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Failing To Find Friendships On This Subreddit READ THIS

Today I'm going to focus on signs of whether to move on, leave, and overall indicate if your reddit friendship is heading in a positive direction. Along with some mistakes commonly made and some methods to start the conversation.
Messaging Someone:
You found someone you want to message, great! So there are three ways that are appropriate approaches (if you have any other that work extremely well put it in the comments of this post)
Before we get to that I want to say when deciding to message someone or not HAVE CONFIDENCE!!!! I hate it when I look at a post and I see people commenting saying "blah blah blah hmu" HAVE SOME DAMN CONFIDENCE AND INITIATE THE CONVERSATION!! I get that when you do this your trying to be polite and not trying to be a creep but it just does not work.
Mindset: When you message these people I want you to treat it like an elevator pitch. There are some redditors getting hundreds of messages and comments when they make a post. KEEP THAT IN MIND! Here are some ways you can message someone:
  1. Asking a Question: Not a small talk question like "how are u" make it specific to the post. At the same time keep in mind some people may be asking the same questions so try to be unique with them
Ex: A lot of people put something like "I like video games" in their reddit post.
This person has already been asked "which video games do you play" like 50 times!! A better idea would be asking which video game genre do they like or even asking which of their hobbies listed are they most passionate about and then go from there.
People who are in the situation where they have been asked the same question so many damn times it would be a big help if you would tell us a good alternate solution in your opinion
2) Introducing Yourself: Stating what you like, what your looking for in a friendship, and the fact that you want to be friends with them is a rather personal and up-front way to get the conversation started.
But what do I say after I introduce myself???? Funny enough it is based on their reaction but if they give a one word answer like "k" or "cool lol" then you could start launching off some questions until you find a conversation point. Although with a response like that it could either mean they are disinterested or they are talking to so many people they don't have the time to give a good response.
3) A compliment: NO NO NO this does not mean find a female say she looks hot and wait for results. COMPLIMENT SOMEONE BASED ON SOMETHING THAT THEY CAN CONTROL.
Ex: DO NOT say "girl you thicccer than a bowl of oatmeal"
Rather say "You look great in that photo I like your outfit style" (the more specific you get the better in my opinion\*******)*
Odd phrase but it will make sense soon enough
So your messaging someone and just ended your first conversation or maybe you've been talking for a while but how do you know if its going well?
Green Flags:
50/50: You are BOTH initiating conversation. I'm not talking about "well we have had about 10 convos and I initiated 9 of them but they messaged like 1 time" NO I'm talking about a 1 to 1 ratio or something very close to it.
****If you're always the one scheduling, having to reach out or initiate conversation then its not worth it. Your watering a dead plant. And odds are you deserve so much more than to just talk to someone who doesn't even care whether you message them or not. FIND SOMEONE WHO IS WILLING TO MEET YOU HALF WAY
MOIST TEXTING: Get your mind out of gutter lmao let me explain what I mean. Moist Texting is when you're out of that loop of small talk and stuff getting awkward. YOU CAN HAVE A CONVO ABOUT ANYTHING WHETHER IT BE SPORTS, CAREER ENDEAVORS, OR SOMETHING AS IDIOTIC AS IF MR. CLEAN IS ATTRACTIVE OR NOT
****usually replies are hella consistent during moist texting. Your getting replies like every 4-8 mins not every other day or every 5 hours
THEY NEVER MESSAGE YOU FIRST: This is in my opinion the biggest red flag!!!!! Even if they respond to you consistently and you two do stuff all the time a lack of initiation on their part means one simple harsh reality: THEY ONLY RESPOND BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO. ONCE THEY FIND SOMEONE WHO THEY ARE WILLING TO MEET HALFWAY AND MESSAGE CONSISTENTLY THEN THEY WON'T BE REPLYING TO YOU ANYMORE
(That sounds really dark but please remember the person could also be very busy with their life. Also please remember that if this happens over the course of like a few weeks to a few months then that's where green and red flags should be applied)
I TOOK 5 MINS TO RESPOND BUT IT TAKES YOU 3 DAYS !!!!?????: The title for this section is over dramatic but if you are consistently replying after 3-6 mins and it takes them hours on hours each time that's not the best look (ONCE AGAIN REMEMBER THEY COULD JUST BE A BUSY PERSON).
Now I will admit the reddit chat system is so damn bad so if its strictly on reddit take this red flag with a grain of salt but if its on discord or snapchat or any platform where you can either see they read your message or they are online and it takes them hours/days to respond.....that's rough buddy
Also note that a lot of people will say "don't be dry texter when you message me" but remember it goes both ways. You both have to be moist texters.
Alright so lets say every person you message has these red flags. Then the problem might be you. So here are some mistakes that I feel that I've seen others and myself make
SMALL TALK: Now if you have known this person for like 6 months or something then yeah small talk is generally acceptable BUT if you have just started talking YOU NEED TO YEET THAT SMALL TALK BS INTO THE STRATOSPHERE!!!!!!
Nothing kills a convo faster then getting trapped at the grips of what to do next after small talk. Unless you really know this person don't engage in the typical "How r u?" "I'm good hbu?" type of conversations. Yes it is easy and gets you a response because it is easy to reply to but after about four text messages an awkward gap of silence is just waiting to take place.
STOP BEING A PEST: So what if you've had like 5 convos over the course of a week and they haven't initiated anything, what do you do?
Pull back and take like a week or two and just don't conversate because you might be overwhelming someone and they don't want to tell you. Wait a week or two and message again. If they don't respond then that's rough buddy.
You keep having convos and you're the only one initiating!!! Well you know that's a red flag and you have two options:
1) STOP TEXTING THEM ALL TOGETHER: You were watering a dead plant. Stop watering it, the damn plant is dead. BUT IF YOU DID THIS YOU CHOSE THE WRONG OPTION (IMO)
They either won't reply, get mad, or hell maybe even have an actual conversation about feelings. You may not like the results of what happens after you send this but it is going to do so much more for you mentally than just getting sad and either ghosting someone or being ghosted. Go get yourself some closure!!! (Also don't call them out if its only been like 3 days or something ridiculous like that)
YOUR LIKE EVERYONE ELSE: I'm going to make this one short as I said it already put please stray away from asking predictable questions. When people go right be that one person that goes left!!
Person 1: "I like to play basketball"
You: "What position do you play" <---- WRONG EVERYONE IS ASKING SOMETHING LIKE THIS
Instead maybe answer with a witty reply
(Bad example but I'm making this up on the fly) You: "I bet you're good enough to beat tom brady in a 1v1"
EXPRESS EMOTIONS: USE THOSE DAMN EXCLAMATION POINTS, QUESTION MARKS AND EMOJIS. They seriously add a whole new depth to the conversation
**********YOUR NOT SCHEDULING: Scheduling something to do with someone is dorky but it is EFFECTIVE! By scheduling I mean get a day and a time that works for both of you guys. This can eliminate something like always asking someone to get online and play and them turning you down because they are busy.
But what if we always schedule and they never show up because they forgot?
That's rough buddy and that is a red flag. (If this happens once or twice then don't freak put up if it happens like 6 out of every 7 times then yeah that's a bad thing also if you're the one always scheduling to do something and they never do that is a red flag)
LONG MESSAGES: Often times you are being too wordy. Try condensing your text message to be readable but also short.
\**Rule of thumb: Long meaningful replies to questions but short interesting replies to statements*
FILTERING YOURSELF: When you reply sometimes you think too much and go with a "safe reply" but don't do that because everyone else is going with that "safe reply'!
(This filter thing is not an excuse to go insult or make a pervy comment towards someone)
I'm going to reiterate some things mentioned earlier but they are that important
Realize some people are getting hundreds of messages and odds are they are only looking for one or two people at max. They may find those people before they even get to your message
Do not build up unreasonable expectations:
If you see that this person likes all the things you like don't go off and make a fantasy in your head where you picture them a certain way and build up an expectation.
Go in with no expectations and take the person for what they are!!!
Accept that 80% of the people you talk to won't develop into the friendship you want or a friendship at all
Be open, honest, and kind to whoever you talk to. Also ask deep question that encourage open ended conversations.
ALSO PLEASE COMMENT ON HOW TO MAKE A GOOD POST THAT CAN GET PEOPLE TO REPLY. (I'm actually curious to see what you guys come up with)
If you read to this are a scholar 😎
submitted by KING-MAN123455 to TeensMeetTeens [link] [comments]

Online Dating - Tips from an Average Joe (with examples)!

First of all, hey. How are you doing? This will be the first and last time I open like this. Unless you’re a model or Chris Hemsworth levels of attractive, you should never open up with “Hey” or “How are you?”. If you stop reading now and take anything away from this post, let it be this.
I’m a 24 year old male student, average plus looking, I’d give me a 6 or 7, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don’t have a fancy job or even a car, I’m a pretty average man who has had a great amount of success on dating apps. After lurking around and trying to improve my game and myself, I’d like to share what personally helped me improve my chances to translate a match into a date.
Disclaimer I'm a straight man, so I'll be sharing my experience talking and meeting up with Straight/Bi women. Most of the advice here can be applied for every person you meet online. Plus English isn't my first language and I'm translating all of these convos from my language, happy reading!
Openers are important. They are. You should always think of a good one, with the balance of being witty, funny and charming, while not sounding too “try-hardy”. Sounds tricky, and at first it is, but a good opener improves your chance significantly to get a date with the girl you’re talking to. Still don’t think openers are important? I’ll share a story.
I live with two female roommates. We’re pretty open with each other and share stories about our dating lives quite often. One night we’re hanging out and we talk about dating apps, one thing led to another and they ended up both creating accounts that same night. They both got over 100 likes. In less than an hour. Woke up in the morning and one had 300 and the other 400. After 24 hours they both got over 999+ likes.
Point of the story is, if it wasn’t obvious already, women tend to have a lot more option than men on dating apps. For every girl you’re talking to, there’s 19 other guys texting her and sending her messages. 50% of those men will probably open with “Hey”, or “How are you doing?” or some variation of that. Men who want to improve their chances need to stand out of the crowd. If our appearance isn’t going to help us stand out, our opener will. So how do we do that?
Think to yourself “What do you like about this girl?” “Why did I swipe on her in the first place?” “What’s attractive to me about her?” Thought of something? Good. Take that idea/compliment/statement and add a little twist to it. Complimenting is always better than “hey”, but something even better is to take that statement and be playful or tease a little bit. I read a tip on the "dating advice" sub by LeatherDaddyLongLegs which I agree with- If you're going to compliment someone, compliment them on something they have control over. I’ll give a few IRL examples of openers that got me numbers. Bear with me since I’m translating from my native tongue to English:
Girl with a bio stating she’s studying engineering, has a dog in one of her pictures:
Me: “I’ll be honest with you, I just want to meet your puppy, but I haven’t found her on the app yet.” Her: “Haha it’s a he. Are you still sure that you want to meet him?” Me: “Sure, but make sure he doesn’t have any expectations. Maybe I’ll meet a cute engineer along the way.” 
Girl with a bio stating her hobbies include singing in the shower, generic pictures:
Me: “I hope you like singing outside the shower as well, you can complete my duet while we cook dinner” Her: “Hahaha, I’m not sure that you want to hear me sing. But I am pretty good in the kitchen.” Me: “Stir-fry is my specialty, but I’ve got some more recipes up my sleeve. When we grab a drink, you can hint what you prefer” 
And my favorite: Girl with generic picture, no bio or bio consisting of a random emoji (Like what the hell is that supposed to mean)
These ones are tricky and are pretty common. Go back to what I wrote before. Why did you swipe on this girl? Is it because she’s cute? Is it because she’s throwing off good vibes? Does she seem like a genuinely good person? Take that thought and add a twist. It’s like a cold open, but for dating apps. If you meet someone IRL, you can ask them a question about something fun, or you can make an assumption about her. This works in dating apps as well, do that and let the conversation flow from there.
“You seem like a fun person to be around, I’ll see if I’m right when we grab a drink”
“You seem like the athletic type, or did you just snap a cute picture to show off?”
Experiment with your openers, and don't be afraid to be daring. Don't play it safe, tease and have fun all while being respectable of the person you're talking to. By the end of the day, we're all here to enjoy ourselves.
Getting her off the app
You thought of a witty opener, and she responded. Great! Now what?
Every person is different, some will give you a dry answer to your opener, some a “hahaha (add emoji here)”, some will give you some material to work with and some won’t answer (you can’t win them all). Your job is to get her off the app and into your phone/Snapchat/Instagram as smoothly as possible. Use texting as a means to an end, you’re not trying to build a connection via texting. You guys both swiped on each other. Take that as a hint that she’s attracted to you. My general rules of thumb to do this as effectively as possible are:
1.) No interview questions- You’re not trying to get to know her. You’re trying to get her on a date, so you can meet up face to face and get to know her then. NOT VIA TEXTING. Imagine this scenario:
You’re a girl with 20 messages in your inbox. 10 of them say “hey” (or some variation of that). She answers 3 of those messages because the guys follow rule 1 to an insane degree. She looks at the other 10. One asks her “What do you do for work?” She answers a dry answer. Another, “What do you do for fun?” She answers another short response. “How do you enjoy spending your spare time?” She doesn’t answer and gets off the app.
Texting shouldn’t be a chore and getting bombarded with questions isn’t fun. Interviews are dreadful enough, imagine if you got 10 interview questions every day. You probably wouldn’t answer them all, and eventually you wouldn’t bother with them all together. I'm guilty of texting the girl a lot before the date to get to know her. I learned that the effect is more negative than positive. If you don't have anything interesting to share or say, you're better off not texting at all.
2.) Text with a purpose- What’s your goal? Why are you texting her? Imagine texting like a path from point A to point B. Your job is to get from Point A (matching) to Point B (a date) as smoothly as possible. Don't make the mistake and mindlessly text her like I used to, navigate the conversation towards that. One way I like to do it is:
Me: “(Some statement on something we talked about), I’ll see if I’m right when we meet up for a beer. Or are you more into wine?” Her: “I like both to be honest” Me: “And when we grab a drink next week, what would you prefer?” Her: “Hahaha, well it would honestly depend on my mood.” Me: “Give me your number and we’ll see when we can make that happen.” Her: “Haha #####” 
Always think a step ahead on how to navigate your opener into fun banter, from fun banter to hinting that you should go out, and if you get a good response from her, get her number.
3.) Banter > Questions – Asking questions is good for one thing- to get the banter rolling. If you don’t have information to work with, asking a good question can get the ball rolling and can get her to share more, which gives you more information to work with, which leads to better banter, which leads to a better chance of you getting a number. I’ll use an example where I ended up double-texting after she didn’t respond and got a number (and eventually a date):
Me: “Good thing my A/C is working so I can chill after being let out to dry”(Bad translation) Her: “Sorry, I didn’t see your message” Me: “Happens to the best of us. So how does your athletic side come into play?” (I assumed before that she had an athletic side to her) Her: “I was on the national gymnastics team.” Me: “Do you also do cartwheels and handstands on random objects in your apartment?” Her: “Hahahaha not really, I’ve gotten lazy” Me: “Too bad, that could’ve been a sight to behold. How about we get off this app and you give me your number?” Her: “Haha alright ######” 
4.) Close on a high note – Don’t ask for a number out of the blue, because if you do that, you’ll mostly be brushed off, or worse, get ghosted. Look at the examples above. If you get a good laugh from her or if she’s responsive towards going out with you, it’s a good sign to try and close her numbesocial media. She’s much more likely to give to you as well. Worst case scenario she says no, brush it off and change the subject.
Setting up a Date
Congrats! You’ve charmed her and you’ve got her phone number (I don’t do Snapchat or IG personally). Send her a text with a GIF (bitches love GIFs) or something witty and try setting up logistics. I’ll walk you through my thought process:
Ask her out to X activity on date Y, her response is...:
Yes: Great! You’re all set, send her a text back that you’ll see her on date Y, you’re excited to see her or something sweet of the sort and end the conversation. Check back on her at the date that you’re going to meet up to make sure you’re set to meet up on that day.
No, but I’m free on Z: Great! If you’re free aswell, set up on that date and follow the directions above.
No: Okay, why did she say no?
“I’m busy, I won’t be able to” – Alright, at this point I’d brush it off and ask her when she’s available. If she doesn’t give me a definitive answer, I’ll send her something like: “That’s fine, hit me up and take care”, and stop talking to her. The ball’s in her court now and you shouldn’t be hounding girls who won’t make a little bit of effort to meet up. Remember, dating is a two-way street. Don't waste your time on people who won't give you the time of day.
If she does give you an answer, she’s interested and try setting up the date.
“I get off work really late”/”I have to study until late”’/”I’m too tired” etc. – This isn’t a hard no. She’s making excuses on why she can’t come. This is where persuasion comes in, convince her that you’re worth it, just make sure you’re not too pushy. I follow a rule I learned while I was working in sales:
If I get one "no"- Why did she say no? Agree with the reason and try to persuade and charm her otherwise. If you get a second no, drop it and talk to her at a different opportunity. Nothing is a bigger turn off than neediness, and the last thing you want is to pressure someone into doing something they're not comfortable with.
People are willing to sacrifice sleep and time if they believe they’re going to have a good time. I’ll share an example of something that happened to me last week, with a girl that lives 40 minutes from me (sadly I don’t have a car ATM):
(Background: We decided we’ll be spontaneous, that we’ll meet up today and she’ll drive to me, but it will depend on how she is after work)
Her: Hey, I think I won’t make the drive today :( (Not cancelling yet, just thinking about it) Me: It’s all good, we’ll find a different time. Her: Sorry, I know it’s not very spontaneous of me. Me: I expected more from you, maybe I’ll see your spontaneous side at a different opportunity. Her: Haha always have low expectations, I have to find the energy to make the drive (Warming up a little) Me: Grab a cup of coffee and drive. Worst case scenario that you’re exhausted and can’t drive home, you can sleep on my comfy couch. (Teasing a bit) Her: Hahaha what?? Instead of offering me to sleep in your room you’re offering me the couch? Me: You can order me a drink first before you jump into my bed Her: Haha Me: Anyways, if you’re feeling spontaneous hit me up. I’m going back to my books to study, they need some attention. Her: They deserve it haha! Alright, I have 11 minutes to decide. Me: (Insert happy GIF) Her: Alright I’ll come. 
If you've come this far, thank you for reading and I hope you found this useful. Good luck and happy dating!
Thanks to everyone who upvoted and commented! It's always good to see other people's opinions and get another perspective. I'm considering writing up another one of these, but more along the lines of how I like to date-prep after the date is set up.
submitted by Necrocyst to dating [link] [comments]

#iamreallyhappy [Guest Post]

Important official legal disclaimer: This is a short work of fiction. Any resemblances you notice to yourself, to people you may know, to people you think you may know, etc., is entirely DELIBERATE.
When I’m at work I’m staring at a screen. When I’m not at work I’m staring at screens. Checking social media. Scrolling through updates. Scrolling through friends. Scrolling through products. Scrolling through #instagram. Scrolling through #amazon. Products make me happy. The customer is always right. Make sure that what you’re selling is something that people want to buy.
On the subway we’re surrounded by people that we don’t know. People we’ll never see again. Our heads are tilted down, eyes connected to smartphones and pod devices. Playing free games. Bright lights and colorful shapes. We stare into our screens. Our screens stare into us. Swipe swipe swipe. #whatsapp group texts. #netflix. Fantasy football updates. #snapchats. The anxiety of being human. New Yorkers avoid looking at or talking to one another. Once in a while there will be a crazy person on the train and all of us normal passengers can smile at each other and sigh. At least we’re not crazy.
If you close your eyes the movement of the subway feels organic, as if the trains and underground tunnels are alive. The subway tunnels are the arteries and veins of the city, the passageways of the busy hive. A buzz of worker bees on our way. Where are we going?
I don’t want be a part of the hive. But I’m a human being. I need other human beings.
Something is broken in me. I hate myself. I don’t feel a sense of belonging or connection in any aspect of my life. friendships, family, romance, work. Ennui and alienation are my reality. A city of 8 million people. A hive of loneliness.
My life is no tragedy. There are no readily apparent causes for the dissatisfaction I feel. I wasn’t abused. I went to college. I had all the benefits of a middle class upbringing. I’m a white male in a society that has persecuted anyone and everyone who isn’t. There was a terrorist attack and the nation was in shock. A maniac with a gun shot up a shopping mall. The president offered his condolences. We had an all-staff call at work to discuss how we felt. It’s important for us to remember that terrorists are evil. When terrible things happen on our TV screens it’s important to show solidarity.
We’ve never had an all-staff call at work to discuss our solidarity with the homeless people that we walk by each day between the subway station and our office. The woman who stands by the subway entrance shaking her cup of change every day. The couple that sleep in sleeping bags each night under the awning of the bodega. There was no all-staff call to discuss our solidarity with our co-workers who were laid off last week.
I eat mostly fast food. Food should be fast. Life is fast. Fast. Food. Chinese delivery. #mcdonalds. #kraftmacaroni&cheese. #dominos. Microwave. High sodium. High Fructose Corn Syrup. Monosodium Glutimate. Intense flavors. Addictive flavors.
Binge. Binge-watch. Binge-watch television. The revolution will be televised. The revolution will be tweeted.


Browsing the internet, searching for a date. Swiping through thousands of profiles. The deep human need for connection. “Love to travel”. “Looking for a partner in crime”. “Enjoys witty banter”. Attempting to send thoughtful messages that will stand out. Being ignored. Rejected. Every once in a while a rare response. Variable rewards. You’ll never win if you don’t play the game. True love is just a swipe away. Dopamine. Slot machines. Addiction.
Friend; noun; a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection. We “friend” each other. We “follow” each other. Do people have friendships anymore? What does it mean to be a friend when you know everyone through a screen? What does it mean to be a human being? I think back to my friends from college. I think I was always a little bit sad underneath it all. But friends are a good medicine.
We had fun back in college. This was before our jobs and our lives dragged us to all different corners of the country. Nowadays we talk about the #nfl or #GoT through group texts. Sometimes we wish each other happy birthday. Sometimes we forget.
Breaking news. Check your smart phone. Turn on your television. President Trump did this. President Trump did that. Terrorist attack. Hurricane. Polar Ice Caps melting. Destruction. Human beings are terrible to each other. Stay informed. Stay alert. More information makes better citizens. Information equals wisdom. Binge. Check #bbc, #cnn, #msnbc. Get updates and notifications. Twitter and social media keep us informed. Smart phones are smart.
Drugs and porn make me feel better. weed. A little coke. A little molly. None of it really make me happy, but they at least make me not sad for a while. A quick bump to take the pain away. Everyone is an addict. Addiction is good for the economy. Some addictions are respectable. Some not so much. work, shopping, smart phones, #facebook, television, fossil fuels, #marvel super-hero movies, #mcdonalds, #instagram, pornography, video games, #dominos, coffee, alcohol, #snapchat, cocaine, #oxycontin, heroin. The economy is doing well.
We are all very happy. It’s the best of times. It’s the worst of times.
I talked to my sister a few weeks ago, she lives in Colorado. She used to live in Arizona, and before that North Carolina. I miss my sister. Like most young people she goes wherever she or her boyfriend can find work. She told me about her job, about how all her co-workers seem so fake. No one really seems to care about what they’re doing. It’s more important to make it seem like you care than it is to actually care.
The other day I saw a picture she posted with her co-workers – “So happy to work with these great people and this awesome company #workfriends”.
Our economy is great. Even though it rips apart the connections that we need for our emotional health, it always comes up with new products and services and gadgets for us to substitute for those connections and soothe our loneliness. One day we will all be staring at screens all the time and we’ll never have to interact with humans in the real world ever again. Life will be good.
Some people find meaning in their work. They work long hours. They go out drinking with co-workers. They work in advertising or tech or finance. They are helping our economy grow. Growing the economy is important. We may live on a finite planet, but we’re committed to an economy that can grow forever.
An economy is not the only type of organic system that can commit to a cycle of endless growth. Sometimes it happens with cells in the human body for instance. This is called cancer.
I sit at my desk pretending to work hard. Wondering what the other cubicle bees are doing with their time as they pretend to be working hard. Sometimes I do spreadsheets that people tell me are useful. #microsoft excel. #salesforce. Being able to measure and quantify all aspects of life is a valuable skill.
Once in a while I’ll grab lunch at the bodega or at #mcdonalds and I’ll notice how the employees there work so much harder than I do. Most of them are bi-lingual. They probably work harder in an hour than I do in a day.
I sit at a desk in front of a computer, so my job is really important.
There is nothing more shameful in life than being poor.
Smart phone. Smart TV. Smart car. Smart house. Smart city. We are smart.
When I get out of work I walk to the subway with all the other worker bees leaving their jobs. The sidewalks are buzzing with people heading this way and that. It’s important to walk fast to wherever it is you’re going. It’s important to go where you’re going and for everyone else to go where they’re going. Thinking about where you’re going is time wasted when you could be getting to where you’re going. Be careful if you smile at other people, they may see it as a threat.
At rush hour there is always a man on the corner near the subway with a sign that says “Jesus Loves You.” His eyes are powerful. He isn’t in a rush to get anywhere.
I love to learn. I love to read. I mostly hated school. Some of the most intelligent, interesting, and creative people I knew were dropouts.
School was useful for teaching us that life is about measurement and performance and specialization and commodification. Your peers are your competition. Things like empathy and imagination and cooperation are hard to measure. They’re non-linear. School doesn’t like them.
Prison population is something we can measure. There are 2.3 million Americans in Prison. There are more black men in prison today than there were enslaved at the time the Civil War began. America is the home of the Free and the Brave.
There was a pretty young woman at the register at the bookstore. She told me that she was a huge fan of the short stories I was getting. Said she loved the way the author plays with language and meaning. She reached to give me a bag for the book and I told her I didn’t really need one. She apologized and smiled and said that she must have asked me about a bag already. I told her that she hadn’t. She blushed. I asked her her name. I asked her for her number.
Later I sent her a message. Maybe I could take her out for a drink sometime, Smiley face emoji…I never got a reply.
Social media. Social. Media. We are social. We connect with our screens. Social media connects us to what is important. Likes, upvotes, retweets, friend requests, updates, notifications. That friendly buzzzzzz from your smart phone. It feels good to be social. Dopamine. Remember – Your brand matters. Everyone is watching.
Technology makes the world better. Technology solves problems, especially problems created by other technology. If new technologies create problems, the solution is to develop newer technologies to solve those problems. Technology and progress are the same thing. Technology helps the economy grow. When technology makes human beings obsolete, that is progress.
We relate to our machines better than we relate to each other. #google knows the real me. #instagram knows the real me.
One in sixty-eight children in America is diagnosed with autism. Autism is characterized by impaired social interaction, impaired verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior.
I feel like my job isn’t actually about doing anything. Success is really about making it look like what you do is important. Lying to yourself to tell yourself that what you do is important.
Teamwork and cooperation are actively discouraged at work. No one knows what anyone else does, but supposedly what everyone does is important. Stare into your computer screen. Do we live in a world where success is about manipulating our fellow human beings? #winning
One day after work I saw an old woman on the subway with a young girl sleeping at her side. The woman was sewing a scarf. Sometimes people are good to each other. Sometimes the small things in life can be incredibly beautiful. Once in a while happiness will come when I’m not searching for it.
I wish I had a girlfriend. I wish I had someone I could talk to without feeling like I’m lying to myself.
People around me are growing up. Getting married. Having kids. Settling into life. My conscience is at war with my culture.
One day I took a train out of the city. I took some molly. I was hoping to escape the traps of language. I needed nature. I needed art. I was looking for something that wasn’t for sale.
Our culture destroys community. #alienation is in our dictionary, next to #truth. Nobody knows anybody, nobody knows themselves. We project onto anyone who reflects the pain and fear hidden within ourselves – those who are suffering the most – the poor, the homeless, the drug addicts, the immigrants, the crazy, the uneducated. Anyone with a political ideology different from our own. Organic human interaction doesn’t exist, all that matters is your ability to sell and your ability to consume. Smile for #instagram, smile for #facebook. Image is everything.
Human beings are commodities. Numbers to be counted. We stare into screens, selling ourselves to each other. We desperately hang on for a sense of meaning and purpose to a culture which is destroying the ecosystems that we depend on for life. A culture which transforms our deep emotional need for meaning and connection into a deep emotional need for products.
In 2017 there were 72,000 deaths in America from heroin and prescription opioids. These drugs are pain killers. Pain. Killers. What pain are we trying to kill?
Some of the best people I know are chronic drug users, some of them functional, some of them not so much. What does it mean to be a human being?
Once I got so lonely that I was no longer myself. I was the hive. The people moving to and fro, the traffic, the ambulances, the delivery boys on their bicycles, the junkies, the couples hand in hand on the sidewalks, the children and dogs playing in the park, the street festivals, the subway cars rumbling through their tunnels. It was all me.
The sounds of the city are music. Everything is frequency. A constant buzzing.
We cannot acknowledge our pain and fear in our screen environment, we can only smile and sell ourselves. Our pain is filtered into tribalism. In a world that is more connected than ever, we hold tighter and tighter to old markers of identity. Tribalism and hatred and racism and misogyny haven’t disappeared in our interconnected global village, they’ve morphed and increased in scale. Morality and empathy function differently in this environment. There is only Us and the Other. The safe space and the enemy. War gives us meaning. If there is no enemy, one will have to be invented.


Advertising is our culture. Advertising is who we are. #hashtag your tribe.
I miss my sister. I miss my whole family. Including my extended family that I don’t really know. Sometimes I think that humans aren’t really supposed to behave like bees in a hive and that we are actually designed to live close to our families and our friends and work close to where we live. Maybe work and life and culture and happiness aren’t supposed to be separate things. “Commute” is a silly word. There’s a hope somewhere deep down that we actually need each other… that people are worth it.
As a #straight #cisgender #whitemale, I sometimes feel that I’m not allowed to be upset about the world we live in, I’m not allowed to be hurt by it. I need to #checkmyprivilege. Maybe I just need more drugs.
It’s important for us to be living in a state of constant consumption. After all, what are we if we’re not consumers? What does it mean to be a human being?
Sex sells. Sex is a good product. Orgasms can be counted. How many people have you fucked? I don’t know how to have a genuinely vulnerable emotional connection with another human being. What happens after the orgasm? Connecting with someone who you hope to have an intimate and beautiful relationship with is about selling yourself. Always remember: You Are A PRODUCT.
Make sure you have a great profile pic. Remember, self-expression is about crafting an image that other people will like. These are your #friends. This is advertising, people don’t want to know the real you. Make sure you look sexy at all times. Ugliness doesn’t sell. Swipe your way to happiness. Hearts. Likes. Thumbs Up. Everyone’s there. An entire city. The entire world. A busy hive.
Drugs are Good drugs when society says they’re Good drugs. Good drugs are legal, Bad drugs are illegal.
Good people Hate president Trump. It’s important to have socially acceptable outlets for channeling negative emotions when living in an oppressive culture. Ridiculing and making fun of Trump and his supporters is something we can all do together and share in the fun.
Is it possible that Trump supporters might be human beings too? Is it possible that hatred is just fear and pain turned outward? How’s your social media presence? What does it mean to have “presence”? Where am I when I have #presence? Presence; noun; the state or fact of being present; current existence or occurrence.
Science and technology allow us to track and influence the behavior of massive numbers of human beings. The patterns of the hive. How does the swarm function?
Humans can be tracked by their clicks, by the amount of time their eyes interact with their screens. Our consumption habits and behavior can then be predicted and influenced using algorithms. The more data there is the more accurate the predictions. Feedback loops from past behavior can be used to influence future behavior. What we consume tells us who we are and who we will be. #hashtag it. Humans are just numbers after all. Numbers that can be measured, counted, commodified.
Tech and big data are amazing. It’s really great the way the tech industry helps our economy. Why judge people by the content of their character when there are statistics and algorithms? More products to help the economy grow. What does it mean to be a human being?
After the Civil War, the former slaves were free to make their way in this home of the Free and the Brave. During the reconstruction period in the South, it was common for freed slaves to be thrown in jail for no other reason than the fact that they didn’t have work. Once there, they were forced into chain gangs to build railroads and other infrastructure projects. Many died due to terrible conditions and over-work. Railroads were important because they brought industry and technology and economic growth. Economic progress makes the world better.
Every once in a while I reconnect to the world outside of my screens. I get the rare chance to talk with friends or co-workers and I have the impression that they are genuinely interested in having a positive impact in the world and in their community. Why do I feel so alienated at work, and in life? Why are we so disconnected in a world of constant connection? It has something to do with the system, the wider culture. Culture is powerful.
Worker bees working, the rhythms of the hive.
A beautiful fall day in Central Park. An oasis amidst the concrete. The wind blows through the trees, leaves shimmering in the sun. Fractals. The individual elements reflect structural patterns of the whole.
A beehive is an amazing thing. We can’t understand the hive by looking at the behavior of an individual bee, yet the combined behavior of the bees create a new phenomenon that is more than the sum of its parts – the hive. Swarming is like a cultural phenomenon of the hive. It is a pattern of the hive reflected in the bees.
The heroin addict reflects our culture of addiction. The cancer patient reflects our pathological attachment to endless growth. The autistic child reflects a society in which we have lost the ability to empathize, lost the ability to feel and understand one another. A black man murdered in the street reflects a culture in which human life is just a number. Humans are products. A salesman for president is a reflection of us. It shows us who we are.
The Art of the Deal. President. Salesman. Don’t forget that you’re for sale. Everyone’s watching.
The personalities that thrive in the modern world are those that embody the traits of psychopathy. Rapid turnover in interpersonal relationships. Lack of any real need for a sense of community or place. Focus on the superficial and image-based forms of communication as opposed to depth and nuance. Lack of empathy. Commoditized, fragmented, specialized and depersonalized interactions with others and with the planet. We are all engulfed in this culture. There aren’t any good guys or bad guys. Causality is non-linear. We’re all guilty. We are a society in which the ability to consume is our highest virtue and being poor is a moral failure. Poor people hate themselves and each other for being poor and worship rich people for being rich. Rich people hate themselves just as much as poor people, if not more so. Can you ever consume enough to create an identity? What does it mean to be a human being? Technology, screens and financial capital. Fossil fuels. Endless War. Drone Strikes. 150 to 200 of the species that make up the biosphere of planet earth go extinct every single day. 2,220,300 people incarcerated in the United States of America. Home of the Free and the Brave.
I don’t have a single person that I feel I can talk to about things that matter to me. I don’t have a single relationship where I feel I can be comfortable being myself, where I feel understood. Attempts that I make to connect are met with rejection. I fail over and over and over again. The relationships I do have are superficial. Why am I so broken? Sometimes I think that I might have something positive to offer.
Does the bee comprehend the nature of the hive? There are 7.442 billion human beings on planet earth. The individual human brain does not work with those kinds of numbers. We can’t relate to 7,442,000,000. 7,442,000,000 are not faces that we know. 7,442,000,000 is not connected to place. The way we make sense of 7,442,000,000… is as a number - a product - a resource. #humanresources. A resource to be exploited and used for all that it’s worth and then discarded along with the rest of the natural world. Success in our culture, in the industrial juggernaut that we call our economy, comes from the ability to manipulate the largest number of human beings, from figuring out and implementing the most efficient ways of turning human beings and the planet into a #commodity.


Shorten your thoughts so your mind doesn’t wander
into the darkness beyond tomorrow.



submitted by JoshPNYC to accountt1234 [link] [comments]

Batman v Superman- Early Impressions and Buzz Thread: what we've heard and seen so far compiled.

Alright, so I’ve made an effort to collate all the buzz we’ve heard so far (do I have anything better to do? It’s 1AM, I’m excited, and have it all on Twitter, and like you guys, am ridiculously hyped so, no, not really) including from reliable sources, people verified to have seen it, and ratings popping up around on critic sites. Suffice it to say, as a TLDR, it’s almost universally positive. Does this mean everyone will love it and it’ll be a huge critical success? No, of course not, not necessarily, but this is where we’re starting from, and it’s a pretty damn good starting point, and since everyone wants to know what everybody else is thinking- despite caring far more about what I think of the film, myself included- here’s a lot of threads and comments from the past few days and then some compiled here.
Officially, the Embargo drops Tuesday at 6PM. I’d just like to stress to those of you worrying about an embargo it’s perfectly normal for blockbusters with this much secrecy, and Warner Bros have asked several very positive reviews to be taken down and be reposted after the embargo lifts to respect that. Take that as you will.
Anyway, here are our impressions so far, feel free to add people below you may have seen or that I’ve missed, or as they come. They're verified, or from sources with proven sources at WB or treated as industry insiders. These are not selectively chosen or filtered, just what we've heard. Naturally, this being a DC sub, of course I'm more inclined to listen to the positive reviews, but even from an objective standpoint the good at this point simply far outweighs the bad, and I have posted genuinely all I've- and others- have seen here.
submitted by eobardthawne42 to DC_Cinematic [link] [comments]

Pixel XL vs. x3 (in-depth review)

I thought I would wait longer to post this and I'm going to try to be as objective as possible but wanted to share my thoughts since getting and using Android for the first time ever.
Background: WP user since 2013, 4 windows phones (HTC Surround, Nokia 720, Nokia 1520, HP Elite x3)
Bought x3 November 2016 as part of the bundle to replace my aging but functional 1520.
X3 is an awesome, awesome phone. Did everything I needed and the lapdock was really special. To this day I have not used the desk dock since I don't have the setup for it but the lapdock has been in use and 80% functional since day 1 and through all the updates.
My first month with the x3 was a struggle. Freezing issues galore, widely documented. This subsided after a replacement phone with only minor issues occurring after that. However, this past month, my x3 was freezing more frequently during simple phone functions. After hanging up after a call, while sending a text… Simple, simple things that are super frustrating.
I went home for my bday and dad offered me a Google Pixel XL since he upgraded to an S8+ and planned on using the pixel as a "backup" to play with Android and get some cool travel apps I desperately needed but ended up getting so frustrated with the x3 freezing, I popped my SIM card in and have been using the Pixel as my daily for about a week now.
So here are my thoughts:
Overall build quality: I have to say it's just about even in my mind. While the pixel does feel more fragile, I can't say the x3 feels like a more premium device in terms of build materials.
Robustness: hands down x3. It's IP67 rating is 'nuff said. I've dropped it a few times on different surfaces, not afraid to get it wet if rainy, very solid phone for me when I'm out and about. Stopped using a case because the silicone was cracking at the corners but never felt scared of dropping it. As I mentioned above, the pixel feels very fragile in comparison. It's lack of any type of proofing makes me overly cautious when holding it and bringing it to job sites.
Screen: I'm a phablet guy as you could probably tell and the pixel feels quite small: 5.5" compared to the 1520's 6" and x3's 5.96". It's also a smaller form in general, a bit shorter and a bit narrower. Holding the Pixel with both hands to text is borderline uncomfortable for me and I don't have big hands. Swiping to text alleviates this but even as I'm typing this out, having the phone rest on my right pinky isn't as comfortable as it was on a bigger phone for some reason. I think it may have to do with the material.
The screen itself is better on the Pixel. Brighter may be the wrong word but colors look better and boy are there plenty of colors will all the aps. My wallpapers look better and videos look incredible. It just looks cleaner for lack of better words although the x3's screen does a very, very good job.
I've noticed the screens on both phones get warm after being on and in use for a while but the Pixel got just a tad warmer under equal or less stress. The x3 backside actually gets warmer though.
Sound/speakers: have to give it to the x3. I hate the lack of variety in sounds on the Pixel although I'm sure there infinity apps to add more. The speaker itself is not as good and downward facing. To me the overall volume is not as loud which means I've missed some texts/emails when the phone was in my pocket sometimes. I do like how there is an option to turn off notification noises when on a phone call. It really stared to piss me off having my loud ass text sound go through when I was on a call with the x3.
Battery: x3 no doubt about it although I definitely commend the pixel on its battery usage despite doing more than the x3 ever could. With similar routines, on the x3 I was leaving the house with 85-90% battery, and coming home with maybe 40-50% depending on how many calls I got and if I was out of the office. With the pixel, it's been closer to 20-30% by the time I get home ALTHOUGH the pixel has been doing a lot more in terms of apps and background tasks which I do like. Normal routine is 2 hours of bluetooth streaming audio, texting all day, frequent emails, various phone calls, occasional app browsing during breaks. Some days were busier than others but that was about the average I noticed. I keep my brightness at about a quarter most of the time.
Worst day with the pixel so far (and still somewhat impressive!): woke up at 6:00 am with 94%. Bluetooth stream audio for 40 minutes to work. Text, phone, browse, YouTube occasionally. Had to drive to a job site so 2.5 hours with bluetooth audio, came back to the office, texting, apps, etc. Commute home for an hour with bluetooth audio. Went to the laundromat and was on the phone, snapchat, onenote (typing most of this out), texting, work emails. I had 35% at 5:30pm and left the laundromat with closer to 20%. This was one of my more taxing days because of the added driving and additional browsing during laundry but the phone lasted me a full day and I was quite impressed since I have much more apps, and therefore more things to do on this phone. The x3 was showing better results, after 10-11 hour days of similar usage, I would regularly come home with closer to 30-40% but the amount I did in terms of browsing apps wasn't nearly as much as it is now. I also think because this is a new-to-me phone, I have been spending a lot of time customizing and playing around with it so I have much more screen time with the Pixel recently. I'm sure once it's become standard to my liking the battery will go farther.
Oddly enough, the Pixel has a lower idle drain than the x3. I fully charge my phone before bed so I go to sleep at 10-11pm with 100%. With the x3, I was waking up at 6am with about 93% on the high end and sometimes 85% after a normal 8 hours sleep. The pixel has been stellar, I wake up with about 94-96% average over the past week. 96% most mornings! Incredible. My 1520 is currently de-apped, airplane mode all the time, and only lost 1% while idle for 9 hours. The pixel has all these background tasks (probably) and only lost 4% in 7 hours.
Storage: unfortunately my dad only got the 32GB model but I am not a storage hog. The x3 had 64GB and I didn't even reach 27GB with over 700 songs and my apps/photos. On the Pixel, I cut down the amount of songs to 300, have probably triple the amount of apps I used to, and thanks to Google Photos, I have only used 16.5GB of storage which means I can continue to add more songs as I go I hope to stay within 30GB although that likely seems hard to get to for me.
Vibration: my 1520 had a very good, noticeable vibration when on my desk. The x3's was pretty subpar comparatively. The Pixel is about the same or even worse than the x3. Cannot hear it when it's right next to me on my desk and can never feel it if it's in my pocket.
Camera: this isn't even worth mentioning. We all know which is better.
Bluetooth: better on the Pixel although for some reason, I can't do hands-free texting through voice when driving. Now Cortana didn't exactly work either but she would interrupt music to notify me of a text, and prior to 3 months ago, she would read me the texts and allow me to reply before it stopped working. The Pixel doesn’t interrupt my music for texts or any other notification sounds, it just quiets the music for a second, makes the noise out of the phone, and resumes music. It does work for phone calls though which is most important I think. I miss driving mode where those other notification sounds were muted while driving. The Pixel also does not skip during audio playback and connects to my car and starts playing automatically UNLIKE the x3 which could take up to 5 minutes to start playing music from Groove. I know this isn't my car either because I now have the x3 paired to a speaker and it skips way more than my 1520 did.
General OS: I had limited experience with Android prior to this. Everyone in my family and most friends have Androids (Samsungs) but I never got to really play with them and use it. I never had an issue navigating around and only asked questions on how to do shortcut things or not directly obvious or intuitive things. Funny how I could use iOS or Android with ease but none of my friends could ever navigate through my WP! :P
Android (on this phone) is much snappier and way more enjoyable to use. Navigating from screen to screen, app to app, is much easier and much faster than on WM. No "resuming" screens, no delays. Just butter. I don't like the app drawer but won't be using it much. I have one home screen for music widgets, one for all the most used apps, some in groups, and one for my calendaemail widgets which is quite nice. The notification baaction center is definitely different but something I can certainly get used to. Love that I finally have night light mode for my poor eyes and do not disturb still works as I expected. Taking a screenshot is a bit weird to me but just need to get used to it.
Fingerprint gestures are a little gimmicky but very cool I think. Able to quickly bring down the action center with one hand instead of reaching my thumb all the way up there is nice.
Quick side note, I love the fact I have my google voice # connected so I can choose which # I want to dial out from! Makes the division between work life and personal life so much better!
Keyboard: Pixel all day. This Gboard or whatever is fantastic aside from the weird placement of the emoji button and exclamation mark. Will take a while to get used to but I'm texting faster, more accurately, and swiping is so much better. The auto-predict is much more accurate and I've never typing "aright" instead of "alright" it really is a better keyboard. I wish they had most used emojis instead of recently used but that's a minor gripe. Emoji searching is pretty cool though and auto-suggesting pairs of words really makes typing easier and quicker.
Customization: I've been reading a lot on here and decided I don't want to emulate WP on my Android through a launcher, I want to experience Android for an extended period of time before committing one way or the other. At this point, I quite like the look and layout of stock Android. I do miss live tiles and resizing but having those little pods of grouped apps and widgets are decent enough, especially for the media player. I am in love with the app textra as I spend most of my time texting anyway and being able to customize my app with my favorite red and black colors is awesome and reminiscent of my WP themes, but also being able to customize my different conversations with different colors and sounds really gives a personal touch. Really do love that app. I do miss the dark theme but I like having my wallpapers/homescreen rotate and the app icons look nicer. Setting up my important widgets is cool too. Now I liked pinning tiles on WP much more than I like pinning icons/widgets but it's not as cumbersome as I thought.
Cortana vs. OK google: have yet to really dive into this. Plenty of videos comparing all the AI's. I rarely use them so not of much importance to me. Maybe once I get and use a google home it will make more sense.
Apps, apps, apps: I know we all love to hate this topic but my eyes were opened wide after going through the play store and searching on forums. I no longer need mobile sites to do very basic things. I liked Edge but never use it on my laptops whereas I have 3 gmail accounts for 3 different chrome browsers. One is for play (reddit, Youtube, social media), one is for personal (banks, eLearnings, information), and one is for work with all my work websites bookmarked. I am accustomed to chrome and use it every day and have been since it first came out. I know edge is great but it never replaced chrome for me so having to not rely on mobile web browsers for apps/banks is amazing. Even the simplest apps for travel like airlines/trains makes a difference in terms of productivity. I was never a fan of snapchat but gf downloaded it for me and now seeing her face more frequently and having fun is a nice change of pace. Facebook and instagram, reddit, youtube, netflix, it all just works better and flawlessly so far. Much more responsive even for stock apps. I'm sure there are tons out there that do a better job but I'm content now. I especially like how Messenger is so much faster and has little bubbles when someone chats you so you can respond without leaving your current app. Haven't found a replacement for Readit/Reddplanet but using Boost right now and it does the job.
Banks and Android Pay is huge. It will probably take a while for me to remember to use Android pay instead of reaching for my card but it's quite nice to be able to join in with others. I love how the bank apps support the fingerprint sensor so great way to have dual-authentication. Pinning mobile sites was clumsy and some never remembered my password.
I won't dive into the app gap but it is astounding to realize what WP has been missing. I am not even a huge app/game person but having actual, practical apps that work flawlessly and fluidly is incredible.
When I posted on googlepixel I was looked at like some sort of Neanderthal with what I was asking.
I also finally have access to some apps I use for work, manufacturer apps that allow me to demo for customers and some company apps I had to use edge for before.
I mentioned it earlier but Textra is really amazing. Aside from the color combinations and custom notifications, I have it pinned to my slide down action center so I can send a text to anyone from any app on any screen.
Things I'll miss:
Seamless contact integration with work and personal accounts including mail and calendar. It was just better on Windows. My personal Microsoft and work Microsoft accounts together in harmony with separate gmails coming through outlook. Having Outlook be the end all be all of mail and calendar instead of doubling up on Google calendar for all 3 of my gmails, Yahoo, and work email addresses was really nice too. I'm sure I'm just a noob with Android but I like Windows Phone better with this. No iris scanner unfortunately but I never used it on the x3 since it was slower and buggier than the fingerprint sensor. Fingerprint sensor is much quicker on the Pixel BTW, the few milliseconds are really noticeable.
Notification bar actions while phone remained locked. This just doesn't work on Android I guess. Again, I haven't tried that hard to find a way to make it work and there's probably an app for it but responding to texts and GroupMe or deleting emails right away from the action center was easy and seamless without unlocking the phone.
That's all I got for now. The x3 has been demoted to strictly media device for now. It's very strange but it honestly has not frozen or given me any problems since taking out my SIM card. I think there was a serious design flaw with the SIM tray causing many people a lot of grief. I hope that is fixed in the next iteration but I can't keep waiting forever. Only ongoing issues have been some Bluetooth connectivity with my speaker.
I have always used my smartphone as a PHONE first. And when I can't do simple phone functions, it no longer becomes a smart device. I will still most likely travel with the x3 and use the lapdock when needed but as for being my daily, $800 wasted for a desk dock I don't use, and a phone that never quite "phoned" correctly or reliably. Lapdock was the best part of the bundle no doubt despite the hate it received. I love the thing. Small issues with Continuum here and there but battery life and productivity was amazing.
Now I'm on the Pixel subreddit and there are plenty of reported issues, it is far from a "perfect" phone but when directly compared to the x3 in terms of smoothness and speed of navigating around, Google had the money and experience to make a really good phone whereas HP's first attempt was certainly a good one, coupled with Microsoft's declining interest in their mobile platform ultimately led to me not wanting to use it anymore.
I will still keep my eyes on Microsoft in the future but glad to be literate in both ecosystems now.
submitted by bpt1047 to windowsphone [link] [comments]

I need help

I’m 16 and I need help it all started when I was going into eighth grade I was going to a different school because I got kicked out of my charter school for doing something stupid but that’s not the point I met this girl when I was there she was having the same problems as me well sort of She was having problems with her family In the day I got kicked out my grandma said I was going to end up dead if I keep on doing stupid shit we were friends and that’s the word I don’t usually use but one day she told me when I was joking around I told her “what happens if I jumped down the stairs and broke my neck and saw me dying” She replied “I’ll be very sad because I would’ve lost a friend and I would’ve hugged you as you passed” no one ever really told me i’m from right there and then I knew I wanted to be with her but I was taught that when you were in middle school relationships don’t really last so I want to wait for a job And maybe be a little mature we had art class together but it no longer was us hanging out at that We hanged out during lunch her friends are often joked around that we would be together but I’ll still iffy when we were choosing our classes for high school I want to learn how to play the guitar for her but she chose art and that’s were basically split off and it turned out that so many people wanted to play guitar that some of the people switch the band I want to switch art knowing That I can’t really play guitar but it was too late so what did I do I made the best out of my situation I chose the C flute as my instrument thinking it was easiest I really wasn’t we would perform at pep rally’s and certain tournaments every single time I played a song I was thinking about me playing for her I would see her rarely and we wouldn’t talk I couldn’t find her during lunch nor passing period That was my freshman year my sophomore year I signed up for art but later finding out She was going to the advanced art But sophomore year was a little different every single time fifth period We would pass by one another she would say hey and I would reply back but that was it one time she gave me something for Valentine’s Day it was strange because no one else gave me something so I felt bad for not giving her anything one of her friends told me that she was going through some things so what did I do I went to the store to get a gift bag and a card and a bunch other candies that I forgot but in the card I didn’t write her a love letter instead it was more like a concern I reiterated what she told me if I jump down the stairs and I gave her my number to say if you ever need to call somebody or talk I’m here She never called something in my mind told me that she thought it was a lovely letter and that she probably threw it away I really tried my last attempt was really something because I’ve joined a program called civil air patrol cap for short And it teaches you military options how to drill PT test basically ROTC and there’s a thing that you do over the summer called encampment which is basically the first week of Boot Camp I was 15 turning onto 16 My birthday is in May and summer break doesn’t start until June I’ll be turning 17 2019 but back to the story the night I was going to go to encampment something clicked in my mind To check social media for her I tried Instagram Snapchat nothing my last ditch effort was Facebook and lo and behold she was there but I didn’t know what to say to her we were in the car ride for six hours so I thought I had plenty of time to come up with something but it felt like one hour as soon as I know it We are right in front of the gates so I wrote to her as quick as I could telling her How she save my life and I missed you all day as of us having fun we had a lot in common so with that I sent her the message and turned off my phone it was an intense and frightening week but in the back of my mind it was her I imagine she was looking at me as I was doing push-ups running the mile we’re doing flutter kicks I did it for her that’s all I kept in my mind graduation day we got our phones back but we weren’t allowed to use them until we got into our cars as soon as I turned on my phone I heard a notification sound that I never heard before and it was her icon on my home screen seizure she just said that she was glad that she can help and that we should do something sometime but she was out of town so I spend summer break thinking of what we could do but she didn’t come back when school started she came back a month after and that one text not one reply ever showed telling me that she was back I forgot to mention she doesn’t have a phone I mean she does have a government phone but she mainly uses her iPad I bring this up because whenever I would Text her through Messenger it will take a while to reply back and I mean it a while like three hours and that’s at the very least the most that she has left me on was 18 hours but either way we would never talk I was only text I tried talking to her but she would hang out with her friends and I would hang out with mine I would always try to schedule a day where we would go to the mall or go to the park or run whatever but she would never Want to go I would always say which day is best and she wouldn’t know the answer I would always be the one to text her she would never text me some days she wouldn’t to come to school and I will Text her what’s wrong and again five hours would pass and she would apply nothing or it’s fine until one day I just had enough I told her like what she thought of me and what’s wrong she would always reply the same thing “a lot of stuff is just been happening” and then I replied back by saying “a lot of things have been happening with me too but I don’t let that affect me” I told her how scary it is for me growing up fast and that when I turn 17 I could go to the national guard do a split program in which as soon as I finish my junior year that summer break I spend at Boot Camp come back and finish my senior year and once I graduate do my AIT and she had the balls to say “I have meaning for my life And all she does is play video games” but she said that she had time the next day but there was a problem the next day I worked and I didn’t want to tell her that I can’t do tomorrow because she never told me that she had time so I made an effort to go After my work shift to go meet up so I said I had time at four and we can do whatever she wanted she told me what did I want to do and I told her let’s do the first thing that we so we can do after we got back from the break do you want to go to the mall but she said that she didn’t have a Lotta money I don’t have a lot of money either so I said screw it let’s go to a 7-Eleven get chips drinks whatever then walk to a park and we can talk about our feelings there she agreedThe next day I got fired for something stupid who knew right either way I went to go blow off some steam took a shower and skated to her house she lives pretty far but I managed to get there on time and I had a funny feeling that what happens if she wasn’t there but I quickly blew that off because I want to talk about how I just got fired from my job but I’m still keeping my head on my shoulders I knocked on her door and nothing I’m knocked on her door again still nothing I’m knocked on her door one last time waited there for a minute and laughed and skated on home I was so messed up I was both angry sad I didn’t know what I wanted to Say to her so I sent an emoji of thumbs up again she didn’t look at it and I didn’t care the next day I checked if she seen it and she has a text that thumbs-up around six and she viewed it at 10 and didn’t say anything angered again I told her what I did what had happened and told her I didn’t care anymore I was outside of my house crying surprisingly she replied back immediately this time her saying today with the? I told her does it matter She said that she went ice-skating with her family to relieve some of the stress she apologized but I didn’t say anything a week had gone by and I had a different perspective not by anybody else but me alone I decided that I was the one to blame I was trying to take her out and have fun when she was clearly dealing with some things I told her I was sorry as well you would think our friendship would’ve gotten stronger no I went back to the same thing her taking a while to reply us not talking I started a new job and then my mind I was thinking about her so I texted her I was going to have an eight hour shift and I told her before my eight hours started That she wanted to do something for Halloween once my eight hour shift was done I check back and she hasn’t seen it I do this thing where if she hasn’t replied back I would check my phone constantly and I was doing this skating home and something in my head said I’m done so I texted her one last text Saying that I was done pretending like everything is OK pretending that somethings going to change goodbye I was crossing the street listening to my music as my music dimed I wonder if she had replied she did and what did she say barely got off of work do you want to talk about it I left it at that I was sad I built this bridge out of gold and I blew it up it sucks knowing that I did everything in the name of her but I just don’t know anymore every day I spend thinking about her if she’s OK what she’s doing I can’t stop thinking about her it has made me turn to drugs and alcohol to forget but it doesn’t work instead it just brings me happiness and that’s what terrifies me I wanna know if anybody has the same situation or somebody’s in the same boat as me and who has left that boat or somebody still on it this is my story if you have any advice or anything helpful please tell me because I don’t know who to turn to you anymore I don’t believe in God I don’t believe in my family I feel like I’m all alone so this is my last ditch effort
submitted by unknown-user2019 to offmychest [link] [comments]

PartyPants' Periscope [transcript]

Alice PartyPants' "Walker Wright"'s Periscope broadcast, Wednesday, April 27, 7-10 p.m. Eastern Between 7 and 13 viewers
Alice: —so are the rest of you just here for screenshots, so you can talk about me on Reddit?
(Alice grins, leans out of frame, lights a pipe, inhales.)
Commenter: Pass it!
Alice: Pass what?
(Alice coughs)
Alice: Pass what? What are you talking about? Pass beer?
(Alice grins.)
(A commenter says, "Not the beer.")
Alice: Hang on. (looks down) I'm not tamping, it's just out, man. (Smoke fills screen.) I never do it right, like ever. Ever. And that is not the marra-ja-wanna, kids, that is....not marra ja wanna. Fuck my balls. Come on, dude. (Bends out of screen, inhales) So is anyone actually gonna interact or is it pretty much, 'Let's watch Partypants be a trainwreck so we can talk about it?' Whatever.
(Alice leans in to screen, applies lipstick)
Alice: And there's your screenshot.
(A commenter asks, "Do you have questions for us?")
Alice: I always love to hear what brought someone to GOMI. That's always my question.
(A commenter asks, "If it's not marijuana, what is it?")
Alice: It's, um.
(A commenter says, "Young House Love.")
Alice: I wanna know where the hell they went. I saw he did a post like the other day or something. I DO HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU GUYS! I do have a question for you guys. Does anyone like "Modern Family," or am i a loser? I'm really into "Modern Family" right now for some reason. (Commenter says they watch it.) YAY, someone else is into "Modern Family." (Keeps talking about the show) (Adjusts shirt) C'MON, girls, work with me here. (Keeps talking about Young House Love.)
(A commenter says they are on GOMI for the "WeddingBee snark.")
Alice: —I'm trying to binge watch ("Modern Family") but I can only do it in blocks because, you know, stuff to do.
(The conversation turns back to WeddingBee/ThatWife)
Alice: I mean, I can't say much. I'm a fuckin' trainwreck .... I'm a trainwreck, but Jesus Christ, at least I turned the train wreck off a couple months ago. Yeah, there's a whole WeddingBee thread on GOMI. I feel weird because I don't really get, like I start reading it and I don't know who they're talking about or whatever 'cause it seems to be very ancillary. There's these in-jokes. You have to know someone. I don't really get it. I wish I could get it, you know?
(A commenter says they are on GOMI because of Katie Bower.)
Alice: Katie Bower and her crack house. I remember that one. Fine. Yeah, good times. Yeah, I love "Modern Family." What else. Any of you guys have cats? (Laughs)
(A commenter says they are on GOMI because of "GhostBev.")
Alice: GhostBev! It's going to be funny forever. That's why there's the ghost emoji in the forums, so we can all do that. Ghost Bev is the best. She is like, the joke that doesn't get old. And you know, she got pregnant again with her new guy. (Gets distracted by her cats in the background.) Oh, there he goes, there's a cat. Pancakes, taking off. Not everyone enjoys NOT-MARIJUANA smoke, so. I still kind of actually wonder about Bev, like, did she have the baby, whatever?
(A commenter asks, "Were there 2015 GOMI awards this year or did i miss it?")
Alice: God, thank you! I keep forgetting to do the voting. I swear to god, it's gonna be like June .... I swear, I swear, I swear I'll get the GOMI awards up. Probably by June."
(A commenter asks who GhostBev is.)
Alice: Settle in. Get a drink. Settle in. Do some shopping. Come back. Seriously, settle in. HEY!
(Alice gets up, walks off screen, smacks pack of cigarettes against her hand.)
Alice: Sorry to disgust everyone. I'm moving to cigarettes instead of...not cigarettes. No, where's the opening thing?
(Laughs, shouts at window.)
Alice: NO! Drunky Dickhead. Yeah, so, GhostBev. Around 2014 (lights cigarette)
(Shouts at window again.)
Alice: All the way up! This chick shows up on GOMI who had like a thread with two posts. I guess she found it. She shows up, then pretends she's gonna go away now. Then, like, ten white knights show up — all with her IP address.
(A commenter says that then, GhostBev "died."
Alice: Yes, then she dies. I'm not there. Hang in. I said, "settle in." Put on "The View" for a minute. So, she comes in with ten white knights, all under her IP address, talking about how great Beverly is. So, then, that finally stops and her (air quotes) husband (air quotes, and then more air quotes) shows up claiming that Beverly died in a car crash and, "I hope you all feel bad about yourselves." Same IP address. Still her. When I called her out, she was like, her sister or neighbor created an account. I mean, you just pulled the oldest, lamest troll ever. "She's dead. I hope you're happy." Yup, it was her, and if you actually go to the GOMI main page, down at the bottom of the page.
(A commenter says that GhostBev came back from the dead.)
Alice: Oh, yes fucking way she came back from the dead like three times — same IP address continuing to comment on her thread. It was so ridiculous.
(A commenter likens it to LiveJournal ca. 2005.)
Alice: YES, that is exactly what I said. SO LiveJournal. "She's dead and I hope you're happy." But they keep being around. So LiveJournal. It's absolutely a GOMI classic. That's why, like, in the title of the front page post, it was, "GOMI Classics." [Editor's note: the title of the thread is actually "Forum Hall Of Fame: Beverly And The Haunting Of GOMI Manor"]
Alice: It was hysterical. It was so ridiculous.
(A commenter says GhostBev happened around the same time as the forum thread that discussed "Grocery Store People.")
Alice: You know, what's funny — someone actually sent me La Croo-sette salt and pepper shakers as a gift and it had nothing to do with GOMI and it just cracked me up. It's actually a friend of mine who got the salt and pepper shakers as an engagement present .... (these days) I basically cut off pieces of cheese and put it on Triscuits. Or ramen, lately. Sorry, sometimes I feel like the only person who has to pay income taxes in April.
(Alice continues talking about "grocery store people" and gestures to something in the background, saying it's "fake.")
Alice: So, it's become dark since I started this. Can you guys see me?
(A commenter asks if the brick wall is fake.)
Alice: Wait, what's fake? Which thing? Yeah, it's fake! I did the — it's actual brick, it's just real thin-cut real brick, you can just slice it and put it up on the wall and grout it in between the brick. I actually did it in the bedroom too. They're the actual external walls of the building, so it looked like it would be real. I used Brickweb on a meshed tile and there's 12 of them on a sheet. It's so fast and amazing. Highly recommend the Brickweb. The worst part is doing the grout. It's really messy. I hope you have someone around you who loves you and can see you naked with grout on this area (gesturing to stomach) while you hold a grout bag and do this. But yeah, I love it. It's exactly the look I was going for and it's actually the same price I was going for. It's less expensive than doing actual brick with all the scaffolding shit you need to hold the weight and incredibly more easy to do. It's actually the same price as Thin Brick and takes a third of the time to put up and I recommend OmniGrip mastic. Smear it all in, slap it up. I really like DIY stuff. Oh man, fuck spacers. The Brickweb stuff — it's pre-spaced on the web and even when you're fitting the next one on, it's pre-spaced. Well, I somehow managed it, because I'm special, clearly. Oh, wow, my computer's gonna die in a minute.
(A commenter asks what the best hardware store is in New York and Alice says because they deliver. She swigs some more beer.)
Alice: Hah! I got a heart! (dances) Wait, so when's Jenna's thing? That's like, two hours from now, right.
(Alice leans in to camera)
(A commenter asks if GOMI meetups are generally just with people who live in New York.)
Alice: Yeah, whoever's in New York City. One second. Literally going right there because that's how large my awesomely millionaire apartment in New York City is. What do you want.
(Alice gets up and walks off-screen.)
Alice: (from off-screen) Oh, look at my glamorous apartment.
(Alice, still off-screen, starts yelling.)
(Alice returns to her chair in front of the computer. A commenter says something about how they see one of her cats.)
Alice: I have neighbors who can see into every side of this apartment. Which cat? Oh, that's Pancakes. I did what an hour ago? Shit, what time is it?
(Alice looks back at her cat.)
Alice: HAH, well, now, he's going under the amazing (IKEA) Karlstad.
(Alice gives a thumbs up to the camera. A commenter says the Karlstad is what Young House Love had.)
Alice: Well, that's Baconcat under the table there. He's the shorthair. Pancakes has, apparently, started to go take a moment under the sofa, so i'm going to respect his choices. Okay, so I'm supposed to. Who has a Karlstaad, me? Who?
(Alice swigs beer. The commenter says again that Young House Love had one.)
Alice: I feel like I missed something. Oh! Sherry and John. For the record, I didn't keep up with them that much. I didn't know they had it when I got mine. I got mine really cheap because they were discontinuing it, so I got two grey slipcovers on eBay, but I have this friend who makes slipcovers — okay, ex-boyfriend, in Poland. I get around. Well, I used to get around. God. He makes the leather ones, the leather slipcovers, and he wants to send me a camel one.
(A commenter says, "a real Pole from Poland?")
Alice: Yes, a real Jew from Poland! Boy, are my parents upset I didn't lock that one down.
(A commenter asks why Alice started GOMI and Alice says it was because she was writing about Julia Allison for ReBlogging NonSociety and people liked it. Alice rubs her lips.)
Alice: That's partly why I started GOMI — I'm sorry, I have chapped lips. I'm not being weird. Oh my god, it's gonna drive me crazy. I got tired of talking about Julia Allison all the time. It felt like she was ending her relevancy cycle for me, pretty much that. And also to get really really rich.
(Alice rolls her eyes, puts her pipe in her mouth, leans off screen, inhales, coughs, returns to the screen and grins.)
Alice: Don't worry, your ad money doesn't pay for that.
(Alice leans off screen and smokes again.)
Alice: It has helped me deal with GOMI though.
(Someone asks what Alice's favorite "fail-chievement" category is.)
Alice: Myself! Wow, I should probably hang this up now. Uh, "fail-chievement" category, no, I love them all.
(Alice looks at her beer bottle.)
Alice: Wow, this is when you know you're not drinking anymore. It's room temperature, so you're not even interested anymore. I'm gonna go over in my amazingly large apartment is and get a beer. OOH LOOK AT HOW BIG MY APARTMENT IS. LOOK AT WHAT YOUR AD MONEY IS PAYING FOR
(Alice moves the camera so it pans over to her fridge. A commenter says Alice should Periscope more.)
Alice: Probably not. This tape isn't holding. We can not ALL get tripods for these things. I'll be writing a letter to Gorilla Tape later. Also, BYE! I actually have to hit the road in about ten minutes so.
(Alice waves goodbye.)
Alice: Should I just, like, pose badly so there can be screenshots or should I? What? Deal with my hair, maybe.
[Editor's note, Alice says she has to leave in ten minutes at 8:28 p.m. She does not end her Periscope for another two hours.]
(A commenter thanks her for doing the Periscope.)
Alice: You bet. It was cool, I guess. It was weird for me. Thanks for showing up, though.
(Alice swigs beer. A commenter asks if this is her first Periscope broadcast.)
Alice: I think it's, like, my third. I haven't done one in about a year, mainly because of this. I'm really bad at it. I'm not good at just sitting around.
(A commenter tells Alice it's "time to refill the gin" and complain about her children like ThatWife.)
Alice: I haven't had gin since November, so .... and unfortunately, after ten years, my pets are fairly well behaved, not screaming at me so I can snapchat about it. Sorry, guys. God, now I miss gin. Oh, Hendrick's, why didn't you work well with my body?
(A commenter says that most Periscope broadcasts are terrible.)
Alice: Are they? I've seen Jenna and Stasia. I follow a few people. One is this guy in England who walks around parks. It looks like you guys are getting more interactive, which is helpful for me because i'm not a personal blogger person who sits around talking about themselves, so this is weird for me. The first time, I was looking at maps and walking around Brooklyn....but there are bloggers who insist on Snapchatting while driving. Like, STOP.
(Alice leans off screen, smokes, inhales, coughs on screen.)
Alice: I can't even with the people who Snapchat while they're driving. Like, please, just don't. Just do not do that.
(A commenter asks, isn't that illegal?)
Alice: I think is IS. Actually, I mean, texting while driving is illegal in a lot of places, so Snapchatting has to be illegal as well, right?
(Alice reapplies lipstick.)
Alice: I'm actually curious, can you guys see each other's comments or do I need to read them out loud?
(A commenter asks where Alice is "hitting the road" to.)
Alice: No, I'm actually. I'm gonna be here. Um. I'm doing a thing with some friends. Here. So. But I kept thinking, like, they're not gonna be here 'till 10:30. I have to get around and clean the house. But, whatever. Good enough, right? They're my friends. Deal with some cat hair on the chair, am I right? AND HE CLOSED THE WINDOW BEFORE HE LEFT. Thanks, dickhead. No, I would not marry you again.
(Alice gets up and walks off screen)
Alice: Because some people don't know how to leave a window open. I'm just saying, in case YOU watch this later.
(Alice holds up a copy of Betty Neels' 2004 romance novel, "The Right Kind of Girl.")
Alice: How about this? Mind-expanding literature. They have all these sales around Brooklyn and I just keep buying Harlequin romance novel-type shit.
(Alice begins to pretend to sob.)
Alice: And I am just DONE being ashamed. I think if a woman wants to read her feelings in a romance novel-type paperback, hashtag yes I am so brave. Yes, yes I like some cheap paperback novels. It's like beach weather hashtag so brave. Yes, I am so brave.
(Alice begins to pretend to sob.)
(A commenter asks, did you just say you would not marry that guy again?)
Alice: Who, my neighbor? Yeah, I did say that to my neighbor. Because he's marrying my neighbor. My neighbors and i hang out a lot, is the back story to that. But, yeah our joke is, as of that engagement party, he would marry me because he wouldn't have to move much furniture. We can't all have Park Slope lofts. Wow, it smells like Amsterdam here. Oh, and it should be clear about my neighbors, I'm friends with her and I'm friends with him and I'm friends with them both. I would not marry him. But it all came about because of the joke at the engagement party, because if he married me, he wouldn't have to move much furniture. Just to explain that.
(Alice smokes more off screen, comes back on screen and waves hands in her air.)
Alice: And that is my impression of plastic arm wavy guys outside car dealerships
(A commenter asks if Alice would get married again, but she is leaning off-screen, inhaling.)
Alice: (off screen) Down the shirt. Down the shirt! Oh my god, I am awesome. I saved it.
(Alice comes back on-screen.)
Alice: So, what are you guys doing tonight? I might go on OKCupid.
(A commenter says it's 2 a.m. and she can't sleep.)
Alice: It's 2 a.m. there? Why are you on periscope? Shouldn't you be sleeping or something? Well, how about you guys! Who's your favorite hate read? Um, besides me.
(A commenter says "KERF." Alice reads the screen and dances.)
Alice: You guys don't wanna see me dance again. Do you wanna see me dance again? I know you don't. I know you don't. Okay, no one's answering.
(A brief conversation ensues between Alice and someone who says they don't read many blogs because Google Reader is defunct. Alice taps out her pipe.)
Alice: Come ON. Ugh, God. When a pipe loves something very very much it might want to smoke it. So. YEAH. That's a "yeah" to all three of you.
(A commenter asks what Alice's favorite threads are and says they enjoy the Members Only threads.)
Alice: Yeah, "Members Only" seems to be where it's at right now for a lot of people.
(Alice smokes a cigarette.)
Alice: Yeah, That Wife is my favorite [thread] right now just because it's like a three-chin what the fuck.
(Alice contorts herself so she is recoiling with her chin against her throat. A commenter says they are just worried about people registering and finding out details about other forum members.)
Alice: Uh, certain sections of Members Only, the Ask a Hamcat, and TTC and all that stuff — that is actually at a higher post count, so you have to be a ham who's been participating a while before you can see that stuff. It's for you guys' privacy. So it's not just someone who can join GOMI and see you guys talking about your husbands and shit. Yeah!
(A commenter says they are a Senior Hamcat.)
Alice: You're a Senior Hamcat!? My cats are Senior Hamcats, at ten years old.
(A commenter says they want to get to Expert level.)
Alice: Are you really DYING to get to Expert? Girl, if you're dying to get to Expert, just message me and say you were on the Periscope.
(Alice's dog makes motions in the background.)
Alice: Oh, who wants to see the dog go crazy? The neighbors are coming home. The third-floor neighbors, not mine. You know, I feel like my Snapchat is super boring. Like, I don't binge drink anymore so, you know, my Snapchat is super boring. Cats, where are you going? Okay, see you. Where do they go? They have important cat business? No, I mean, I feel like that's the kind of shit I would do. Of course, now, I just don't. I have HEARD I have two kids. I heard that from the Internet. Hang on, mommy moment.
(Alice gets up, walks to her couch, and looks at her dog getting under a blanket.)
Alice: Sometimes, he needs help. Not this time. Now I don't feel needed.
(Alice pretends to cry. She swigs from her beer bottle. Her cats distract her from off screen, and she walks over and picks one of them up.)
Alice: So, when one of your kids mounts your other kid you have to do this. Okay, distraction, distraction. Let's try to not butt-sex your brother, okay? You're not Josh Duggar all right? Thank you. Thank you, sweetie. No, seriously, my cats are trained to come to certain noises.
(A commenter says that KERF wearing a Mary Kay director's suit to the White House was one of their favorite moments on GOMI. Another commenter says that Alice's review of the Gluten Free Girl book was her favorite post.)
Alice: Yeah, KERF wearing Mary Kay was one of my favorite stories of this year. Yeah. It's not like she wore the blazer out of necessity. Gluten Free Girl was your favorite review? Book club is starting up again in May. Yeah, people were saying she [KERF] borrowed it from that girl she was staying with?
(Alice looks down at her shirt. A commenter says they doubt if ThatWife actually thrifts her outfits.)
Alice: Just stay UP and stay covered. I don't know if Jenna actually thrifts.
(Alice puts a new cigarette in her mouth, wrong end in.)
Alice: That's what happens when you smoke...not marijuana. Legal things. (Pauses.) You guys realize I'm making fun of Jenna, right, with the? I mean, I hope you guys get that.
(Alice sings. She asks if anyone thinks her cats are getting too much screen time. A commenter asks if Alice is stressed about Mother's Day coming up.
Alice: Stressing about Mother's Day? I totally am. Oh, yeah.
(Alice gets up and walks off-screen. She returns, waves her beer bottle around, and says she doesn't understand why ThatWife has so many accounts on social media. A commenter asks how frequently Alice has to ban people and for what.)
Alice: God, I haven't banned anyone since December? January, I think? It's been a really long time. And why? Usually, repeated comment policy violations or spamming. Or, I have banned, like, two people in the last eight years for just — repeated ham complaints about them. Like, they're just instigating or starting fights and it's been going for months and it's running off users — and not just one or two users, but a large number of users. I'll ban them. But it's been two people — what's the one — New Year New You and this other one and their screen name was like, Fucking Dogs or something. That's that. I banned that Linda Sundry chick (from Sundry Mouning) one night. Yeah, it was gross. Because she was clearly in the midst of her emotional crazy shit and I didn't want her posting shit I knew she would regret. So I did ban her for 72 hours. She was really nutburgers. Personally, I think I did her a favor.
(A commenter asks what happened to GOMI poster Green Jello.)
Alice: I have no idea with Green Jello. I think that Green Jello person — I don't know. They keep crossing the line a lot and it's getting old.
(A commenter says something about Linda Sundry.)
Alice: Yeah, she was robo tripping. Oh, I don't know what that means, truck stop guy! Basically it's when you, like, you can actually microwave the Robitussin and do the taste thing and put it in vodka. Oh, I don't know ANYONE who EVER did that. I'm the best liar ever. You can do that. But I think that's what she was doing. People envision chugging and that's actually not the way you do it.
(A commenter says something about codeine cough syrup.)
Alice: I will say — cocaine and Mt. Dew? What's up, bitch? Better with Mt. Dew in the freezer so you get the flakes. Um, why don't I remember college? It's pretty messed up, but maybe some of THEM are just trying to find THEMSELVES.
(Alice gestures and points at herself.)
Alice: God, I feel weird that I'm sitting in the dark and look like a skull-ah-tin.
(Alice swigs beer. There is some more conversation about GhostBev.)
[Editor's note: It is now 9:10 — 40 minutes after Alice had to "hit the road."]
(A commenter asks "is there anyone gone that you miss?" Alice reads it and ignores. Someone else says something about the "Ghostbusters" movie reboot. FIXED, c/o PickyWolverine: Alice says she loved Melissa McCarthy's performance in the movie "Spy." Someone points out that "Ghostbusters" won't be out until July.)
Alice: Wait, it's not out yet? Really? I thought "Ghostbusters" came out in March. Or is that when I heard about it?
(Alice starts talking about how she just bought another movie's soundtrack on iTunes. She dances in her seat and quotes from it.)
Alice: I can tell everyone's mad I said the r-word. I was just quoting the movie. It did make me very uncomfortable.
(A commenter asks if Alice thinks big bloggers are on GOMI snarking on their competition.)
Alice: I don't really think about it that much, honestly. Yeah, you don't think so? Yeah, I don't really think about that or try and find out because I don't really care.
(Alice adjusts her shirt.)
Alice: Come on, girls.
(Alice reapplies lipstick.)
Alice: But if they are, they have as much right as anyone to come complain about their competition. I apparently weigh 300 pounds and live in a basement under a bridge. Well, I get regularly told I suck as a mod and an admin because I don't come in and tell you guys to stop fighting with each other. Yeah, I get told that a lot. You're fucking adults. You wanna fight in the thread? Work it out amongst yourselves. I don't wanna spend my life dealing with a thread.
(A commenter mentions how Alice got judged on Reddit for saying marijuana brownies were a waste.)
Alice: Well. we were just gonna disagree so I just shut up. My feelings about pot brownies, y'know. I had and have an opinion about — putting pot in food is a fucking waste. JOINT? What are we, me two weeks ago? Get a pipe. In Brooklyn, you won't get arrested smoking a joint but if you're smoking a pipe you'll get a ticket. Happened to a friend of me. It happened to my cat. I understand, some people, they need to take their pot in an edible, but for me it's a waste. I could smoke that nug for a day, day and a half, and you're gonna rip it up and put it in a brownie? What a waste. Wow, everyone went really quiet. Did I do something? I love it when people are like HOW WOULD YOU FEEL ABOUT— yeah, shut up, there are like, 15 places talking about me.
(Alice adjusts her video set-up.)
Alice: WHOA. THIS FUCKING — I swear to God, I'm writing a letter to Gorilla Tape. Okay. It's sticking. My weirdest thing is when people go, "If they're talking shit, you're doing it right." No, if they're talking shit, you're a trainwreck. That's why people talk about me. I'm a fuckin' trainwreck. Just don't read it. That's what I do. Oh my god, of course they are. And, you know, everyone talks shit about each other and everyone else behind each other's backs. That's all GOMI is, it's just public and anonymous. Jesus Christ, I have fucking girlfriends and they talk shit about other girlfriends. There was a night, couple nights ago, I posted a screencap from that show "The Boys," [sic] and her friend is planning this elaborate bridal shower and [main character] P.J. [Franklin] goes, "What happened to getting our nails done and talking shit?" C'mon, ladies you all do it in real life or on the internet. And if someone shares to you, never talk to that bitch again. She'll do it again and if she's telling you about it, fuck her. One second.
(Alice leans out of frame, lights her pipe, and inhales. A commenter says that when they have a long day at work, nothing makes them feel better than GOMI.)
Alice: Amen, girl. I wouldn't spend so much time on it if I didn't love it.
(Commenter says it makes them happy to be able to "talk shit all night.")
Alice: I agree. All night. Well, not all night for me because I have to do that thing, but I still have like, an hour and a half. That'll be when Jenna's show starts.
(A commenter asks what is something others have said about her that's untrue you want to correct?
Alice: What is something untrue about me that people have said that I would want to correct. Um. I don't really care. Um, I don't know if you've ever read the autobiography of Tallulah Bankhead — If you don't know who she is, she was crazy. Crazy. But also extremely talented as a writer and actress. There were all of these stories about her everywhere, like, she apparently, one night climbed up stairs through a fire escape at the New York Plaza Hotel to get to this guy she liked who had gin because she drank all hers, so she climbed up and, addressing that in her autobiography, everyone was waiting for an answer because she was found in his room, drunk. And she never explained why. She never refuted the stories of how she got in his room. She didn't address any of that. What she did, in a two-paragraph chapter, all on its own, said, if you all are waiting for me to respond to the accusations or all the scandals, she said, you will not find any of that in this book, and the second paragraph was this sentence, I'll let people believe whatever they want because it adds to my legend. She was the original amazing person. She knew she was just this boring person who was going to bed at 8 p.m. at night with her cats in Connecticut, but all these stories make her sound more interesting. Sounds KIND OF like what I think. "Too long, didn't read;" Kinda what I think. CATS and DIY projects. And REAL JOB outside of GOMI and FRIENDS and SOCIAL LIFE. Not quite as amazing or interesting as anyone thinks. I love Tallulah.
(Alice adjusts her hair.)
Alice: I'm sorry, I'm just thinking about Jenna trying to recreate that story and messing it up. It's cracking me up.
[Editor's note: The long-winded Tallulah Bankhead spoke at length about her antics overindulging in alcohol and cocaine and mentioned her "legend" several times but never wrote any such two-paragraph chapter as described in Tallulah: My Autobiography]
(Alice leans out-of-frame, lights pipe. A commenter asks if Alice knows who is watching her Periscope.)
Alice: It has a little number, like, right there. I don't know or give a shit to check. Like who. I don't know if it would, like, show the user names.
(A commenter asks if people in real life knows about her online persona.)
Alice: Like, do people recognize me? No. Do friends, colleagues know? Yeah, a couple of my friends know about GOMI. It's not something I introduce myself with, like, "I'm the world famous Alice from GOMI!" It's not something I identify myself as.
(Alice adjusts her hair.)
Alice: Oh, look, and apparently, later, I'll be doing Lady Gaga. Dude, nobody knows who PartyPants is outside of GOMI. It's not some huge international sensation like Gawker. It's a pretty specific niche of people.
(Attempts to do something with her pipe, fake-cries and yells at it.)
Alice: I dunno, maybe I just lack that MUCH of an ego. Like, so many people seem to think I have this huge ego or think highly of myself. I don't. I don't really bring up GOMI until i've known someone for quite a while.
(A commenter asks if Alice has another job.)
Alice: Other than GOMI? Yeah.
(Alice attempts to pull down her ponytail and adjust it again.)
Alice: But, no, it's not like anyone outside knows who I am. I don't go around introducing myself. Wow. You have to like, be done when you're hearing Lady Gaga applause in your head.
(Alice leaves chair to tell her cats to move.)
Alice: And my third job is cat ranching!
(A commenter asks if Alice's family knows about GOMI.)
Alice: Does my family know about GOMI? No, it's a filthy, disgusting secret I only discuss with my rabbi. Of course they know about it.
(Commenters and Alice re-hash Jenna. Alice swigs beer.)
Alice: Can I just say, one night I accidentally closed the door with BaconCat in the bathroom. He was in there probably four hours. The whole time I'm like, "Why is my other cat acting weird?" And when it happened, I felt like the worst human garbage on the planet. Seriously. I felt terrible and all I could think was, he must have been so hungry, thirsty, confused, scared and that was four hours for my cat. She like, put 15 diapers on her kid and ignored him all night. I felt like a super asshole because my other cat was like, "Get up!" and I was like, "Get off me, I have to work."
(Re-applies lipstick)
Alice: Well, all I have to say is, there's times you have to admit you're not a parent and stop fucking up your kids and leave. I'm just saying, there are people who need to do that.
(Goes off-screen, explaining her cat is trying to climb out the window. More discussion about ThatWife.)
Alice: I've never seen anyone in the world who has more "Me Time" than Jenna. Dude, I live alone and I'm single with cats and I don't get as much "Me Time" as Jenna does. (Swigs beer.) Okay, this is room temperature, so I'm gonna take my obese self to get an actual cold beer, 'cause if I'm gonna drink beer tonight, guys, it's at least gonna be cold. I don't want some fuckin'.... (from off-screen) Talk amongst yourselves!
(Alice starts yelling, still off-screen)
(Alice returns to screen.)
Alice: Sometimes, in Brooklyn, you have to lean out the window and yell because you're doing a Periscope and they're texting you and they're freaking out. Did i miss anything? Did you guys solve the Rubik's Cube of Jenna?
(Commenter asks if PartyPants is going to watch Jenna's Periscope.)
Alice: Nah, we're probably gonna watch some other stuff. She starts at 10 and her thing is at 10:30 so, we're probably gonna be doing some other stuff. Oh my god, hers was terrible. I mean, mine's not much better, but yeah.
(Commenter asks about fashion bloggers and posing like ballerinas, and Alice pretends to pose in fourth position.)
Alice: Oh yeah. That's gonna be a screen cap later. Yeah.
(Discussion continues about fashion bloggers and how they pose. Alice leans off-screen, smokes pipe, leans back, swigs beer. A commenter suggests she get an intern.)
Alice: Yeah, I think I should have an intern, what with my busy life of eating and sleeping and going out with people and the litter box — ooh, I could have them do that. Why do they all have assistants? I wish I could outsource the litter box. I'm just saying, seriously, I don't like litter boxes. I could pay someone five dollars a day to do the litter box. Maybe one of those self-cleaning litter boxes? Yeah, I don't get it. What are they paying these assistants for? So they can say they have assistants? Know what I have? Neighbors! They watch my cats when I go out of town for 48 hours and I still pay them. Right, I agree, the whole assistant/intern thing, it gives them some kind of cred like, yes, they are so important and popular they need an assistant, like back in old Hollywood, starlets would hire secretaries to answer their fan mail, like they had so much they couldn't handle it on their own.
(Commenter asks if there's a stripe on PartyPants' floor. She explains that she just re-did her floors and didn't line up the planks properly, which is why there's a big black bumpy stripe across half of it.)
Alice: —That's just bad floor-laying by me.
(Commenter asks how many reports she gets per day from people on the forums.)
Alice: How many reports do I get a day? On an average day...five? Seven? And I try to look at them — like, all the GOMI stuff, I do, like, twice a day at specific times so nothing goes TOO long. I actually have it filtered into a folder. I do it before I go to work — yeah, I have a real job — and then I do it before I go to bed. Anything else? Still got 45 minutes to kill, so. I'm just trying to not go over into Jenna's.
(Commenter says "we love GOMI and you.")
Alice: I love you guys! I know it doesn't seem that way (dissolves into fake appreciative crying) but I love you guys. No, but I do. I do try hard. Where is my gold star? And I do actually read the tech support forums and fix the stuff i can fix, but it's in a queue. I have a to-do list for GOMI and then I have a to-do list for my life, and one for work, and one for my apartment. Don't ask to see the bedroom floor.
(Commenter suggests "maybe you could hire a tech-support team.")
Alice: (Forgetting her Instagram where she publicly claimed to be spending $3,781/month on a "bomb-ass tech team") It's a good idea actually. Yeah. Um, yeah, that's a good idea.
(Commenter asks her if she should hire an assistant.)
Alice: I couldn't afford to pay an assistant.
(Commenter says, "like KERF's editor.")
Alice: Does she have an editor? Really? .... God, this is boring. Uh. Okay, so, it's almost about time for Jenna's Periscope. Are any of you watching that? Like, live?
(The view suddenly changes and she shows everyone a game board she has stapled to her wall.)
Alice: Okay, i'm out. Jenna's thing is gonna start pretty soon, so partake of that and be sure to not tell your friends about the PartyPants show. (Starts dancing in her seat.) This is me dancing because it always weirds everyone out. Everybody have a great night.
(Commenters start saying, okay, bye! Have a great night!)
Alice: THIS IS AWESOME! MY DANCING IS ACTUALLY MAKING PEOPLE LEAVE THE ROOM! My friends were right. I bet if i sing Lisa Loeb, that'll make people clear the room, or maybe that's just at karaoke in Brooklyn. Well, this was interesting and you guys have a good night and update the thread so i can see what's going on (whispers) secretly with people here. Bye! This is weird.
submitted by Blogsnarkthrowaway to blogsnark [link] [comments]

I [17 M] am very confused with my Ex-Girlfriend [17 F] Need outside input?

Hi /relationships.
I [17M] have been having, I guess, relationship problems the past few weeks with my ex-girlfriend [17F]. We dated for about 3 months. We are both high school juniors, so I apologize if it seems petty or insignificant - feelings are a weird thing.
Here is the story/situation (going to try to keep it short for what it is) : My ex girlfriend, who we will call Jane, is someone I've known since freshman year. We go to different schools about a half hour away from each other, but we both run cross country. We were merely acquaintances until this past year, our junior year during the summer at a running camp. She apparently had been crushing on me, I was in shock, one thing led to another and her and I began dating before camp was over. We were both very happy about our newfound relationship at the time and I would say she was much more invested than I was (at the time). As I said, we both run cross, and my season began to take a turn as I was injured and had a bad sinus infection which ruined my cross season. This is relevant because throughout the summer into the season, I was not expecting to be dating and invested myself extremely into training for cross and doing well. When my season took a turn for the worse, and I kept having bad races, it drained me emotionally and made me a very crappy boyfriend. I don't mean this in a pity-party way, I know I did not put in nearly as much effort as I could have and pushed people away in my life (including her) because of this, which got worse, week by week until the sport was over and I picked myself back up. We began dating in August, at camp, where I gave her a hoodie of mine.
Come October, I had basically become an emotional brick and did not feel any desire for a relationship or just about anything. I was mind-broken from cross (I learned not to put all my eggs in one basket the hard way) and did not feel much at all. It was a dark time. We broke up, and I didn't feel much of it. We had hung out a few times during August and September, but ultimately drifted because I was falling away from it. I didn't even want a relationship toward the end at all, with anyone, but I knew something was wrong with me. Her and I did not communicate like we should, she called and texted and I didn't really pick up. This was my fault, and I have fixed myself and spread my eggs into different baskets since then. But, the night we started dating, we had such a strong connection with each other that we both felt. It was unreal. I knew the relationship had tons of potential, it was everything I had wanted, but it was just not the right time or right place for me, I guess.
After I put myself back together, I was still fine with being single. Then, another girl from my own school [17F] came around and we became good friends. Let's call her Mary. Her and I both go to college while in HS (a program we have in our state, basically free college) so we had a lot in common. I saw Mary as mostly a friend, but she asked me on a few dates and we eventually began dating in December. The relationship never really went the way I thought it should have and we found out that we were better off as friends, after dating for about 2 months. We broke up at the beginning of Feb.
Now, for the current problem. Jane and I both run track, and I saw her and she ran by and said hi to me, and I reciprocated. I was quite shocked because we hadn't talked in months, but we never ended on bad terms. It was really a lack of communication until it withered away to nothing through my own carelessness. Anyways, seeing her sprouted a plant in the back of my mind. Now that I brought myself back emotionally and could actually hold a relationship, I had feelings. Seeing her sprouted a plant that grew more each day in the back of my head. A mix of old and new feelings. I saw her again at our next meet two weeks later, she was the first to see me walk into the large indoor stadium and said hi to me and we had a few short conversations that day. This is what really sprouted the plant, so I texted her later that night. We began casually talking about our races, but it led to talking about the old days. I told her the things I never communicated during the relationship, she understood and was happy I was finally opening up (the things I told her are mostly what is above, about how I became an emotional brick and pushed those closest to me away). She had asked if I wanted to Facetime that night, but when she texted I was already asleep. Mary and I ended shortly after this as we had realized (separate to this) that we were better off as friends.
The next day (which was last week) I think we snapchatted or texted throughout the day, then she asked if I wanted to FT that night. I said sure, we Facetimed for about 6 hours until 2-3am. It started out casually, then she brought up the hoodie I had given her. I told her it was hers, she said it was mine, this exchange went on for a while in different forms until it was decided it was now hers. I then explained more in depth about what happened to our relationship, things I did not communicate, and she explained a lot of the same. Her opinion was she definitely didn't want to get rid of the hoodie because of the good memories it had, and that it had been rolled up by her bedside for these last 7 months. She also told me she knew I was going through rough times and honestly thought I was a good BF (I disagree but I digress). She told me about her short-lived relationship after ours which did not work out and she decided that she just didn't want to be in a relationship (generally) after that. I asked her, jokingly if she was friendzoning me and she said "Well, no but yes". Also, she said she would wear my hoodie but didn't want to send "the wrong message". Very confusing. She later told me she still had feelings for me, but just didn't want a relationship. After that I revealed I still had feelings for her and she wasn't expecting that. I asked her, hypothetically if I came back to her, would she take me back, and she said she probably would but she would have to think about it. The rest of the night I basically spilled my heart and feelings to her and she did some of the same.
I figured that was it, and that we would not FT again or anything. We didn't talk a whole lot the next day, then she asked me to FT again so we did for 4 hours the next night. It was more casual this time until the last few minutes when she asked if we had kissed when we dated and I told her and we talked about it and I said "Well, it doesn't really matter though because you already know how you feel and how I feel." There was a long pause, and she told me she was going to bed (sounded a bit mad). So she went to bed, I apologized to her the next morning and it was all good (I did not make her mad per her response, though who knows). The next day, Snapchat updated for the both of us, and that was how we were mostly communicating after the first night (that and FT). She had told me nights before she has a lot of streaks with her runner friends (this is relevant later). Well, the next day we FTed for about 2 hrs until we went to bed. That was mostly causal talk. She left me on delivered most of the next day and we did not FT. Until, that night I got off work, looked at a snapchat from her, assuming it was just streaks as usual, thinking all of this was over, but I was wrong. It was a picture of her wearing my hoodie, with a big red heart filter and emojis. I was baffled and confused as heck, because the nights before she told me she didn't want to wear it to not send the wrong message. Now she's sending this and telling me "It's one of a kind" and all these red heart emojis within the snaps with my hoodie on. So she slept in it that night.
The next two days she had mostly left me on delivered until nighttime two days later when we were snapping and she sent me a video of her lipping a love song, lipping "I love you" within the lyrics and pointing at the camera, ending her video with a lip bite, smile and a thumb up. I had also posted an Instagram picture that day which she had instantly liked and commented on, but still had not opened any snapchats. I was not sure what to think of that and figured all of this was just some friendly thing, being the self-doubter that I am, and went with it. We went to bed that night, and didn't talk much for the next 2 days, with me being left on delivered a lot. The second day, last night, we did snap a little bit but she had left me on opened that night. That brings me to today, where nothing has really happened, just more being left on delivered. The only change is that the yellow heart popped up by her name, which means we are each other's #1 best friend on Snapchat. Weird, because we had barely sent anything to each other today.
Anyways, my apologies for the walls of text. As you might be able to tell, I am not a fan of primarily communicating through social media, I prefer in person or at least calls/FTs. I do want her back, and I honestly can't tell how she feels about me. It's all very confusing and messing with my mind constantly. My question is, from an outside perspective, how should I be viewing this? What does it mean? And a more specific question, I was thinking about sending her a nice/cute morning text (that she would see, not on Snapchat but on normal texting) for Valentine's Day. Should I go through with that? Any general advice is welcome as I have not been in this situation before, and am obviously less experienced than many of you.
tl;dr: I fell again for my ex GF, want her back, but she is being very confusing telling me she generally does not want a relationship while showing some signs otherwise and saying she would possibly take me back if I decided to come back to her. Everything is a mixed signal in my mind about it and I'm not sure how to proceed. My question is, from an outside perspective, how should I be viewing this? What does it mean? And a more specific question, I was thinking about sending her a nice/cute morning text (that she would see, not on Snapchat but on normal texting) for Valentine's Day. Should I go through with that?
submitted by falsehope45993 to relationships [link] [comments]

Close friend [24F] being cheated on by boyfriend [20M] of 15 months, how do we [23F/22F] handle this mess?

Hi everybody. This situation is a complicated mess and I've adjusted the ages and names slightly to throw off the scent and preserve anonymity. I'll try to keep this as brief as I can but it's gonna be long as there's a lot of detail which I think is quite important. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this.
My friend Lucy (24F) and I (22F) belong to the same large university society (approx 80 members) with a very active social scene. Dating, hooking up and relationships forming in this group is quite common, and having both belonged to the society for three years, we have both had our experiences in this. Around September of 2015, Lucy met this guy, Ed [20M], on one of our nights out. They ended up sleeping with each other that night, and this soon escalated to dating, and a couple of months later they formally got together as boyfriend and girlfriend.
About six months into the relationship, things started to go south for the first time. Ed asked them to go on a break, but they both did not last longer than four days and resumed the relationship, almost three weeks earlier than they planned to get back together. A couple of months after this, however Ed got caught on tinder, and he claimed to have not been on it for four months, but to my understanding (correct me if I'm wrong) your account stops coming up when people are swiping after a four week period of inactivity. During the entire inactivity period, they would have been in a relationship. So, this would imply he was using it more recently. Ed was so nonplussed by being caught that he even was sighted tindering in public, at a friend's birthday party, about two weeks after somebody else first found his profile. This in itself is a big red flag, but Lucy decided to move on from this and asked him to delete the account. I don't know whether he did or not, but he hasn't been caught since.
If that all happened around April, we now head to May, where Ed made jokes, and then reaffirmed what he was saying in all seriousness, about talking to several girls "on back up" just in case things went south with him and Lucy. Lucy was understandably not okay with this, but he was incredibly nonchalant and even offered to tell her who these girls were - Lucy asked him not to, and after retiring for a couple days to lick her wounded ego, she seemed to forgive him about this. I don't know what the resolution was, if there was any.
Since then, Ed has attempted to initiate multiple breaks, with Lucy oftentimes caving first and them ending the break weeks before they proposed to initially. On top of this, when Lucy surprised Ed with a all-expenses-paid-for trip to Edinburgh, hours from where we live and costing her well over £100 (as a poor student this was extra significant), his response was to complain and to ask that she exchanged the tickets for tickets to London instead, as he'd "rather go there"! He told her off for trying to take him somewhere as a surprise, complaining that he had no money when she explicitly told him she'd paid for everything, sucking the joy out of the surprise. This must have been around June.
This academic year, there have been multiple instances where Ed has ended up going to random girls' houses after nights out. His explanations for doing so include that 1) Girl A was upset and had "no other friends" to comfort her - he disappeared from 2AM to 6AM and made no contact with Lucy during that time. 2) Girl B invited him in "for a cup of tea" and nothing happened. These instances happened about a month apart, and both times Lucy was incredibly hurt, but eventually chalked them up to Ed being oblivious and "not thinking through" what he was doing, and that he was genuinely being charitable. I think this is incredibly dubious, as he did it more than once (and will do it again later on, which I will come to), and that he was not particularly close with either girl, and even then, this just isn't okay in a lot of relationships, full stop! He owed nothing to these girls, and especially after how upset Lucy was the first time, particularly with the rumours that circulated round out society after, he should have known better. I don't personally believe that obliviousness extends that far. I think that the whole oblivious thing is a convenient ruse which he has constructed to get away with flagrant acts of disrespect, and particularly, cheating. It's a good cover because he has always fell back on that excuse so it would seem entirely consistent with his wholly fake, constructed persona, the only persona Lucy knows.
It is important to contextualise this with the fact that Ed has been known to get very angry (i.e. not-speaking-to-her-for-days-angry) at Lucy for the following:
It is important here to note that no matter how poorly he treats her, or how rude or paranoid he has been (not to mention his suspicious behaviour), Lucy has always managed to find increasingly tenuous ways to excuse, justify or explain what he does. As this happened again and again (I know there have been other instances but there have been so many I struggle to remember), it became apparent that Lucy was more than willing to perform these mental leaps if it meant she could maintain the relationship. I remember that before she got with Ed, she lamented to me how she did not understand why she was single, when our other friends were in relationships, and that she thought it meant something was wrong with her. She used to be incredibly sad about the fact she was single and frequently got lonely. I believe that she would much rather be in a relationship for the sake of it than be single, or at least, go through the pain of breaking up, unless the relationship got so toxic she had to end it. At this point, however, she seems very willing to buy into the idea that Ed is completely oblivious, well-intentioned, and sincere. She will not accept anybody's doubts about him and has always found a way to rationalise it, much to my efforts to try and reason her out of being manipulated. In the past, I have always respected her end decision to stay with him - although I might not think it is wise - as it is ultimately up to her. I have tried to get her to see past her desire to be with somebody (/him) to the things he is doing, and to stand up for herself a bit more, but she has never been willing to listen and so I have found it inappropriate to keep pushing her. As unpleasant and rude as he sounds, she always forgave him, and briefly after each incident, they would seem happy again.
Enter 2017, and with it, meet mine and Lucy's mutual housemate, Sandy (22F) and her friend, Jean (20F). Sandy is a very close friend of mine and Lucy's - we have known each other from the society and hang out almost on a daily basis. Our friendships eclipse Lucy and Ed's relationship more than twice over. Jean is a friend that Sandy made this summer just gone, and seems nice enough, but is only really close to Sandy and has happened to come out on a couple of nights out. At the end of January, a rumour surfaced that Jean had spent the night at Ed's house. At the same time, Jean approached Sandy privately. At first, Jean claimed that she slept with Ed, but when Sandy reacted with horror she immediately backpedaled, claiming that she was just joking to see how Sandy reacted. After that, Jean basically retracted what she said. I know how Sandy handled this because she came to me for advice as to whether, and if so how, to tell Lucy, with mind in particular about Lucy's feelings and her willingness to believe dubious excuses from Ed about his behaviour.
We never got the chance to speak to her anyhow as wind of this rumour got to Lucy, and I was in the kitchen at home when Lucy arrived from work in floods of tears. She told me about these rumours, but how she believed Ed (and apparently would forgive him drunkenly kissing a girl) in spite of them and that the rumours themselves were still bothering her. I suggested that she approached Jean to see what she had to say, knowing it would give Jean a chance to be honest. Lucy wrote Jean a brief, but non-confrontational message, simply stating that she needed to know in light of the rumours but that she didn't want to fight or freak out. Jean ignored her message for a good few hours, indicated by her facebook activity status, but when she did reply she denied doing anything romantic/sexual with Ed. She said that she was upset with her own housemates and asked Ed for comfort (at 3AM? really?) as she didn't want to be at home. Ed supposedly let her come over but slept on his sofa downstairs while she went upstairs to sleep. He made her pancakes in the morning (which he never does for Lucy) and she left, but Jean said that nothing happened. This, combined with Lucy's disposition to believe Ed, was enough to satisfy Lucy, and lacking any firm evidence, and having only a second/third-hand account (which was later retracted) of anything happening, Sandy and I were forced to leave it. However, Sandy did note to me that Jean does not know her housemates, and lives there only as a convenience/last minute arrangement. It seems unlikely that they have anything to significantly fall out over, and Jean has never fell out with them before.
Things are quiet for a couple of weeks, but then shit truly hits the fan. Jean and Lucy have a civil relationship, but Lucy does not want Jean in our house, which becomes awkward as Sandy is still seeing Jean from time to time as she has no proof that Jean has done anything wrong. This came to a head today when Jean and another housemate/friend Amy (24F) went out to the pub with Jean - but seemingly did not ask or invite Lucy. Lucy took this very personally and got upset, but the true intent of this meeting was to find out what was going on with Jean, who was acting mysterious and distant. In short, Jean broke down crying in front of Sandy and Amy, confessing to having slept with Ed at least six times, including while sober, starting from over a month ago. This means that both Ed and Jean lied straight to Lucy's face, when asked, about their sexual involvement. Her story checked out based on the flirty messages left on Ed's phone, and a few other things which seemed really calculated, such as Jean's changing of her snapchat name so that Lucy would not be alarmed when Jean sent snaps to Ed. (Lucy asked Ed to delete Jean off of social media in light of the rumoured incident).
Ed had apparently, in this time, repeatedly promised Jean that he would break things off with Lucy to be with Jean, but kept finding reasons that it was inconvenient to do so. First, Lucy and Ed had an anniversary trip to Manchester planned out, so he couldn't do it before then. Next, Ed was quite ill for a few days, and Lucy looked after him, so Ed felt "indebted" to her (rather perverse that this is what engages his sympathies) so he couldn't do it then either. I don't doubt that Jean got impatient and that this motivated her decision to tell Sandy and Amy, once she realised that Ed was too cowardly to cut it off, so it's worth bearing that in mind. Jean also supposedly has genuine feelings for Ed and so I wonder if that would motivate her to embellish the truth, but in doing that she jeopardises her very close friendship with Sandy, for no guarantee that this guy will be with her (or perhaps by ending her chances with him). With mind to all the previous suspicious behaviour throughout the relationship, we are all inclined to believe Jean. She even mentions how she sent loads of "thumbs up" emojis to Ed to help him find his phone (which was on "Loud") at her flat - Lucy independently mentioned seeing all these thumbs up, although that doesn't prove that she didn't send them for another reason, I guess.
Either way, I totally believe that Ed cheated, and I also believe that myself, Sandy and Amy should tell Lucy, but I need advice on how best to go about it. Lucy does an incredibly demanding university course and could not afford to have a bad day in uni tomorrow (Friday), otherwise we would have told her tonight. Still, it feels sick knowing all this stuff about her relationship that she doesn't. Let me be clear, Lucy has always bent over backwards for Ed, forgiving every single transgression, buying him food, holidays, driving him everywhere and putting up with his flakiness. He even currently owes her £200 (!!) that she lent him as he can't manage his own finances in spite of receiving very large student finance payments three times a year. Evidently she has been too trustworthy with him, perhaps naive, but that cannot justify what he did. What's more is that this is going to destroy her emotionally, and we don't think she will be okay, or trust people again, for a very long time. We have decided provisionally that Sandy is going to tell her when she gets back from uni. Our thinking is that Sandy should be the one to do it as she heard from Jean, and is closest to Jean, so it means the most coming from her. However, this is complicated as Lucy made plans to go to Ed's hometown after uni tomorrow, and spend the weekend at his family home. So, my questions are these:
Thank you if you stayed with me for this long. I hope I managed to convey how willing Lucy is to do mental gymnastics to believe Ed and use cognitive dissonance to preserve their relationship, but also how much Ed exploits this and manipulates her. If you have any questions I'll be happy to answer. If people are interested, I'll be sure to post an update.
TL:DR; Boyfriend of very close friend of mine is revealed as having cheated multiple times on her with a friend-of-a-friend of ours. Boyfriend has track record of being manipulated and close friend has given him the benefit of the doubt to the point of naivety on multiple occasions. Now we have to tell her, but don't know if she will believe us or whether she will flee to her boyfriend's family home to lick her wounds and act out of denial.
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what does the thumbs up emoji mean on snapchat video

Here's what all those Snapchat emojis mean. You've seen those cute emojis by your friends' faces in the chat area. Get the scoop on what they mean and how to change them. Snapchat calls them "friend emojis," and they exist to symbolize things like your best friends, or your ongoing Snapstreaks. The emoji are pre-set for every user (although they are customizable,... 👍 Thumbs Up. Emoji Meaning A thumbs-up gesture indicating approval. … 👍🏽 Thumbs Up: Medium Skin Tone. Emoji Meaning The Thumbs Up: Medium Skin Tone emoji is a modifier sequence combining 👍 Thumbs Up and 🏽 Medium Skin Tone. … 👍🏿 Thumbs Up: Dark Skin Tone The thumbs up emoji �� is one of those emojis that a lot of people like to use every day. It’s a nice way to show off a positive idea all while allowing people to understand that you care about what they have to say. Exuding positivity is great if you can do that, and … Continue reading "👍 Thumbs up emoji" Thumbs up Emoji that indicates a positive result! Also called like! Often used as approval or agreement with something! Expression of positive emotion and approval! This emoji shows the well-known and popular for all the symbol “cool!” “Cool” “Class!” If you're not clued up, this is what those graphics mean. Snapchat emoji meanings 🌟 Gold Star — Someone has replayed this person's snaps in the past 24 hours. Essentially this Snapchat emoji means that this person interacts with you the most, but they aren’t somebody who you interact with the most. Gold Heart Emoji Congratulations! If you see this emoji on Snapchat it means that you two are best friends! You send this person the most snaps, and they send the most snaps to you too! Snapchat. Wondered “what do the emojis mean on Snapchat?” Emojis appear next to Snapchat contact names and have the following meanings: 🌟 Gold Star — Someone has replayed this person's snaps in the past 24 hours. They must have something interesting to show.

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