In Monterrey, A Casino Attack To Disrupt Cartel Finances

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Candidato Fernando Larrazábal Bretón: El regreso de un corrupto panista que no tiene vergüenza

Sé que hay muchos nuevos votantes que seguramente nunca han escuchado del candidato, en 2011 explotó un escándalo por corrupción en Casinos que prácticamente sepultó su carrera política, este año sale como cucaracha de entre la basura esperando que la gente ya se haya olvidado de la polémica, en este hilo vamos a repasar su historia y algunos de sus casos de corrupción

¿Quién es?

Nacido en Oaxaca, empresario de la construcción y avecindado en Nuevo León desde los 80, el exalcalde de Monterrey se fortaleció en el interior de Acción Nacional al obtener en 2000 la alcaldía de San Nicolás, quinto municipio más industrializado del país.
Larrazabal se apartó por muchos años y por voluntad propia de los reflectores (a excepción del paréntesis de tres años que fungió como diputado federal) quizá para reflexionar o para evadir el escándalo del llamado "queso-gate", que sacó a la luz pública a su hermano Jonás, y que puso contra las cuerdas a Fernando como a pocos políticos de aquel entonces.


La costosa Biblioteca trunca de Fox que sólo desperdició dinero del erario

Durante el gobierno de Vicente Fox fue responsable de la construcción de la biblioteca “José Vasconcelos”, la obra emblemática del sexenio.
En marzo de 2007, Alberto Kalach, el arquitecto de la biblioteca aseguró que tenía documentadas más de 3 mil observaciones sobre la obra, mismas que había comentado con el comité encabezado con Larrazabal.
La magna obra de Vicente Fox fue construida en medio de una polémica que no terminó con su edificación. La biblioteca costó unos mil 300 millones de pesos, según cifras oficiales; más de dos mil millones de pesos, de acuerdo con el exdiputado federal del Partido de la Revolución Democrática, Alfonso Suárez del Real.
Iniciadas en febrero de 2004 las obras preliminares, el recinto fue inaugurado en mayo de 2006. Menos de un año después, en marzo de 2007, tuvo que ser cerrado durante 20 meses, por fallas en su construcción, incluidas filtraciones de agua.
Reabierta en diciembre de 2008, la presencia de humedad en muros y goteras prevalece. Reportes de prensa de febrero de 2012 indicaron que ésta era atajada incluso con cubetas. Nosotros ya no vimos cubetas. Ese febrero, la directora de la Vasconcelos, Patricia Hernández Salazar, atribuyó el problema a escurrimientos de agua a través de las ventanas debido a lluvias, no a goteras.

Lucrativo negocio inmobiliario usando influencia y prestanombres

Mediante prestanombres de modesta situación económica, Fernando Larrázabal, desde su cargo como alcalde de Monterrey, orquestó entre 2009 y 2012 una operación de beneficio personal con un terreno adquirido por su esposa, y en el que actualmente se encuentra una torre de seis pisos de departamentos.
Un colaborador de campaña convertido en empleado municipal, un trabajador de la industria de la construcción y un dentista de Morelos sirvieron de pantalla al exalcalde Fernando Larrazábal para lograr la construcción irregular del multifamiliar en la colonia Bosques de Satélite, en la capital regiomontana.

Casino Royale

En 2011 un comando, presuntamente del grupo delictivo de Los Zetas, roció gasolina en el interior del Casino Royale de Monterrey y provocó un incendio que dejó 61 personas muertas.
Antes del incendio en el casino, el 4 de mayo de ese mismo año, el sitio había sido clausurado por las autoridades locales porque no tenía los permisos necesarios para ampliar sus instalaciones, pero consiguieron un amparo ante el Tribunal de lo Contencioso Administrativo del Estado.
Aunque el alcalde de Monterrey, Nuevo León, Fernando Larrazabal, asegura que su administración clausuró en mayo pasado el casino Royale, donde murieron 52 personas, la comisión legislativa investigadora del atentado afirma que esto nunca sucedió.
Héctor Gutiérrez de la Garza, presidente de la comisión —integrada por legisladores locales de diferentes partidos políticos y dedicada a investigar irregularidades administrativas del casino—, informó en rueda de prensa que solo fue clausurada una ampliación de la casa de apuestas el pasado 4 de mayo.
“La orden del levantamiento de esta clausura no fue del casino. El casino siempre estuvo abierto”, dijo el también líder de la bancada legislativa del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) en el Congreso estatal.

Escándalo de mordidas para casinos por parte de su secretario y su hermano Jonás Larrazabal

El 31 de agosto del 2011 los diarios El Norte, de Monterrey, y Reforma, de la Ciudad de México, presentaron un video en el que se ve a un hermano de Fernando Larrazábal recibiendo dinero en un casino. Un moche, aseguró la prensa, se presumió seguramente por permitir la operación irregular del negocio.
Este escándalo daba fuerza a las acusaciones de que el entonces presidente municipal presionaba a los casinos para cerrarlos y su hermano se encarga de cobrar los moches para que permitieran seguir operando.
También se publicó un video en el que aparece el secretario de Desarrollo Humano de Monterrey, Miguel Ángel García, en una presunta negociación con el dueño de una casa de apuestas. García es considerado uno de los hombres de confianza de Fernando Larrazabal.
El alcalde de Monterrey se defendió diciendo que su hermano es un comerciante que vende quesos de Oaxaca a los casinos, ésa fue la explicación que dio para justificar las imágenes donde toma efectivo en mesas de blackjack.
Decenas de manifestantes se congregaron en la Macroplaza de Monterrey para exigir la renuncia del gobernador de Nuevo León, Rodrigo Medina, y del alcalde Fernando Larrazabal.
El juez segundo de lo penal dictó auto de formal prisión en contra de Jonás Larrazabal Bretón por el delito de chantaje, considerado grave y por el que no alcanza libertad bajo fianza. Las pruebas que incriminan al hermano del alcalde panista de Monterrey, Fernando Larrazabal Bretón, son dos llamadas telefónicas que tenía registradas la exesposa de Sergio Gil García, propietario del Casino Red, a quien se le exigieron 1.5 millones de pesos para mantener el establecimiento abierto.
Jonás Larrazábal fue a prisión brevemente y se le exculpó, incluso con el perdón de los dueños del Casino Red, pese a que ese dinero formaba parte de una especie de pago por “derecho de piso”.
Pero luego el Casino Red, ubicado en la avenida San Jerónimo de la capital de Nuevo León, fue clausurado por la autoridad municipal durante cuatro años.
Aun cuando el entonces alcalde pidió licencia y regresó al cargo no recibió castigo alguno por los actos de corrupción.

Otras controversias

Como alcalde de Monterrey clausuró 21 giros negros y se enfrascó en una confrontación con el Tribunal de lo Contencioso, luego de que este órgano amparara al casino Winland y permitiera su reapertura.
Además, Larrazabal Bretón —según refieren versiones periodísticas— es acusado de controlar el PAN estatal junto con Zeferino Salgado, delegado de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes, y Raúl Gracia, de la Judicatura estatal.

Proceso de elección como candidato para Gobernador

La Polémica no estuvo ausente en su candidatura, se acusó a la elección de evadir las medidas por el covid e incluso se denunciaron irregularidades como acarreados y provocadores en la mesa de votación.


El exalcalde Fernando Larrázabal ha usado sus cargos y posición política para enriquecerse ilícitamente desde la administración de Vicente Fox. En el periodo de la presidencia de Calderón sufrió la gran caída de su carrera política al destaparse su esquema de corrupción debido a la desfachatez de su hermano. Esto marcó el fin de sus cargos políticos y lo obligó a tener que mantener un perfil bajo (aún como diputado federal) no sin dejar manipular el Partido Acción Nacional en Nuevo León desde las sombras, el fue el mayor promotor de la campaña de Zeferino Salgado actual alcalde de San Nicolás (de su esquema de corrupción usando al municipio de San Nicolas hablaremos luego).
Ahora salió de su madriguera para tratar de obtener otra vez poder político esperando que estos 9 años se hayan borrado sus atropellos en la conciencia pública.
submitted by El_Disentidor to Monterrey [link] [comments]

Foto de la manta que colgaron hoy en un puente en Monterrey, señalando a los culpables del incendio del Casino Royale

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Ranking All UFC Events Via Their Reported Attendance Numbers!

Ranking - Event - Location @ Venue - Attendance

These Events Have No Reported Attendance Record

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Wonderful Wonderful 2018 Tour Dates

Hello everyone! Figured we would keep a running list of the upcoming shows with times and the opening act since that seems to be a common question! The times should all be the local time. Please let me know any corrections. I will keep this updated with new dates and announcements!
Also figured I'd add a basic "schedule for the show" day since that seems to be a common question as well.
Day of show rundown
Upcoming Tour Dates
Date Location Venue Time Opener
good night sweet prince :(
Past Tour Dates
Date Location Venue Time Opener
Fri, January 5, 2018 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Air Canada Centre 8 PM Alex Cameron
Sat, January 6, 2018 Laval, QC, Canada Place Bell 8 PM Alex Cameron
Sun, January 7, 2018 Boston, MA, USA TD Garden 7:30 PM Alex Cameron
Tue, January 9, 2018 Brooklyn, NY, USA Barclays Center 8 PM Alex Cameron
Wed, January 10, 2018 Washington, DC, USA The Anthem 8 PM Alex Cameron
Fri, January 12, 2018 New York, NY, USA Madison Square Garden 8 PM Alex Cameron
Sat, January 13, 2018 Philadelphia, PA, USA Wells Fargo Center 8 PM Alex Cameron
Mon, January 15, 2018 Detroit, MI, USA Masonic Temple Detroit 7 PM Alex Cameron
Tue, January 16, 2018 Chicago, IL, USA United Center 7:30 PM Alex Cameron
Wed, January 17, 2018 St Paul, MN, USA XCEL Energy Center 8 PM Alex Cameron
Fri, January 19, 2018 St Louis, MO, USA Chaifetz Arena 7 PM Alex Cameron
Sun, January 21, 2018 Duluth, GA, USA Infinite Energy Center 8 PM Alex Cameron
Tue, January 23, 2018 Miami, FL, USA AmericanAirlines Arena 8 PM Alex Cameron
Wed, January 24, 2018 Orlando, FL, USA Hard Rock Live Orlando 8 PM Alex Cameron
Fri, January 26, 2018 Sugar Land, TX, USA Smart Financial Centre 7 PM Summer Moon, Amanda Brown
Sat, January 27, 2018 Irving, TX, USA The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory 7:30 PM Summer Moon, Amanda Brown
Tue, January 30, 2018 San Diego, CA, USA Valley View Casino Center 7 PM Summer Moon, Amanda Brown
Thu, February 1, 2018 Los Angeles, CA, USA STAPLES Center 8 PM Summer Moon, Amanda Brown
Fri, February 2, 2018 Los Angeles, CA, USA STAPLES Center 8 PM Albert Hammond Jr., Amanda Brown
Sat, February 3, 2018 Las Vegas, NV, USA MGM Grand Arena 8 PM Albert Hammond Jr., Amanda Brown
Mon, February 5, 2018 Broomfield, CO, USA 1stBankCenter 7:30 PM Albert Hammond Jr., Amanda Brown
Tue, February 6, 2018 Salt Lake City, UT, USA Vivint Smart Home Arena 7 PM Albert Hammond Jr., Amanda Brown
Fri, February 23, 2018 Oslo, Norway Telenor Arena 7 PM Juanita Stein
Sat, February 24, 2018 Stockholm, Sweden Ericsson Globe 8 PM Juanita Stein
Sun, February 25, 2018 Copenhagen, Denmark Royal Arena 8 PM Juanita Stein
Tue, February 27, 2018 Berlin, Germany Mercedes-Benz Arena 8 PM Juanita Stein
Wed, February 28, 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands Ziggo Dome 8 PM Juanita Stein
Sat, March 3, 2018 Paris, France Zénith de Paris 8 PM Juanita Stein
Mon, March 5, 2018 Koln, Germany LANXESS Arena 8 PM Juanita Stein
Tue, March 6, 2018 Antwerpen, Belgium Sportpaleis 7 PM Juanita Stein
Thu, March 15, 2018 Heredia, Costa Rica Parque Viva 7 PM
Sat, March 17, 2018 San Isidro, Argentina Lollapalooza Argentina
Sun, March 18, 2018 Santiago, Chile Lollapalooza Chile
Wed, March 21, 2018 Asuncion, Paraguay Asunciónico
Fri, March 23, 2018 Bogotá, Colombia Festival Estereo Picnic
Sun, March 25, 2018 Sao Paulo, Brazil Lollapalooza Brasil
Tue, March 27, 2018 Santiago De Surco, Peru Jockey Club 7 PM Royal Blood
Mon, April 2, 2018 Monterrey, Mexico Arena Monterrey 7 PM The Warning
Tue, April 3, 2018 Monterrey, Mexico Arena Monterrey 7 PM The Warning
Thu, April 5, 2018 Iztacalco, Mexico Foro Sol 9 PM St. Vincent
Sat, April 7, 2018 Guadalajara, Mexico Corona Capital Guadalajara
Fri, April 20, 2018 Auckland, New Zealand Spark Arena 7 PM Alex Cameron
Sat, April 21, 2018 Wellington, New Zealand TSB Bank Arena 7 PM Alex Cameron
Tue, April 24, 2018 Christchurch, New Zealand Horncastle Arena 7 PM Alex Cameron
Fri, April 27, 2018 Boondall, Australia Brisbane Entertainment Centre 8 PM Jack Ladder & the Dreamlanders, Alex Cameron
Sat, April 28, 2018 Sydney, Australia Qudos Bank Arena 8 PM Jack Ladder & the Dreamlanders, Alex Cameron
Tue, May 1, 2018 Perth, Australia Perth Arena 8 PM Jack Ladder & the Dreamlanders, Alex Cameron
Fri, May 4, 2018 Melbourne, Australia Hisense Arena 7 PM Jack Ladder & the Dreamlanders, Alex Cameron
Sat, May 5, 2018 Melbourne, Australia Hisense Arena 7 PM Jack Ladder & the Dreamlanders, Alex Cameron
Sun, May 6, 2018 Melbourne, Australia Hisense Arena 7 PM Jack Ladder & the Dreamlanders, Alex Cameron
Tue, May 8, 2018 Hindmarsh, Australia Adelaide Entertainment Centre 7 PM Jack Ladder & the Dreamlanders, Alex Cameron
Fri, May 18, 2018 Gulf Shores, AL, USA Hangout Music Festival
Fri, May 25, 2018 Boston, MA, USA Boston Calling Music Festival
Sat, May 26, 2018 Napa Valley, CA, USA Bottlerock Music Festival
Fri, Jun 8, 2018 Noblesville, IN, USA Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center 7 PM
Sun, June 10, 2018 Manchester, TN, USA Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival
Sat, June 16 Dover, DE, USA Firefly Music Festival
Wed, June 20, 2018 Rome Rm, Italy Rock in Roma Festival
Thu, June 21, 2018 Milano, Italy I Days Festival
Sat, June 23, 2018 Swansea, United Kingdom Liberty Stadium 7 PM
Sun, June 24, 2018 Ryde, United Kingdom Isle of Wight Festival
Tue, June 26, 2018 Dublin, Ireland RDS Arena 7 PM Franz Ferdinand
Thu, Jun 28, 2018 Santiago de Compostela, Spain O Son do Camiño Festival
Fri, June 29, 2018 Lisboa, Portugal Rock in Rio Festival
Sun, July 1, 2018 St. Gallen, Switzerland OpenAir St Gallen Festival
Fri, July 6, 2018 Werchter, Belgium Rock Werchter
Sun, July 8, 2018 Glasgow, United Kingdom TRNSMT Festival
Fri, July 13, 2018 Bolton, United Kingdom Macron Arena 7 PM
Sat, July 14, 2018 Henham Park, Southwold, Suffolk, UK Latitude Festival
Wed, July 18, 2018 Switzerland Paléo Festival
Thu, July 19, 2018 Benicàssim, Spain Benicassim International Festival
Sat, July 21, 2018 Paris, France Lollapalooza (Paris)
Tue, July 24, 2018 Helsinki, Finland Hartwall Arena 7 PM Juanita Stein
Thu, July 26, 2018 Esch Sur Alzette, Luxembourg Rockhal Luxembourg 8 PM Juanita Stein
Sun, July 29, 2018 New York, NY, USA Panorama NYC Festival
July 19-22, 2018 Wurster Nordseeküste, Germany DEICHBRAND Festival
Sun, Sept 9, 2018 Vancouver, BC, Canada Skookum Festival
Wed, Sept 12, 2018 Tokyo, Japan Budokon
Thu, Sept 13, 2018 Osaka, Japan Zepp Bayside
Sat, Sept 15, 2018 Singapore, Singapore Singapore Grand Prix
Mon, Sept, 17, 2018 Bangkok, Thailand Thunder Dome
Wed, Sept 19, 2018 Hong Kong Asia World-Expo
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2016 Cigar Federation Cigar Safari Recap!

This year was my second trip to Drew Estate Cigar Safari with Cigar Federation. The trip this year had a lot more meaning since SmokinLogan was able to raise $10,000 to help Techo and build 5 houses for poor families in Nicaragua.
The trip started in Managua where me nakieninja, realmadmonkey, and shadowbates met up and exchanged cigars and started boozing up. When the booze was done we walked over to the casino and shadowbates bought 10 shots of Flor de Cana but two of the guys didn't drink so me Shad and Tripp were left to take down the rest of the shots. I played some Nicaragua slots for 10 Cordoba (28 Cordoba = $1) and was up to 100 Cordoba before the machine won and took my money. The other guys played roulette but I think only one guy won anything.
The next day the bus arrived and took us past downtown Managua and we drove by the unknown soldier and this year I was finally able to grab a picture of him since I knew we'd be passing by. We then went to a great steakhouse for lunch and were well-fed for our three hour trip to Esteli in the mountains. It was the calm before the storm but the next few days were going to be spent on hard labor.
The next day the bus came and took us to the Oscar Gamez neighborhood in Esteli. Oscar Gamez is home to some of the poorest people in Nicaragua some of these people do not even earn a dollar a day. We met up with the TECHO volunteers and I was handed two giant dirt breaker poles and we walked a few blocks to an old lady's home. The shack was made of wooden planks that were dried out and they had a metal sheet roof. In the small house were six beds on a dirt floor and barely any room. twistedcircuits99 and me watched the volunteers as they measured and they gave us those poles to start digging holes through rock. We had to put posts in and eventually had to crawl down to haul dirt out of the holes we dug. This process was tedious but eventually we laid down the posts. The other teams were not so lucky and had way more rocks in their yard or way deeper holes to dig. Lacking proper digging equipment seemed to rile up most everybody but we had no choice but to use the tools they gave us.
Eventually we built these folks a house and while it was a small place by American standards, for these people it gave them a wooden floor new walls. The old lady thanked us for our work and cried when we gave her the new keys. It was a touching moment but went to demonstrate how small things can mean a lot to people. Despite having nothing (not even a bathroom) the family always tried to give us coffee, juice, and snacks. They worked hard to help build the house and it meant a lot to be able to help them even though the work was torture and the primitive tools took a toll on all of our morale.
After two days of labor, we were given a free day and SmokinLogan dialed in favors and got us tours at Black Label Trading Company, RoMa Craft and La Zona where Espinosa Cigars are made.
I know I liked Black Label Trading Company from the start. James Brown the master blender was smoking a lancero and ran a very clean and organized factory. There weren't many rollers but the operation was very mom and pop and they had their son playing in the offices and their dog chillin' with us visitors. The aging room was great and we were able to pick up some things to try. They gave us an NKB and I was impressed. I was sad they did not have any lanceros for sale but then they dug up some Last Rits lanceros for me!!! I smoked one at lunch and had a lot of respect for the company because I had heard of their cigars before and never gave them a shot because I didn't know much about them (they started in 2014), but after smoking their cigars I am a believer.
Next, Skip Martin gave us a personal tour of El Nica Sueno. Having met Skip not long ago I knew he was good at shooting the breeze and talking about all of his food and beer pics. On this trip, he showed his business side which was a detailed rundown of how tobacco goes in and out of his factory and using lean principles to keep the factory well run and efficient which in turns makes for more affordable cigars. I was surprised to learn that they don't have sales reps which definitely keeps prices low! The other thing I learned at Nica Sueno is that there is only one pair who roll lanceros and they only do it once a year. Having never seen a lancero rolled, Skip had one of his rollers roll using a newpaper technique. Skip gave us La Campanas and Wanderlust to try. All in all for a small shop, El Nica Sueno produces over a million cigars a year and I was very impressed with Skip's detailed tour.
At La Zona we found a lot of cigars, they were making cigars for so many different companies and it was overwhelming. Lots of workers and lots of tobacco everywhere. By this point in the day the heat and exhaustion and aching got to us. Three factory tours in one day is a a lot and you see that in the smaller factories the process is somewhat the same. Tobacco comes in, it is sorted, sometimes fermented, then it is sorted then bunched then rolled the pressed, then it goes through QA, if it makes it past QA then it goes to the aging room then the packaging room. The analogy everyone seems to use is that we all make spaghetti but that everyone does it in their own style.
The next day the Drew Estate Cigar Safari was well under way. We made it to the Oliva family tobacco farm (not to be confused with the Miami Olivas) and were shown seeds and a fermenting barn. Later, we got to go to the fields. I really enjoyed the trip this time as last year's trip we didn't get to see any plants because they had all been harvested. The fields were plentiful and it was really cool to see a full blown plant in bloom then see other plants being grown in the shade for wrapper. The shade plants were smooth and silk and it was a sight to see. Next we went to a curing barn and learned how the leaves are stacked up and that charcoal is burned periodically to help dry out the leaves. It is damp and cool in these barns but there is plenty of circulation.
The surprise they added to Cigar Safari was to take us to a very historical rock. For those of you who don't know, each city in Nicaragua was allowed to pick their own symbol. For Esteli, they chose a painting of a shaman which is known as El Brujito. It is the symbol of Esteli and was carved in a rock high in the mountains long ago. If you notice this El Brujito is also on the Nica Rustica cigar art.
In the afternoon, we got to visit Nicaragua's oldest cigar factory, Joya de Nicaragua. This tour is always impressive since there are about 300 rollers in the factory but even here they only roll lanceros periodically throughout the year, much to my chagrin. I do like the Joya tour since they are very well organized and enjoy asking and answering questions to keep you engaged. Here is a picture from their sorting room where cigars are sorted by color. At Joya we also got to blend cigars. I went with an Ecuador Habano wrapper with a Mexican San Andres binder and ASP Ligero, Jalapa Viso and Condega Seco. We'll see how this turns out in a few months.
When we got back for dinner, Robert Caldwell was hanging out at the factory and SmokinLogan and avrus went upstairs to start Cigar Chat. I eventually hopped over to watch and so did Willy Herrera and Robert Caldwell. Since it was nakieninja's birthday, all of a sudden a cake was brought in and a Mariachi band rolled in while the show was live on air. Kind of surreal but they even broke out a pinata to smash that was full of candy. I think if they filled it with cigars it would have been way crazier!!!
The next day we headed to Drew Estate Factory II and started off in the bale warehouse this thing has literally millions of tobacco in it and it goes very high and very long. There are three years of tobacco production housed here and they take care to freeze the tobacco but also fumigate every month to make sure NO BEETLES. In the fermentation room we got to see the same tobacco aged for different periods of time and smell dat ammonia that was very pungent on the nostrils. Workers wore masks and were setting up new pilons for tobacco fermentation. Before lunch we stopped at Subculture Studios which produces all of Drew Estate's art. I always love that they always keep a piece of home in their studio as an homage to their great friends in Chicago. While in the studio I got a glimpse of some goats they were working on! twistedcircuits99 and OhSoHoppy ponied up for a tattoo and at lunch it was my idea for folks to pool up to give nakieninja a tattoo for his birthday! As you can see OhSoHoppy came back with the baddest ass tattoo that took like 4-6 hours.
Later in the afternoon we were off to Drew Estate I. Most employees take the company shuttle bus to work but a good many also bike to work. On the rolling floor it is an incredible blast of noise from rolling, pressing, bunching, and a loud clamor every inch of the floor. Music plays in the background and people are constantly in motion. I found the one girl who rolls lanceros, it was an honor to see her as she is the only one rolling L40's! Drew Estate makes 120,000 cigars a day so there are so many rollers and production is up 20% from last year if I recall correctly. While in the aging room I noticed these TAAs that Willy Herrera was mentioning about dinner but I didn't want to post anything til they made the announcement!
Eventually JD showed up and was very gracious and thankful we were there. He announced the new collaboration with Robert Caldwell and Willy Herrera called All Out Kings. It was kind of nuts being the first of the general public to learn about it on Cigar Safari. Caldwell and Willy both were enthusiastic on the new collaboration but no work had yet been done so we'll have to see what they come up with. Right after the announcement SmokinLogan and avrus were right on it making a new video for the announcement.
As the day wound down and the evening came, the last day of Cigar Safari was upon us. Our Joya de Nicaragua blends came back to us and the Drew Estate blends were fresh and ready to go. Art from Subculture Studios came back to us and it really was the beginning of the end of a great trip. All in all I think Cigar Safari is my favorite time of the year not only because I get to smoke and drink all week with SmokinLogan, avrus, realmadmonkey, OhSoHoppy, twistedcircuits99, shadowbates, and nakieninja but because you get to appreciate all the hard work that goes into growing and fermenting and rolling tobacco. There really are so many steps it takes and so many hands that go into making one cigar and it always puts things into perspective. I am glad I am back and I want to thank SmokinLogan for setting up the trip and tours and Drew Estate for being such phenomenal hosts. If you enjoy Drew Estate Cigars, I highly recommend this trip you will learn a lot about tobacco.
Cigars Smoked
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Cobertura Especial: Casino Royale en Monterrey - YouTube CASINO ROYALE MONTERREY ATENTADO - YouTube casino royale a 6 años - YouTube Recorrido del Casino Royale, de nostalgia y dolor - YouTube CASINO Royale MONTERREY - YouTube

El partido político más afectado hasta ahora por el atentado y las investigaciones del Casino Royale ha sido el Partido Acción Nacional (PAN), debido a que su imagen Estatal y Nacional se ha vido afectada por su Alcalde en Monterrey, Fernando Larrazábal, desde el incidente en el que el Comité Estatal del PAN le pidió a Larrazábal que pidiera una licencia para ausentarse de la Alcaldía ... MONTERREY, N.L. (apro).- Después de más de un año del peor ataque contra un establecimiento mercantil en México, los deudos del Casino Royale no hallan cómo curar sus heridas. An unknown number of attackers set fire Aug. 25 to the Casino Royale in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon state, leaving 53 people dead, according to Nuevo Leon Gov. Rodrigo Medina. Reports indicated that 12 people were injured, and Attorney General Leon Adrian de la Garza said there could be more victims. The Mexican government announced a deployment of 500 soldiers to catch the perpetrators. Then, in August, the world was stunned when 72 migrants traveling through Mexico were shot dead in a massacre allegedly carried out by the Zetas in San Fernando County, which lies between Monterrey... FOTOS: Así se vivió hace 7 años el ataque de Los Zetas al Casino Royale Hace más de siete años un comando de 17 integrantes de Los Zetas incendiaron el casino, ataque en el que murieron 52 ... MONTERREY, México - La cifra de personas muertas por el incendio en un casino, ubicado al poniente de esta ciudad, subió a 52 de manera oficial, aunque de acuerdo a algunos medios serían más ... MONTERREY, 26 de agosto.— Un comando, presuntamente del grupo delictivo de Los Zetas, roció gasolina en el interior del Casino Royale de Monterrey y provocó un incendio que dejó 61 personas ...

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Cobertura Especial: Casino Royale en Monterrey - YouTube

Cuando los narcos incendiaron el Casino Royale, yo estaba en Libia cubriendo la caída de Gaddafi. Regresamos de inmediato en un trayecto que fue tan peligros... Al filo de las 15:30 horas del 25 de Agosto de 2011, un ataque en contra del Casino Royale se registró, ubicado en Monterrey, dejando 52 muertos y 10 lesiona... casino royale monterrey atentado, autor: mariano espinosainfografia, animacion para prensa y televisiÓn A 6 años de la tragedia del Casino Royale en Monterrey el lugar sigue en ruinas y sirviendo como estacionamiento público #CasinoRoyale #Monterrey #MéxicoEl 25 de agosto de 2011 en el Casino Royale, ubicado en un sector de Monterrey, NL se produjo el fallecimiento de 52 personas...

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