scene in AAA, after their amazing year in 2019. He will definitely do big things.
With the admin out of the way, let’s move onto PWG’s 2020. What goes down? We start at PWG KOBE, the highlight of which being Bandido retaining his PWG World Championship after an excellent bout with Jonathan Gresham. They go 29 minutes and just before time expires, Gresham is rolled up. Afterwards, he’s crushed. Then at Mystery Vortex VII, Bandido this time defeats David Starr in Guerrilla Warfare. Also on that card, Alex Zayne and Blake Christian get their win back over The Rascalz after losing a Six-man Tag at KOBE. Then July comes and it’s time for “Jonathan’s Bizarre Adventure”, where we see the debut of guys like Jacob Fatu and Chris Ridgeway, as well as Andrew Everett returning. Andrew wrestles Bandido in a losing effort for the title. On that same show, Jonathan Gresham teams with Jacob Fatu for his debut against The Rascalz for the tag titles, which they lose.
Next pat we will see the matches and how they play out, but for now we will finish on the cards for the first two stages.
Block A: Pentagon Jr, Brody King, AR Fox, Chris Bey, Chris Ridgeway, Cara Noir, Jonathan Gresham, Tony Deppen
Block B: Chris Hero, Rey Horus, Jeff Cobb, Jacob Fatu, Matt Tremont, Jordan Oliver, Flamita, Andrew Everett
Block C: Dragon Lee, Laredo Kid, Joey Janela, Blake Christian, Alex Zayne, Darby Allin, Fénix, Black Taurus
Stage 1:
Fénix vs. Black Taurus - Block C First Round Match
Chris Hero vs. Rey Horus - Block B First Round Match
Jonathan Gresham vs. Tony Deppen - Block A First Round Match
The Ghost Soldiers vs. Rush and Dragon Lee - Tag Team Match
Alex Zayne vs. Darby Allin - Block C First Round Match
Jeff Cobb vs. Jacob Fatu - Block B First Round Match
Pentagon Jr. vs. Brody King - Block A First Round Match
Andrew Everett, Bandido and Flamita vs. Outlaw Mudshow (Nick Gage, Joey Janela and Blake Christian) - Guerrilla Warfare Match
Stage 2:
AR Fox vs. Chris Bey - Block A First Round Match
Joey Janela vs. Blake Christian - Block C First Round Match
Flamita vs. Andrew Everett - Block B First Round Match
Dragon Lee vs. Laredo Kid - Block C First Round Match
Chris Ridgeway vs. Cara Noir - Block A First Round Match
Matt Tremont vs. Jordan Oliver - Block B First Round Match
The Lucha Bros and Black Taurus vs. Bandido, Puma King and Rey Horus - Six-man Tag Team Match
submitted by ConorCulture to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

PWG Battle of Los Angeles 2020

I decided to make my own BOLA as if PWG ran a covid era show. I avoided fly ins to keep the card realistic given our current situation, and there are a lot of debuting talents from the US indy scene. The big stories going in are that Joey Janela is trying one last time for his big BOLA win and Chris Hero looks to make an impact in his first post WWE appearance.
Night One:
  1. BOLA '20 First Round Match: Blake Christian def. Dezmond Xavier
  2. BOLA '20 First Round Match: Jacob Fatu def. Caveman Ugg
  3. BOLA '20 First Round Match: Jonathan Gresham def. Zachary Wentz
  4. Non Tournament Match: Bandido and Flamita def. Joey Janela and Tony Deppen
  5. BOLA '20 First Round Match: Brody King def. AJ Gray
  6. BOLA '20 First Round Match: Alex Zayn def. Rey Horus
  7. BOLA '20 First Round Match: Jeff Cobb def. JD Drake
  8. Non Tournament Match: Team Viral (Priscilla Kelly, WARHORSE, and Danhausen) def. The Vets (Chris Hero, Erick Stevens, and ACH) (the lesser known team works from under in a fun comedy affair until Chris Hero shows his mean streak, turning on his team and walking out. Priscilla Kelly gets the pin on Erick Stevens.)
Night Two:
  1. BOLA '20 First Round Match: Jake Hammerstone def. Danhausen
  2. BOLA '20 First Round Match: Lee Moriarty def. Erick Stevens
  3. BOLA '20 First Round Match: Joey Janela def. Priscilla Kelly
  4. BOLA '20 First Round Match: Chris Hero def. Tony Deppen
  5. BOLA '20 First Round Match: ACH def. WARHORSE
  6. BOLA '20 First Round Match: Bandido def. Flamita
  7. Non Tournament Match: Big Meaty Men (Jeff Cobb, JD Drake, Jacob Fatu, and Brody King) def. Rascalz and Friends (Dezmond Xavier, Zachary Wentz, Blake Christian, and Alex Zayn)
Night Three:
  1. BOLA '20 Quarter Finals: Joey Janela def. ACH
  2. BOLA '20 Quarter Finals: Alex Zayn def. Blake Christian
  3. BOLA '20 Quarter Finals: Brody King def. Jake Hammerstone
  4. BOLA '20 Quarter Finals: Chris Hero def. Jeff Cobb
  5. BOLA '20 Quarter Finals: Jonathan Gresham def. Lee Moriarty
  6. BOLA '20 Quarter Finals: Bandido def. Jacob Fatu
  7. BOLA '20 Semi Finals: Joey Janela def. Alex Zayn
  8. BOLA '20 Semi Finals: Chris Hero def. Brody King
  9. BOLA '20 Semi Finals: Jonathan Gresham def. Bandido
  10. Annual BOLA Losers Tag
  11. BOLA '20 Finals: Chris Hero def. Joey Janela and Jonathan Gresham
submitted by James_Lars to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

Trying to brew with fires and dark petition

What good 8 or lower big bombs would you guys recommend me running to get out turn 5. Looking to add quite a few 1 of’s since I can tutor them out.
Looking to make either Jund or Grixis or Mardu.
I was thinking a God Pharohs gift mardu with the new wipe your opponents board spell. This build would be the spiciest I think.
I was thinking a Grixis build with big Bolas walkers and Torrential Gearhulks. I think this is the most competitive option.
For Jund I was thinking maybe some Garruk planeswalkers or something. Idk I feel this is the weakest option.
Not looking to make them competitive. Rather just make the jank lose the least amount haha.
submitted by Imitablelemon1206 to PioneerMTG [link] [comments]

How big is Nicol Bolas?

I have been scouring the internet for answers but can't find anything stats wise. Does anyone have any clue how much he weighs and how tall he is?
submitted by NitpickingNerd to magicTCG [link] [comments]

[Standard] Making Grixis Superfriends/Midrange (?) Work

I'm just going to quickly say that I am not a good player, usually sitting in Gold with the occasional Platinum/Diamond rank. That being said, I've been trying to make a Grixis deck work since WAR ever since [[Nicol Bolas, Dragon God]] was revealed. However, I felt that going the Control Route wasn't worth it since Esper just did it better, so I settled on trying to go more proactive by adding in more midrange-y creatures and planeswalkers. This is the list I currently have been trying to make work.
4 Thought Erasure (GRN) 206
3 Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner (WAR) 232
4 Rekindling Phoenix (RIX) 111
4 Nicol Bolas, the Ravager (M19) 218
3 Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God (WAR) 207
3 Sarkhan the Masterless (WAR) 143
2 Swamp (RIX) 194
4 Drowned Catacomb (XLN) 253
4 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
4 Steam Vents (GRN) 257
4 Sulfur Falls (DAR) 247
4 Blood Crypt (RNA) 245
4 Dragonskull Summit (XLN) 252
2 Search for Azcanta (XLN) 74
4 Bedevil (RNA) 157
1 Chandra, Awakened Inferno (M20) 127
2 Chandra, Acolyte of Flame (M20) 126
2 Tyrant's Scorn (WAR) 225
1 Angrath's Rampage (WAR) 185
1 Legion's End (M20) 106

1 Enter the God-Eternals (WAR) 196
2 Ritual of Soot (GRN) 84
1 Chandra, Awakened Inferno (M20) 127
1 Ugin, the Ineffable (WAR) 2
3 Ashiok, Dream Render (WAR) 228
2 Disfigure (M20) 95
2 Duress (M20) 97
3 Negate (M20) 69

[[Search for Azcanta]] x2: While this deck may have less instants/sorceries as well as more creatures than most decks which run Azcanta, I found it to be useful in longer games whether it's digging for walkers or removal. It's card selection in the earlier stages of the game also helps with not missing land drops, which this deck absolutely cannot do.
[[Thought Erasure]] x4: It's Thought Erasure, instant 4 of. Good hand disruption, slowing down the opponent while also fixing draws.
[[Legion's End]] x1: Gives one boardwipe against Scapeshift while trying to lock them down with Chandra/Bolas repeated board wipes or Sarkhan, as well as being another piece of removal against sticky aggro threats like Adanto Vanguard. I personally don't like the card too much and am considering moving it to sideboard or just out completely.
[[Angrath's Rampage]] x1: I kept one in since though it's sorcery speed, it does cleanly answer many early game plays whether it's creature or planeswalker. I wouldn't take more than 2 since it's blanked by Tamiyo and also since it's not targeted removal, instead only forcing the opponent to sacrifice something. Does get around protection though, so I am considering adding one or two more.
[[Tyrant's Scorn]] x2: Feels much better to play compared to Angrath's Rampage since it's instant, even if it can only hit creatures with cmc 3 or less. Can also use this to bounce back Phoenix or Baby Bolas to save them from removal. I don't run more due to running a playset of the next card.
[[Bedevil]] x4: I love this card. It's such a flexible card being able to answer practically everything outside of enchantments and lands. While the casting cost kind of sucks needing BBR, I am willing to overlook it considering it's never a dead card. I might cut one or two if the meta becomes faster and switch it out for cheaper removal.
[[Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner]] x3: This is in my opinion the card that holds the entire deck together. While an absolutely terrible topdeck and does nothing on ETB (other than I guess essentially just costing 2 mana), she does the following:
Finally, since literally any other planeswalker or creature in this deck is a must answer threat, it feels really bad pointing any sort of removal towards her, making her fairly easy to land and stick, as well as having a starting loyalty of 7. If she is focused down by creatures, she's effectively gaining you 7 life, which can give you enough time to stabilize.
[[Chandra, Acolyte of Flame]] x2: A fairly new addition, I've been pleasantly surprised with how well she applies pressure earlier in the game, flashbacking removal or Thought Erasure, as well as pumping the loyalties of Sarkhan, Big Bolas, and Big Chandra. She allows Sarkhan to create back to back Dragons on entering as well as Chandra/Bolas to sweep every turn.
[[Rekindling Phoenix]] x4: Admittedly probably the least synergistic card in the entire list, it's still a sticky evasive threat and good blocker which presents a reasonable wincon and must be answered in most cases. Also cantrips with Kiora on the field, potentially drawing even more cards if it dies and returns.
[[Nicol Bolas, the Ravager]] x4: The only other creature in this list, he provides immediate value on entering the board, which really hurts following a Thought Erasure. If Kiora is on the board, he also cantrips making it even better. While his transformation is rarely used due to how expensive it is, transforming him usually gives insane value since he can resurrect a Dragon God, which can use the Arisen's abilities. Also is a Dragon, which gives Sarkhan's static another dragon to work with.
[[Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God]] x3: The reason why I chose to make this deck in the first place, and probably the card with the highest priority for removal, Big Bolas is a terrifying son of a gun if unanswered providing card advantage and choking the opponent out of cards with his plus, flexible removal with his minus, and effectively a literally game ending ultimate. Copying Sarkhan or Chandra's abilities can also be game changing depending on the scenario. I did not choose to run the fourth Bolas since I felt like I already had way too much on my top end with Bolas, Sarkhan, and Big Chandra.
[[Sarkhan the Masterless]] x3: In my opinion, Sarkhan in this deck is even scarier than Big Bolas considering his plus can end games very very fast, and he can minus immediately coming onto the field, even drawing a card with Kiora on the field. His ability is also highly relevant in this Scapeshift meta considering just 2 dragons on the field immediately shuts down everything in Scapeshift other than a big Krasis, which can be fairly easily removed with our suite of removal spells, while more can significantly hamper aggro and midrange decks (of course, if you've resolved Sarkhan against Aggro, you've probably already won. The hard part is surviving). Also, it seems that no one really remembers Sarkhan's ability, since I always see people trying to swing in with their zombies or low toughness creatures only for the dragons to eat them alive. All in all, Sarkhan probably takes second place for priority when it comes to removal.
[[Chandra, Awakened Inferno]] x1: I would really like to play more of her in the maindeck, but again I feel like my top end is already loaded enough with Big Bolas and Sarkhan. However, she shines in this deck by being a sweeper, single target hate, and hosing control. Copying any of her abilities with Big Bolas just feels wrong.

[[Disfigure]] x2: This deck folds to aggro if it doesn't have multiple removal and a creature in its opening hand, so I tried to put as much cheap removal as I can into the sideboard. Am considering adding 2 more but I don't know what to cut.
[[Duress]] x2: Disruption and slows down a lot of decks. I don't know if I should add more of these though as I don't know if I have enough aggro hate in the sideboard.
[[Negate]] x3: Brought in against more control-y decks, just another counterspell to slow them down or protect our creatures and walkers.
[[Ashiok, Dream Render]] x3: Massively slows down Scapeshift and Nexus by turning off searching the library Azcanta as well as turning off graveyard shenanigans against other decks. In the Scapeshift matchup this gives us time to assemble either the Sarkhan lock or Chandra/Bolas repeated sweeps.
[[Ritual of Soot]] x2: More aggro hate and the only sorcery sweeper in the deck. It does non-bo with Phoenix token and Dragon tokens but at that point in the match, Ritual isn't usually needed anymore since it allows you to survive to that stage.
[[Enter the God-Eternals]] x1: Amazing against aggro provided you stay alive to that long, but I feel it might be a bit too costly to put in maindeck. I don't know if I should just cut it.
[[Chandra, Awakened Inferno]] x1: Another copy in sideboard since I don't know where to put it mainboard.
[[Ugin, the Ineffable]] x1: I used to run 2 before M20 in order to deal with enchantments, but I haven't really been using him much in any matchup. Is probably the first to go from the sideboard to be honest.

[[The Elderspell]]: Doesn't seem to be a good meta choice at the moment. Also the Big Bolas instant win combo with this happens way too rarely for me to justify running any at all.
[[Lava Coil]]: I don't know if this is more useful than any of the other removals already present, also feels clunky being at sorcery speed.
[[Soul Diviner]]: While it has a nice body and synergizes well with Kiora, I found him to be really clunky since I would prefer to cast Thought Erasure on turn 2, and also that he doesn't have haste.
[[Unmoored Ego]]: I have never resolved this card against Scapeshift but still feel as if I have rarely lost to them. I don't know if I should add to the sideboard as extra insurance against Scapeshift as well as for Nexus hate?
[[Narset, Parter of Veils]]: I feel as if I really should run her maindeck, but I've whiffed with her more than I would have liked with 8 creatures mainboard.
[[God Eternal Kefnet]]: While he has excellent stats and also cantrips with Kiora, I find that I run too many creatures/walkers and don't run enough spells in the maindeck to justify putting him anywhere.
[[Liliana, Dreadhorde General]]: I used to include her in the sideboard but she was eventually replaced by Ugin. I don't know if she really brings anything to the table, as well as not really synergizing with the rest of the deck. Also I really don't want to put another 5/6+ cmc spell considering I already have way too many of those.
Edit: Other considerations include Knight of the Ebon Legion, Dreadhorde Butcher, Legion Warboss, Thief of Sanity, Mu Yanling, Fry, Noxious Grasp.

Matchups: I'm going to be honest, I haven't been keeping tabs with respect to matchups so take what I say here with a grain of salt.

I guess I am essentially making this post in order to ask if such a deck is even competitive and for advice on how to tweak this deck in order to make it better, especially the sideboard considering I'm not a good player, and I would like to know what other people would think of such a deck.
submitted by zhouy3141 to spikes [link] [comments]

With Bolas gone, the Eldrazi imprisoned, and Garruk cured, who or what is the next big bad we'll have to deal with?

My money is on either Ob Nixilis or Phyrexia.
What I'd really love, is to go back to Ulgrotha and dealing with Baron Sengir or something. I liked Homelands, OK?
submitted by Polypana to magicTCG [link] [comments]

Time to revive my Nicol Bolas brawl deck?

Hi fellow Brawlers,
I need your help building a new Grixis deck!
Like many of you, I am hoping that the new WOTC Brawl announcements breathe life back into this format. I played when it was first announced and ran a Nicol Bolas, God Pharaoh deck. After the Amonkhet block rotated I switched to the newly released (at the time) Nicol Bolas the Ravager. However, since many people at my LGS didn’t continue playing after rotation, my deck gathered dust and is due for an update.
I’m a big Bolas/Grixis fan, so I’m thinking of using Dragon God and should probably get a lot of upgrades from War of the Spark. Anyone else built the Dragon God? What are some must-haves? I’m 6 months or so behind on sets & cards so any recommendations are highly appreciated!
~ Disciple of Bolas
submitted by Disciple_of_Bolas to mtgbrawl [link] [comments]

I have so many questions about foreshadowing of a BOLAs big bads in books 2!

Dreadlord and Court of Shadow being a part of greater thing? Kingdom of Ash - the great conquerors? Old Gods? Who are they? How will they help? Will they help? And the massive creature above Whitetower? Is it the sams creature we glimpsed in Shadow Realm or not?
I am full with questions, book two can't come soon enough!
submitted by Humoristic96 to Choices [link] [comments]

Any other ES fan who's not a big fan of BOLAS?

Don't get me wrong, I do like BOLAS and I think it's among the better books in Choices, but it's not even among my top five even though it's similar to ES which is my all time favorite. But i can't exactly put my finger on the reason, maybe it's because I prefer ES' plot, or because i think ES' art style suits these kinds of stories better, or because ES had both my favorite male and female LI in the entire app (Jake and Estela) while I'm not particularly attached to any of BOLAS LIs (even though i love Imtura's 30 diamond scenes), but i somehow think these aren't the exact reason?
So anyone else who loves ES but not a huge BOLAS fan, and why?
submitted by Top-Guns-princess to Choices [link] [comments]

Nicol Bolas Grixis Goodstuff Control

I've been playing this deck for about 5 years now, but after a short hiatus (pretty much missed everything after Dominaria to War of the Spark), decided to go through all my decks and update them. Here's the updated list. Unfortunately I'm at the hardest stage of updating my decks, cutting cards. The deck pretty much relies on controlling the pace of the game, countering/killing big threats and making games grindy and long until I can either win with Insurrection, Rise of the Dark Realms, or getting Bolas out and swinging. Pretty much Grixis control/stax but with more deciduous gameplay routes. I'm also always open to any suggestions for other cards that would fit with the theming/playstyle of the deck.
submitted by jpaskoff to EDH [link] [comments]

FINALLY!!! Got the Tropeo. Didn’t know it’s a passive tame and didn’t know you have to subdue it with a chain bola. A lot of work for this big girl today!

FINALLY!!! Got the Tropeo. Didn’t know it’s a passive tame and didn’t know you have to subdue it with a chain bola. A lot of work for this big girl today! submitted by wine_n_mrbean to ARK [link] [comments]

till roast and fun it was good but why is audience that toxic usne sorry bola tumhe support krna chaiye carry is a big social influencer,at this point of time carry should guide his audience to stop all this who do you think is right?

till roast and fun it was good but why is audience that toxic usne sorry bola tumhe support krna chaiye carry is a big social influencer,at this point of time carry should guide his audience to stop all this who do you think is right? submitted by shivam696912 to SaimanSays [link] [comments]

After Banings ESPER BOLAS CONTROL could be the next big hit!

After Banings ESPER BOLAS CONTROL could be the next big hit! submitted by Vladislaugh to Magicdeckbuilding [link] [comments]

[PWG Spoilers] The 2019 BOLA champion, plus Big Dave.

submitted by CocaineSpeedboat to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

Perfecting the Temur Sifterwurm Sideboard?

I have been running this deck extensively and feel really good about the mainboard. It now has game against everything, including all of the aggro variants with this new and improved mainboard removal plan. The sideboard is a work in progress and I have a few slots that aren't set in stone.
I knew it was the real deal when it went 5-0 in one day beating mono-red, zombies, BW knights, mono green stompy, and esper control in that order...
Right now SB consists of: 4x Negate, 3x Carnage Tyrant 2x Chandra's Defeat 2x Syncopate (flex) used to be magma spray 2x Naturalize 1x Banefire (gives me 3 total against control) 1x Open - okay this one is just a wildcard, this has been everything from a 2nd Mirari, Heaven//Earth, Big Bolas, to a Sandwurm's Convergence and really not sure which way to go
I've seen bringers come in out of the board, struggle//survive, Nissa's, just a ton of options
The deck is so tight and can now consistently beat control, aggro, and midrange with a good pilot, but the SB is only 75% of the way there - thoughts on improving?
submitted by ALL1D0ISWIN to magicTCG [link] [comments]

What Other Magic Stories Would Be On Par With an Event Set like War of the Spark or Return to New Phyrexia?

When WAR was being released, Wizards said they would be doing sets that are not necessarily tied to a plane, but rather a story moment. Like, having the War of the Spark on Ravnica.
Within the last few years, we’ve gotten subtle hints about a possible return to Phyrexia. After WAR, my best guess for the next event set would something to do with the Phrexians. The next being Emrakul finally releasing herself from the moon. I am no where near versed in the story, so I was reaching out to see what ya’ll thought would be an amazing story (that already exists) could possibly be an inspiration for an event set.
Edit: grammar.
submitted by LivingInQueerTimes to mtgvorthos [link] [comments]

Why is Nicol Bolas the only elder dragon still relevant in the story?

I'm still learning the lore i love the lore but unless I'm looking in the wrong places its hard to find info from older lore before i was ever playing or even alive yet. But unless I'm missing something they printed 5 elder dragon back in the day and lore wise since I've been around nicol bolas and ugin are the only big dragons focused on in recent years and I'm not talking about one offs like the dragon lords from tarkir because theres more than one nicol bolas and ugin from more than one point in the lore. But why not Chromium or Arcades or any of the others?
submitted by Tits_McGee2120 to magicTCG [link] [comments]

Papo sério: Como vai parar o squeeze da GME?

Fala pessoal. Imagino que algum de vocês, assim como eu, tem uma pipoca reservada assistindo o rolo da GME e tem interesse em ver e saber como vai desenrolar tudo.
Tem toda uma narrativa que começou essa história. Eu pessoalmente comecei a prestar atenção lá pra sexta-feira passada quando o negócio começou a tomar umas proporções maiores. De lá pra cá só venho acompanhando e tentando entender e, como não sou da área de economia nem trabalho como investimentos, não entendo muitas coisas por trás. Acompanhei essa semana e estou aprendendo conforme as pessoas vão postando e falando.
Tenho certeza que tem coisas que escrevi aí embaixo que estão erradas. Quem trabalha na área por favor, contribua e diga o que está errado. Também gosto de aprender.

Do início até agora

O pretexto de toda a história foi bem simples. Os engravatados dos fundos hedge, enquanto comiam caviar e fumavam charutos, fizeram uma cagada no mercado de ações. Shortearam uma empresa que mirava a falência em até 140%. Alguém viu isso e postou no reddit que achava que as ações iriam subir. Passou mais de um ano e a aposta do cara (que já era milionário antes, diga-se de passagem) se pagou e a cada dia ele ganhava milhões.
Alguém levantou a hipótese de um short squeeze. Isso significa que as pessoas comuns poderiam ganhar dinheiro às custas do hedge funds comprando ações (isso é, no próprio jogo dos caras) usando um aplicativo chamado robinhood. A ironia da situação é deliciosa e o dinheiro bom demais pra deixar passar. O plano é simples: Comprar e segurar. É um jogo em que as pessoas comuns apertam as bolas de quem tá em wall street e quem tá lá aperta de volta. O primeiro que arregar perde. Um tal de Jim Cramer resolveu zoar quem tava no sub do WSB e no melhor efeito Streissand, só acabou levando mais lenha pra fogueira.
As pessoas começam a comprar. Em duas semanas a ação sobe 289 dólares ou 815%. Se pegar três semanas, subiu 1700%.
De lá pra cá, o fundo hedge recebeu uma injeção de dinheiro pra permanecer vivo e disse que fechou as posições (embora ninguém acredite). O primeiro aplicativo em que descobriram o glitch do dinheiro infinito proibiu a compra de ações e depois liberou. Um monte de gente nervosa postou um monte de tweets. Crianças postaram no tik tok. Enfim tá formada a baderna. Ontem, 29 de janeiro de 2021, as ações do GameStop fecharam na NYSE à US$ 325,00.
Em uma terra longínqua, funcionários da BOVESPA tiveram que fazer hora extra porque outros tentaram reproduzir as coisas dos EUA sem ter a mínima noção do que envolveu a situação lá e compraram até dizer chega uma tal de IRBR3.

O problema do squeeze

Ao contrário da estratégia dos compradores de bitcoin que pretendem segurar a moeda até a morte térmica do universo quem levantou a ideia na verdade tem sim uma estratégia de saída. A ideia é segurar até ocorrer um short squeeze, momento em que os fundos hedge vão ser pressionados a recomprar as ações e, como tem mais de 100% das ações vendidas, quando isso acontecer, eles vão ter que pagar o preço que os titulares quiserem, seja 300, 500, 1000 ou, no valor máximo que vi ser falado até agora, 34000 dólares. Esse é o cenário que os pobres da floresta de Sherwood ganham.
Se isso não for possível, a ação vai se manter num patamar alto até finalmente cair, quem pegou dinheiro pegou, quem não pegou fica com a conta. Isso pode ser ao longo de dias, ou de uma vez só, limitado pelo circuit breaker da bolsa de lá. A pergunta que ninguém sabe é: Quanto tempo os fundos aguentam?
O objetivo do WSB até onde entendi é forçar os fundos hedge a sofrerem uma chamada de margem. Como eles estavam shorteados, e na ação shorteada o risco de perda é infinito (afinal não se sabe até onde vai parar a ação quando sobe, mas quando desce do 0 não passa), conforme o preço sobe a corretora (ou outra pessoa que emprestou a ação) cobra juros.
Além do mais, eles querem saber se você tem fundos pra aguentar o preço da ação subindo. A partir do momento que as ações começam a passar o valor que você tem de garantia, a corretora liquida suas outras posições pra fechar o short, ocasião em que vai ser comprada pelo preço do mercado. (não tenho certeza se é assim, corrijam-me se estiver errado).
Logo, a ideia é segurar o preço alto e sangrar os fundos, até a hora que os juros ou o valor das ações comece a comer tanto a garantia deles, que eles vão ser obrigados a comprar as ações pelo preço que estiver. Esse vai ser o squeeze.
Mas tem um problema que começa aí. Por mais que você acredite que o novo CEO da gamestop vai conseguir revitalizar a empresa e fazer uma loja física competir de alguma maneira com vendas cada vez mais no meio digital, você pode discutir sobre quanto vale a ação dela. US$ 10? US$ 15? Vamos lá, talvez até US$ 30? Mas com certeza não US$ 325. Logo, quem shortear a ação agora, vai ganhar dinheiro com ela na queda. Embora ela esteja alta, quando a correção fatalmente vier, quem estiver de short vai ganhar na queda.
Em termos leigos, me parece uma situação de "o dobro ou nada". Enquanto o fundo consegue bancar os juros e levantar capital pra mostrar que eles aguentam segurar o tranco, eles também podem ficar nessa por muito tempo pois, a princípio, os shorts não expiram. A questão que tenho porém é se esses juros e garantias não podem ser negociadas, para serem reduzidas, ou ao menos roladas para frente. Quem entender da área, por gentileza, comente se isso possível e se isso vai cancelar o squeeze. Acho que tem motivos políticos sérios por trás disso, como vou explicar mais embaixo.
O segundo problema, porém, são as calls. As calls são um derivativo da ação. Quem compra a call compra um direito de comprar a ação a um determinado preço. Considerando a subida do preço da gamestop a corretora precisa dar um jeito de conseguir a ação pra cobrir uma call que esteja dentro do dinheiro. A questão que tem é que as calls, ao contrário de short, tem tempo de expiração, momento em que as ações precisam estar disponíveis caso a call esteja pra ser exercitada.
Há quem diga que os picos das ações foram as corretoras se preparando para cobrir as calls, o que causou um gamma squeeze. Não vou fingir que entendo minimamente como isso funciona. Se alguém souber explicar, por favor, comente como funciona e se foi um gamma squeeze ou não.

O squeeze foi squooze?

Quem fica acompanhando o WSB só tem essa pergunta. Porque essa pergunta vai basicamente dizer uma coisa: Se a ação já chegou no topo ou não.
Duas coisas são levantadas pra isso: Short interest e esse gráfico aqui, o ponto em vermelho é o "We are here".
Se formos pelo short interest, alguém postou esse gráfico aqui. Se for confiável o short interest já tá menos de 100%. No twitter postaram essa aqui. Temos dois lugares mostrando que teve uma boa queda nas ações shorteadas. O gráfico supostamente da bloomberg também mostra uma queda nos shorts, sem aumento.
Mas tem uma coisa. Ali em cima falei que o jeito dos fundos saírem por cima nessa história (ou ao menos não falirem) é rolar o short pra frente. De US$ 325 pra frente, mais cedo ou mais tarde desaba, isso até cego vê. A ação subiu um pouco em 14/01 e os shorts caíram vertiginosamente. A ação disparou entre 25/01 e 27/01 e os shorts continuaram caindo, mesmo com o preço aumentando. Porém em 29/01, a ação fechou um pouco mais baixo do que a abertura e o SI continuou caindo.
Minha conclusão como semianalfabeto financeiramente? Grandes investidores em short rolaram isso pra frente. Eu na posição deles estaria apostando pesado em recuperar o que pudesse quando a queda vier. Se pra cada short fechado eu fizesse um novo reajustando o preço a US$ 325, eu poderia fazer ainda mais dinheiro do que quando a ação disparou de 19 pra 150. Aqui eu pergunto pra quem entende, tem como saber se esses shorts são novos ou velhos? Se tiver como podemos saber como isso vai.
Mas a Melvin não saiu do short? Talvez. Mas vale lembrar que a Melvin não shorteou 140% das ações sozinhas. Tem gente grande por trás que podemos nunca saber o nome que tá nessa também.
Mas e esse outro gráfico? Vai dar pra saber se já passou ou não quando der uma disparada né? Bom, esse é o Squeeze da VW de perto. Tentem mexer o gráfico um pouco e vejam como estavam tento oscilações grandes nos dias próximos e veja que não é tão fácil identificar o que está ocorrendo. Veja que se estivesse passando pela mesma situação hoje, o topo talvez não seria tão claro como pensam.
Porém, de lá pra cá, tem uma coisa. Isso foi em 2008, estamos em 2021. Muito mais pessoas estão entrando na bolsa e qualquer zé mané pode pagar na internet um bot pra negociar na bolsa por ele (se vai ter lucro mesmo é outra história). O número de investidores no varejo aumentando também não pode ser desconsiderado. Quem mexe só com HFT tá quilômetros na frente então. Por isso acho bem possível que o squeeze tenha sido mais suave que o da VW, pois cada queda brusca tinha um bot ou uma pessoa em cima pra negociar e não deixar ser extremamente abrupta a negociação. Mas isso, como todo o resto acima, é só especulação.
Se for assim, o squeeze já foi squooze, aí só falta a galera esperar pra ver quem vão ser os bag holders na hora que despencar. Depois ter escrito a parte aí de cima, teve esse post no investing sugerindo que a pressão de short diminuiu bastante. Ou seja, não seria igual aquele pico da VW mas um squeeze menos notável. Na ação, essa foram as oscilações perto do topo, diminuindo a pressão de short.
EDIT: Cheguei à conclusão acima usando os dois gráficos que achei mostrando uma queda do SI ao longo da semana, com isso eu presumi que seria possível aos fundos segurarem e ir saindo da posição sem dar um squeeze igual o da VW.
O problema é que tem informações conflitantes, de gente que fala que tá a mais de 120% e gente igual aquele primeiro link, que mostra que tá a menos de 85%.
Sendo assim, como eu não disponho (e francamente não sei onde achar grauitamente) informação atualizada sobre a posição do SI, vou ser honesto e falar: Não sei se o squeeze foi squooze.
Se alguém sabe de algum lugar que mostra a atualização diária do SI, posta aí pra gente ir especulando enquanto come pipoca e vê o drama desenrolar.

O squeeze das corretoras

Começa o problema da Robinhood ter proibido a compra das ações (e a avenue aqui no Brasil). Claramente nessa história do Davi contra o Golias, isso foi feito para proteger Wall Street dos oprimidos querendo ganhar algum dinheiro né? Será que é como dizem no documentário Fallout New Vegas: The game was rigged from the start?
Não é bem assim. Tá aqui a entrevista com o CEO da Webull. Eles também restringiram compras, igual a Robinhood.
Pelo que eu entendi, por mais que comprar ação no celular possa parecer comprar uma vida no candy crush, na verdade quando você aperta comprar ou vender você formaliza um contrato com a corretora. Se por algum motivo eles aceitarem o dinheiro e não conseguirem a ação, tem-se o "Failure to Deliver (FTD)". Isso é sérissimo. Significa que a corretora ficou insolvente e vai responder pelo preço da ação como se tivesse entregado a você.
Normalmente a corretora pega o seu dinheiro e manda pra casa de compensação. Só quando essa casa de compensação dá o OK que efetivamente você "tem" uma ação e a corretora entregou o que prometeu. Isso leva 2 dias. Nesse meio tempo (pelo que entendi), como as negociações são dinâmicas, a corretora assume o risco e você vê uma ação na sua conta que pode negociar. Esse risco é em dinheiro mas é calculado porque praticamente 100% das vezes as negociações vão ser liberadas pelo DTCC, mas a corretora libera pra você pra negociar e ser mais ágil nas transações (não tenho certeza se é assim, quem souber mais por favor me corrija). Em condições normais, se der algum problema, a corretora compra a ação e te entrega, arcando com o lucro ou prejuízo nesse tempo.
As coisas começaram a ficar meio suspeitas quando teve um cara no WSB que postou que uma ação (fracionária) que ele vendeu no mercado e foi realizada a mais de 2k. Logo depois as compras foram proibidas no app. Isso leva a crer que a corretora estava tendo algum problema para realizar as transações.
Aparentemente, a maior parte das corretoras usam uma casa de compensação chamada DTCC que faz a intermediação com a bolsa ou outras casas de compensação. Aparentemente essa DTCC realiza 95% das transações na bolsa de NY e exige um depósito do valor proporcional à ação que vai ser liquidada. Segundo um dos representantes dessas casas de compensação, eles aumentaram os depósitos para eles mesmos evitarem a falência. Esse tweet aqui explica bem o cálculo. Note o último tweet "Update: the plot thickens ... @The_DTCC may have exercised its right to add additional margin charges for a set of these stocks. It's a Margin Liquidity Adjustment Charge." Humm.
Voltando pro Robinhood e webull. A Webull e Robinhood recebem uma ligação da casa de compensação: Estamos aumentando a margem pra compensação das ações da GME. A partir de agora pra liberar as ações vocês vão ter que depositar um valor maior. Pra Robinhood esse valor foi DEZ VEZES MAIOR que o usual. Esses depósitos vão ficar retidos por dois dias até a corretora receber de volta. Toca o alarme as e as corretoras vão ficar sem liquidez pra essas ações, não vai mais dar pra operar. Detalhe: se a volatilidade do mercado aumentar, eles vão ter que depositar cada vez mais pra continuar trabalhando com a GME.
A primeira que parou de operar foi a TD Ameritrade. Ela tem a clearing dela própria e provavelmente começou a ter problemas pra achar as ações. Isso gera um efeito cascata. Quem não consegue comprar com a Ameritrade vai pro Robinhood, que trava e não consegue comprar. Vão pro Webull, que agora também precisa depositar valores maiores e maiores até que fica sem dinheiro e assim vai sucessivamente em efeito dominó. Assim, as corretoras param de poder fazer compras e aliviam a pressão dos shorts.
A Robinhood coloca incrivelmente os pés pelas mãos e não explica nada para as pessoas. Alguém levanta que elas receberam dinheiro da Citadel, que foi quem deu dinheiro pra Melvin se segurar um pouco nos shorts e pronto. Tão de mão dadas com os corruptos. Pessoalmente eu não invejo a situação deles. Imagina no rush que estava ser obrigado a parar de negociar a ação por ser pressionado por trás. Ou avisar para quem acabou de chegar e não entende nada que "estamos sem liquidez"? Na hora acho que deveria ser uma situação bem difícil de escolher o que dizer. Pelo menos estão tentando se explicar aqui.

O squeeze político (aviso: daqui pra frente coloque o chapéu de papel alumínio)

Muita gente pode achar que o SEC e o governo dos EUA não estão nem aí ou vagamente preocupados com a história. Eu pessoalmente duvido e acho que tem muita gente lá com com o * piscando.
Primeiramente, vamos lembrar de 2008. O zeitgeist que ficou da época é que: Os bancos brincaram de cassino com a economia. Eles perderam e começaram a falir e deu uma crise no mercado. As pessoas normais perderam casas e empregos e enquanto isso os ricos receberam dinheiro do governo pra não quebrar e continuaram brincando de cassino. Agora, 2021 é a vez dos pobres brigarem contra os ricos e ganhar dinheiro, afinal, se for só um hedge fund não tem problema né? Não é como se os governo fosse salvar eles né?
Pois bem. Lembra da crise de 2008? Se você vir aqui e descer lá pra timeline, tem um evento interessante "June 20, 2007: After receiving margin calls, Bear Stearns bailed out two of its hedge funds with $20 billion of exposure to collateralized debt obligations including subprime mortgages. Bear Stearns said that the problem was contained." Pouco depois tem outro: "July 31, 2007: Bear Stearns liquidated the two hedge funds." Nessa segunda-feira um banco recebeu um bailout também. Será que vão liquidar ele num futuro próximo também?
Bom, não é como se o short selling tivesse sido um dos estopims pra crise de 2008 né? Não exatamente, mas foi um dos sinais. Verdade seja dita, nessa época havia uma muitos naked shorts (venda da ação sem efetivamente ter comprado ela antes) no caso da GME se fala de shorts presume-se em que alguém efetivamente possuía a ação.
Mas os bancos dessa vez, se começaram a cair, vão conseguir pegar empréstimos com o governo né? Bom, não é bem assim. Em 2008, de maneira bem genérica, os bancos negociavam muito entre si e justamente por isso criaram uma situação em que, caindo um, os outros caiam, feito um castelo de cartas. Basicamente, se um banco lidava com créditos dos outros, e um banco fale, o que recebeu a carteira subitamente tem um prejuízo enorme, afetando sua liquidez e consequentemente o crédito que os outros bancos tem nele. Se algum outro banco quiser liquidar a posição pela falta de crédito, ele pode ir à falência os outros que compraram parte dos investimentos desses também tem prejuízo e podem falir sucessivamente.
Entra aqui uma ferramenta pouco conhecida chamada LIBOR. Ela já existia antes, mas entrou na crise de 2008 como uma das responsáveis pela crise. Basicamente, é uma taxa especial para calcular o empréstimo entre bancos. Se a taxa LIBOR é alta os bancos tem mais dificuldade de emprestar entre si. Na crise de 2008 ela entrou como uma das causas pras quedas, afinal um banco que estava prestes a falir não conseguiria pegar empréstimo de outro banco e acabaria falindo, proliferando o efeito cascata.
Como isso entra na questão de hoje? Bem, um similar da LIBOR é a SOFR, é a taxa pra pegar dinheiro emprestado que usam garantias do tesouro americano. Ao contrário da LIBOR em 2008, a SOFR está bem baixa (desça lá no gráfico e coloque o período de um ano atrás). Logo, um hedge fund perto da falência pode conseguir empréstimos bons ainda. O que vai restar depois desse caos do GME só o futuro dirá. Porém, reajustes na LIBOR e SOFR podem servir de termômetro do que está por vir.
Voltando à situação atual. Um problema bem sério desse squeeze do GME é que o que salvou os bancos em 2008 não está disponível. A salvação final, um bailout do governo. Porquê? Veja o contexto atual dos EUA. Os mais informados dentre vocês talvez tenham ouvido falar de uma tal de COVID-19. Não foi muito divulgado, mas aconteceu ano passado lá. Muita gente perdeu o emprego e pediu que o governo ajudasse. O governo lá disse que não tinha dinheiro e deu dois cheques, um de US$ 1200 e outro de US$ 600. Mandou o pessoal usar máscara e fazer aula de TI pra trabalhar de casa.
Obviamente com o desemprego rampante e demissões em massa houve a maior crise desde 1929 né? Ah não, foi cancelada com a money printer go brrr do Powell. O problema aqui começa a dar as caras com a squeeze da GME. O impacto na economia da pandemia foi massiva mas os stonks only go up. Na minha opinão de leigo, isso com certeza se relaciona com os short sellers. O mercado no geral está super valorizado, uma hora vai cair pra adequar à realidade. Pode me chamar de 🌈🐻 mas infelizmente acho que nem sempre stonks only go up.
Onde isso volta pra situação do GME? Alguns fatores certamente são similares à crise de 2008, notadamente, hedge fund falindo não é bom sinal pro mercado. Nesse caso, os compradores do varejo são os principais adquirentes da GME e a história toda tem a ver com a transferência de dinheiro de Wall Street para as pessoas pobres. Imaginem a merda política que vai ser se dessa vez o governo dos EUA tiverem que intervir lá para salvar os bancos e evitar uma crise tipo a de 2008 de novo? O governo tinha dinheiro pros bancos mas não pras pessoas na pandemia. Imagina se agora eles tiverem sim dinheiro pros bancos? Porque não ajudaram as pessoas desde o começo então?
Por isso acho que tem muita gente por trás dos panos desesperada para resolver esse impasse do GME sem falir ninguém. Pior do que falir o fundo hedge porém, é uma corretora ficar na mão, ou a câmara de compensação. Imagina a crise se agora o novo milionário não conseguir receber o dinheiro porque justamente na "vez dos pobres" a corretora não dá o dinheiro? Sem falar na crise institucional minando a confiança na bolsa se agora, ao negociar na Bolsa nem sempre você recebe se você ganha.
Esse squeeze acabou relando num ponto bem mais dolorido do que só a Melvin Capital, a Citadel ou o Robinhood. Acho que tem gente muito assustada com isso. O próprio silêncio do SEC fala volumes. Seria extremamente fácil falar que o WSB tá organizando pump e dump e parar a transação na bolsa até esfriarem as coisas. Exemplo disso é o que a BOVESPA fez aqui.
Acredito que não fizeram isso pois nesse clima de "luta de classes" se eles tentarem algo desse jeito, seria bem possível que o tiro saísse pela culatra e mais gente ainda quisesse comprar a ação, afinal, eles não podem barrar a compra para sempre. Seria algo igual o Cramer, que zoou o WSB e a zoeira dele, além de virar o grito de guerra (o We like the stock), acabou trazendo mais atenção ainda pra situação.
Por isso perguntei lá em cima se os shorts não podem ser renegociados. Normalmente não haveria nenhum motivo para isso. Mas numa situação dessas, não vejo porque não seria possível negociar para que a situação fique um pouco mais leve para os shorts, notadamente se a escolha é colocada como ajudar eles ou evitar uma crise de 2008 de novo. Se tiver que optar entre não sangrar o hedge fund e não realizar chamadas de margem enquanto a situação é desarmada por outras pessoas, ou passar pela crise de 2008 de novo, vejo bem possível alguém mexer os pauzinhos por trás para aliviar a pressão. Nesse meio tempo os shorts ganham muito fôlego e o squeeze é cancelado. Claro que isso seria mudar as regras no meio do jogo, mas quem disse que a vida é justa?
As casas de compensação começam a travar as operações e exigem garantias cada vez maiores até travar as compras. Sabe o último tweet lá em cima que houve uma ordem mencionando que foi um ajuste de liquidez? Podem existir razões financeiras, mas para mim a mensagem é clara para as corretoras “Se vocês não pararem de vender, não vamos ser nós que vamos pagar as contas.”
Coloque tudo isso junto e chegamos à conclusão. A ideia, num mundo seguindo as regras é que os fundos pagariam se o squeeze fosse squooze, pois os fundos jogariam com as mesmas regras que os outros. No mundo real todos os pontos estão sendo apertados com o squeeze pra aliviar os fundos. Nesse mundo real que as regras podem ser mudadas, às vezes o squeeze seria impossível desde o começo.
Pessoalmente não gosto de teorias da conspiração, mas vendo como as coisas se desenrolaram não dá pra descartar que todo o sistema acionário está sendo apertado e se mexendo pra evitar esse squeeze. Ou talvez seja simplesmente um funcionamento incomum decorrente do influxo massivo de investidores varejo.
Mais uma vez, fiz várias presunções e tenho certeza que algumas estão erradas. Quem trabalha na área, por favor comente aí.
TL;DR: GME 🚀🚀🚀💥
Edit: Tinha faltado um link
Edit2: Adicionei que tinha informações conflitantes de SI% lá em cima
submitted by WilliamJoe10 to investimentos [link] [comments]

Explain like I'm 5, please.

Greetings! Here are my questions:
When people say, "package," what do they mean? For instance, "I'm running the standard reanimator package." I know it refers to graveyard recursion. But, is it all the same? Are there a set of 5? 10? 15? cards that qualify for this 'package,' or is it just the mechanic that is being referenced?
What are all the combo lines, and how TF do you find them? Like, someone will say, "I've got the Bolas Citadel combo line in there, but I don't run the Doomsday line." What in the ever-loving f#*k are these combo lines? Is there a list? Does someone hold a class at my community center? Do I need the Rosetta Stone?
Maybe I'm just a little slow, or thick headed and smooth brained, but this boggles me. Anytime I ask in person, people laugh like it's a joke, so I just shuffle up my big dumb Timmy deck. But now, I really want to learn. I like combos. I just have no idea where to start bc the answers are always in some code or secret language.
submitted by RevCLove to EDH [link] [comments]

Diego Maradona tribute megathread

Football legend Maradona has passed away at the age of 60. I am creating this thread to collect tributes from across the football world and beyond, if I have missed a tribute then please PM me and I will add it to the thread. I'll keep editing and updating it.
submitted by Tim-Sanchez to soccer [link] [comments]

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