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/r/politics mods selectively ban or delete content negative to Republicans and enlightened centrists

The ban abuse happens every now and again where someone will report my post because it's negative to Republicans or Democrats. Recently I was banned for posting proof the Republican party has been enabling and promoting racism for over half a century. My comments were unique and I included citations to backup my points. Last fall /politics mods outright deleted a comment of mine which showed that Joe Biden has too cozy of a relationship with Republicans, campaigned for them during Trump's term, and whitewashed how horrible they are. The mods also let people harass me as much as they want and will only ban people after I've been banned and pointed out their double standard.
That said since my sources piss them off so much and they've had a long history of abusing their power, I've included my list of go-to useful info for y'all to use when necessary. There's a bit of something for everyone.
Republicans Stealing Elections
Ohio's Odd Numbers (Via Vanity Fair, 2005)
How a Supreme Court Decision Curtailed the Right to Vote in Wisconsin (Via NYT, 2020)
Clapper: Intelligence community ‘cast doubt on the legitimacy' of Trump's victory (Via The Hill, 2017)
Georgia election server showed signs of tampering, expert says (Via NBC News, 2020)
New court filing: Documents were deleted from (WI) GOP redistricting computers (Via Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, 2013)
But after the ruling, the plaintiffs identified documents - 55 so far - that should have been turned over to them but never were. Last month the court ordered the state to turn over the computers so the plaintiffs could forensically examine them because the judges found "some form of 'fraud, misrepresentation, or misconduct' likely occurred."
NRA Was 'Foreign Asset' To Russia Ahead of 2016, New Senate Report Reveals (Via NPR, 2019)
Gloves come off after Obama rips Supreme Court ruling (Via CNN, 2010)
"With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests -- including foreign corporations -- to spend without limit in our elections," Obama told a packed House of Representatives chamber Wednesday night.
"I don't think American elections should be bankrolled by America's most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities. They should be decided by the American people. And I'd urge Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to correct some of these problems."
Recent ban for these citations
Report: Aide says Nixon's war on drugs targeted blacks, hippies (Via CNN, 2016)
Reagan Called Africans ‘Monkeys’ in Call With Nixon, Tape Reveals (Via NYT, 2019)
You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.” --Lee Atwater, former RNC Chairman, adviser to Reagan and HW Bush Administrations, close acquaintance to Karl Rove
“I’ll tell you what’s at the bottom of it (racist vote manipulation),” he said. “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” --Lyndon B. Johnson (Via Snopes)
Facebook teams with rightwing Daily Caller in factchecking program (Via The Guardian, 2019)
"With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests -- including foreign corporations -- to spend without limit in our elections," Obama told a packed House of Representatives chamber Wednesday night.
"I don't think American elections should be bankrolled by America's most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities. They should be decided by the American people. And I'd urge Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to correct some of these problems."
Alito, part of the court's conservative majority, could be seen apparently frowning and quietly mouthing the words "not true." Via CNN, 2010
In the case of a trucker’s life vs. his cargo, Judge Neil Gorsuch ruled for the cargo (Via Denver Post, 2017)
This is the Biden info which was outright deleted from a post on /politics last fall during the 2020 election.
Former Vice President Joe Biden said he’s concerned about what would happen if Republicans get "clobbered" in next year’s election, suggesting such an outcome would be harmful to bipartisanship. (Via The Hill, 2019)
Joe Biden Says 'I Actually Like Dick Cheney' in 2015 Video, Prompting Widespread Liberal Backlash (Via NewsWeek, 2019)
Former vice president Dick Cheney to appear at fundraiser for Trump and RNC (Via WaPo, 2019)
Biden responds to criticism over calling Pence 'a decent guy' (Via The Hill, 2019)
Joe Biden's Paid Speech Buoyed the G.O.P. in Midwest Battleground (Via NYT, 2019)
Biden World shell-shocked amid Hyde furor (Via The Hill, 2019)
Biden Reverses Position, Rejects Hyde Amendment, Cites Attacks On Abortion Access (Via NPR, 2019)
Just earlier in the week, Biden's campaign affirmed the candidate's support for the ban, setting off criticism from abortion rights supporters, who called on Biden to reverse his long-held position.
Biden says marijuana may be a ‘gateway drug.' Like most of his generation, he’s not ready to legalize it. (Via WaPo, 2019)
Pelosi: Bush Impeachment `Off the Table’ (Via NYT, 2006)
George W. Bush has been advocating for Kavanaugh with wavering senators (Via PBS, 2018)
Barrett declines to say whether a president can unilaterally delay election
Amy Coney Barrett ruled using the n-word does not make a work environment hostile
Amy Coney Barrett served as a ‘handmaid’ in Christian group People of Praise
Amy Coney Barrett fails to fully disclose some past anti-abortion activism
Barrett declines to say whether a president can unilaterally delay election
Atwood says that the groups like this served as primary inspiration for The Handmaid's Tale — and it's not hard to see why. In numerous interviews, Atwood alluded to the group but did not call them out by name. In an interview for the New York Times Book Review in 1986, she said, “There is a sect now, a Catholic charismatic spinoff sect, which calls the women handmaids.” Members of People of Praise are assigned accountability advisers. For men, they are called a “head;” for women, a “handmaid.” That is until the popularity of the book and subsequent television series grew and the group changed the title to “woman leader.”
Book reveals Trump effort to persuade Justice Kennedy to step aside for Kavanaugh (Via The Guardian, 2020)
Long before Trump ran for the White House, Justice Kennedy’s son, Justin, worked as an investment banker at Deutsche. Enrich describes how he developed a relationship with Trump, his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner, helping to finance real-estate deals no other bank would touch because of Trump’s record of failing to pay his debts to lenders, contractors and business partners.
Justin Kennedy was part of the US branch of Deutsche Bank from 1998 to 2009. Drawn to Trump’s risk-taking and glamour, he became a Trump confidant, sitting with the real estate impresario at the US Open tennis or in Manhattan nightclubs, and chaperoning huge loans to finance Trump’s real estate spending sprees.
Kennedy, who ran the bank’s commercial real-estate team, continued to lend to Trump even though Deutsche clients had suffered severe losses when Trump’s casino business collapsed and he declared bankruptcy.
Wall Street Democratic donors warn the party: We’ll sit out, or back Trump, if you nominate Elizabeth Warren (Via CNBC, 2019)
Jeff Zucker’s singular role in promoting Donald Trump’s rise (Via WaPo, 2016)
“It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS,” Leslie Moonves, chairman of CBS, said of the Trump phenomenon in March, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.
"Letter from a Birmingham Jail, MLK Jr."
Paul Ryan Keeps It All in the Family (Via New Yorker, 2017)
In the transcript published by the Post, (Kevin) McCarthy speculates that the Russians hacked the Democratic National Committee’s computers and, in the process, discovered whatever opposition-research materials the Democrats had gathered on Trump.
“There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” (Kevin) McCarthy said, according to Entous, a superb reporter who heard a tape recording of the colloquy. “Swear to God.”
In the Post piece, McCarthy’s remark is met with laughter, and Ryan cautions his colleagues, “This is an off the record . . . No leaks! . . . All right?”
A Russian bank gave Marine Le Pen’s party a loan. Then weird things began happening. (Via WaPo, 2018)
Russia's propaganda machine discovers 2020 Democratic candidate Tulsi Gabbard (Via NBC News, 2019)
Tulsi Gabbard Drops a Big Hint About Running a Spoiler Campaign for Trump (Via New Yorker, 2019)
Russian web trolls boo Biden, often boost Gabbard, report finds (Via NBC News, 2019)
Opinion: Tulsi Gabbard may not be a Russian asset. But she sure talks like one (Via LA Times, 2019)
Tulsi Gabbard Is Being Used by the Russians, and to a Former US Double Agent, the Evidence Is Clear (Via Newsweek, 2019)
Here’s Exactly How Much Russian Media Loves Tulsi Gabbard — and Hates Biden (Via Vice News, 2019)
submitted by mst3kcrow to ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM [link] [comments]

The Governor's 5/14 Coronavirus briefing will begin soon as of 2:00 PM

Streaming at and
I recommend using the youtube link.
I will be keeping this post updated with a summary as it continues. Things I find most important will be bold. Keep in mind it will often be paraphrased. The stream itself is the best source.
Previous streams can be found here:
Thank you for all the awards and other offers but please save your money for the future economic uncertainty which is likely going to occur.
Ohio: 24,800 confirmed cases (with 1,557 extra probable cases), 1,388/24,800 confirmed deaths (with 146 extra probable deaths), 4,718 hospitalizations, 1,268/4,718 in the ICU
United States: 1,397,700 confirmed cases and 84,109 deaths.
Here is a link to a google drive that shows the history of cases and deaths created by kcmasterpiece347:
0110010001100010 has put together information on the latest and most accurate numbers here:
Here are some graphs showing the latest information created by st1tchy:
2:03 PM: The Governor begins speaking
Today I'm wearing a tie from Case Western Reserve University
This week is Police Week. I want to thank everyone in law enforcement. Unfortunately, many events honoring our fallen police officers have had to be canceled due to COVID-19. I would like to take a moment to mention those who have died serving Ohio in 2020. Let's have a moment of silence in remembrance of their sacrifice and the sacrifices of those currently serving Ohio.
A close friend of mine, Dwight Radcliff died on May 6th. Fran and I attended his funeral. He was the longest serving sheriff at the time of his retirement in 2013.
Former state representative Andy Thompson also unexpectedly yesterday. He served the state well.
On Tuesday, I talked about childcare and explained the concerns we had. We've been discussing this for weeks, trying to figure out what the best practices for reopening would be. There really is not enough data about children and COVID-19. We want to get more data and find a way to reopen safely, in a way that protects children and childcare employees. if we do this wrong we will run the risk of exposing more Ohioans to COVID-19. Childcare providers will be allowed to reopen on May 31st. This will look different from before and I am going to have Joni Close, President of the Sisters of Charity Foundation speak about the changes we plan to make.
2:12 PM: The Governor stops speaking
2:12 PM: Joni Close begins speaking
Maximum of 9 per classroom for most children, with toddlers having a maximum of 6 per classroom. Hygienic standards will be increased dramatically. These will be only some of the changes and there will be more. Some of these might make you somewhat uncomfortable due to it being different but we believe it will be the best for you and your children.
2:16 PM: Joni Close stops speaking
2:16 PM: The Governor begins speaking
There's really no playbook out there for doing this. We need to be cautious to keep everyone safe during this pandemic. We will be constantly monitoring the current situation and we may make changes as necessary based on what we see.
We're going to perform a study into the childcare situation as it reopens. This will make Ohio a leader in the country, as we will be capable of learning more about how the virus spreads. Unfortunately, there is a lot of what we don't know and that will affect how we proceed. Childcare providers will need help due to our changes. We are going to give 60 million dollars to Ohio childcare providers, both public and private, in order to ensure they are properly funded. We will have additional information available online shortly.
2:19 PM: The Governor stops speaking
2:19 PM: The Lieutenant Governor starts speaking
May is a new chapter in our response to COVID-19. We're trying to keep a balance between health of Ohioans and the health of our economy. Some more businesses may be reopening but keep in mind that it will be up to the local health departments to control what reopens and what does not.
Day Camps will reopen on May 31st. The protocols governing day camps will be released tomorrow online.
BMVs will reopen on May 26th. We want you to use the online services, as we've put a lot of effort into moving many services there. There will be some cases where you have to go into the BMV but only go as absolutely necessary. There is still an extension on renewals, so you do not have to do this immediately.
Campgrounds will also open completely, on May 21st. They will have to meet certain requirements that are currently available online.
Gyms and fitness center may reopen on May 26th. The new protocols for them will be available later today. Non contact and limited sports will also reopen on May 26th. Other, more contact-oriented sports will be investigated for reopening as well.
Pools will also be able reopen on May 26th. The CDC has found no evidence of the spread of COVID-19 in water. Water parks and amusement parks will not be reopening based on our guidance.
Horse racing can reopen on May 22nd but spectators will be prohibited. This does not mean that Casinos or Racinos can reopen.
2:30 PM: The Lieutenant Governor stops speaking
2:30 PM: Amy Acton starts speaking
231,795 tested in total. Of those infected, 4,121 were health care workers.
We're digging deep into the policies related to childcare and how it will affect the spread of COVID-19. I want to thank our entire childcare team. We're going to be working with a national study, that will have a large focus on Ohio, in order to find out the best practices for reopening childcare. We're working to become a nationwide leader in the study of childcare during this pandemic.
2:36 PM: Amy Acton stops speaking
2:36 PM: Question Period Begins
Regarding childcare and with the possibility of further illness and death in children with COVID-19, is it possible we are gambling the lives of our children by reopening and doing this study?
Amy Acton: I don't think we're gambling by doing this. Everyone is important and deserves protection. We are going to do this based on expert advice on best practices. We need to give parents a chance to go back to work and prosper. We know of the cases of children getting far sicker and we're paying close attention to this. COVID-19 has an exaggerated response on our immune system no matter the age, but we want to make sure to learn and understand how it affects children, as well, as time goes on.
2:39 PM: There are concerns that children are not receiving the education they would have otherwise. Will schools be capable of reopening in the fall and what can you do to ensure they are receiving the education they need if they do not?
Governor: I think this is a major concern. Many teachers are making strides in distance learning but some kids don't have internet or have other issues. The fact that we know so little about COVID-19 makes us feel that schools cannot reopen any time soon but every school is currently looking into ways they can reopen. We still don't know how things will be by the fall but we will do everything we can.
2:42 PM: It sounds like many childcare centers will have to turn families away. How do you plan on advising them on that subject?
Governor: I think it's going to be difficult for any of us to predict how the market will change with these new rules. We are giving money to childcare providers in order to ensure they are capable of reopening. This is a work in progress, which means that we're still learning and finding out new ways to lessen the spread of COVID-19, while reopening childcare.
Childcare providers may have to hire more employees in order to serve the families they had in the past. Unfortunately, some may not be capable of reopening due to financial troubles. We did all of these things in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and we will keep making these decisions with that in mind.
2:46 PM: It seems that cases, deaths, and other metrics have plateaued rather than gone down. What has changed in how you perceive success as time has gone on?
Governor: We've seen a plateau over three weeks in terms of all of our metrics. We were most worried about a large surge. We're still ramping up our testing. We're doing 8,000 tests every day sat this point. We need to keep our testing capacity increasing while also ensuring our supply chain can keep getting those tests out to those who need them. Testing and contact tracing is how we're going to keep this virus from spreading. There are many other indicators, such as traffic rates throughout the state, that we are looking at in order to make future decisions regarding mitigations.
2:48 PM: Reddit is freaking out and it’s causing some problems with my updates. Fixed as of 2:50 PM.
Amy Acton: No one on our team is ignoring the concern and worry that Ohioans are feeling right now. As we go on, you need to keep in mind how at risk you are and use that knowledge to make your decisions and keep yourself safe.
2:51 PM: Using what we've learned about antibody testing, how do we know that we didn't have a surge earlier?
Amy Acton: This is a process that will take years. We won't understand COVID-19 for quite some time. Many have been claiming that they had many symptoms of COVID-19 early on in the knowledge of the disease. Obviously, as time goes on, hindsight will be 20-20. We'll keep looking into new information as it comes out.
2:54 PM: The most prevalent question I've received is regarding the unemployment system not serving Ohioans properly. I know you've made improvements but many feel it is not enough. What more can you do for them?
Lieutenant Governor: This is the thing I've been most frustrated for Ohioans about personally. Director Kim Hall has been working to do everything her team can do to improve the system and has already created the new system for 1099 employees. I know that around 100,000 people have not been served yet and many others have not been able to get through to receive more information on their claims. We're all doing everything we can to expand the system as possible. Our system is very old and difficult to update but many other states are facing these same issues. Unfortunately, we have received many fraudulent claims and those need to be policed and denied. This is part of what leads to such delays.
2:59 PM: What targets will state agencies be hitting in terms of reductions in the coming fiscal year?
Governor: We'll be discussing that with the legislature. We've already made very tough cuts but we don't have any new information available at this time. One thing I can say is that this is a very difficult time. Costs are going up and our revenues are decreasing dramatically.
3:01 PM: Do you have an idea of how many families might be left out of day cares? Will licensing become more flexible? What about using school facilities?
Governor: It's not our goal to have any families left out of the system. We're doing surveys on how many providers will be coming back. We'll adjust as necessary. We can't make any definitive statements at this time.
Lieutenant Governor: Please remember that we're working on supporting the childcare industry to ensure that all of this can work.
3:03 PM: Are you going to remove Dr. Acton's order that closed school facilities until June in order to allow youth sports to reopen?
Governor: We were actually just discussing that earlier. It's a very good point. We're still looking into that.
Lieutenant Governor: Grounds are not technically closed by the order, only buildings. We will not be forcing any local community to reopen. I am sure that as we go on, there will be things that slipped through the cracks and we want to ensure that the lines of communication are open as much as possible.
3:06 PM: Are you concerned about a pending legal battle over your orders? As you know, Wisconsin's stay at home order was struck down by their Supreme court.
Governor: I have already been sued a lot. We want to ensure that our orders conform more to what we are seeing day to day. We are seeing stories from Europe about second waves and we really don't want to have to see that in Ohio. We need to be very careful as everything opens up. Staying safe in this crucial time will decide our future numbers and whether we have to close again.
3:08 PM: There is a feeling that your Minority Health Task Force hasn't made any new statements or released more information. What is going on with this?
Governor: I will be talking about that either Monday or Tuesday. This virus has pulled back the curtain on poverty and racial issues, especially in regards to health care access. We've worked with the legislature to look into issues of infant and maternal mortality and we saw these issues already. We're now going to have to figure out new ways to help African American communities in Ohio. That will come next week.
3:11 PM: Why are we not hearing more about treatment? Also will we not be returning to normal life until a vaccine comes out? Is Hydroxychloroquine being given out to patients?
Amy Acton: I talked a lot about treatment early on but I can talk about it more in the future. We've received shipments of new drugs for use against COVID-19. There is still developing information on drugs like Hydroxychloroquine, in terms of its affect on COVID-19. For now we'll have to treat the symptoms up until we can find a cure, if we can find a cure. The thing that worries me the most is the low oxygen levels found in those with COVID-19, who are walking around, not even realizing it.
3:16 PM: How can you prove to those who are trusting in your orders that reopening as we are is safe?
Amy Acton: When we first made our orders, we were using information from George Bush's administration, that we believed would best protect Ohioans. We do know that this has had effects on the economy and even people's mental and physical health. This is going to be a collaborative process but it needs to go on with caution. The biggest thing that will slow and stop the spread of disease will be how everyone lives. Be judicious with your choices and decisions as time goes on.
3:19 PM: How do you plan on bringing forward gun reforms in Ohio that you promised, despite the pandemic?
Governor: That's a continuing discussion with the legislature.
3:21 PM: There's been information in certain nursing home facilities regarding the zone and region system you've mentioned that showed that some of them have no information regarding that system. What do you think about that?
Governor: This is not something that should be happening. I believe you that this is happening but it's something that I do not want to have happening. I don't know what facility you're talking about but I think we're going to keep moving forward on that.
Amy Acton: I'll look into this and speak to our leaders in that area regarding improving this.
3:24 PM: Are we getting close to returning to normal regarding surgeries?
Governor: It's been in the past week or so that we've released new orders regarding that. We need to keep monitoring our hospital capacity as time goes on in order to decide if we can return to normal
3:25 PM: Question Period Ends
3:25 PM: The Governor begins speaking
Thank you to all of our childcare workers and everyone else returning to work.
We'll be playing a rendition of Amazing Grace by the Combined Pinkerton North and Pinkerton Central Marching Bands.
No more updates until Monday unless it's absolutely necessary.
3:27 PM: The Stream Ended.
submitted by PeaceIsSoftcoreWar to Ohio [link] [comments]

What A Day: GSA It Ain't So by Sarah Lazarus & Crooked Media (11/18/20)

"You're going to play gotcha questions with me?" - Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO), asked if he thought Joe Biden won the election

Don't Wayne On My Parade

Eleven days after the election ended in decisive victory for Joe Biden, Republicans’ continued performance of uncertainty about the outcome is as appalling and dangerous as it is unrelentingly embarrassing.
Republicans might be blowing up democracy in slow-motion, but at least most of them aren’t pretending to agonize over it.
Each of Trump’s far-fetched coup maneuvers has flopped, but way too many Republicans have been happy to give them a whirl, and there’s no reason to think they wouldn’t try again in an election with closer margins. Whatever surreal elements of this year we eventually shove down the memory hole for our collective sanity, that fact can’t be one of them.

Look No Further Than The Crooked Media

On today's Keep It stream, Ira, Louis, and Aida discuss Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro's fervor over Harry Styles wearing a dress on the cover of Vogue: "The hilariousness of 'bring back manly men.' Where do you want them brought?" Watch and subscribe →

Under The Radar

Donald Trump just gave the worst possible job to a former speechwriter who was fired for having white nationalist ties. The White House dismissed Darren Beattie in 2018 after it came to light that he had spoken at a white-supremacist conference, back when that was something the Trump administration could still be shamed about. Beattie then took a bunch of taxpayer money from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), in a violation of House rules. Following that proud interlude, Trump has welcomed Beattie back into the administration fold with an appointment to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, which was established for the specific purpose of preserving the memory of Holocaust victims. Sixty-three days until the Inauguration.

What Else?

The official U.S. coronavirus death toll has surpassed 250,000, and more than three million people are estimated to be currently contagious. Doctors on the coronavirus task force warned Vice President Mike Pence that the U.S. could see an average of 2000 deaths a day by Christmas (Scott Atlas was presumably in the bathroom), and urged Pence or Trump to stress the importance of mitigation efforts from the White House podium.
Neither of them has any scheduled plans to do so, but White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany called statewide coronavirus restrictions “Orwellian,” if that’s helpful to anyone?
New York City’s public school system will shut down for in-person learning on Thursday (though bars, restaurants, and gyms are still open, lol), and Gov. Kim Reynolds (R-IA) has joined a growing number of Republican governors in issuing a mask mandate for the first time. All straight out of Animal Farm.
The FAA has cleared Boeing’s 737 Max to resume flights, 20 months after grounding it following two fatal crashes and roughly 100 years before we will agree to step foot on one.
Trump has ordered the rushed withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, though not the total withdrawal he had campaigned on. According to one administration official, this is part of the White House’s galaxy brain strategy to light more fires than Biden can put out.
Well, here’s unelected Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) violating Senate ethics rules by soliciting donations from a federal office building. Let’s send her home, yes?
Donald Trump was terrified he would be cut in half by lasers at the opening of his Atlantic City casino in 1990, while “Eye of the Tiger” was blasting over the loudspeakers. Just a nice little image to carry close to your heart.
Rockefeller Center’s bummer of a Christmas tree has been widely deemed a metaphor for 2020. The tree’s resident owl who was just minding his own business before getting dragged into midtown can confirm.

Be Smarter

One of the biggest takeaways from this election has been “Latino voters are not a monolith,” and while much of that analysis has focused on Florida, it’s just as true everywhere else. In Texas, Trump became the first GOP presidential candidate in a century to win Zapata County, which is more than 94 percent Hispanic or Latino. Dissecting the result the requires understanding the specific character of South Texas, where most Spanish-speaking residents self-identify as Tejano. Most consider themselves American above all else, wouldn’t identify as people of color, and have positions on gas and oil, guns, and abortion that are closely aligned with the Republican Party. The Trump campaign recognized and effectively targeted that specific community, and Democrats will need more than generic messaging to win it back.

What A Sponsor

Mother Dirt is a restorative skin probiotics line that's grounded in science and radically transforms the way you care for your skin. They launched a new Active Probiotic System, and their new starter kit is the perfect introduction to probiotic skincare.
Discover the transformative power of probiotics with The PeaceKeeper. Featuring the foundations of their Active Probiotic System, it biologically repairs the damage caused by harsh chemicals used in traditional skincare and restores your skin microbiome.
Formulated with a powerful blend of probiotics, the supporting products in The PeaceKeeper act as a primer to activate the patented live and active AO+ Restorative Mist, delivering maximum results and total skin wellness.
Dig in for $20 off The PeaceKeeper with code PEACEKEEPER.

Is That Hope I Feel?

A federal judge has blocked the Trump administration’s policy of using the pandemic as an excuse to turn away migrant children seeking asylum at the border.
Pfizer now says that its vaccine actually seems to be 95 percent effective, and, implicitly, that Moderna can eat its shorts. Pfizer plans to apply for emergency use authorization from the FDA within days.
The FDA has issued emergency use authorization for the first at-home rapid coronavirus test.
Tiara Mack has become the first openly LGBTQ Black person elected to the Rhode Island state Senate, at age 26: “I'm going to be unapologetically Black, I'm going to be unapologetically queer, and I'm going to be unapologetically young, and I'm going to push back against the system that tells us we don't deserve justice now.”


Philip Michaels on Twitter: "This Senate hearing looks like the tale of a marooned lighthouse keeper and the robot butler he built to stave off loneliness."
submitted by kittehgoesmeow to FriendsofthePod [link] [comments]

Summary of the Governor's 5/14 Coronavirus Briefing

Previous streams can be found here:
Thank you for all the awards and other offers but please save your money for the future economic uncertainty which is likely going to occur.
Ohio: 24,800 confirmed cases (with 1,557 extra probable cases), 1,388/24,800 confirmed deaths (with 146 extra probable deaths), 4,718 hospitalizations, 1,268/4,718 in the ICU
United States: 1,397,700 confirmed cases and 84,109 deaths.
Here is a link to a google drive that shows the history of cases and deaths created by kcmasterpiece347:
0110010001100010 has put together information on the latest and most accurate numbers here:
Here are some graphs showing the latest information created by st1tchy:
2:03 PM: The Governor begins speaking
Today I'm wearing a tie from Case Western Reserve University
This week is Police Week. I want to thank everyone in law enforcement. Unfortunately, many events honoring our fallen police officers have had to be canceled due to COVID-19. I would like to take a moment to mention those who have died serving Ohio in 2020. Let's have a moment of silence in remembrance of their sacrifice and the sacrifices of those currently serving Ohio.
A close friend of mine, Dwight Radcliff died on May 6th. Fran and I attended his funeral. He was the longest serving sheriff at the time of his retirement in 2013.
Former state representative Andy Thompson also unexpectedly yesterday. He served the state well.
On Tuesday, I talked about childcare and explained the concerns we had. We've been discussing this for weeks, trying to figure out what the best practices for reopening would be. There really is not enough data about children and COVID-19. We want to get more data and find a way to reopen safely, in a way that protects children and childcare employees. if we do this wrong we will run the risk of exposing more Ohioans to COVID-19. Childcare providers will be allowed to reopen on May 31st. This will look different from before and I am going to have Joni Close, President of the Sisters of Charity Foundation speak about the changes we plan to make.
2:12 PM: The Governor stops speaking
2:12 PM: Joni Close begins speaking
Maximum of 9 per classroom for most children, with toddlers having a maximum of 6 per classroom. Hygienic standards will be increased dramatically. These will be only some of the changes and there will be more. Some of these might make you somewhat uncomfortable due to it being different but we believe it will be the best for you and your children.
2:16 PM: Joni Close stops speaking
2:16 PM: The Governor begins speaking
There's really no playbook out there for doing this. We need to be cautious to keep everyone safe during this pandemic. We will be constantly monitoring the current situation and we may make changes as necessary based on what we see.
We're going to perform a study into the childcare situation as it reopens. This will make Ohio a leader in the country, as we will be capable of learning more about how the virus spreads. Unfortunately, there is a lot of what we don't know and that will affect how we proceed. Childcare providers will need help due to our changes. We are going to give 60 million dollars to Ohio childcare providers, both public and private, in order to ensure they are properly funded. We will have additional information available online shortly.
2:19 PM: The Governor stops speaking
2:19 PM: The Lieutenant Governor starts speaking
May is a new chapter in our response to COVID-19. We're trying to keep a balance between health of Ohioans and the health of our economy. Some more businesses may be reopening but keep in mind that it will be up to the local health departments to control what reopens and what does not.
Day Camps will reopen on May 31st. The protocols governing day camps will be released tomorrow online.
BMVs will reopen on May 26th. We want you to use the online services, as we've put a lot of effort into moving many services there. There will be some cases where you have to go into the BMV but only go as absolutely necessary. There is still an extension on renewals, so you do not have to do this immediately.
Campgrounds will also open completely, on May 21st. They will have to meet certain requirements that are currently available online.
Gyms and fitness center may reopen on May 26th. The new protocols for them will be available later today. Non contact and limited sports will also reopen on May 26th. Other, more contact-oriented sports will be investigated for reopening as well.
Pools will also be able reopen on May 26th. The CDC has found no evidence of the spread of COVID-19 in water. Water parks and amusement parks will not be reopening based on our guidance.
Horse racing can reopen on May 22nd but spectators will be prohibited. This does not mean that Casinos or Racinos can reopen.
2:30 PM: The Lieutenant Governor stops speaking
2:30 PM: Amy Acton starts speaking
231,795 tested in total. Of those infected, 4,121 were health care workers.
We're digging deep into the policies related to childcare and how it will affect the spread of COVID-19. I want to thank our entire childcare team. We're going to be working with a national study, that will have a large focus on Ohio, in order to find out the best practices for reopening childcare. We're working to become a nationwide leader in the study of childcare during this pandemic.
2:36 PM: Amy Acton stops speaking
2:36 PM: Question Period Begins
Regarding childcare and with the possibility of further illness and death in children with COVID-19, is it possible we are gambling the lives of our children by reopening and doing this study?
Amy Acton: I don't think we're gambling by doing this. Everyone is important and deserves protection. We are going to do this based on expert advice on best practices. We need to give parents a chance to go back to work and prosper. We know of the cases of children getting far sicker and we're paying close attention to this. COVID-19 has an exaggerated response on our immune system no matter the age, but we want to make sure to learn and understand how it affects children, as well, as time goes on.
2:39 PM: There are concerns that children are not receiving the education they would have otherwise. Will schools be capable of reopening in the fall and what can you do to ensure they are receiving the education they need if they do not?
Governor: I think this is a major concern. Many teachers are making strides in distance learning but some kids don't have internet or have other issues. The fact that we know so little about COVID-19 makes us feel that schools cannot reopen any time soon but every school is currently looking into ways they can reopen. We still don't know how things will be by the fall but we will do everything we can.
2:42 PM: It sounds like many childcare centers will have to turn families away. How do you plan on advising them on that subject?
Governor: I think it's going to be difficult for any of us to predict how the market will change with these new rules. We are giving money to childcare providers in order to ensure they are capable of reopening. This is a work in progress, which means that we're still learning and finding out new ways to lessen the spread of COVID-19, while reopening childcare.
Childcare providers may have to hire more employees in order to serve the families they had in the past. Unfortunately, some may not be capable of reopening due to financial troubles. We did all of these things in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and we will keep making these decisions with that in mind.
2:46 PM: It seems that cases, deaths, and other metrics have plateaued rather than gone down. What has changed in how you perceive success as time has gone on?
Governor: We've seen a plateau over three weeks in terms of all of our metrics. We were most worried about a large surge. We're still ramping up our testing. We're doing 8,000 tests every day sat this point. We need to keep our testing capacity increasing while also ensuring our supply chain can keep getting those tests out to those who need them. Testing and contact tracing is how we're going to keep this virus from spreading. There are many other indicators, such as traffic rates throughout the state, that we are looking at in order to make future decisions regarding mitigations.
2:48 PM: Reddit is freaking out and it’s causing some problems with my updates. Fixed as of 2:50 PM.
Amy Acton: No one on our team is ignoring the concern and worry that Ohioans are feeling right now. As we go on, you need to keep in mind how at risk you are and use that knowledge to make your decisions and keep yourself safe.
2:51 PM: Using what we've learned about antibody testing, how do we know that we didn't have a surge earlier?
Amy Acton: This is a process that will take years. We won't understand COVID-19 for quite some time. Many have been claiming that they had many symptoms of COVID-19 early on in the knowledge of the disease. Obviously, as time goes on, hindsight will be 20-20. We'll keep looking into new information as it comes out.
2:54 PM: The most prevalent question I've received is regarding the unemployment system not serving Ohioans properly. I know you've made improvements but many feel it is not enough. What more can you do for them?
Lieutenant Governor: This is the thing I've been most frustrated for Ohioans about personally. Director Kim Hall has been working to do everything her team can do to improve the system and has already created the new system for 1099 employees. I know that around 100,000 people have not been served yet and many others have not been able to get through to receive more information on their claims. We're all doing everything we can to expand the system as possible. Our system is very old and difficult to update but many other states are facing these same issues. Unfortunately, we have received many fraudulent claims and those need to be policed and denied. This is part of what leads to such delays.
2:59 PM: What targets will state agencies be hitting in terms of reductions in the coming fiscal year?
Governor: We'll be discussing that with the legislature. We've already made very tough cuts but we don't have any new information available at this time. One thing I can say is that this is a very difficult time. Costs are going up and our revenues are decreasing dramatically.
3:01 PM: Do you have an idea of how many families might be left out of day cares? Will licensing become more flexible? What about using school facilities?
Governor: It's not our goal to have any families left out of the system. We're doing surveys on how many providers will be coming back. We'll adjust as necessary. We can't make any definitive statements at this time.
Lieutenant Governor: Please remember that we're working on supporting the childcare industry to ensure that all of this can work.
3:03 PM: Are you going to remove Dr. Acton's order that closed school facilities until June in order to allow youth sports to reopen?
Governor: We were actually just discussing that earlier. It's a very good point. We're still looking into that.
Lieutenant Governor: Grounds are not technically closed by the order, only buildings. We will not be forcing any local community to reopen. I am sure that as we go on, there will be things that slipped through the cracks and we want to ensure that the lines of communication are open as much as possible.
3:06 PM: Are you concerned about a pending legal battle over your orders? As you know, Wisconsin's stay at home order was struck down by their Supreme court.
Governor: I have already been sued a lot. We want to ensure that our orders conform more to what we are seeing day to day. We are seeing stories from Europe about second waves and we really don't want to have to see that in Ohio. We need to be very careful as everything opens up. Staying safe in this crucial time will decide our future numbers and whether we have to close again.
3:08 PM: There is a feeling that your Minority Health Task Force hasn't made any new statements or released more information. What is going on with this?
Governor: I will be talking about that either Monday or Tuesday. This virus has pulled back the curtain on poverty and racial issues, especially in regards to health care access. We've worked with the legislature to look into issues of infant and maternal mortality and we saw these issues already. We're now going to have to figure out new ways to help African American communities in Ohio. That will come next week.
3:11 PM: Why are we not hearing more about treatment? Also will we not be returning to normal life until a vaccine comes out? Is Hydroxychloroquine being given out to patients?
Amy Acton: I talked a lot about treatment early on but I can talk about it more in the future. We've received shipments of new drugs for use against COVID-19. There is still developing information on drugs like Hydroxychloroquine, in terms of its affect on COVID-19. For now we'll have to treat the symptoms up until we can find a cure, if we can find a cure. The thing that worries me the most is the low oxygen levels found in those with COVID-19, who are walking around, not even realizing it.
3:16 PM: How can you prove to those who are trusting in your orders that reopening as we are is safe?
Amy Acton: When we first made our orders, we were using information from George Bush's administration, that we believed would best protect Ohioans. We do know that this has had effects on the economy and even people's mental and physical health. This is going to be a collaborative process but it needs to go on with caution. The biggest thing that will slow and stop the spread of disease will be how everyone lives. Be judicious with your choices and decisions as time goes on.
3:19 PM: How do you plan on bringing forward gun reforms in Ohio that you promised, despite the pandemic?
Governor: That's a continuing discussion with the legislature.
3:21 PM: There's been information in certain nursing home facilities regarding the zone and region system you've mentioned that showed that some of them have no information regarding that system. What do you think about that?
Governor: This is not something that should be happening. I believe you that this is happening but it's something that I do not want to have happening. I don't know what facility you're talking about but I think we're going to keep moving forward on that.
Amy Acton: I'll look into this and speak to our leaders in that area regarding improving this.
3:24 PM: Are we getting close to returning to normal regarding surgeries?
Governor: It's been in the past week or so that we've released new orders regarding that. We need to keep monitoring our hospital capacity as time goes on in order to decide if we can return to normal
3:25 PM: Question Period Ends
3:25 PM: The Governor begins speaking
Thank you to all of our childcare workers and everyone else returning to work.
We'll be playing a rendition of Amazing Grace by the Combined Pinkerton North and Pinkerton Central Marching Bands.
No more updates until Monday unless it's absolutely necessary.
3:27 PM: The Stream Ended.
submitted by PeaceIsSoftcoreWar to Columbus [link] [comments]

[S] Marooned: Marquesas (Complete)

Down below a fishing boat are 16 Americans who are about to be marooned in the middle of the Marquesas, part of Tahiti’s mystical islands. Thousands of miles from the nearest continent this will be their home for the next 39 days. But this time the game is different, these survivors will be given no food, absolutely no rations. Each tribe will leave this ship with only the barest of essentials, two machetes, two cooking pots, two empty water containers, one frying pan, one filet knife, and one magnifying glass. They’ll be left to fend for themselves using the resources of the land and their own survival skills. It is the ultimate challenge! 16 strangers forced to work together to create a new society while battling the elements and each other. They must learn to adapt of they’ll be voted out of the tribe. In the end only one will remain to claim the million dollar prize. 39 days, 16 people, one survivor! This is Marooned: Marquesas.
The Cast
Maraamu Tribe:
Rotu Tribe:
Episode 1: After the marooning the two tribes arrive at their beaches and instantly the game starts being played. At the Maraamu tribe Savvy wants nothing more than for there to be an all girls alliance that dominates the game so she approaches Jay, Kelsey, and Lela and asks them if they would like to form an all girls alliance. Every single one of them is fully on board with an all girls alliance and so it is officially formed. Meanwhile on the Rotu tribe Juliette wants to make an alliance. She is a therapist and knows how to get along with all different types of people so she decides to make an alliance with a group very different people. This alliance ends up being made up of her, Don, Ida, James, and Moz. They all agree to stick together until the end. At the immunity challenge Maraamu blows Rotu out of the water and wins immunity sending Rotu to the first tribal council of the season. Back at camp a majority of the people in Juliette’s alliance want to vote out Zina because they don’t think that she’s a particularly valuable member of the tribe but Juliette has formed a bond with Zina and doesn’t want her to go so she convinces her alliance to vote for Gregory instead and at tribal council in a 5-3 vote Gregory becomes the first person voted out of Marooned: Marquesas.
Episode 2: After the last tribal council Rotu starts becoming a bit concerned about how much control Juliette has over the tribe. At the immunity challenge Maraamu once again wins, sending Rotu back to tribal council. After the challenge Don is hungry and so he decides to climb up a coconut tree to get some coconuts. Right when he’s about to reach the top of the tree he slips and falls all the way down. He lands in a terrible position breaking both of his legs. The instant that the medics get there they know that there’s no way Don is going to be able to continue in the game so they put him in a stretcher and put that on a boat and take him away. Don has officially been medically evacuated.
Episode 3:>! After the medical evacuation everyone on the Rotu tribe is sad. Don was a great presence around camp and was always willing to put in work. Everyone is devastated to see him leave the game the way he did. At the immunity challenge Rotu is finally able to claim victory, sending Maraamu to their first tribal council. Back at camp everyone is annoyed by Savvy. She spends most of the day laying in the shelter and complaining about the elements and has hardly lifted a finger the entire time that she’s been here. For the guys on the Maraamu tribe the decision is easy, Savvy needs to go but for the girls on the Maraamu tribe the decision isn’t nearly that simple. They all want to vote out Savvy but if they vote out Savvy the girls on the tribe will be down in numbers ruining their shot at having an all girls alliance run the game. In the end the girls decide to go with the guys and vote out Savvy so at tribal council Savvy is blindsided in a 7-1 vote.!<
Episode 4: On day 10 everyone is shocked when they are told to drop their buffs because there’s a tribe swap. At the first immunity challenge as new tribes the new Maraamu tribe manages to win immunity. Back at the Rotu tribe there is an equal number of both original Rotu people and original Maraamu people but Imaan does not like Juliette at all and after having to take orders from her for the first 9 days on the original Rotu tribe where Juliette was in power Imaan is fed up with her so she decides to flip and work with the original Maraamu people to blindside Juliette but Lela is still wanting there to be an all girls alliance and knows that if Juliette gets voted out then there will be an equal number of guys and girls in the game and the guys will most likely be able to take control. In order to avoid that happening she decides to flip and just minutes before tribal council she whispers in Juliette and James’s ears telling them to vote for Shawn. At tribal council this causes a 3-3 tie between Juliette and Shawn. On the revote nobody changes their vote causing a rock draw. Luk ends up drawing the purple rock and is out of the game.
Episode 5: At the start of episode 5 we get a confessional from Juliette where she talks about how she doesn’t like the fact that she had to be saved by Lela in the last episode. She is worried that Lela is going to start telling people that Juliette is only in the game because of her and if that happens then it could hurt Juliette’s odds of getting jury votes. Because of this Juliette wants to take out Lela as soon as possible. At the immunity challenge Maraamu wins immunity. Back at camp Julliette decides to attempt to reunite the 3 original Rotu people on the tribe by pulling Imaan back into the alliance. Imaan ends up agreeing to stick with original Rotu giving Juliette the numbers once again. Lela realizes that Juliette no longer has any interest in working with her so she goes back to Shawn and the two of them decide to vote for James. Meanwhile the original Rotu people struggle to decide who to vote out. Juliette wants to vote out Lela for reasons mentioned at the start of the episode but Imann wants to vote out Shawn because she knows that they are about to merge and thinks that he will be more threatening after the merge. They are never able to reach an agreement and at tribal council this causes a 2-2-1 vote with Shawn getting one vote and James and Lela both getting 2. On the revote Imaan gives in and votes for Lela causing Lela to be voted out in a 2-1 vote.
Episode 6: At the immunity challenge Maraamu wins for the third time in a row. Back at camp it seems clear that the 3 original Rotu people are going to stick together and vote out Shawn but Shawn doesn’t give up and works to form a bond with Imaan. This causes Imaan to consider voting with Shawn and forcing a tie but at the end of the day Imaan is too scared of drawing rocks again to force a tie and at tribal council Shawn is voted out in a 3-1 vote.
Episode 7: After 19 days of competing against each other the two tribes come together and merge. After the merge all 6 of the original Rotu tribe members decide to stick together and pick off the original Maraamu tribe members. At the very first individual immunity challenge Imaan wins individual immunity. After the challenge the 6 original Rotu tribe members decide to vote out Vito because they think that he is sneaky and could be very difficult to vote out down the road if he manages to get a grip on the tribe. Kelsey and Jay see the writing on the wall and in an attempt to get in with the Rotu people they too write down VIto’s name at tribal council causing Vito to be voted out in a 8-2 vote.
Episode 8: After the last tribal council Kelsey knows that she will most likely be one of the next 3 to be voted out and starts brainstorming ideas for how she can stay in the game. At the immunity challenge Jay wins immunity. Back at camp Kelsey decides that her best shot at staying in the game is starting a rumor so she begins telling people that Imaan has been talking about flipping on the Rotu people. This causes Ida to get angry so she confronts Imaan. This confrontation quickly escalates into a fight and soon the two have decided to target each other. Ida is quickly able to get all the Rotu people (Aside from Imaan) on her side and they all agree to vote for Imaan. Imaan on the other hand knows that she won’t be able to convince anyone to vote for Ida because Ida has strong relationships with everyone on the tribe so she instead decides to target James at this pivotal tribal council and hopefully take out Ida at the next tribal council. She is easily able to convince all of the original Maraamu people to vote for James but needs to convince at least one more person to vote for James in order to stay in the game. She views Zina as the person most likely to flip on the Rotu people and tries to convince her to vote for James but at tribal council Zina decides to stick with Ida and the Rotu people causing Imaan to be voted out in a 5-4 vote.
Episode 9: After the last tribal council people once again start viewing Juliette as a big threat. R2 realizes that this is something he might be able to use to his advantage in order to save himself and the other Maraamu people. At the immunity challenge Kelsey wins immunity. After the immunity challenge the 6 people from the new Maraamu tribe (Ida, Jay, Kelsey, Moz, R2, and Zina) come together and decide to form a new alliance and take out Juliette and James but the plan is very messy and most people aren’t sure whether they are voting for Juliette or James which allows Juliette to step in and save herself by telling Kelsey, James, Jay, and Ida to vote for Moz about 20 minutes before tribal council. Because Kelsey, Jay, and Ida are still not sure if the new Maraamu people are voting for Juliette or James they decide that this is the safer plan to go with and at tribal council Moz is blindsided in a 5-2-1 vote.
Episode 10: After the last tribal council R2 realizes that if he really wants the new Maraamu people to work together he’s going to have to step into more of a leadership role and reveal more of his cards otherwise they will never be able to put together a coherent plan and work together. At the immunity challenge Ida wins immunity. Back at camp R2 meets will all of the new Maraamu people and tells them to vote for James at tonight’s tribal council. Every single one of the new Maraamu people are fully on board with this plan and at tribal council James is voted out.
Episode 11: After the last tribal council Juliette is clearly on the outs and her only shot at staying in the game seems to be winning immunity but at the immunity challenge Ida wins immunity again. The odds seem completely stacked against Juliette but she doesn’t want to give up so she has a talk with Kelsey during which she explains how she feels like R2 is running the game and will probably get to the end and win. The fact that people think that R2 is running the game doesn’t sit right with Kelsey because she thinks that she is running the game so she decides she wants to blindside R2. About half an hour before tribal council she goes to Ida and Jay and tells them to vote for R2 but neither Ida or Jay want to vote out R2 so they warn him. When R2 hears that he’s being targeted by Kelsey he decides that the best option for him is to blindside her so he gets Jay, Ida, and Zina on board with this plan and at tribal council Kelsey is blindsided in a 4-2 vote.
Episode 12: Another tribal council comes and goes and Juliette is still on the bottom but now she knows that there are ways for her to break the alliance so she is more confident that she will be able to survive than she was in the last episode. At the immunity challenge Zina wins immunity. Back at camp the clear target is Juliette. Juliette tries to warn the girls that R2 is a big threat to win the game but this time the girls don’t fall for it and at tribal council Juliette is unanimously voted out.
Finale Part 1: After listening to Juliette talk about what a big threat R2 is, the girls realize that he really is the biggest threat in the game and they all decide to work together to vote him out next. At the immunity challenge Ida wins her third individual immunity sealing R2’s fate and at tribal council R2 is voted out in a 3-1 vote.
Final Part 2: At the final immunity challenge Jay wins immunity securing herself a spot in the final 2. At tribal council Jay votes out Ida because Ida is a major threat to win the game.
Final Tribal council:>! At the final tribal council Jay reveals that her strategy the entire game was to fly under the radar so that she wasn’t a target. This strategy worked flawlessly and is the reason that she received 0 votes against her the entire game. The jury really respects this so in a 6-1 vote Jay becomes the winner of Marooned: Marquesas.!<
My Thoughts: I thought this was a good season. The cast was mostly good with the female side of the cast being especially fun to watch. There were a few good blindsides with the best one probably being the Kelsey blindside at the final 6. My favorite part of the season was when Lela risked her life in the game to save Juliette and Juliette turned right around and voted Lela out on the very next episode. Juliette is truly the ice queen of Marooned. Jay was not the most exciting winner of all time but she played a good game and came just one jury vote short of playing a perfect game. Ultimately I don’t think that this was the best season of Marooned so far but it was still a lot of fun to watch.
Potential All Stars:>! Juliette, R2, Kelsey, Jay, Moz, Vito!<
Potential Second Chancers: Savvy, Lela, Don, Ida, Imaan, Luk
Previous Seasons:
The Australian Outback
Stay tuned for our next season Marooned: Thailand
I’d love to hear what you guys thought about the season in the comments
submitted by Survivor31fan to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

[SETLIST THREAD] 07/09/19 Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, CT

Ticket time: 7:30 EST

Set One (8:10 - 9:32ish): ENERGY (11 min) -> WOOOOOAAAAAH WEEKAPAUG (9 min), The Moma Dance (9 min) > Lengthwise (1 min) -> Maze (10 min), Petrichor (18 min), Things People Do (3 min) > Sample in a Jar (6 min) > Bathtub Gin (17 min)

Set Two (10:21-11:45): Soul Panet (12 min) -> Wider (5 min) -> UNDERMIND (7 MIN), The Final Hurrah (9 min) > Beneath a Sea of Stars Pt. 1 (17 min), Ghost (11 min) -> WEEKAPAUG GROOVE (1 min) -> Birds of a Feather (13 min), Waste (6 min) > Golgi Apparatus (7 min)

Encore (11:46 - 12:08): AAAAAAHAHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAFOOOOOOOOOOAM (8 min), Contact (7 min), More (7 min)

  1. Energy was last played 8/4/13, 226 shows ago
  2. I'm not nearly resourceful enough to find when the last standalone Weekapaug was so let's go with a while
  3. But u/poopfacejohnson has informed me the last standalone Weekapaug was 12/2/03...wooooow
  4. First Foam encore, last played 7/22/17, 79 shows ago

I'm baaaaack! Who's ready for some hot, piping, northeast, casino Phish?! It's a pleasure to be joining you all again as your guide through the first show of one of the most hyped runs of the summer! Fun fact: Tonight marks Phish's first performance at the Mohegan Sun Arena which also just squeaks past St. Louis' Chaifetz Arena as the smallest venue of the tour with a capacity of 10,000.

Let's hear some opener calls for tonight! I'm gonna be going with the ever elusive Colonel Forbin's Ascent GLIDE to get the show kicked off.

I'm currently studying for an exam that I have tomorrow so I am going to be in and out of the thread until show time but I'm posting early again to encourage some friendly chatting, discussion, banter, jokes etc etc etc. I really enjoyed hearing everyone's favorite jams of the tour so far in my last thread so this time...let's hear your favorite show you've attended and why. My personal favorite that I have seen would have to be 7/28/17 AKA Double Chocolate night of the Baker's Dozen. This show contained EVERYTHING that I want at a Phish and wacky covers, YUGE jams, surprise bustouts and bizarre song placements. Also, it doesn't hurt that I've never heard anything louder than the crowd reaction to that Chalkdust Torture peak. Here's an awesome recording for you to check out for yourselves if you so desire, (said peak is at 23:00).

Checkins: Elkridge, MD, Mohegan Sun, On the Way to Wisconsin, Tampa, FL, Winooski, VT, Birmingham, AL, Foxwoods Casino, Louisville, KY, Savannah, GA, Middletown, CT, New Hampshire, Palo Alto, CA, Eugene, OR, Syracuse, NY, Nashville, TN, Los Angeles, CA, New Haven, CT, East Lyme, CT, Frisco, TX, Littleton, CO, Ocean City, NJ, North Myrtle Beach, SC, Denver, CO, Guilford, CT, Portland, OR, Bronx, NY, Boston, MA, Gaithersburg, MD, The Woods of Maine, Tokyo, Japan (WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER), Pottstown, PA, Chicago, IL, Bend, OR, Nuevo Havo, CT, Seattle, WA, Franconia, NH, Boulder, CO, Canberra, Australia (WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER), Denver, CO, Frederick, MD, Johnson City, TN, Fort Wayne, IN, Granville, OH, Hartford, CT, Indianapolis, IN, Brooklyn, NY, Columbus, OH, Richmond, VA, Hampton, VA, Tulsa, OK, Olney, MD

Favorite Attended Shows:
u/scarletfire72 - 7/28/17
u/amazen55 - 8/5/17
u/jopnk - 6/30/19
u/sdcasurf01 - 8/7-8/09
u/ADriedUpGoliath - 8/1/17
u/mocksong - 12/30/17
u/spautrievas - 7/24/99
u/TuckHolladay - 10/30/10
u/pm_me_your_miletime - 3/6/09 or 7/22/17
u/TeaAndAche - 8/7/15 (today at least)
u/Flash_Gordon - 6/30/19
u/Gam1019 - 12/7/97
u/BrinxJob - 7/25/17
u/colonelphorbins - Big Cypress
u/Jammin_CO - 11/16/96
u/runawayBrian - 7/11/00
u/ButYourChainsOk - 10/31/10
u/wharf_rat88 - 6/21/19
u/gratefulbend - 8/14/15 and Magnaball
u/TheAnt06 - 8/14/09
u/Buehler-buehler - 12/30/97
u/voxangelikus - 12/29/18
u/runawayjim_617 - 12/30/18
u/massofparticles - 10/20/13
u/mrsEminomily - 7/6/19
u/binary_burn - 12/30/18
u/00000000000 - 8/4/17
u/Poster_Nutsack - Big Cypress
u/Bryanmahindrew - 6/14/19
u/elsneech - 8/14/09
u/Dierin - 7/11/00
u/bmault - 4/3/98
u/idsimon - 8/3/18
u/Your_Latex_Salesman - 7/18/99
u/REOpeenwagon - 9/6/15
u/Hukijiwa - 7/5/13, 8/22/15, 7/22/18
u/eleventhjam1969 - 12/29/18
u/headyhwak - 8/31/18
u/vguy72 - 12/6/96
u/JazzOdyssey - 12/5/09
u/bill-ward-rose - 12/31/93
u/kemnitz - 10/26/18
u/lechatblanc233s - 10/29/13
u/uuuhhhh - 11/27/98
u/CaptainJackRyan (Clancy fan?) - 8/5/17
u/cmmn518redux - 9/14/00
u/howluckyarewe - 8/12/10
u/fuckoka_gumbo - 7/30/17
u/sshore61 - 8/7/15 or 6/30/19
u/gsurberRVA - 3/1/03
u/elliescomet - 6/9/94
u/DarwinFox - 6/26/19
u/winnsanity - 9/6/15
u/87ofHarts - 7/30/17
u/Cletus_Van_Dam - 12/30/16
u/diginfinity - 11/17/97 or 12/6/96
u/carinisnutbag - 12/31/92
u/Tabooter024 - 12/16/99
u/unclejohnssocks - 8/31/12
u/Space-Antelope - 12/31/17

Commentary from the Couch:


[ ] Standing
[ ] Raging
[ ] Perspiring
[ ] Crushing a sandwich
[ ] Porno-clav action
[ ] Glasses off
[ ] Faceplanting into rokk
[ ] Still Waiting
[ ] All alone
[ ] Melting
[ ] Summoning demons
[ ] Scanning pinterest *barf*
[ ] Sexy Fender Rhodes action
[X] Sobbing

Official Stream on Phish Radio:
Mixlrs won't be posted on here because, all together now, FUCK NUGS!!!
Be discrete when sharing mixlrs amongst yourselves

Let's have a great night folks!!!
submitted by scarletfire72 to phish [link] [comments]

Summary of the Governor's 5/14 Coronavirus Briefing

Previous streams can be found here:
Thank you for all the awards and other offers but please save your money for the future economic uncertainty which is likely going to occur.
Ohio: 24,800 confirmed cases (with 1,557 extra probable cases), 1,388/24,800 confirmed deaths (with 146 extra probable deaths), 4,718 hospitalizations, 1,268/4,718 in the ICU
United States: 1,397,700 confirmed cases and 84,109 deaths.
Here is a link to a google drive that shows the history of cases and deaths created by kcmasterpiece347:
0110010001100010 has put together information on the latest and most accurate numbers here:
Here are some graphs showing the latest information created by st1tchy:
2:03 PM: The Governor begins speaking
Today I'm wearing a tie from Case Western Reserve University
This week is Police Week. I want to thank everyone in law enforcement. Unfortunately, many events honoring our fallen police officers have had to be canceled due to COVID-19. I would like to take a moment to mention those who have died serving Ohio in 2020. Let's have a moment of silence in remembrance of their sacrifice and the sacrifices of those currently serving Ohio.
A close friend of mine, Dwight Radcliff died on May 6th. Fran and I attended his funeral. He was the longest serving sheriff at the time of his retirement in 2013.
Former state representative Andy Thompson also unexpectedly yesterday. He served the state well.
On Tuesday, I talked about childcare and explained the concerns we had. We've been discussing this for weeks, trying to figure out what the best practices for reopening would be. There really is not enough data about children and COVID-19. We want to get more data and find a way to reopen safely, in a way that protects children and childcare employees. if we do this wrong we will run the risk of exposing more Ohioans to COVID-19. Childcare providers will be allowed to reopen on May 31st. This will look different from before and I am going to have Joni Close, President of the Sisters of Charity Foundation speak about the changes we plan to make.
2:12 PM: The Governor stops speaking
2:12 PM: Joni Close begins speaking
Maximum of 9 per classroom for most children, with toddlers having a maximum of 6 per classroom. Hygienic standards will be increased dramatically. These will be only some of the changes and there will be more. Some of these might make you somewhat uncomfortable due to it being different but we believe it will be the best for you and your children.
2:16 PM: Joni Close stops speaking
2:16 PM: The Governor begins speaking
There's really no playbook out there for doing this. We need to be cautious to keep everyone safe during this pandemic. We will be constantly monitoring the current situation and we may make changes as necessary based on what we see.
We're going to perform a study into the childcare situation as it reopens. This will make Ohio a leader in the country, as we will be capable of learning more about how the virus spreads. Unfortunately, there is a lot of what we don't know and that will affect how we proceed. Childcare providers will need help due to our changes. We are going to give 60 million dollars to Ohio childcare providers, both public and private, in order to ensure they are properly funded. We will have additional information available online shortly.
2:19 PM: The Governor stops speaking
2:19 PM: The Lieutenant Governor starts speaking
May is a new chapter in our response to COVID-19. We're trying to keep a balance between health of Ohioans and the health of our economy. Some more businesses may be reopening but keep in mind that it will be up to the local health departments to control what reopens and what does not.
Day Camps will reopen on May 31st. The protocols governing day camps will be released tomorrow online.
BMVs will reopen on May 26th. We want you to use the online services, as we've put a lot of effort into moving many services there. There will be some cases where you have to go into the BMV but only go as absolutely necessary. There is still an extension on renewals, so you do not have to do this immediately.
Campgrounds will also open completely, on May 21st. They will have to meet certain requirements that are currently available online.
Gyms and fitness center may reopen on May 26th. The new protocols for them will be available later today. Non contact and limited sports will also reopen on May 26th. Other, more contact-oriented sports will be investigated for reopening as well.
Pools will also be able reopen on May 26th. The CDC has found no evidence of the spread of COVID-19 in water. Water parks and amusement parks will not be reopening based on our guidance.
Horse racing can reopen on May 22nd but spectators will be prohibited. This does not mean that Casinos or Racinos can reopen.
2:30 PM: The Lieutenant Governor stops speaking
2:30 PM: Amy Acton starts speaking
231,795 tested in total. Of those infected, 4,121 were health care workers.
We're digging deep into the policies related to childcare and how it will affect the spread of COVID-19. I want to thank our entire childcare team. We're going to be working with a national study, that will have a large focus on Ohio, in order to find out the best practices for reopening childcare. We're working to become a nationwide leader in the study of childcare during this pandemic.
2:36 PM: Amy Acton stops speaking
2:36 PM: Question Period Begins
Regarding childcare and with the possibility of further illness and death in children with COVID-19, is it possible we are gambling the lives of our children by reopening and doing this study?
Amy Acton: I don't think we're gambling by doing this. Everyone is important and deserves protection. We are going to do this based on expert advice on best practices. We need to give parents a chance to go back to work and prosper. We know of the cases of children getting far sicker and we're paying close attention to this. COVID-19 has an exaggerated response on our immune system no matter the age, but we want to make sure to learn and understand how it affects children, as well, as time goes on.
2:39 PM: There are concerns that children are not receiving the education they would have otherwise. Will schools be capable of reopening in the fall and what can you do to ensure they are receiving the education they need if they do not?
Governor: I think this is a major concern. Many teachers are making strides in distance learning but some kids don't have internet or have other issues. The fact that we know so little about COVID-19 makes us feel that schools cannot reopen any time soon but every school is currently looking into ways they can reopen. We still don't know how things will be by the fall but we will do everything we can.
2:42 PM: It sounds like many childcare centers will have to turn families away. How do you plan on advising them on that subject?
Governor: I think it's going to be difficult for any of us to predict how the market will change with these new rules. We are giving money to childcare providers in order to ensure they are capable of reopening. This is a work in progress, which means that we're still learning and finding out new ways to lessen the spread of COVID-19, while reopening childcare.
Childcare providers may have to hire more employees in order to serve the families they had in the past. Unfortunately, some may not be capable of reopening due to financial troubles. We did all of these things in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and we will keep making these decisions with that in mind.
2:46 PM: It seems that cases, deaths, and other metrics have plateaued rather than gone down. What has changed in how you perceive success as time has gone on?
Governor: We've seen a plateau over three weeks in terms of all of our metrics. We were most worried about a large surge. We're still ramping up our testing. We're doing 8,000 tests every day sat this point. We need to keep our testing capacity increasing while also ensuring our supply chain can keep getting those tests out to those who need them. Testing and contact tracing is how we're going to keep this virus from spreading. There are many other indicators, such as traffic rates throughout the state, that we are looking at in order to make future decisions regarding mitigations.
2:48 PM: Reddit is freaking out and it’s causing some problems with my updates. Fixed as of 2:50 PM.
Amy Acton: No one on our team is ignoring the concern and worry that Ohioans are feeling right now. As we go on, you need to keep in mind how at risk you are and use that knowledge to make your decisions and keep yourself safe.
2:51 PM: Using what we've learned about antibody testing, how do we know that we didn't have a surge earlier?
Amy Acton: This is a process that will take years. We won't understand COVID-19 for quite some time. Many have been claiming that they had many symptoms of COVID-19 early on in the knowledge of the disease. Obviously, as time goes on, hindsight will be 20-20. We'll keep looking into new information as it comes out.
2:54 PM: The most prevalent question I've received is regarding the unemployment system not serving Ohioans properly. I know you've made improvements but many feel it is not enough. What more can you do for them?
Lieutenant Governor: This is the thing I've been most frustrated for Ohioans about personally. Director Kim Hall has been working to do everything her team can do to improve the system and has already created the new system for 1099 employees. I know that around 100,000 people have not been served yet and many others have not been able to get through to receive more information on their claims. We're all doing everything we can to expand the system as possible. Our system is very old and difficult to update but many other states are facing these same issues. Unfortunately, we have received many fraudulent claims and those need to be policed and denied. This is part of what leads to such delays.
2:59 PM: What targets will state agencies be hitting in terms of reductions in the coming fiscal year?
Governor: We'll be discussing that with the legislature. We've already made very tough cuts but we don't have any new information available at this time. One thing I can say is that this is a very difficult time. Costs are going up and our revenues are decreasing dramatically.
3:01 PM: Do you have an idea of how many families might be left out of day cares? Will licensing become more flexible? What about using school facilities?
Governor: It's not our goal to have any families left out of the system. We're doing surveys on how many providers will be coming back. We'll adjust as necessary. We can't make any definitive statements at this time.
Lieutenant Governor: Please remember that we're working on supporting the childcare industry to ensure that all of this can work.
3:03 PM: Are you going to remove Dr. Acton's order that closed school facilities until June in order to allow youth sports to reopen?
Governor: We were actually just discussing that earlier. It's a very good point. We're still looking into that.
Lieutenant Governor: Grounds are not technically closed by the order, only buildings. We will not be forcing any local community to reopen. I am sure that as we go on, there will be things that slipped through the cracks and we want to ensure that the lines of communication are open as much as possible.
3:06 PM: Are you concerned about a pending legal battle over your orders? As you know, Wisconsin's stay at home order was struck down by their Supreme court.
Governor: I have already been sued a lot. We want to ensure that our orders conform more to what we are seeing day to day. We are seeing stories from Europe about second waves and we really don't want to have to see that in Ohio. We need to be very careful as everything opens up. Staying safe in this crucial time will decide our future numbers and whether we have to close again.
3:08 PM: There is a feeling that your Minority Health Task Force hasn't made any new statements or released more information. What is going on with this?
Governor: I will be talking about that either Monday or Tuesday. This virus has pulled back the curtain on poverty and racial issues, especially in regards to health care access. We've worked with the legislature to look into issues of infant and maternal mortality and we saw these issues already. We're now going to have to figure out new ways to help African American communities in Ohio. That will come next week.
3:11 PM: Why are we not hearing more about treatment? Also will we not be returning to normal life until a vaccine comes out? Is Hydroxychloroquine being given out to patients?
Amy Acton: I talked a lot about treatment early on but I can talk about it more in the future. We've received shipments of new drugs for use against COVID-19. There is still developing information on drugs like Hydroxychloroquine, in terms of its affect on COVID-19. For now we'll have to treat the symptoms up until we can find a cure, if we can find a cure. The thing that worries me the most is the low oxygen levels found in those with COVID-19, who are walking around, not even realizing it.
3:16 PM: How can you prove to those who are trusting in your orders that reopening as we are is safe?
Amy Acton: When we first made our orders, we were using information from George Bush's administration, that we believed would best protect Ohioans. We do know that this has had effects on the economy and even people's mental and physical health. This is going to be a collaborative process but it needs to go on with caution. The biggest thing that will slow and stop the spread of disease will be how everyone lives. Be judicious with your choices and decisions as time goes on.
3:19 PM: How do you plan on bringing forward gun reforms in Ohio that you promised, despite the pandemic?
Governor: That's a continuing discussion with the legislature.
3:21 PM: There's been information in certain nursing home facilities regarding the zone and region system you've mentioned that showed that some of them have no information regarding that system. What do you think about that?
Governor: This is not something that should be happening. I believe you that this is happening but it's something that I do not want to have happening. I don't know what facility you're talking about but I think we're going to keep moving forward on that.
Amy Acton: I'll look into this and speak to our leaders in that area regarding improving this.
3:24 PM: Are we getting close to returning to normal regarding surgeries?
Governor: It's been in the past week or so that we've released new orders regarding that. We need to keep monitoring our hospital capacity as time goes on in order to decide if we can return to normal
3:25 PM: Question Period Ends
3:25 PM: The Governor begins speaking
Thank you to all of our childcare workers and everyone else returning to work.
We'll be playing a rendition of Amazing Grace by the Combined Pinkerton North and Pinkerton Central Marching Bands.
No more updates until Monday unless it's absolutely necessary.
3:27 PM: The Stream Ended.
submitted by PeaceIsSoftcoreWar to toledo [link] [comments]

Trump Covid Timeline (May 22 - July 22)

May 22: Trump orders governors to reopen churches immediately, something he is not empowered to do (legal experts and the courts agree). Those governors that acquiesce endanger their congregants, as we have seen again and again and again that these houses of worship are super-spreaders.
May 22: Researchers find that 100 million+ Twitter bot-accounts are being used to push to ‘reopen America’ (source).
May 22: Half of Fox News viewers think Bill Gates is using pandemic to microchip them
May 22: Carnegie Mellon researchers discover much of the discussion doubting the pandemic and anti-stay-at-home orders is being fueled by misinformation campaigns using convincing bots. Of the top 50 influential re-tweeters, 82% are bots; of the top 1,000 re-tweeters, 62% are bots.
May 23: Trump plays golf, and whines over twitter in response to media coverage.
May 23: Betsy DeVos openly admits she's using the pandemic to impose her private school choice agenda (audio). Her opportunism is nothing new (source).
May 23: Alabama has reopened its beaches, casinos, bingo halls, museums, zoos and amusement parks – as its hospitals are running out of ICU beds.
May 24: White House predicts that US unemployment to remain in double digits until November election.
May 24: Coronavirus outbreak at high school pool party fuels ‘second peak,’ Arkansas gov says. Missouri probably isn’t far behind. For multiple reasons.
May 25: Trump calls Marine Corps veteran (and sitting Congressman) ‘an American Fraud’ on Memorial Day, mis-spells his name, claims he voted for Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the house (he didn’t.)
May 25: Trump issues a call for schools forced to close amid the coronavirus pandemic to be "opened ASAP" (tweet) after watching segment on Fox News.
May 26: Trump shares a tweet mocking Biden for wearing a face mask in public — in line with the CDC advice that he routinely ignores, for fear of “looking weak”.
May 26: Trump leaves GOP "completely blindsided" with threat to pull RNC convention out of North Carolina.
May 26: Spiking pneumonia deaths suggest the virus is killing far more than we know
May 27: Two weeks after court scraps Safer at Home, Wisconsin sets record for new coronavirus cases and deaths
late May: As Memorial weekend ends, the US has lost 100,000 people to the virus… more than combined combat fatalities in the three-year Korean War (33,686, source) and the 11-year US war in Vietnam (58,220, source), with very little collective grief.
May 30: Trump terminates the US relationship with the World Health Organization (WHO).
May 30: Trump demands Republican convention ‘with no masks or social distancing’ despite coronavirus pandemic
June 1: Dr. Fauci told states that Trump is no longer frequently meeting with top public-health experts to discuss the fight against the coronavirus. Two weeks later, Fauci will state he hasn’t talked to Trump once in the last two weeks.
June 1: States that reported all-time highest single-day new case totals in the last week: North Carolina, South Carolina (twice), Texas (twice), Arizona (twice), Mississippi (twice), Utah (twice), Virginia (twice), Wisconsin (twice) and California (three times)
June 3: Millions Of Americans skip payments as tidal wave of defaults and evictions looms
June 10: Trump: “We’ve made every decision correctly” - White House goes quiet on coronavirus as outbreak spikes; no briefings in over a month
June 15: Trump dismisses uptick in US coronavirus cases and suggests a 'stop' to testing. "If we stop testing right now, we'd have very few cases, if any,"
June 15: US national pride falls to the lowest level in the two decades of Gallup measurement.
June 17: More Americans have died from the virus (116,963) than were killed in combat during World War One (116,708).
June 18: Trump says he thinks some Americans are wearing masks to show they disapprove of him and not as a preventive measure during the pandemic
June 18: Trump claims virus will ‘Fade Away’ – as U.S. Sees 20,000 New Cases a Day. Within a month this will increase to 70,000 new cases a day.
June 20: Trump holds rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma – his first large campaign event since the beginning of the coronavirus lockdowns
Planned future rallies are cancelled, due to fears of low attendance and the virus.
June 24: Fauci: White House ordered NIH to cancel coronavirus research funding, because it is in partnership with scientists in Wuhan and Trump has pushed a conspiracy theory that Wuhan purposely created the virus.
June 25: White House official: Americans will “Just Have to Live With” massive virus surge
June 25: The largest medical complex in the world, Texas Medical Center reaches 100 percent ICU occupancy, then they stopped reporting data.
June 30: The European Union bans travel from the U.S. due to coronavirus, and extends the ban two weeks later as the US situation continues to deteriorate.
June 30: The US has 4% of the world's population but 25% of its coronavirus cases. Over 2.5 million Americans have tested positive, and over 125,000 have died.
June 30: Dr. Fauci tells Congress new cases could reach 100,000 a day without changes, and that recent coronavirus surge caused by reopening too quickly, not following guidelines
Late June: Republican governors begin holding secret conference calls to complain about Trump's chaotic coronavirus response
July 2: Trump: “I think we’re gonna be very good with the coronavirus. I think that at some point that’s going to, sort of, just disappear – I hope,” as US sees record number of new cases
July 4: Arizona Department of Health Services reports that ICU's are at 91 percent capacity and nearly a quarter of coronavirus tests conducted returned positive.
July 4: U.S. breaks another daily coronavirus record with more than 57,000 new infections
July 6: White House defends Trump's claim that 99 percent of COVID-19 cases are 'harmless' with chart showing 5 percent are fatal. Unsurprisingly, the head of the FDA refuses to back up this claim.
July 7: The virus is killing more in Florida, Texas in one month than 20 years of hurricanes
July 7: Trump and the Secretary of Education demand that schools reopen with fully operational in-person classrooms in the Fall.
July 8: 56 Florida hospitals hit 100% ICU capacity (and new daily cases rise above 10,000, to rise to 15,000 per day within five more days) as Governor DeSantis defends refusal to release virus data.
July 9: Dr. Fauci says states with coronavirus resurgences should consider shutting down again
July 10: U.S. breaks another daily coronavirus record with more than 70,000 new infections.
July 11: Japan is 'shocked' and furious at the US after a major coronavirus outbreak at 2 Marine bases in Okinawa — and says the US is not taking the virus seriously. "We now have strong doubts that the US military has taken adequate disease prevention measures,"
July 12: Dr. Fauci says COVID-19 cases exploding because U.S. didn’t completely shut down
July 12: CDC holds first press briefing in over three months of being silenced by the White House.
July 13: Trump complains Biden and Obama stopped coronavirus testing even though it didn't exist during their administration
July 13: Arizona is currently registering as many new cases as the entire EU, which has a population 60 times greater.’
July 13: Trump retweets game show host saying CDC and doctors are lying; the coronavirus task force pushes back: ‘None of us lie'. The game show host’s son tests positive for the virus one day later, the host suddenly changes his position, and deletes his Twitter account.
July 14: Nearly one-third of children tested for COVID in Florida are positive; that is over 11,000 children.
July 15: Administration removes control of coronavirus data from CDC, instead funneling it through the White House. Experts and scientists highlight why this is dangerous, and states begin to lose access to data.
July 15: Trump greenlights an op-ed attacking Dr. Fauci by White House trade adviser Peter Navarro. Fauci responds that they should be ashamed. Trump then says Navarro never should have written it.
July 17: White House blocks CDC from testifying on reopening schools next week
July 18: Trump administration pushes to block new money for testing, tracing, and CDC in upcoming coronavirus relief bill
July 18: 85 infants under age 1 have tested positive for the virus in one Texas county since March
July 19: Trump claims, incorrectly, that the U.S. has "one of the lowest mortality rates" for the virus
July 20: Trump: "I will be right eventually. You know, I said, 'It's going to disappear.' I'll say it again. ... It's going to disappear, and I'll be right," – part of a larger interview citing false and nonexistent data on the virus.
July 20: Trump calls masks ‘Patriotic’ less than two months after ridiculing Biden for wearing one. Just hours later, he hosts a fundraiser without a mask (at his own hotel, where he raised $5 million).
July 21: Denied permission to work from home, Maryland public health worker dies after COVID hits office
July 22: White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway accuses the states of being too hasty with reopening their economies
submitted by _The_Hard_Truth_ to Trump_Covid_Timeline [link] [comments]

Summary of the Governor's 5/14 Coronavirus Briefing

Previous streams can be found here:
Thank you for all the awards and other offers but please save your money for the future economic uncertainty which is likely going to occur.
Ohio: 24,800 confirmed cases (with 1,557 extra probable cases), 1,388/24,800 confirmed deaths (with 146 extra probable deaths), 4,718 hospitalizations, 1,268/4,718 in the ICU
United States: 1,397,700 confirmed cases and 84,109 deaths.
Here is a link to a google drive that shows the history of cases and deaths created by kcmasterpiece347:
0110010001100010 has put together information on the latest and most accurate numbers here:
Here are some graphs showing the latest information created by st1tchy:
2:03 PM: The Governor begins speaking
Today I'm wearing a tie from Case Western Reserve University
This week is Police Week. I want to thank everyone in law enforcement. Unfortunately, many events honoring our fallen police officers have had to be canceled due to COVID-19. I would like to take a moment to mention those who have died serving Ohio in 2020. Let's have a moment of silence in remembrance of their sacrifice and the sacrifices of those currently serving Ohio.
A close friend of mine, Dwight Radcliff died on May 6th. Fran and I attended his funeral. He was the longest serving sheriff at the time of his retirement in 2013.
Former state representative Andy Thompson also unexpectedly yesterday. He served the state well.
On Tuesday, I talked about childcare and explained the concerns we had. We've been discussing this for weeks, trying to figure out what the best practices for reopening would be. There really is not enough data about children and COVID-19. We want to get more data and find a way to reopen safely, in a way that protects children and childcare employees. if we do this wrong we will run the risk of exposing more Ohioans to COVID-19. Childcare providers will be allowed to reopen on May 31st. This will look different from before and I am going to have Joni Close, President of the Sisters of Charity Foundation speak about the changes we plan to make.
2:12 PM: The Governor stops speaking
2:12 PM: Joni Close begins speaking
Maximum of 9 per classroom for most children, with toddlers having a maximum of 6 per classroom. Hygienic standards will be increased dramatically. These will be only some of the changes and there will be more. Some of these might make you somewhat uncomfortable due to it being different but we believe it will be the best for you and your children.
2:16 PM: Joni Close stops speaking
2:16 PM: The Governor begins speaking
There's really no playbook out there for doing this. We need to be cautious to keep everyone safe during this pandemic. We will be constantly monitoring the current situation and we may make changes as necessary based on what we see.
We're going to perform a study into the childcare situation as it reopens. This will make Ohio a leader in the country, as we will be capable of learning more about how the virus spreads. Unfortunately, there is a lot of what we don't know and that will affect how we proceed. Childcare providers will need help due to our changes. We are going to give 60 million dollars to Ohio childcare providers, both public and private, in order to ensure they are properly funded. We will have additional information available online shortly.
2:19 PM: The Governor stops speaking
2:19 PM: The Lieutenant Governor starts speaking
May is a new chapter in our response to COVID-19. We're trying to keep a balance between health of Ohioans and the health of our economy. Some more businesses may be reopening but keep in mind that it will be up to the local health departments to control what reopens and what does not.
Day Camps will reopen on May 31st. The protocols governing day camps will be released tomorrow online.
BMVs will reopen on May 26th. We want you to use the online services, as we've put a lot of effort into moving many services there. There will be some cases where you have to go into the BMV but only go as absolutely necessary. There is still an extension on renewals, so you do not have to do this immediately.
Campgrounds will also open completely, on May 21st. They will have to meet certain requirements that are currently available online.
Gyms and fitness center may reopen on May 26th. The new protocols for them will be available later today. Non contact and limited sports will also reopen on May 26th. Other, more contact-oriented sports will be investigated for reopening as well.
Pools will also be able reopen on May 26th. The CDC has found no evidence of the spread of COVID-19 in water. Water parks and amusement parks will not be reopening based on our guidance.
Horse racing can reopen on May 22nd but spectators will be prohibited. This does not mean that Casinos or Racinos can reopen.
2:30 PM: The Lieutenant Governor stops speaking
2:30 PM: Amy Acton starts speaking
231,795 tested in total. Of those infected, 4,121 were health care workers.
We're digging deep into the policies related to childcare and how it will affect the spread of COVID-19. I want to thank our entire childcare team. We're going to be working with a national study, that will have a large focus on Ohio, in order to find out the best practices for reopening childcare. We're working to become a nationwide leader in the study of childcare during this pandemic.
2:36 PM: Amy Acton stops speaking
2:36 PM: Question Period Begins
Regarding childcare and with the possibility of further illness and death in children with COVID-19, is it possible we are gambling the lives of our children by reopening and doing this study?
Amy Acton: I don't think we're gambling by doing this. Everyone is important and deserves protection. We are going to do this based on expert advice on best practices. We need to give parents a chance to go back to work and prosper. We know of the cases of children getting far sicker and we're paying close attention to this. COVID-19 has an exaggerated response on our immune system no matter the age, but we want to make sure to learn and understand how it affects children, as well, as time goes on.
2:39 PM: There are concerns that children are not receiving the education they would have otherwise. Will schools be capable of reopening in the fall and what can you do to ensure they are receiving the education they need if they do not?
Governor: I think this is a major concern. Many teachers are making strides in distance learning but some kids don't have internet or have other issues. The fact that we know so little about COVID-19 makes us feel that schools cannot reopen any time soon but every school is currently looking into ways they can reopen. We still don't know how things will be by the fall but we will do everything we can.
2:42 PM: It sounds like many childcare centers will have to turn families away. How do you plan on advising them on that subject?
Governor: I think it's going to be difficult for any of us to predict how the market will change with these new rules. We are giving money to childcare providers in order to ensure they are capable of reopening. This is a work in progress, which means that we're still learning and finding out new ways to lessen the spread of COVID-19, while reopening childcare.
Childcare providers may have to hire more employees in order to serve the families they had in the past. Unfortunately, some may not be capable of reopening due to financial troubles. We did all of these things in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and we will keep making these decisions with that in mind.
2:46 PM: It seems that cases, deaths, and other metrics have plateaued rather than gone down. What has changed in how you perceive success as time has gone on?
Governor: We've seen a plateau over three weeks in terms of all of our metrics. We were most worried about a large surge. We're still ramping up our testing. We're doing 8,000 tests every day sat this point. We need to keep our testing capacity increasing while also ensuring our supply chain can keep getting those tests out to those who need them. Testing and contact tracing is how we're going to keep this virus from spreading. There are many other indicators, such as traffic rates throughout the state, that we are looking at in order to make future decisions regarding mitigations.
2:48 PM: Reddit is freaking out and it’s causing some problems with my updates. Fixed as of 2:50 PM.
Amy Acton: No one on our team is ignoring the concern and worry that Ohioans are feeling right now. As we go on, you need to keep in mind how at risk you are and use that knowledge to make your decisions and keep yourself safe.
2:51 PM: Using what we've learned about antibody testing, how do we know that we didn't have a surge earlier?
Amy Acton: This is a process that will take years. We won't understand COVID-19 for quite some time. Many have been claiming that they had many symptoms of COVID-19 early on in the knowledge of the disease. Obviously, as time goes on, hindsight will be 20-20. We'll keep looking into new information as it comes out.
2:54 PM: The most prevalent question I've received is regarding the unemployment system not serving Ohioans properly. I know you've made improvements but many feel it is not enough. What more can you do for them?
Lieutenant Governor: This is the thing I've been most frustrated for Ohioans about personally. Director Kim Hall has been working to do everything her team can do to improve the system and has already created the new system for 1099 employees. I know that around 100,000 people have not been served yet and many others have not been able to get through to receive more information on their claims. We're all doing everything we can to expand the system as possible. Our system is very old and difficult to update but many other states are facing these same issues. Unfortunately, we have received many fraudulent claims and those need to be policed and denied. This is part of what leads to such delays.
2:59 PM: What targets will state agencies be hitting in terms of reductions in the coming fiscal year?
Governor: We'll be discussing that with the legislature. We've already made very tough cuts but we don't have any new information available at this time. One thing I can say is that this is a very difficult time. Costs are going up and our revenues are decreasing dramatically.
3:01 PM: Do you have an idea of how many families might be left out of day cares? Will licensing become more flexible? What about using school facilities?
Governor: It's not our goal to have any families left out of the system. We're doing surveys on how many providers will be coming back. We'll adjust as necessary. We can't make any definitive statements at this time.
Lieutenant Governor: Please remember that we're working on supporting the childcare industry to ensure that all of this can work.
3:03 PM: Are you going to remove Dr. Acton's order that closed school facilities until June in order to allow youth sports to reopen?
Governor: We were actually just discussing that earlier. It's a very good point. We're still looking into that.
Lieutenant Governor: Grounds are not technically closed by the order, only buildings. We will not be forcing any local community to reopen. I am sure that as we go on, there will be things that slipped through the cracks and we want to ensure that the lines of communication are open as much as possible.
3:06 PM: Are you concerned about a pending legal battle over your orders? As you know, Wisconsin's stay at home order was struck down by their Supreme court.
Governor: I have already been sued a lot. We want to ensure that our orders conform more to what we are seeing day to day. We are seeing stories from Europe about second waves and we really don't want to have to see that in Ohio. We need to be very careful as everything opens up. Staying safe in this crucial time will decide our future numbers and whether we have to close again.
3:08 PM: There is a feeling that your Minority Health Task Force hasn't made any new statements or released more information. What is going on with this?
Governor: I will be talking about that either Monday or Tuesday. This virus has pulled back the curtain on poverty and racial issues, especially in regards to health care access. We've worked with the legislature to look into issues of infant and maternal mortality and we saw these issues already. We're now going to have to figure out new ways to help African American communities in Ohio. That will come next week.
3:11 PM: Why are we not hearing more about treatment? Also will we not be returning to normal life until a vaccine comes out? Is Hydroxychloroquine being given out to patients?
Amy Acton: I talked a lot about treatment early on but I can talk about it more in the future. We've received shipments of new drugs for use against COVID-19. There is still developing information on drugs like Hydroxychloroquine, in terms of its affect on COVID-19. For now we'll have to treat the symptoms up until we can find a cure, if we can find a cure. The thing that worries me the most is the low oxygen levels found in those with COVID-19, who are walking around, not even realizing it.
3:16 PM: How can you prove to those who are trusting in your orders that reopening as we are is safe?
Amy Acton: When we first made our orders, we were using information from George Bush's administration, that we believed would best protect Ohioans. We do know that this has had effects on the economy and even people's mental and physical health. This is going to be a collaborative process but it needs to go on with caution. The biggest thing that will slow and stop the spread of disease will be how everyone lives. Be judicious with your choices and decisions as time goes on.
3:19 PM: How do you plan on bringing forward gun reforms in Ohio that you promised, despite the pandemic?
Governor: That's a continuing discussion with the legislature.
3:21 PM: There's been information in certain nursing home facilities regarding the zone and region system you've mentioned that showed that some of them have no information regarding that system. What do you think about that?
Governor: This is not something that should be happening. I believe you that this is happening but it's something that I do not want to have happening. I don't know what facility you're talking about but I think we're going to keep moving forward on that.
Amy Acton: I'll look into this and speak to our leaders in that area regarding improving this.
3:24 PM: Are we getting close to returning to normal regarding surgeries?
Governor: It's been in the past week or so that we've released new orders regarding that. We need to keep monitoring our hospital capacity as time goes on in order to decide if we can return to normal
3:25 PM: Question Period Ends
3:25 PM: The Governor begins speaking
Thank you to all of our childcare workers and everyone else returning to work.
We'll be playing a rendition of Amazing Grace by the Combined Pinkerton North and Pinkerton Central Marching Bands.
No more updates until Monday unless it's absolutely necessary.
3:27 PM: The Stream Ended.
submitted by PeaceIsSoftcoreWar to Cleveland [link] [comments]

Summary of the Governor's 5/14 Coronavirus Briefing

Previous streams can be found here:
Thank you for all the awards and other offers but please save your money for the future economic uncertainty which is likely going to occur.
Ohio: 24,800 confirmed cases (with 1,557 extra probable cases), 1,388/24,800 confirmed deaths (with 146 extra probable deaths), 4,718 hospitalizations, 1,268/4,718 in the ICU
United States: 1,397,700 confirmed cases and 84,109 deaths.
Here is a link to a google drive that shows the history of cases and deaths created by kcmasterpiece347:
0110010001100010 has put together information on the latest and most accurate numbers here:
Here are some graphs showing the latest information created by st1tchy:
2:03 PM: The Governor begins speaking
Today I'm wearing a tie from Case Western Reserve University
This week is Police Week. I want to thank everyone in law enforcement. Unfortunately, many events honoring our fallen police officers have had to be canceled due to COVID-19. I would like to take a moment to mention those who have died serving Ohio in 2020. Let's have a moment of silence in remembrance of their sacrifice and the sacrifices of those currently serving Ohio.
A close friend of mine, Dwight Radcliff died on May 6th. Fran and I attended his funeral. He was the longest serving sheriff at the time of his retirement in 2013.
Former state representative Andy Thompson also unexpectedly yesterday. He served the state well.
On Tuesday, I talked about childcare and explained the concerns we had. We've been discussing this for weeks, trying to figure out what the best practices for reopening would be. There really is not enough data about children and COVID-19. We want to get more data and find a way to reopen safely, in a way that protects children and childcare employees. if we do this wrong we will run the risk of exposing more Ohioans to COVID-19. Childcare providers will be allowed to reopen on May 31st. This will look different from before and I am going to have Joni Close, President of the Sisters of Charity Foundation speak about the changes we plan to make.
2:12 PM: The Governor stops speaking
2:12 PM: Joni Close begins speaking
Maximum of 9 per classroom for most children, with toddlers having a maximum of 6 per classroom. Hygienic standards will be increased dramatically. These will be only some of the changes and there will be more. Some of these might make you somewhat uncomfortable due to it being different but we believe it will be the best for you and your children.
2:16 PM: Joni Close stops speaking
2:16 PM: The Governor begins speaking
There's really no playbook out there for doing this. We need to be cautious to keep everyone safe during this pandemic. We will be constantly monitoring the current situation and we may make changes as necessary based on what we see.
We're going to perform a study into the childcare situation as it reopens. This will make Ohio a leader in the country, as we will be capable of learning more about how the virus spreads. Unfortunately, there is a lot of what we don't know and that will affect how we proceed. Childcare providers will need help due to our changes. We are going to give 60 million dollars to Ohio childcare providers, both public and private, in order to ensure they are properly funded. We will have additional information available online shortly.
2:19 PM: The Governor stops speaking
2:19 PM: The Lieutenant Governor starts speaking
May is a new chapter in our response to COVID-19. We're trying to keep a balance between health of Ohioans and the health of our economy. Some more businesses may be reopening but keep in mind that it will be up to the local health departments to control what reopens and what does not.
Day Camps will reopen on May 31st. The protocols governing day camps will be released tomorrow online.
BMVs will reopen on May 26th. We want you to use the online services, as we've put a lot of effort into moving many services there. There will be some cases where you have to go into the BMV but only go as absolutely necessary. There is still an extension on renewals, so you do not have to do this immediately.
Campgrounds will also open completely, on May 21st. They will have to meet certain requirements that are currently available online.
Gyms and fitness center may reopen on May 26th. The new protocols for them will be available later today. Non contact and limited sports will also reopen on May 26th. Other, more contact-oriented sports will be investigated for reopening as well.
Pools will also be able reopen on May 26th. The CDC has found no evidence of the spread of COVID-19 in water. Water parks and amusement parks will not be reopening based on our guidance.
Horse racing can reopen on May 22nd but spectators will be prohibited. This does not mean that Casinos or Racinos can reopen.
2:30 PM: The Lieutenant Governor stops speaking
2:30 PM: Amy Acton starts speaking
231,795 tested in total. Of those infected, 4,121 were health care workers.
We're digging deep into the policies related to childcare and how it will affect the spread of COVID-19. I want to thank our entire childcare team. We're going to be working with a national study, that will have a large focus on Ohio, in order to find out the best practices for reopening childcare. We're working to become a nationwide leader in the study of childcare during this pandemic.
2:36 PM: Amy Acton stops speaking
2:36 PM: Question Period Begins
Regarding childcare and with the possibility of further illness and death in children with COVID-19, is it possible we are gambling the lives of our children by reopening and doing this study?
Amy Acton: I don't think we're gambling by doing this. Everyone is important and deserves protection. We are going to do this based on expert advice on best practices. We need to give parents a chance to go back to work and prosper. We know of the cases of children getting far sicker and we're paying close attention to this. COVID-19 has an exaggerated response on our immune system no matter the age, but we want to make sure to learn and understand how it affects children, as well, as time goes on.
2:39 PM: There are concerns that children are not receiving the education they would have otherwise. Will schools be capable of reopening in the fall and what can you do to ensure they are receiving the education they need if they do not?
Governor: I think this is a major concern. Many teachers are making strides in distance learning but some kids don't have internet or have other issues. The fact that we know so little about COVID-19 makes us feel that schools cannot reopen any time soon but every school is currently looking into ways they can reopen. We still don't know how things will be by the fall but we will do everything we can.
2:42 PM: It sounds like many childcare centers will have to turn families away. How do you plan on advising them on that subject?
Governor: I think it's going to be difficult for any of us to predict how the market will change with these new rules. We are giving money to childcare providers in order to ensure they are capable of reopening. This is a work in progress, which means that we're still learning and finding out new ways to lessen the spread of COVID-19, while reopening childcare.
Childcare providers may have to hire more employees in order to serve the families they had in the past. Unfortunately, some may not be capable of reopening due to financial troubles. We did all of these things in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and we will keep making these decisions with that in mind.
2:46 PM: It seems that cases, deaths, and other metrics have plateaued rather than gone down. What has changed in how you perceive success as time has gone on?
Governor: We've seen a plateau over three weeks in terms of all of our metrics. We were most worried about a large surge. We're still ramping up our testing. We're doing 8,000 tests every day sat this point. We need to keep our testing capacity increasing while also ensuring our supply chain can keep getting those tests out to those who need them. Testing and contact tracing is how we're going to keep this virus from spreading. There are many other indicators, such as traffic rates throughout the state, that we are looking at in order to make future decisions regarding mitigations.
2:48 PM: Reddit is freaking out and it’s causing some problems with my updates. Fixed as of 2:50 PM.
Amy Acton: No one on our team is ignoring the concern and worry that Ohioans are feeling right now. As we go on, you need to keep in mind how at risk you are and use that knowledge to make your decisions and keep yourself safe.
2:51 PM: Using what we've learned about antibody testing, how do we know that we didn't have a surge earlier?
Amy Acton: This is a process that will take years. We won't understand COVID-19 for quite some time. Many have been claiming that they had many symptoms of COVID-19 early on in the knowledge of the disease. Obviously, as time goes on, hindsight will be 20-20. We'll keep looking into new information as it comes out.
2:54 PM: The most prevalent question I've received is regarding the unemployment system not serving Ohioans properly. I know you've made improvements but many feel it is not enough. What more can you do for them?
Lieutenant Governor: This is the thing I've been most frustrated for Ohioans about personally. Director Kim Hall has been working to do everything her team can do to improve the system and has already created the new system for 1099 employees. I know that around 100,000 people have not been served yet and many others have not been able to get through to receive more information on their claims. We're all doing everything we can to expand the system as possible. Our system is very old and difficult to update but many other states are facing these same issues. Unfortunately, we have received many fraudulent claims and those need to be policed and denied. This is part of what leads to such delays.
2:59 PM: What targets will state agencies be hitting in terms of reductions in the coming fiscal year?
Governor: We'll be discussing that with the legislature. We've already made very tough cuts but we don't have any new information available at this time. One thing I can say is that this is a very difficult time. Costs are going up and our revenues are decreasing dramatically.
3:01 PM: Do you have an idea of how many families might be left out of day cares? Will licensing become more flexible? What about using school facilities?
Governor: It's not our goal to have any families left out of the system. We're doing surveys on how many providers will be coming back. We'll adjust as necessary. We can't make any definitive statements at this time.
Lieutenant Governor: Please remember that we're working on supporting the childcare industry to ensure that all of this can work.
3:03 PM: Are you going to remove Dr. Acton's order that closed school facilities until June in order to allow youth sports to reopen?
Governor: We were actually just discussing that earlier. It's a very good point. We're still looking into that.
Lieutenant Governor: Grounds are not technically closed by the order, only buildings. We will not be forcing any local community to reopen. I am sure that as we go on, there will be things that slipped through the cracks and we want to ensure that the lines of communication are open as much as possible.
3:06 PM: Are you concerned about a pending legal battle over your orders? As you know, Wisconsin's stay at home order was struck down by their Supreme court.
Governor: I have already been sued a lot. We want to ensure that our orders conform more to what we are seeing day to day. We are seeing stories from Europe about second waves and we really don't want to have to see that in Ohio. We need to be very careful as everything opens up. Staying safe in this crucial time will decide our future numbers and whether we have to close again.
3:08 PM: There is a feeling that your Minority Health Task Force hasn't made any new statements or released more information. What is going on with this?
Governor: I will be talking about that either Monday or Tuesday. This virus has pulled back the curtain on poverty and racial issues, especially in regards to health care access. We've worked with the legislature to look into issues of infant and maternal mortality and we saw these issues already. We're now going to have to figure out new ways to help African American communities in Ohio. That will come next week.
3:11 PM: Why are we not hearing more about treatment? Also will we not be returning to normal life until a vaccine comes out? Is Hydroxychloroquine being given out to patients?
Amy Acton: I talked a lot about treatment early on but I can talk about it more in the future. We've received shipments of new drugs for use against COVID-19. There is still developing information on drugs like Hydroxychloroquine, in terms of its affect on COVID-19. For now we'll have to treat the symptoms up until we can find a cure, if we can find a cure. The thing that worries me the most is the low oxygen levels found in those with COVID-19, who are walking around, not even realizing it.
3:16 PM: How can you prove to those who are trusting in your orders that reopening as we are is safe?
Amy Acton: When we first made our orders, we were using information from George Bush's administration, that we believed would best protect Ohioans. We do know that this has had effects on the economy and even people's mental and physical health. This is going to be a collaborative process but it needs to go on with caution. The biggest thing that will slow and stop the spread of disease will be how everyone lives. Be judicious with your choices and decisions as time goes on.
3:19 PM: How do you plan on bringing forward gun reforms in Ohio that you promised, despite the pandemic?
Governor: That's a continuing discussion with the legislature.
3:21 PM: There's been information in certain nursing home facilities regarding the zone and region system you've mentioned that showed that some of them have no information regarding that system. What do you think about that?
Governor: This is not something that should be happening. I believe you that this is happening but it's something that I do not want to have happening. I don't know what facility you're talking about but I think we're going to keep moving forward on that.
Amy Acton: I'll look into this and speak to our leaders in that area regarding improving this.
3:24 PM: Are we getting close to returning to normal regarding surgeries?
Governor: It's been in the past week or so that we've released new orders regarding that. We need to keep monitoring our hospital capacity as time goes on in order to decide if we can return to normal
3:25 PM: Question Period Ends
3:25 PM: The Governor begins speaking
Thank you to all of our childcare workers and everyone else returning to work.
We'll be playing a rendition of Amazing Grace by the Combined Pinkerton North and Pinkerton Central Marching Bands.
No more updates until Monday unless it's absolutely necessary.
3:27 PM: The Stream Ended.
submitted by PeaceIsSoftcoreWar to dayton [link] [comments]

can you go to a casino at 18 in wisconsin video

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Below you will find the minimum legal age to gamble in various locations around the U.S., Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. In the 50 American states, some times you'll see a variance, this usually is due to Indian casinos having different age requirements in their casinos than state regulated casinos. Another notable company which develops games for this casino is Play n Go. This developer holds licenses from the UKGC and the MGA, both What Casino Can You Gamble At 18 In Wisconsin of which are highly reputable licensing bodies. MegaSlot casino also uses games that are developed by Amatic. This developer has created highly successful games, and many of them even have deluxe versions. Most online casinos accept players who are at least 18 years old, so those states that have not legally banned offshore casino destinations do not prevent their residents from engaging in online casino gambling at age 18. The states listed here all legally allow some type of casino gambling to players who are 18 and over. However, there are some specific exemptions for tribal casinos. While commercial casinos may only admit you if you are 21, a tribal casino may allow you to enter on 18, because they enjoy sovereignty. Presently, there are 35 states where you can only gamble if you are 21+ and 22 states that allow 18+ individuals to enter and gamble. Depending on which state you’re in, you could get into a casino as early as 18 years old, or you might have to wait until you’re 21. The minimum age for gambling in the US varies between 18 There is a VERY small casino where 18 year olds can play. It is called: Mole Lake Casino. It is in the middle-of-nowhere Wisconsin, and it is about a 3 hr 45 min drive from Milwaukee. Where Can You Go To A Casino At 18? There are 18+ casinos that simply limit where on the casino floor the 18-20 year olds can be present. For example, in some casinos, 18 and up players can play poker or bingo, but cannot enter the area of the casino where slots are present. Yes sure, you can; as legal age for gambling in Wisconsin is 18 years. Moreover if you are looking for online gambling then you can check out FullTilt where minimum age requirement is 18 years. For... The population of Wisconsin (WI) is estimated at nearly 6 million. There are 25 casinos in activity within the territory of Wisconsin (WI). Therefore, players can find more than 19,000 slot machines, 300 gaming tables and 60 poker tables. The biggest gaming establishment of the State is the Potawatomi Hotel & Casino of Milwaukee. “You go to Vegas right now, it looks like a gentlemen’s club. You see girls dancing on the poles. If you’re in a casino, you can assume you’re being watched.

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